The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 941 The Most Expensive Peach Blossom Land

The overall landscape construction of Liu Ligan's Taohuayuan project has been completed, and more than a dozen villas have been capped. Tan Shuzhen believes that the Taohuayuan project can be launched.

Liu Ligan strongly disagreed. According to Liu Ligan's plan, he would start the Taohuayuan project slowly. After all the villas were built, he would make fine adjustments and then launch the project.

Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan said, I understand your thoughts and respect your ideals, but ideals and reality are two different things. The reality is that we need money, a lot of money, and the house is ready for sale, but it will not be opened unless It was when the market conditions were not good, but now the market conditions are very good. If you don’t exchange your house for money at this time, it would be a waste.

Liu Lizhan hesitated, but Tan Shuzhen asked him to sit down and settle the accounts for him.

Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan said that it will take at least one and a half to two years to complete the earthwork and underground construction in the center of Hangzhou. During this time, all that is poured into the pit is money. When it reaches plus or minus zero, I figured it would take at least 200 million.

But at this time, for our "City in the Sky" project, the land acquisition has been completed long ago, and we have to carry out three connections and one leveling. Have you calculated how much it will cost to level such a large area of ​​land? "Sky City" needs to be developed to a certain scale before it can be launched. It is no better than our other projects. If the supporting facilities do not keep up, I guarantee that every building will be sold and destroyed.

No one would go to a place where there are no commercial and transportation facilities, no buses, no place to buy groceries, no place to go to see a doctor, and no kindergarten or school for children to attend. In such a place, the house cannot be sold, and you insist on opening it. , will only ruin the reputation of the entire town, so "City in the Sky" requires a large investment before it will start to pay off.

Our company now has no other input and has to bear tens of millions in loan interest every year. This requires us to revitalize the assets we have as soon as possible and have a large amount of capital reserves so that we will not be in a hurry when the time comes. We can't just look at Now, we must make plans for next year and the year after that. If the Taohuayuan project is launched and sales are satisfactory, there will be no need to panic.

Liu Ligan argued: "We still have the Mishihe project. Sales have already started there. The situation is pretty good."

Tan Shuzhen smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, that is a joint venture project. You can move the money there if you want? Don't forget that you are still a minority shareholder. The three Taiwanese are the major shareholders. The profit distribution there must be passed They, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to move a penny?”

Liu Li's pole stopped ringing. He had to admit that Tan Shuzhen saw further and calculated more accurately than he did. However, this peach blossom garden was about to open now, and he couldn't explain it emotionally.

Tan Shuzhen seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. Tan Shuzhen said, "Pole, I know you are reluctant to sell it, but we are a real estate company, not a landscape park operator. No matter how well-built this house is, in the end it belongs to others, not ours." of.

Liu Ligan was very cruel and said that if he wanted to sell it, it could not be sold for less than 8,000 yuan.

"What did you say?" Tan Shuzhen was surprised.

"I have made up my mind from the beginning of this project to build the best house in the country and sell it at the highest price in the country. If you want to sell it now, you can. I mean it can't be less than 8,000 square meters."

"Do you know what this means?"

"If you like it, buy it or not, if you don't buy it, you will lose it."

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "Your price is not the highest in the country, but the lowest price in the country. Do you dare to sell a house for 8,000 square meters?"

"If others don't dare, I will. If no one buys it, I will just put it there and watch."

Tan Shuzhen picked up the phone, dialed a few numbers, and said to the phone: "Ying Ying, come up here, and I'll introduce you to a madman."

After a while, Ying Ying came up. She looked at Tan Shuzhen, then at Liu Ligan, and then looked around. There was no one else in Tan Shuzhen's office. Ying Ying asked:

"Mr. Tan, who do you want to introduce to me?"

Tan Shuzhen pointed at Liu Ligan and said angrily: "He, do you know this madman? I don't know him today."

Liu Ligan chuckled, and Ying Ying was confused by them.

Tan Shuzhen and Ying Ying said, I suggest that the Taohuayuan project can be launched...

"Really? Mr. Liu agreed?" Ying Ying shouted.

"Agreed, but do you know what he thinks the opening price should be?"

"Three thousand and eight?" Ying Ying asked.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head.

"Four thousand eight?"

Tan Shuzhen still shook her head. Ying Ying did not dare to guess anymore and looked at Tan Shuzhen.

"Eight thousand." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Ah!" Ying Ying was also startled. She looked at Liu Ligan and said, "Crazy, crazy, Mr. Tan, I don't know this person anymore, and I don't want to know him either."

"Are you determined to sell it at this price and not change it?" Ying Ying asked Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan nodded: "Either we don't sell it, or we have to sell it at this price."

Ying Ying lowered her head and calculated with her fingers. She said, eight thousand yuan per square meter. Eight thousand yuan is eighty hundred dollar bills. Eighty hundred dollar bills are laid out flat. Haha, it's not expensive. It's less than one square meter. , rounded off, it’s only 0.96 square meters, Mr. Liu, there are still some gaps, the cement underneath is exposed, your house is not a golden house yet.

Ying Ying looked at Tan Shuzhen and said, "Let's just cover it all. Let's sell it for 9,800 square meters, Mr. Tan."

"Are you crazy?" Tan Shuzhen shouted, "I asked you to come up to see a madman, but you took a look and you are also crazy?"

