The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 970 Shorting South Korean Won

Liu Ligan came out from Lao Ni's place and went to Zhang Chen's place. When Zhang Chen saw him, he asked curiously, why are you back again?

"What, you're not welcome?" Liu Ligan asked.

"You have nothing to do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, Tan Shuzhen has done everything she should do. Lao Meng is right. I am now in the company and have been ignored. Even Lao Tan only listens to Tan Shuzhen's words and not to mine. That Ying Ying is even more Needless to say, I have completely become Tan Shuzhen's follower." Liu Ligan said, "I am sitting in the office and being scolded by Tan Shuzhen, so I might as well stay here with you."

Zhang Chen laughed.

Liu Ligan shouted: "Don't laugh. Seriously, this Tan Shuzhen seems to be back in the troupe again. As long as I say three sentences, she will definitely catch her and scold her for one of them."

"That's not bad, it means your relationship is back again." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan chuckled: "Don't tell me, it's true, Zhang Chen, except that we don't go to bed now, everything else is really the same as before. When I took off my clothes, she took me to wash them. I washed my shorts but didn’t even touch my hands.”

"You don't dare to touch it, right?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

Liu Ligan nodded and asked, "Zhang Chen, tell me, what will happen if I touch you?"

"I'll probably get a slap in the face."

Liu Ligan was discouraged and said, "It's really possible. Zhang Chen, tell me, why am I invincible with other women, but when I meet this Tan Shuzhen, I just give her some medicine?"

"One thing descends on another, and you are the object that is descended." Zhang Chen said.

"I'm trapped." Liu Ligan sighed, "I feel like my neck is trapped again. Just like in the troupe, when we are together, we want to hide away for a while, even if we escape for a drink, this time Go back and stick your neck in immediately, Zhang Chen, do you think I'm cheap?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Have you ever been a bit mean?"

"Okay, you and I have no way to communicate anymore, so we should go to Genshan Power Plant to see Emperor Liu, and flirt with Yao Fen and Zhao Xin by the way."

Liu Ligan stood up and walked out. After walking out, he did not go downstairs. He walked out through the small door and walked to the garden on the roof. He looked at the big pit next door and the construction site. After the construction started, Liu Ligan stood here and watched, feeling very happy in his heart. He couldn't get tired of watching it. This is the center of my Hangzhou city, not the place where the god of death lives.

When Hangzhou Center got up, he stood on the roof of my Hangzhou Center and looked outside. What he saw was my Hangzhou and my West Lake. Liu Ligan remembered that when he was upstairs in Meng Ping's house and looked at Meng Ping's Nanjing That scene.

After Mr. Ni and Liu Ligan walked out, Ren Rongrong walked to the cabinet. She took out a folder from the cabinet, returned to her seat, opened the folder, picked up the phone on the table, and started doing her daily homework. One of them, he called his friend at Bank of China, asked her about the daily foreign exchange price, and filled in a form with a pen.

Putting down the phone, she stared at the form. After looking at it for a while, she saw that Chen Yaqin had already made a call. Ren Rongrong said to her, Yaqin, you are familiar with the situation. Can you go to the supply and marketing company and ask her what she has done in the past month? PTA market?

Chen Yaqin said yes, she stood up and walked out.

Ren Rongrong picked up the phone on the table, called Hong Kong, and said to the other party, David, please tell me the latest PX price.

The other party told her, and she recorded everything in her notebook. She stood up with the notebook and pen, walked to the wall, and marked the latest price in front of a PX trend chart on the wall.

Then stood there, staring blankly.

After a while, Chen Yaqin came back and gave her a piece of paper. Ren Rongrong took the piece of paper and compared it with the wall. Then he walked back to his desk and sat down, picking up the file again. After watching it for a while, she said to Chen Yaqin:

"Yaqin, I think South Korea is going to be in trouble."

"How do you know?" Chen Yaqin asked.

"The Korean won is getting lower and lower against the US dollar, and the trend is getting faster and faster. I can see it. It is impossible for those international speculators to not see it. I think the Korean won will be their target next." Ren Rongrong said.

Chen Yaqin looked at Ren Rongrong and asked, "Then we short PX?"

Ren Rongrong bit her lip and thought for a moment, then she said to Chen Yaqin, "I don't think that's enough."

Chen Yaqin smiled and said, "Then what else do you want?"

"I want to short the Korean won directly." Ren Rongrong said.

Chen Yaqin was startled: "You mean foreign exchange speculation? No more futures?"

"When we open this account, we can do everything, including futures, foreign exchange and stocks."

"But we have never done foreign exchange." Chen Yaqin said.

"That's not the same. They are all transactions, and the behavior of transactions is the same." Ren Rongrong said, "If we do foreign exchange, we can increase the leverage to a hundred times."

Chen Yaqin was startled again: "You are crazy, a hundred times. How big is the risk?"

Ren Rongrong shook his head: "It's the same, if you have to lose, you will lose twice as much, but if you win, think about the leverage of a hundred times, a hundred times is still small, if it depends on my temper, I will do it Two hundred times.”

