The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 939 Time is too tight

Meng Ping and Qian Fang were originally going back to Nanjing today, but because Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan were here, they naturally stopped going back. He Hongmei was also going back to Beijing, but because of everyone's efforts, she also stayed.

Lin Yiyan and He Hongmei said, "You didn't recognize us when you saw us in front of us. No, we must make your impression deeper."

He Hongmei smiled sheepishly and said, "I saw him once when the store opened last time. It's been several years."

After dinner, Zhang Chen asked everyone if they wanted to visit his oil painting gallery at this time? He knew that there were too many people during the day and almost no one looked at it. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan, on the surface, were here to attend the opening ceremony and had not even been to the museum yet.

Chen Qihang said yes, I don’t understand oil painting, but I want this feeling, like an art museum opening the door specially for you, and the boss will explain it to you personally.

"We are accompanied by the boss lady." Lin Yiyan said, holding Xiao Zhao's hand.

Liu Ligan asked, is it like your casino opening the door for one person in particular? That is the treatment of a gambling king.

Chen Qihang laughed and said, don’t be misled by those bad Hong Kong dramas. Our casino has never been closed for a minute since the day it opened. It is always open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Where can we find it? What's open for one in particular, barring an earthquake, fire, etc., there's no chance you'll see the casino close.

Liu Ligan looked at Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan and laughed. He said, Qihang, you are not wearing the right outfit this time.

"What's wrong with the outfit?" Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan were surprised.

"You should have a big back and overalls, and Lin Yiyan should be wearing a cheongsam." Liu Ligan said, "This is in line with your status. When I went to Beijing and told Sun Hou that he met you, he thought, you It should be like this."

Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan laughed. Chen Qihang asked, by the way, didn't the monkey come this time?

"I'm on a business trip to the United States." Zhang Chen said.

Before going to the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery", Lao Tan called two water buses. Zhang Chen said, let's set sail. Do you want to enjoy the feeling of having two boats specially opened for you and the boss accompanying you on the boat?

Chen Qihang laughed.

A group of people got on the boat. Naturally, everyone was divided into two groups. The men were in the front boat and the women were in the back boat.

As the boat passed through the Mishi River, Lao Tan gave way to the driver of the boat and deliberately folded the top of the boat. Their heads were bathed in the starlight, moonlight and drunken lights on the shore, and the bottom of the boat was stained by the already cool wind.

On the bridge on the shore, strangers would greet them from time to time. It can be seen that when people enter this environment, they naturally become peaceful and friendly because they feel comfortable.

Meng Ping sighed and said, "Gangzi, you, a black-hearted capitalist, have really done a great job in this matter. If I, Meng Ping, can make the Qinhuai River become like this one day, I will die without regrets." .

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Why, Meng Ping, you don't pursue your dream of the tallest building?"

Meng Ping smiled and said, isn’t the tallest building also a name? If you make people by the river talk about your good deeds, that is also fame. Profit can satisfy a person's sensory needs, and fame can satisfy a person's psychological needs. I am just hungry in my heart...

"What about fame and fortune?" Chen Qihang asked.

"That would be overwhelming. How can there be such a good thing in the world." Meng Ping said, "So when you see so many bosses doing charity, do you think they are born with a good heart? If you are born with a good heart, you cannot make a big fortune. Yes, they are just using it to buy their name. When satisfying their own sensory needs, they must also satisfy their own psychological needs."

"You are so absolute, Lao Meng, I am born with a good heart." Liu Ligan shouted.

"Okay, you are a weirdo. If you were the emperor, you would be the emperor for eternity, okay?" Meng Ping said with a smile.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, looked at the men and women on both sides of the strait and said to them, in Kaohsiung, there is a river called the Love River. I think this is the real Love River.

Zhang Chen was right, the temperament here matched well with the pole, and it was right to make whatever it was.

The people on the boat laughed, and Liu Ligan cursed: "Zhang Chen, are you mistaken? You were the first to provide convenience to hungry men and women. It was your garden and the metasequoia forest behind it."

Zhang Chen thought, yes, and couldn't help but laugh.

Chen Qihang looked at the construction sites on both sides of the river and asked Liu Ligan, "Pangzi, do all the houses on both sides of the river belong to you?"

Liu Ligan said yes, Qihang, if you spit on both sides of the river, you will spit on my land.

Chen Qihang smiled and said, "If I spit out a few more times, the boss won't fine me, right?"

Meng Ping cursed, "Do you see, this is a perfect combination. Look at the beautiful landscapes on both sides of the river. This is the innate good heart of the pole, but what is behind the good heart is the naked pursuit of profit."

When Meng Ping said this, everyone thought it was true.

Lao Tan said it fairly, but if it can objectively benefit the general public, it is still good. This is probably why the government supports this project. This is much better than naked plunder.

"Only gangsters and gangsters engage in naked plunder, which is plundering. Businessmen use their brains to plunder." Meng Ping said, "Do you know who built Nanjing Road in Shanghai?"