Liu Ligan laughed loudly, Ying Ying rolled her eyes at him, turned to Tan Shuzhen and continued:

"He's crazy, but I'm not crazy. Mr. Tan, who would buy this 8,000-square-meter house? Isn't this obviously a gimmick? Since it's going to be a gimmick, why not settle on 8,000? Wouldn't it be better to set it at nine thousand eight?"

Tan Shuzhen said angrily: "What if someone comes to buy it?"

"Then sell it to him, Mr. Tan. Do you think that these people who are willing to buy a square meter of eight thousand will still care about an extra thousand and eighty yuan? If we don't make a profit, we will not make it in vain." Ying Ying explain.

Tan Shuzhen thought about it. What Ying Ying said made sense. It couldn't be sold anyway. What's the difference between eight thousand and nine thousand eight? The worst thing is just like Liu Ligan said, just leave it there and sell one set every few months. , Liu Ligan panicked on his own.

Tan Shuzhen took the general floor plan of Taohuayuan and looked at it for a while. She and Ying Ying said, isn't this a gimmick? Let's just make it bigger. Our villa here is different from others. We are not one household. Style, then we will take this as a selling point and focus on the most personalized and considerate houses.

"How do you say it?" Liu Ligan also became interested.

"Anyway, there are so many houses that have not even been built yet. How about this? If those who want to buy a house want a ready-made house, we will give them a ready-made house. If they don't want a ready-made house, let them choose the land themselves. Also, the external structure of the house cannot be touched. Because the overall design must be taken into consideration, but the internal structure of the villa can be modified and built according to his needs, so that he does not need to remodel it later after buying it.

"Also, the decoration is also based on his needs. As long as his needs do not exceed our budget, he will not need to renovate again..."

"It doesn't matter if it exceeds the budget, just add more money." Ying Ying said, "He wants the walls of the house to be covered with gold and the ceiling to be studded with diamonds, as long as he is willing to spend money."

"That's right. In this way, every house we sell will fully meet the needs of our customers. Isn't this the most personalized and considerate house?"

"That's great, Mr. Tan! Let's use this as a selling point to sell it at the craziest price in the country." Ying Ying shouted.

Tan Shuzhen stared at Liu Ligan and asked: "So, do you agree to open the market?"

Liu Ligan nodded and agreed.

When Liu Ligan's "Peach Blossom Spring" villa was put on sale, Zhang Chen was the first to buy it. He chose the largest house of more than 500 square meters and a garden of more than 2,000 square meters. The house is still on paper , Zhang Chen said with a smile, I just want it to be on paper, this is good, I can design it myself.

Tan Shuzhen knew that Zhang Chen intended to support Liu Ligan, so she asked Ying Ying to go through the procedures for him.

Then Qu Tianlin asked Xiao Zhao to accompany her to see this place. She fell in love with it at first sight. She also bought an existing house with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters. She said that she and her husband were both from Hangzhou and they would return to Hangzhou sooner or later. City, when you get older, it would be nice to have a house like this where you can sit on the lawn and bask in the sun every day.

Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "Sister Tianlin, your sunshine is a bit expensive."

Qu Tianlin also smiled and said: "Expensive has its own value. I am not only interested in your house, but also in your service. The service in your office building is good now. When I get here, it will only be better, right?"

"I can guarantee you this, Sister Tianlin." Tan Shuzhen said.

Lin Shuwan heard about this and asked Zhang Chen to choose a building for her. Zhang Chen said, it's better for you to come here by yourself. The seats and room types are all different, and I don't know what you like.

"It's okay, brother, I just want to be my neighbor." Lin Shuwan said, "Besides, I believe in brother's vision. What you choose for me will definitely be better than what I picked myself."

When it came to this point, Zhang Chen helped her choose one.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, also came to buy an existing house. He said that my future roots would definitely fall on the mainland, so I decided to settle here.

Tan Shuzhen was worried that he also wanted to help Liu Ligan, so she told him, Brother Liu, the price of this house is a bit expensive.

"I have seen this place and this house many times, and it is worth the price." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "The price is expensive in mainland China, but compared with Taipei, it is much cheaper. I believe that in a few years, it will be The housing prices here will definitely continue to rise, haha, maybe this is the most cost-effective investment for Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, in mainland China."

Although Tan Shuzhen doubted his statement, she had no way to refuse his order.

What surprised both Tan Shuzhen and Ying Ying was that the sales situation of the houses in Taohuayuan was much better than they expected. Although it did not reach the panic buying situation like their "Splendid Qiantang", people came to buy the houses one after another every day. .

Several well-known entrepreneurs in Hangzhou have all ordered houses from them. What they ordered was more than 500 square meters. Like Zhang Chen, they also chose bare land, so that during the construction and decoration process of the house, , they can participate.

Tan Shuzhen understood that the richer the boss, the higher the requirements for his quality of life.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "These are all people who are on the road to evolving into beasts in clothing."

Tan Shuzhen didn't know what he was talking about. Liu Ligan explained that ten years ago, these people were selling popsicles on tricycles, working as sand foundry workers in factories, and farming in the fields. At that time, for them, they could Having enough food means happiness, and they are similar to migrant workers. They pay attention to the quality of life. If you look at them now, do you still have a little bit of migrant workers in them?

Hasn’t this evolved into a well-dressed beast?

Tan Shuzhen glared at him and cursed: "Aren't you the same? Are you still going to other people's ancestral halls and stealing wine?"

Liu Ligan laughed.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Air Not Human, Book Friends 160527162310552, Book Friends 161003025650921, and Old-Fashioned Tune! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Stay healthy everyone!

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