The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 960 Things are not that bad yet

Just after hanging up the phone with Mr. Qiao, the phone on the table rang again. Liu Ligan picked it up and it was Meng Ping. Meng Ping called urgently on the phone: "Zhangzhi, has Mr. Qiao called you?"

Liu Ligan said he was beaten.

"All mortgages at your place have also stopped?"

Liu Ligan was right.

"Unfortunately, something like this happened again." Meng Ping cursed.

"Lao Meng, do you have many mortgage customers there?" Liu Ligan asked.

"They are basically the same. Who doesn't take out a mortgage if they have one? I don't know how many people can afford it without a mortgage." Meng Ping said, "There were two just now. I originally signed the agreement today, but when I heard that I couldn't If you take out a mortgage, you won’t buy it.”

Liu Ligan smiled bitterly and said: "My place is probably similar to your place. I haven't told the following about this news yet."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan immediately called Tan Shuzhen, Lao Tan, Fan Jianguo and Ying Ying. Fan Jianguo was at "Splendid Jiangnan", Tan Shuzhen and Ying Ying were at the Mishihe sales office, and Lao Tan and Jacques were at "Peach Blossom Land". "On the construction site of the second phase.

Liu Ligan told them that there was an emergency and he would come right away.

Tan Shuzhen and Ying Ying were the first to arrive, and Liu Ligan told them Mr. Qiao's phone number. Both of them were shocked when they heard it, and they both knew what it meant to stop the mortgage.

Ying Ying said: "In this case, sales will be greatly affected."

Liu Ligan sighed and said, this goes without saying.

From the financial crisis that started in Thailand on July 2, to mid-August now, newspapers at that time were still calling it the Southeast Asian Financial Crisis, not the Asian Financial Crisis. Everyone still only knew that the crisis was still ongoing. No one can tell when it will end and what its subsequent impact will be.

As for its impact on China's economy, newspapers have already issued early warnings, and the central government has also issued timely response measures, which is to further expand the domestic demand market, because our exports to Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea will definitely be greatly affected. For Zhejiang, What's more, Zhejiang has many foreign trade companies, and many of them mainly focus on the Japanese market.

The owners and shareholders of this part of the company are Liu Ligan's customers, so for Liu Ligan and the others, it is a double blow. On the one hand, the original customers are lost, and on the other hand, because Mr. Qiao and the others have stopped The issuance of mortgage loans will inevitably lead to the loss of more customers.

Tan Shuzhen also reads the newspaper every day. She never thought that the economic crisis in Southeast Asia in the newspaper always felt like a very distant thing. One day it would be revealed to them and it would immediately become a problem for them.

"Gangzi, have you contacted Miss Cai?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "How is the situation with her?"

"It's not good. Mr. Qiao asked me not to contact her, saying that she is also in a terrible state now." Liu Ligan said.

"If that's the case, I think you should give her a call. First, let her know that her investment or loan with us is safe, so she can rest assured." Tan Shuzhen said, “This also allows her to concentrate on other things.

"Second, you have to tell her in advance that because the mortgage cannot be made, it may affect the sales of Mishihe. In this way, we may have to make adjustments to the entire sales plan. How to adjust it will be reported to her after we have discussed it. .third……"

Tan Shuzhen thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, just tell her these two things."

"What's third?" Liu Ligan asked.

"There is no third one. Didn't I say only two things?"

"What did you originally want to say is third?" Liu Ligan continued to ask.

Tan Shuzhen rolled her eyes at him and said: "I originally wanted to ask her if she still had money. If there is no money, our entire Mishi River project can only be adjusted with the existing funds."

"Then why don't you say it?"

Tan Shuzhen said angrily: "If she was rich, if you said second, she would tell you that the mortgage from Mr. Qiao would not stop. Do you still need to say third? Do you think Mr. Qiao is not fighting for her funds? She also knows that when the money goes out, it just goes from her left pocket to her right pocket. If she has money, won’t she do this business?”

"Oh, that's right." Liu Ligan said, "I'm already stupid."

"Why are you panicking? It's not that bad yet." Tan Shuzhen scolded, "We'll talk about this later. You call first."

Liu Ligan said yes and picked up the phone.

From the outbreak of the crisis to the present, although the impact of the entire incident on Taiwan has been limited, it has caused heavy losses to Ms. Tsai and Fubon Financial Holdings, because many Taiwanese businessmen who invest and set up factories in Southeast Asia are their customers. These customers They closed down one after another, leaving them with huge amounts of non-performing assets.

Fortunately, their investments in Taiwan and mainland China have not had a big impact. This means that they are not in immediate danger of bankruptcy like the local banks in Southeast Asia. However, life is sad enough. Ms. Cai deals with these every day. thing.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu. You are the only call I received today that brought me good news. You can make any adjustments to the Mishi River project." Ms. Cai finally said to Liu Ligan.

