The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 953 Ancestor, tell us the story

Many of the clothes, shoes and accessories on the list Zhang Chen wrote for Shentu Hongyan were in Shentu Hongyan's home. Zhang Chen crossed out all the clothes, shoes and accessories that were present, and arranged for the purchase or production of those that were not available.

Shentu Hongyan said: "Either buy everything again according to your list, shoes and accessories, and calculate the extra money."

Zhang Chen said there was no need and there was no need to be so wasteful.

Shentu Hongyan didn't believe it. She said, I have worn all these at home, and they don't look good at all.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "If you take everyone's facial features apart, can you tell which one is good-looking and which one is not? But when you put them together, you can tell them. Also, for example, if the average person's cheekbones are very high, , isn’t it ugly? But why do they look so good when they see Maggie Cheung and Chung Chuhong’s faces?”

Shentu Hongyan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Yes, why?"

"Clothing needs to be matched, so it is called clothing, because clothing alone is not enough. The clothes themselves need to be matched, and the clothes and accessories also need to be matched. When primitive people used animal skins to wrap their buttocks, they knew that hanging something around their necks would look good. "Different combinations of clothing will produce different effects, so people who know how to wear clothes and match them rarely buy suits," Zhang Chen said.

Shentu Hongyan nodded and said, "Okay, you are an expert and a consultant. I will listen to the consultant."

They agreed that Shentu Hongyan would come over the day after tomorrow to pick up the things Zhang Chen purchased and made for her.

Shentu Hongyan felt uneasy. She said, when I come, I'd better bring these items that I crossed off your list to see if I made a mistake. If so, I'd better buy them again.

Zhang Chen smiled in his heart. What he wrote were all simple things, such as a beige long-sleeved shirt and red high heels. How could these be wrong? He knew that Shentu Hongyan was probably very nervous right now, so he said, okay. Then you can bring it.

After Shentu Hongyan left, Zhang Chen called Ge Ling over.

He knows that the design center's tasks are not very tight now, because the basic styles of spring and summer clothing have been finalized, and it is still too early for autumn clothing. All that needs to be done now is to add some new styles every now and then.

Zhang Chen wanted to try Ge Ling, and told her about Shentu Hongyan’s needs. Zhang Chen said, this may be our new business. If it expands, we can organize a team under your design center to provide customers with As consultants, this team should not only include clothing designers, but also hairstylists, makeup artists, etc. to provide them with a full range of services.

Ge Ling nodded and said yes.

Zhang Chen gave Shentu Hongyan's schedule for the week to Ge Ling and told her that you could try giving her a dressing plan for the week.

Ge Ling hesitated and said, "Master, I have never done this before."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Why haven't you done this before? Isn't this what you are best at?"

Ge Ling was confused and asked: "When will I become good at it?"

"In this way, you imagine Shentu Hongyan as a character in Xuemili's novel, and her daily activities are regarded as the plot in the novel. Tell me, are you very good at it?"

In this way, Ge Ling was indeed good at it. However, Ge Ling thought that the image of the protagonist in her mind would never be like Shen Tu Hongyan, but always like Xiao Zhao and Tan Shuzhen. However, Ge Ling did not dare to say this to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen and Ge Ling said that I had given her a plan.

"Master, can you show it to me?" Ge Ling asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "You can also create one, and then we will compare it, one from the perspective of the opposite sex, and the other from the perspective of the same sex, to see what the difference is."

Ge Ling knew that Zhang Chen was trying to teach her something, so she agreed.

Ge Ling returned to the design center and after discussing with other designers, she wrote a plan. After they saw it, they thought it was perfect. Some designers said that this time they could defeat their ancestors.

The designers in the design center like to call him Master Ge Ling, Master He Hongmei, and Zhang Chen. They all call him ancestor. I don’t know who called him first. Anyway, if someone calls him, the others will follow immediately. After calling, only Ge Ling still called Master Zhang Chen in a decent manner.

Ge Ling took the plan and walked into Zhang Chen's office. Several designers couldn't help themselves and followed Ge Ling. Ge Ling gave Zhang Chen the plan and told him, this is what we do together made.

Zhang Chen took the plan and asked them all to sit on the sofa. After carefully looking at Ge Ling's plan, he picked up his own plan on the table and handed it to Ge Ling.

A group of people gathered around and watched, and the more they watched, the colder their hearts became. Designers have very strong image thinking skills, and they have pictures in their brains. Everyone has seen Shentu Hongyan herself before. At this time Looking at Zhang Chen's plan, the effect of Shen Tu Hongyan wearing this set of clothes appeared in his mind.

Afterwards, everyone was discouraged. They looked at each other. Ge Ling sighed and said, "Master, your plan is better than ours."

A designer asked: "Ancestor, why does your plan B match so well? This is a bit unexpected."

Just as Zhang Chen was about to say something, Ge Ling shouted, Master, wait a minute.

She said to a designer: "Go and call the other people in the design center."

The designer ran out, and after a while, a large group of people followed her in. Those who came in behind looked at Zhang Chen's plan.

Ge Ling asked: "Master, is this a gender difference? Is that what you said, you are from a male perspective and we are from a female perspective?"