"It should be Hartong." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, it's Hartung." Meng Ping said, "When Nanjing Road was first built, it was a very remote road with few people. What did Hartung think of? He paved the entire road with sandalwood. , Think about it, isn’t this strange? Everyone ran there, and the popularity of this road increased. This is a clever trick.

"It's what Lao Tan said, objectively benefiting the citizens, right? Without a business wizard like Hartung, how could there be Nanjing Road? Without Nanjing Road, how much inferior Shanghai would be? So I think there is no shame in taking advantage of others and taking advantage of others. That’s what’s annoying.”

"In this way, we are also taking advantage of others." Chen Qihang said, "We are taking advantage of people's greedy mentality to make gains."

Liu Ligan felt that what Chen Qihang said was wrong. He believed that people who gamble are not necessarily greedy. For example, he and Meng Ping are not greedy at least, but why, they will be attracted to that thing soon. There should be something more important than greed. Something more complex.

But this topic is difficult for Liu Ligan to discuss.

The two boats circled back to the dock of Genshan Power Plant, and everyone got ashore. Yao Fen and Zhao Xin had already turned on the lights of the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery". Yao Fen was waiting for them at the door. When they arrived, Zhang Chen saw inside There are still a few people visiting.

Yao Fen quickly explained to Zhang Chen. She said that the door was open and people walking nearby wanted to come in and take a look, so she let them in.

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes.

When everyone went in, Yao Fen led them all the way and explained that in some places, especially the interpretation of a certain work itself, she felt that she was not thorough enough, so she looked at Zhang Chen for help, and Zhang Chen took it. Explaining to them.

Lao Tan exclaimed, "Looking at the exhibition this way, there is still something to gain. It turns out that in these paintings, the tables are not evenly placed, and the houses are all crooked. It turns out that their unevenness and crookedness all make sense."

Yao Fen smiled and said, I couldn't explain some of the painting principles clearly, but Mr. Zhang made it clear once he explained it.

After looking at the upstairs and downstairs, I went to see Zhang Chen's vault. Lao Tan said, it seems that the vault is still too small. According to the rate at which your collection is increasing, it will not be enough by next year.

Zhang Chen smiled and said that the number of additions next year will not be so large. Now that the museum has just opened, it is inevitable to pursue the quantity of collections. By next year, what will be pursued is quality.

"That's right, Zhang Chen, you have to raise the threshold of your oil painting gallery." Chen Qihang said, "Let everyone feel that it is an honor to be collected by your oil painting gallery. It is not you who buy their works. Many times, it is them. I want to send you works, but you don’t want them.”

Zhang Chen nodded, feeling that what Chen Qihang said made sense.

He Hongmei also said, just like those actors, you see them paying appearance fees for any event they attend. But have you ever heard that there are appearance fees for attending the Cannes Film Festival and Oscar Awards? I'm afraid it's the opposite. Let them If you pay to participate, they will fight for it, but even if you pay, they may not let you participate.

The next day, Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan visited Zhang Chen's dynamic zone and the specialty store on Yan'an Road. When they came to see the specialty store, it was different from when it opened. The business premises had doubled, and they went to Sanbao Factory again. Looking inside, it was very different from what they saw the last time they came here. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan were very happy for Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao.

Chen Qihang and Zhang Chen said that when they were in Macau, they heard what the pole told you about the situation here, and they wanted to come and have a look. After visiting, it was great to see that you were doing better than we imagined.

After lunch, they went for a run around several of Liu Ligan's projects, and the whole afternoon passed.

In the evening, He Hongmei flew back to Beijing. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan were also pressed for time. A large group of them simply went to Nanjing overnight. Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, and Liu Ligan also accompanied them.

In Nanjing, everyone saw the projects of Meng Ping and Qian Fang. In the evening, Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan were about to fly to Zhuhai and transit back to Macau from Zhuhai. They said that time was really tight.

Everyone else understood it very well. Liu Ligan asked Chen Qihang, are these three days the best time to go to your casino to cheat? The boss and the gold dealer are not here?

Chen Qihang smiled and said, do you want to go?

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping laughed, both a little embarrassed.

Chen Qihang quietly said to Liu Ligan, you are gone. I have been paying close attention to the entry and exit records. Fortunately, I did not find you and Lao Meng.

After it passed, Liu Ligan said, it turned out that there were several deer jostling in his heart, but now these deer are gone.

Chen Qihang laughed and said, it would be fine if there was no more.

Meng Ping asked with a smile, "Qihang, if the people who got rich first in mainland China are like us, will you close your doors?"

"I'm not afraid if it's closed." Chen Qihang said with a smile, "Can't I still work at your place if it's closed?"

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Big Fat 1979, Book Friends 20180621093322406, Eavesdropping on Yin and Yang, Book Friends 20190104201758318, Purple Ladies, and Sample Thieves for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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