The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 978 Eight Million

Bian Fujun took Song Chunming into a conference room, brought him a glass of water, and then told him, Mr. Song, please wait a moment.

Song Chunming was sitting there. The decoration of the company, including the conference room, was brand new. There was still a faint pungent smell of paint in the air. The decoration of the conference room was very simple, with white walls on all sides and no decorations on the walls. , maroon conference table, spotless.

Song Chunming sat for five or six minutes, and then three people in their thirties came in from the door. The one at the front was very thin, with fair skin, and was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt. He looked very elegant. If they met on the first floor and no one introduced him, Song Chunming would more likely think that he was a foreign trade salesman from a foreign trade company upstairs.

The second one is short, a little fat, wearing a horizontal striped T-shirt, with a baby face and thin lips. His skin is not white, but a little pink.

The third one can be said to be the control group of the first two. He is very tall, more than 1.80 meters tall, very strong, very dark, with a crew cut, a square face, like a mahjong tile, and a fierce look on the left There was a scar on his cheek, and he was wearing a tight black T-shirt, all the muscles in his body were exposed, and his arms were covered with tattoos.

Bian Fujun followed at the end, and the three in front said as they walked, this is Mr. Song from Sentai Real Estate.

The three people all nodded to Song Chunming. Song Chunming was about to stand up and walk in the front. The man in the white shirt stretched out his hand and waved it and said, "Sit down, Mr. Song, you are welcome to sit down."

The three people sat down opposite Song Chunming, and Bian Fujun sat down a seat away from them. This formation made Song Chunming feel like he was participating in a thesis defense, and he could see that these three were the ones who had the final say. The boss, and Bian Fujun is just a part-time worker below them.

Bian Fujun didn't even introduce the last names of these three people to Song Chunming. They were still very sensitive in their line of work and there was no need to let others know too much.

The three of them all held folders in their hands and opened them. The one in the white shirt looked at the plastic bag Song Chunming put on the table and asked, Mr. Song, is this the certificate you brought?

Song Chunming is right.

"Can you show us?"

Song Chunming said yes and pushed the bag over.

"So many?" Bai Shirt smiled.

Song Chunming said quickly: "Manager Bian told me that the more complete the better, so I brought everything I could."

The white shirt nodded. He picked up the "Business License", "Tax Registration Certificate", "Construction Land Planning Permit" and "Construction Project Planning Permit". Without even looking at it, he pushed it to the doll in the middle. Face, he picked up Song Chunming's ID card and looked at it. After saying "Mr. Song is as old as me", he also pushed it to the middle.

On the contrary, he was very interested in Song Chunming's original work certificate and award certificates in the file bag. He opened them one by one and looked at them carefully.

"Mr. Song, you used to be in the agency. You did a good job, and your popularity and reputation were good. Why do you want to go to the sea?" White Shirt asked while watching.

"Have you investigated me?" Song Chunming asked.

The white shirt raised his head, looked at Song Chunming and said, "Yes."

"Just how much time has passed since I made the phone call before I came over. What can you learn? Is there a friend in my old workplace? Who is it?"

The white shirt smiled again: "We are not a bank. How can we be so careless in doing things? What they lend out is the country's money. What we lend out is our own money. How could it be possible accidentally? I hope Mr. Song You can understand, we have been investigating you for more than a week."

"More than a week?" Song Chunming was surprised, "But we didn't know each other at all at that time."

"Yes, but I know you will definitely come to borrow money from us, so the investigation work is advanced."

"You knew I was coming?" Song Chunming was even more surprised, "How did you know?"

The white shirt and the baby face in the middle looked at each other, smiled, and the white shirt said:

"Mr. Song, you may have forgotten that you didn't find us, we found you. Why, do you think our manager is handing out business cards all over the street?"

Song Chunming was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. It turned out that the other party had been targeting him for a long time, and knew that he was short of money, so he came to the door. When Song Chunming thought of this, his face suddenly changed, and he remembered something. Looking at each other, no more words.

The man in the white shirt also looked at Song Chunming. He saw Song Chunming's face change, and asked with concern: "Mr. Song, what's wrong with you?"

Song Chunming looked at the other party and asked, "Do you know that my construction site has stopped?"

"Of course, otherwise how would we know that you are short of money? No matter which construction site we stop at in Hangzhou, we will pay attention to it and learn about the hidden story behind it. Most of the construction sites we stop at are because of lack of money. It will be us. Customer, Mr. Song, your construction site will not stop for a day." said the white shirt.

"Don't say it's you, we even stopped in Hangcheng Center to learn about it, but it's not because they have no money, it's because of the company's strategy." Baby Face interjected.

"So, you also know that my sales department has been blocked?" Song Chunming asked coldly.

"Of course, what happened this morning." Bai Shirt said, suddenly understood, and laughed: "Mr. Song, I understand, do you think that we conspired with the construction company to let him seal your sale?" From the floor?"

"Isn't it?" Song Chunming asked.

"Why? What's the benefit to us if we do this?" asked the white shirt, and the baby face and the mahjong face next to him also laughed.

"Force me to come and borrow money from you." Song Chunming said.

"You don't have to borrow it." White Shirt said, "Besides, have we agreed to lend you money? There are thresholds for us to borrow money. So far, at least the three of us have not reached an agreement and agreed to borrow money. Your money, and you can just stand up and leave now, even if we and the construction company join forces to force you, you can also choose to borrow it from others, we are not exclusive."

"Don't worry, we are not that mean. Even if we want to do something to you, we will tell you in advance." Mahjong said expressionlessly.

There was a brief silence in the conference room. After a while, the white shirt asked: "Mr. Song, look, do we want to continue?"

Although Song Chunming still had some doubts in his heart that they were with Boss Xiong and the others, he sighed secretly, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then please answer my previous question, Mr. Song." said the white shirt.