After Liu Ligan and Miss Cai finished talking on the phone, Fan Jianguo also arrived with Han Gaozu Liu Bang. It was Liu Ligan who asked Fan Jianguo to come and picked him up at the Mishi River Project Headquarters.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, told them that Southeast Asia was really miserable this time. Several of my friends in Thailand and Indonesia were crying to death. The money they had in the bank and the local money was priced at one price a day, which was like waste paper. You can't get out even a dollar of the US dollars stored in the bank. Some banks are closed and you don't even know when they will open. They don't know what to do while they are there.

Liu Ligan said that we had only seen this financial crisis in textbooks when we were in school, but we never thought we would experience it ourselves.

While they were talking, Lao Tan came back. Tan Shuzhen waited for Lao Tan to sit down, and Liu Ligan told him the matter. Lao Tan blurted out, wouldn't it be like Haicheng?

Tan Shuzhen shook her head and said no. I have thought about it. Let's dig up our own home first so that we can be prepared.

Liu Ligan said yes.

Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, stood up after hearing what Tan Shuzhen said and was about to go out. Liu Ligan asked, Brother Liu, what are you doing?

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, smiled and said: "Don't you want to discuss your own company's affairs? It's not good for me to be here."

Liu Ligan scolded: "There is nothing we can't let you know."

Tan Shuzhen also said: "This also involves the Mishi River project, with Brother Liu."

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, sat down again.

Tan Shuzhen said: "Fortunately, our 'Peach Blossom Land' project opened early and sales were good. All the first phase was sold out, which left us with plenty of funds in our account. If we can't get mortgages in the future, it will definitely affect our sales, but The biggest impact should be on office buildings, not residential buildings. The mortgage ratio of residential buildings is much lower than that of office buildings. Isn’t that right, Ying Ying?”

Ying Ying is right, and some of these customers who are doing residential mortgages have the ability themselves, but they got the mortgage after hearing that they could get a mortgage.

"If it is the 'Peach Blossom Spring' project, then the mortgage customers will basically be in this situation." Tan Shuzhen said, "Therefore, the second phase of 'Peach Blossom Spring' may be the least affected, and the Mishi River project will also be affected. For residential buildings, not office buildings, I think there will definitely be an impact, but it won’t be that terrible.

"The biggest impact is on the center of Hangzhou and the office buildings next to it. But in the center of Hangzhou, it will take a year and a half to reach zero plus or minus zero. All projects will be carried out according to the original plan. Those three office buildings belong to the Post and Telecommunications Bureau. There is no way to do that. According to the agreement, we must deliver it to them by the end of next year, so I think we can build this one first and the other two..."

"When it reaches plus or minus zero, you can take out one building and put it on sale first." Ying Ying said, "If the sales are good, build one first. If the sales are not good, then wait."

"We have to consider whether it will ruin the entire real estate." Tan Shuzhen said, "Ignore him for now. It is still early. We will see the situation at the end of the year."

Liu Ligan and Lao Tan both nodded and said yes.

"In this case, our two projects, 'Sky City' and 'Hangcheng Center', can still be carried out according to the original plan, and the funds are guaranteed." Tan Shuzhen said, "The most critical thing is the Mishi River project. We We have to prepare for the worst, what plan? That is a sharp decline in sales, but no follow-up funds will come in.

“What we are doing now is that the projects on both sides of the river are in full bloom. If we follow the sales situation some time ago, there will be no problem. But if the sales decline is serious and subsequent funds cannot keep up, then there will be problems.

"So we must adjust the entire plan, that is, we must step up construction of the parts that have been sold, and narrow the front line for projects that have not yet been launched. We must change the original method of full bloom, sell one and develop one. If the sales situation is really Not ideal, I’d rather wait and keep the money on my books.”

"I agree." Lao Tan said, "We can stop building high-end ones first, such as townhouses with high unit prices. We can build low-priced ones that are easier to sell first."

"Yes, Brother Tan's proposal is very good." Tan Shuzhen said, "Also, in terms of sales, we can no longer make mortgages, and the difficulty may be greater than we imagined. I think we should also do this in terms of sales policies. An adjustment.”

"It can be like this." Ying Ying said, "You can't get a mortgage and require a one-time payment. It will definitely be difficult for some people who are willing to buy a house. Can we consider reinstating installment payment, so as to give them a buffer period?" ?”

"I think it's okay, what do you think?" Tan Shuzhen asked Liu Ligan and Han Gaozu Liu Bang, both of whom nodded.

"Going a step further, we can offer a 50% discount for those who make one-time payments, so there are two payment methods for customers to choose." Tan Shuzhen said.

"This is good. In this way, some customers who pay in installments may borrow money to pay the full amount for cheaper." Ying Ying said.

"This is also good for us. As long as the funds can be withdrawn in time, our risks can be reduced. The more funds withdrawn, the better." Tan Shuzhen said.

"I agree." Liu Ligan said.

"There shouldn't be any problems on our side." Han Emperor Liu Bang said, "I'll call Miss Cai right away and tell her the plan."

Thank you for the reward from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore, and I don’t even know if anyone asks! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

Today, 0784, it is finally released. If you are interested, you can go and see it. Thank you!

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