The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 955 The old man’s new career

Lao Ni bought the piece of land in Shaoxing. More than a week later, someone came to him and asked Lao Ni to buy it for 380,000 acres. Of course Lao Ni did not agree.

Having been in the business field for such a long time, Lao Ni looks naive, but in his heart, he has long been an old turtle. He knows that everything is bought up and not down. You want to buy my land with 380,000 acres? Land, that means the market here is bullish. How can I sell you something that is bullish?

The land was not sold, but Lao Ni did the math and was shocked. If he sells the land now at the price of 380,000 acres, he can earn more than 6 million. It has only been more than a week. Time, what kind of business is so profitable?

In a factory as big as his, with thousands of workers working hard for a month, they still can't make more than six million.

No wonder Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were able to earn so much money in just a few years? The business has become so big.

He knew that Zhang Chen spent almost nothing to acquire the land in the dynamic zone. The city government forced it on him at the time. Now, the annual rent can earn 50 to 60 million yuan, and it will increase this year. Liu is next to him. The standing center of Hangzhou has become the core of Hangzhou’s core in the blink of an eye. How can the rent not rise?

Liu Ligan is even more remarkable. When Zhang Chen was there to help him make sand table models, Liu Ligan was all in Hainan and had not returned to Hangzhou yet. I heard that he was in Hainan and lost everything. After returning to Hangzhou, in just a few years, he became the largest real estate developer in Hangzhou and planned to build the tallest house in Hangzhou.

After thinking about how these two people made money, Lao Ni felt that they could not do without the word "land". After buying this land, Lao Ni realized that there was so much oil and water in this land. , it turns out that the seemingly inconspicuous land is the most valuable thing. Only by relying on the land can people make a fortune quickly.

After thinking about it like this, Lao Ni, an old man who claimed to be from the countryside, felt unbalanced in his heart. He felt that the path he had taken in the past ten years was too bad. It was really too bad for him to work in a factory. .

His factory is exactly like what he said. The stalls are very large and the scene looks very nice, but in fact it doesn’t make much money. Enterprises like theirs invest heavily in infrastructure and equipment, and they also spend a lot of money to purchase raw materials. They all rely on For bank loans, after a year, most of them are actually working for the bank, and the money is used to pay bank interest.

For such a big scene, if you really do the math, it actually all belongs to the bank. Whether it is land or factory buildings, they are all mortgaged with the bank. It doesn't take much. He only needs to stop for a month. Once the bank takes action, the factory belongs to the bank. He himself Just get out with your butt naked.

What troubles him the most is the price increase of raw materials. Crude oil has been rising in the past few years. When crude oil rises, PX in South Korea and Taiwan rises. When PX rises, domestic PTA also rises. He has to earn 20,000 PTA at a time. The purchase price is higher than the previous purchase price. Every time it goes up by 1,200 tons, every time it goes up, he has to pay millions more.

But the fabrics in the Keqiao market are not going up, and all the fabrics in the country are not going up. If the fabrics are not going up, the polyester yarn produced by Lao Ni and the others cannot go up. Sometimes when I look at the polyester yarn in the warehouse, Lao Ni does the math. Considering the current price of PTA, he might as well not produce polyester yarn, just put PTA directly, and sell the raw materials now, which is more cost-effective than selling the finished product.

But Lao Ni knew that he couldn't do this. If you stopped production, what would you do with so many workers in the factory? You have to keep these workers there even if you support them.

Sometimes Lao Ni listens to the roar of the machines in the factory, but his heart bleeds. He knows that production is losing money every day, and he must produce. As long as you stop production for one day, rumors will fly all over the sky, saying that you can't survive, so what do you do? be able to stand.

You must know that the noses of those bank loan officers are sharper than dogs. As soon as there is any trouble here, they will immediately become alert and think that there is something wrong with you. Your next acceptance check with 50% deposit cannot be issued. Not counting the loan, you still owe infrastructure loans and operating loans, and others have to consider whether they need to collect the loans. How can you bear it?

Therefore, Lao Ni often feels that he is trying to make a fool of himself, including constantly expanding production capacity and expanding investment, which are all puffed up.

Lao Ni and his company Dahua Chemical Fiber will become the largest polyester yarn manufacturer in China this year. Being the largest has its advantages. Basically, all banks have given him the green light, offering loans of 10 to 20 million yuan. Ni can basically finish it in two or three days.

No matter how swollen his face is, Lao Ni will continue to pretend to be a fat man. Anyway, as long as the cash flow continues, he is not afraid and can survive. The worst thing is to expand the credit scale every year. This year, it will be 300 million, and next year, it will be 400 million. The bank I also hope you will expand your credit.

Banks like to deal with large enterprises like them. A loan can be tens of millions to a hundred million, and a branch's credit task can be completed for a year. If it is given to a small business, a loan of one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand, they have to You have to know that for the same loan, no matter the amount, the process is the same, and the labor cost invested by the bank is the same.