"The problem is, if we want to speculate in foreign exchange, we have to convince Mr. Ni first. Will he agree?" Chen Yaqin said, "At first he agreed to do this, but he came here for hedging."

"But what we did later was hedging? He was not very happy, and he never asked. For the boss, in fact, no matter what you do, as long as you can make money for him, it will be fine. If you make money, he will Just be happy and don't care how you earned the money." Ren Rongrong said.

Chen Yaqin was right when she thought about it. Although Ren Rongrong used hedging to persuade Lao Ni at the beginning, most of the things they did later had nothing to do with hedging, and Lao Ni didn't know and didn't want to know. For him, what he cares about every day is whether the money in this account has increased or decreased.

When there were less visits, he would sit down and listen to their explanations as to why they went less. But when there were more visits, he wouldn't even ask how they got there, but would only care about how much more there was.

"How are you, Yaqin?" Ren Rongrong asked.

"Then let's go talk to him now?" Chen Yaqin said.

Ren Rongrong quickly shook her head, and Chen Yaqin looked at her and asked, "Not going? What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, you can make the decision, we might as well not even say anything." Ren Rongrong said.

Chen Yaqin shouted: "Isn't that bad if you don't even say hello to him?"

"What's wrong, Yaqin." Ren Rongrong snorted, "Can't you make the decision on such a small matter? In my opinion, you must be half of this company's family, otherwise..."

Ren Rongrong did not continue, but Chen Yaqin knew what she meant. She was referring to her relationship with Lao Ni. She felt that she would be wronged if she could not be half of her family. An old man, what do you want from him?

Chen Yaqin's face turned red, but her heart was provoked by Ren Rongrong's words.

Yeah, what did I get? I don’t even have such a little decision-making power, why?

"If we lose money, I'll get out at worst." Ren Rongrong said, "Can he let you leave? Maybe he won't be able to let you go if you want to leave, right? Yaqin, I'm not even afraid of being fired. What are you afraid of?"

Chen Yaqin lowered her head and thought for a moment, and finally made up her mind. She said yes, let's do it, or I'll get out with you in the worst case.

Ren Rongrong smiled and said: "No, Lao Ni is reluctant to let you go."

The two people immediately decided to sell all the orders in their hands, and all the funds in their accounts were used to short the Korean won.

After shorting the Korean won, Chen Yaqin was worried every day. First, she was afraid that Ren Rongrong would make a mistake in judgment. A hundred times leverage would not be able to withstand a sharp appreciation in even one day. If so, their position would be liquidated, and their margin account would be wiped out. will return to zero.

After doing foreign exchange, Chen Yaqin looked at relevant information and found that this kind of sudden surge at a certain point in time on a certain day does exist, especially for the Japanese yen.

The Bank of Japan often chooses to suddenly kill short sellers in the middle of the night and buy a large amount of Japanese yen in the foreign exchange market, causing the Japanese yen to suddenly appreciate in a short period of time and causing those accounts shorting the Japanese yen to liquidate their positions. to slow down the depreciation pressure on the yen.

If the same situation happens to South Korea once, they will be doomed.

After all, in fact, Chen Yaqin is still afraid that Lao Ni will come in one day and suddenly become interested in what they are doing and ask them to show him the transaction slip. That fool also knows that they are no longer doing futures, but Foreign exchange.

Fortunately, such a thing never happened. A few times, Lao Ni almost wanted to ask. At this time, Ren Rongrong would suddenly stand up, say something happened, and walk out. Chen Yaqin naturally knew what she was doing, and she hurriedly Just go and distract Lao Ni.

Probably because Chen Yaqin was here, and Lao Ni himself felt that he was already sure about Chen Yaqin, so he didn't care about what they were doing. What he cared about was whether there was more money in the account.

Fortunately, the Korean won is also very promising. It has been depreciating during this period, which makes their profits increase every day. Chen Yaqin talks to Lao Ni every day, and she really is not lying to him.

On September 4th, the Korean won suddenly depreciated sharply, falling to 906 Korean won per US dollar. Their book amount was already more than 110 million Hong Kong dollars. During this period of shorting the Korean won, they made a book profit of more than 50 million. Yuan, Chen Yaqin said, that’s it, Rongrong, let’s close the position.

Ren Rongrong shook her head, she said no, I think it will still drop.

Even traders in Hong Kong suggested that they close their positions. They told them that today had hit the largest drop since 1990, 906, which was the average market exchange rate implemented by South Korea in March 1990. lowest point since.

"Yaqin, believe me, it will definitely fall again. We can't close the position." Ren Rongrong insisted.

As a result, the next day, the Korean won appreciated sharply, back to 899 won to 1 US dollar. After re-election, Yongrong also felt anxious. Could it be that when it reached 906, it had bottomed out, and the Korean won began to move up?

For the next whole day, the Korean won traded sideways between 898 and 899. By about three o'clock in the afternoon, Ren Rongrong couldn't hold it anymore and asked Chen Yaqin, "How about we harvest?"

Chen Yaqin shook her head and said fiercely, no, since we have already waited, then wait. I also think that the Korean won will still fall and Koreans will not be able to sustain it.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Tianying 1978, It’s Not the Impossible World, and A Blue Underworld Fish! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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