Song Chunming asked: "What's the problem?"

"You are doing well in the agency, why do you want to go to sea?"

Song Chunming thought for a while and said: "How should I put it? When I was young, I looked down on the people and things in the agency. I thought they were too hypocritical. I felt boring staying there, but I didn't have the courage to come out, so I stayed there until I was thirty. How old are you? Now that you are in the institution, people look down on you, which makes you even more boring, so I got out when I got the chance."

"Do you regret it?"

"A little bit, I feel that I have overestimated my abilities. In fact, I am still suitable for hanging around in the agency." Song Chunming said, "But there is no use regretting. People can't make mistakes after the fact. If I When I first entered the agency, with my current mentality and psychological maturity, I might be able to be a provincial governor now, so there is no use regretting it."

"It's very well said and very honest. I admire you for that." said the white shirt.

Song Chunming said thank you.

"By the way, Mr. Song, how much do you want to borrow this time?" White Shirt asked.

"Twelve million."

"Why do you need to borrow so much?" Bai Shirt asked, "Isn't the project payment you owe more than seven million?"

"Yes, more than seven million yuan for the project. In addition, I also want to repay the money I owe to my relatives, friends, and old colleagues in my previous workplace. I think if I owe it, I owe it to your family."

"Your idea is good, but we can't meet your requirements. You can use our money to pay for the project or pay for the land, but you can't use it to pay off the debt." White Shirt said, "If that's the case , we are assuming all the risks for them.”

After a pause, the white shirt continued:

"Everyone must be responsible for his own actions. The person who lends you money, whether it is for profit like us, or for family or friendship like your relatives and friends, he must be able to control his risks , otherwise he must bear the consequences himself, rather than someone else bearing it for him, Mr. Song, do you understand?"

Song Chunming shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

"It's very simple. For example, if your parents lend you money, they will either make plans to give the money to you if nothing happens, or they will make plans to break up with you. As long as they can make it clear, they will take the money. The possibility of getting the money back is very high." Bai Shirt said.

"That is to say, we can still sit and chat now, but when we ask you for money, we will fall out immediately." Mahjong Face said.

The white shirt nodded: "Yes, that's what our President Fang said."

Song Chunming now knows that Mahjong Face’s surname is Fang.

"We can lend you eight million, do you want it?" White Shirt asked.

Song Chunming asked: "How much is the interest?"

"Five points, monthly interest."

"so tall?"

"Yes." The white shirt nodded and said, "To be honest, Mr. Song, your conditions are pretty good. In our place, there are people with poor conditions who can borrow eight cents and ten cents. Your conditions are: first, you are a single person outside The only big loan was 10 million from the Agricultural Bank of China. The other small loans were all borrowed from relatives and friends. I had never borrowed money from the public.

"Your relatives and friends are definitely not as good at collecting loans as we are. When it comes to asking for money, whoever is ruthless will get it in the end. Compared with them, we are not afraid, so I say that your conditions are not bad. We In fact, I can lend you three points, but unfortunately, your construction site is parked there, so one point will be added, and the sales department is blocked, so another point will be added.

"Another way is, if you can convince the construction company to unblock the sales department and resume work on the construction site, we will immediately lend you a loan with three-cent monthly interest. Can you do it?"

Song Chunming thought about it and realized that as long as Boss Xiong didn't give him money, he would definitely not open it, let alone resume work. Song Chunming shook his head.

"Then there's nothing you can do. It's just five points. We don't bargain here. We will only give the price based on our own judgment. Mr. Song, you can think about it yourself." said the white shirt.

Song Chunming would definitely have to borrow money, but he still wanted to bargain for the interest. He said:

"This construction site is there. The money I owe to the construction company for the project is all clear. Whether the sales department seals it or not, this matter will not change. For example, the money I owe him has increased. Why should the interest be increased by one point? "

"It's very simple, it means that he has decided to break up with you, and the communication channel between you is completely broken." Bai Shirt said, "This way the risk is high, because the matter of closing the building sales department will happen at any time in the future. Construction Companies will think this is the most effective approach."

Song Chunming was speechless by the white shirt. Thinking about it this way, this was really the case.

Song Chunming lowered his head and thought, although the price of five cents was high, if he didn't borrow the money, it would be impossible for the sales department to unblock the office. Ten days later, the person named Xiong would definitely come to seal the office. This guy could do it. , if they were a group, he would be even more capable. In this case, he would be finished immediately.

By borrowing this money, I can at least temporarily alleviate the current difficulties and have time to think of other solutions.

"How long can I borrow this money for?" Song Chunming asked.

"We won't borrow for a year. If you want to borrow, it's the same as a bank loan. You pay it back first and then borrow it."

"Then I want to pay it back early, is that okay?"

"Of course. If I give it to you today, you can pay it back tomorrow. We will charge you two days of interest."

"Then what other procedures are needed?"

"Did you bring your official seal?"

"Bring it."

"That's it. The contract is signed and stamped. We go to the bank together. After transferring the money to your personal card, you give us the contract and interest. That's it. By the way, let me remind you, the interest is month ago. To pay, that is to say, we will send you 8 million today, and you must immediately withdraw 400,000 in cash and give it to us."

"Mr. Song, let me remind you, it is easy to borrow our money, but when it is time to pay it back, you will be worse than dead. You have to think carefully." Mahjong Face shouted.

Song Chunming glanced at Mahjong's face and sneered in his heart, threatening me? I'm already fucking dead now, and you're still threatening me with this? Illiterate, don't you know that there is a saying that if people are not afraid of death, why should they be afraid of death?

"I'll borrow it," Song Chunming said to Bai Shirt.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Jianxiong 11, Qianqian Dad, and Shouwang for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Monday everyone!

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