And if it is given to small businesses, how can it be given to large companies? If you can't let it be given to the number one company in the country like Lao Ni, then who else can you give it to?

But when Lao Ni saw Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, he thought about it alone in the middle of the night and felt a little regretful. He felt that running a business was like getting on a pirate ship. It is easy for you to get up, but it is impossible to get down. So easy.

Although Zhang Chen also has a clothing factory, he started by making clothing, but after it reached a certain scale, he immediately diversified his business and went into the market. Lao Ni believes that the income brought by the dynamic zone must have exceeded Zhang Chen's With income from making clothing, people have been successful in diversifying their businesses.

How could it be like you, clinging to this stall all the time?

Lao Ni felt that he came to Hangzhou too late. He felt that he had stayed in the small place of Keqiao for too long. He walked around his factory every day. He felt like a king in that place. He almost didn't know it. How the outside world is changing.

He felt that he could not succeed in running a business so stupidly. In running a business, one should not just do it blindly, but also do it skillfully. How to do it skillfully?

Did you see that he just had a chat with Liu Ligan, listened to his advice, and made up his mind to buy the land? In more than a week, he earned money that he could not earn in a month. It's so easy and it doesn't seem to take any effort. Isn't this clever?

Lao Ni called Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan and said that he would treat them to dinner in the evening. He wanted to thank them specially. He asked him to buy the land last time and now he has made a profit. He wanted to hear their opinions. , what should be done next.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen both happily accepted his invitation.

The dinner in the evening was still left at Tianxiang Tower. Liu Li pole came to pick up Zhang Chen. When they arrived, Lao Ni had already arrived and was ordering with the menu. When he saw them coming in, he stood up quickly. Get up and tell them, I'm about to order, you're here, you order.

Zhang Chen quickly said, Mr. Ni, just click on it, it’s the same.

"Do you two have any taboos?" Mr. Ni asked.

"No, I'm better than the Cantonese people. People say that the Cantonese people fly in the sky and don't eat airplanes. They have four legs and don't eat benches." Liu Ligan said, "I am an airplane bench. As long as your chef can make it, I will eat it.”

Not only Lao Ni, but also the waiter who ordered the dishes were amused by Liu Ligan.

Lao Ni said: "You can eat well, and you can move only if you can eat. I see that Xiao Liu, you are busy all day, and you don't seem to be tired at all."

"He is crazy." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan said: "That's right, as long as the person is not crazy, that's all."

After ordering the food and ordering wine, Mr. Ni asked them what kind of wine they wanted. Liu Ligan said that when he was with Shaoxing people, of course he drank Shaoxing wine.

Lao Ni said yes, he turned to the waiter and said, give us the best Huadiao wine in your store.

After ordering the food and wine, Lao Ni bought the land for himself. Someone came to ask him about the purchase and told them. When Liu Ligan heard about it, he said, "If you don't want to sell it, don't sell it. Lao Ni, you can develop it yourself."

"I just don't know what to do next, so today I want to specifically ask you, Xiao Liu, for advice." Lao Ni said.

Liu Ligan and Lao Ni said that your project is not big. The best way is to short-term and quick. I told you last time that the entire project requires an investment of 20 million. In fact, it is not needed at all. You have to pay the money to buy the land. Okay, if you have another two to three million, that will be enough, no need to invest any more money.

"Oh, is there such a good thing?" Lao Ni became interested.

Liu Ligan took out a pen and paper from his bag, and said to Lao Ni, the first step is to find an architectural design institute to help you design a six-story house. They design it very quickly and buy it from other places. Come here, the exploration and other things are also very simple. From exploration to design, everything can be done in ten days. If they want to play tricks on you, just ignore them and give them ten days.

Tell them that if you can't do it, just find someone else to do it, and they will definitely take over.

After the drawings are produced, relevant procedures must be completed.

Liu Ligan then wrote the required procedures on the paper and asked Lao Ni, "Does this matter to you?"

"It's just a matter of words." Lao Ni said, "We have dealt with planning, urban construction, fire protection and civil engineering so many times. They are all old friends."

Liu Ligan said, "We are going through the formalities here. You can let the construction company come in and start digging the foundation. Although the regulations require that all the procedures are completed before construction can start, it doesn't matter. No one will care about you."

Lao Ni nodded and said yes, that's no problem.

"As soon as the certificate comes out and the foundation of your place has been dug, you can go to the site and set up a sales office, and then you can start selling the house. The two or three million I mentioned is just designing and applying for these certificates. If you have money for the construction company, you can drag it out if you have the ability. Next, you will have money coming in, what money are you still short of?"

"Is it that simple?" Lao Ni asked.

"Yes, how complicated do you think it is?" Liu Ligan smiled and said, "By the way, find two more clever little girls in your factory and send them to me. I will have them take care of them and teach them how to sell a house. That’s it, then you, Lao Ni, will wait to collect the money and pay.”

Lao Ni said okay, thank you Xiao Liu.

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