"A little bit, but not entirely." Zhang Chen said, "Your plan is not wrong. If we follow your plan, Shentu Hongyan will look very comfortable, using our idiom. My plan..."

"Amazing, ancestor!" someone shouted, and others nodded.

Zhang Chen smiled, looked at Ge Ling and asked, "Okay, let's use this word for now. Then why do you think there is such a big difference?"

Ge Ling shook her head and thought, how could she know this? If she knew, she would be able to become a master. Master is the best at it, and it is unmatched by others. In He Hongmei's words, he has a unique vision, and he can always make people wear his clothes. Miss Gong is stunning in Cannes when she wears it, and other celebrities are stunning in various film festivals and conferences when wearing it.

Zhang Chen touched his hands on the table, thinking, and said slowly: "When you were making this plan, you had the biggest misunderstanding, because you have all seen Shen Tu Hongyan, and you have the impression of this person in your mind. When you are designing, you are thinking about what is suitable for her, and you are matching her clothes, right?"

Ge Ling and the others nodded.

"This is a misunderstanding." Zhang Chen said, "If the clothes are only suitable for her and based on her as a person, in fact, as long as the person has a certain aesthetic ability, she can do it herself. This is not enough for us designers.

“When we design our products, we make things out of nothing, that is, we don’t know who will wear our clothes. In fact, our focus is on the clothes themselves. We design the clothes and then countless people try them on and wear them. If we find good-looking people, we will buy them. This process is actually our clothes selecting people.

“The so-called popular models are products that more people look good on and will buy. This is also the wearability we have always emphasized when designing products, which is to try our best to make it look good on as many people as possible. This actually involves sacrifice.

"What has been sacrificed? That is the sacrifice of personality. The more you focus on wearability, the more you sacrifice the personality of this garment. The more personalized the garment, the fewer people who can wear it and will buy it.

“So when designing the product, we kept our style but tried hard to avoid elements that were too personal, and you did a great job.

"But when it comes to Shentu Hongyan, why doesn't it work? Because you ignore that this is a private customization, which means it's the other way around. It's not the clothes that are choosing the customer, but the customer is already here. It's this person, her. Picking out clothes.

"She doesn't know how to choose. You are helping her choose. When you are helping her choose, you all choose the one that is most suitable for her, but you are fundamentally wrong. You also forget that the reason why she came to us is because of one word. .”

"What word, Master?" Ge Ling couldn't hold back anymore and asked impatiently.

"Change!" Zhang Chen said, "She came to us not to keep her original appearance, so we don't need to choose the one that suits her. What she needs is change, a complete change. Let us turn her into a A new person, a new person she doesn’t even know, otherwise why would she come to us? Just ask her husband to look at it and her best friend to look at it and give her opinions.

"What she needs is something that none of these people can do. Remember, similar customers in the future will all have the same needs, and they will all ask for change."

"That's amazing, ancestor, it's really like this. I've learned a lot." A designer shouted.

Ge Ling nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Master, you are right, but master, how can we meet their request?"

"Observe her." Zhang Chen said, "Rodan has a saying that has been said badly: 'Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery.' But this sentence is very reasonable. , is a classic, what we need is to discover, from them, discover their strengths, discover things that others cannot discover, and use their strengths to avoid their weaknesses."

Zhang Chen saw that Ge Ling and the others were still a little confused and said with a smile: "Let me ask you a question, how many of you have a good impression of Shentu Hongyan?"

Four or five people raised their hands.

Zhang Chen asked those who didn’t raise their hands, why didn’t you?

The man said, I have never been in contact with her, so I have no feelings.

Zhang Chen nodded and asked again, the people she had come into contact with were the ones who raised their hands, right?

Those people all nodded.

Zhang Chen said: "Did you see, this is her strength, she is not pretty, she didn't give you gifts, she didn't say she wanted to treat you to dinner, she is just a casual acquaintance with you, why do you all have a good impression of her?" ? This is her strength and the reason why her business can be so big. Think about it again, why do you have a good impression of her? "

Those people thought for a while, and someone said: "She has a very straightforward personality."

The others nodded.

"You are right, she has a very straightforward personality." Zhang Chen said, "But what does her straightforward personality have to do with wearing clothes?"

Everyone was stunned, and someone said: "Ancestor, please teach us all the skills of housekeeping."

Everyone laughed, and Zhang Chen also laughed. Zhang Chen said:

"Have you noticed that although Shentu Hongyan is not very beautiful, her facial features are still attractive. For such a person, as long as she modifies it slightly, the effect will be different. She also has a shortcoming of a round face, but Her biggest advantage is that she has a strong aura, do you feel that?"

As soon as Zhang Chen said this, Ge Ling and several others remembered and nodded.

"Where does this aura come from? That's this person. When he walks, he is very upright. That is to say, as the old saying goes, he has a standing posture and a sitting posture. Such a person can do it with almost no training. On the catwalk."

Zhang Chen looked at them and said: "As for my plan A, she is going to attend the large taxpayer commendation ceremony and go on stage to receive the award. Think about it, I asked her to change her hair to long hair, wear those clothes, and her feet are What would happen if a pair of red high-heeled shoes walked onto the stage from the auditorium below under the attention of everyone?"

"I'll go! Brighten your eyes!" someone shouted.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Shi Fangxian, Yu, and Qianbo for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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