The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 973 Nine is not gold, ten is not silver

September has passed, and October is almost over. The weather is no longer so sultry. Although it can still make people sweat profusely during the day, the wind in the morning and evening is already cool. Liu Ligan especially likes to watch the night when it is dark. When it's dark, I stand in the garden above the dynamic zone and look at the next door.

Zhang Chen stood upstairs and looked down from the window. As long as he saw Liu Ligan's car parked in the parking space inside their company, Zhang Chen would definitely see Liu Ligan when he walked out of his office and passed through the small door. The pole stood there.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Are you projecting all your attention to beautiful women here now?"

Liu Ligan also laughed: "This is more beautiful than a beautiful woman. No matter how beautiful a beauty is, you only have a week at most to keep her beauty fresh. What you will find next is that she can also fart, and it turns out that she can fart too." They don't pay attention to hygiene. They drool when they fall asleep and have bad breath when they wake up. The list goes on and on. Look at this, you will never get tired of it."

Zhang Chen glanced over there and said, "Why don't I see that I never tire of it?"

"That's because you haven't discovered its beauty. You have to learn from that old man Li Bai. He can look at Jingting Mountain without getting tired of it. How can Jingting Mountain be as beautiful as this." Liu Ligan continued to be poor.

Zhang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to him and walked away. He walked to the basketball court to watch Lifen and the others play basketball. This was much better than Jingting Mountain and the big pit next door.

Ever since they didn't have to work overtime in the Sanbao Factory at night, Lifen and the others would often come here to play basketball. Half of the time was spent training, and the other half was for competitions upon invitation. There were various teams that challenged them, including men's teams and women's teams. They had wins and losses against the men's team, and they had yet to lose against the women's team.

The women's team has played in the middle school students' team, then the college students' team, and then the physical education teachers' team. So far, they have no opponents, especially those physical education teachers. Two of them are said to have retired from the provincial team and are playing. I looked at them with disdain on their faces, but in the end, they turned red in the face.

Liangfen and the others trained every day, and after their physical fitness caught up, the majesty of the past was restored.

Middle-aged women always have a lot of housework to do at night, so they get off work at the factory at five o'clock every day, and have a quick dinner in the cafeteria. When they arrive here by factory bus, it's almost 5:30, and the competition starts when there is a competition. , when there is no competition, they train together until seven o'clock and then go home.

The workers in the factory all know that they have to compete or train, so whether they are eating in the canteen or taking the factory bus, they will let them go. The factory bus will wait until all of them are on the bus before starting the train.

In fact, there is also a court in the Sanbao factory where you can train, but they are still used to training here. First, no matter how the building changes or the company changes, the place will always be the place where they were the old heroes. Playing here, they feel Feel comfortable.

Another thing is that they are embarrassed to say it, but in fact everyone understands it tacitly, that is, they train here and are more in the limelight. There are basketball enthusiasts on the sidelines. Everyone knows them and will cheer them on. In the factory, few of the working girls and boys from all over the country are interested in basketball.

Middle-aged women actually want to be in the limelight. I didn’t see that those who are studying the national standards by the West Lake are more energetic than the young boys and girls. They don’t want to let them go indoors where no one is watching. They just want to be in public. under.

Every night, when Zhao Jingjing gets off work at five o'clock, she will walk over there, encircle one of the two fields, and put up in the middle of the field "from 5 to 7:30, this unit's team training field" The brand, basketball fans who often come here to play also know that this is what they need to use for two points.

There was no game today, Liangfen and they were training. Zhang Chen walked over and stood watching for a while. He saw Ge Donghai sitting on the opposite side of the court, so he walked over there. Ge Donghai saw Zhang Chen walking He came over and stood up quickly. Zhang Chen asked him how his health was lately.

"Very good, very good. Thank you, Mr. Zhang. Now I have nothing to do every day, so I just wait for these two hours in the evening to go out and do some activities."

Zhang Chen looked at his face and found that it was indeed much better than before.

Ge Donghai wanted to guide Liangfen and the others in their training. Zhang Chen did not want to disturb him. After saying hello to him, Zhang Chen stood on the side and watched them train. After watching for a while, Zhang Chen walked back and found that Liu Lipole was still there. Standing there, Zhang Chen cursed:

"Are you watching so much that you don't even need to eat?"

"Waiting for you, Xiao Zhao and Tan Shuzhen have already left. They went back to eat. After dinner, the two of them took the two children to watch a movie in the evening. We are the only two lonely old men left. Where can we eat?"

"Let's go eat spicy fish." Zhang Chen said, and Liu Ligan agreed.

October has almost passed, and this year’s sales are probably just like this. The expected sales climax has never come, but fortunately compared with other real estate companies, because they are the only houses in Hangzhou that can be used for mortgages, they The sales have not yet reached a very miserable level.

Ms. Cai added another 100 million to the 500 million yuan that was replaced. A total of 600 million yuan of mortgage loans were directed to the Mishihe project through Mr. Qiao and his company. More than 300 million yuan has been used, which should be enough for this year. Come next year, the situation next year will be better after all, Tan Shuzhen thought to herself.

After the initial panic passed, whether it was the Mishi River project or the second phase of "Peach Blossom Spring", normal repayments began to be received. Tan Shuzhen thought about it. Maybe now is the time to acquire one or two projects. Otherwise, next year, , after the second phase of their "Peach Blossom Land" was sold out, they had no more houses to sell.

It is too early for Hangzhou Center and "Sky City" to be released from the market. Besides, if the market is sluggish for two such large projects, they will have to wait even if they can be launched, otherwise the launch will be a flop.

On both sides of the Mishi River, projects continued to be launched, but they were built by the joint venture Kunpeng, not their own company. Tan Shuzhen thought to herself that the best way was to acquire a project of no more than 100,000 square meters. There is no pressure to sell, and when it is sold out, the center of Hangzhou will reach plus or minus zero.

Tan Shuzhen thought of the two companies that came to talk to them. Their projects did not exceed 100,000 square meters, and they were both projects that had already started. No matter which one was bought, it would be suitable. Tan Shuzhen called Fan Jianguo over and asked him to He went to find out about the situation of these two companies.

After Fan Jianguo found out about it, he came back and told Tan Shuzhen that he couldn't have it because both families were Laxi.

"What's wrong?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"The houses that have been put on the market cannot be sold, and the subsequent projects cannot be carried out. They are borrowing money everywhere, even if they have five cents, and they want it as long as they have money." Fan Jianguo said.

"How much? Five cents per month?" Tan Shuzhen was startled. "Then the annual interest rate is 60%. Are they digging for gold?"

"There isn't one in Jinshan. I guess once the house is built, the boss can climb to the roof and jump off the building." Fan Jianguo said.

Tan Shuzhen understood why they were so anxious to come to her and get rid of the project. If they were to get rid of the project now, they would still have some residual value and could leave some money. If they delayed it for another six months and a year, they might not be able to make a penny. , and still owe others a lot of interest.

For acquirers who are interested in acquiring their projects, now is actually a good opportunity to lower the price, because the other party has been forced into a corner and can’t breathe. It has to be sold even if it is not sold. It is definitely a good deal to buy at this time. of.

But Tan Shuzhen didn't dare to touch it. The reason why she didn't dare to touch it is that such a company is in deep water. It's impossible for you to know how much its hidden debts will be. Our laws stipulate that you don't care how the company's equity and legal person change. , the debts still follow the original company. When you acquire the equity of his company, you also acquire all its debts, including implicit debts.

The debt on the books is not terrible, you can calculate it, and the risks are controllable. This kind of hidden debt is particularly terrible. You don't know the scale of the debt, nor do you know the agreement when they borrowed the debt. To acquire such a company, you are equivalent to If you acquire a bomb, you won't even know when it will blow you to pieces.

Unless you can acquire net assets, and such a company is already covered in shit, all its assets have either been used for other projects, or used as mortgages or guarantees, and it has long been unable to divest itself of any net assets. What else can I buy for you?

"Have you visited their construction site? What's the situation now?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Stop there and you will die soon."

The debts are high, they are borrowing money like crazy, and the construction site has been suspended. Tan Shuzhen also feels that such a company will not last long and will die soon. The boss is driven crazy by the creditors. He is borrowing money like crazy, not to borrow money to continue the project. , but just borrowing new debts to repay old debts, his debts will definitely expand rapidly like a snowball.

"Mr. Fan, can you know more about his current assets, for example, whether he has done any other items, and if so, who the other items are for, whether they have been sealed up, and if so, by what means? Who seized them, and also got a clear understanding of their debt situation, especially the creditor’s situation.”

Tan Shuzhen and Fan Jianguo agreed, and Fan Jianguo agreed.

"Mr. Tan, what do you want to do?" Fan Jianguo walked back to the door and asked Tan Shuzhen.

Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "These two companies are now two landmines. We must not touch them, but the landmines will explode. After the landmines explode, there will be no danger. At that time, we can see if it is still there Whether it is worth acquiring, and what method was used to acquire it, but no matter what, the creditor cannot be bypassed, so I ask you to understand the creditor clearly.

"By the way, we also need to understand his debt structure clearly. The more creditors he has and the more complicated the debt is, the more beneficial it will be for us when no one can handle it alone."

Fan Jianguo understood, and he said yes, I know what to do.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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