The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 933 The oil painting studio is getting fatter and fatter

Taking letters from professors in Zhejiang and the United States, Yao Fen traveled around the country for a month and recovered more than 200 pieces of works, including paintings by students from the National Academy of Art and Wu Guanzhong and his group of students studying in France, as well as Paintings by Gao Jianfu, Guan Zilan, Wang Shikuo and Wei Tianlin who studied in Japan during this period, Feng Gangbai who studied in Mexico, Li Tiefu and Li Yishi who studied in England are all included.

Half of them were donated free of charge by the old gentlemen Yao Fen visited, in order to show their support for Zhang Chen and others in establishing a professional oil painting studio. These old gentlemen were actually holding a breath in their hearts. This group of people returned to China. After that, those who, like Xu Beihong and Liu Haisu, switched to traditional Chinese painting and still insisted on painting oil paintings, were in a very bad situation.

Even those who still insist on it, the entire oil painting world is controlled by those who later learned from the Soviet Union. Their entire generation has been buried in the soil as Wu Guanzhong said. It was not until the early 1990s that they came to the world. Excavations began one after another, and Wu Guanzhong himself claimed that he was an unearthed cultural relic.

There is such an oil painting studio that pays special tribute to them. These old gentlemen all feel that they have a responsibility to provide strong support, so they sold half of their works and gave the other half to Zhang Chen and others.

In addition, at that time in China, the market for traditional Chinese paintings had already risen, but almost no one paid attention to oil paintings. A few people like Pan Yuliang and others were hot topics first, and then their works. There were also artists like Liu Haisu, Wu Guanzhong, and Lin Fengmian. One reason is that the market for ink paintings is good, which also affects their oil paintings.

Yao Fen had seen how Zhang Chen negotiated prices in Shanghai. She said to Zhang Chen, boss, you should still stay in Hangzhou and stop taking action. If you are not here, I can still negotiate for my own travel expenses. But if you are here, there is basically no chance. .

Zhang Chen laughed and simply let it go. However, he told Yao Fen that if you meet an old man who has a difficult life, even if he is eager to sell his work, you should raise the price a little higher.

Yao Fen said okay, I know what to do, boss.

Every time Yao Fen came back from overseas, Zhang Chen would go to the airport to pick her up. He was eager to see what good things she brought back, and every time, Yao Fen did not disappoint him.

Especially when Yao Fen brought back a portrait of a musician, Zhang Chen was shocked. He had a picture of this portrait when he was a child and copied it several times. He always thought it was by Rembrandt. Unexpectedly, it belonged to Li Tiefu.

After reading all the works of that group of people, Zhang Chen had a strong feeling, that is, those Chinese oil painters are not inferior to them at all compared to the painters of the same period from other countries around the world, and these few in the art world are not inferior to them at all. There has been a lot of talk about modernity in the past few years, but in fact, in terms of works, whether it is concepts or expression techniques, they are actually out of date compared to the group of people a few decades ago.

This is probably why Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong can still lead the trend when they come out again, and their voices can still make people feel avant-garde, even harsh.

With a total of more than 300 works, Zhang Chen felt a sense of satisfaction. He felt that the most important part of the entire history of Chinese oil painting was here. If all these works were displayed, he thought he would cry when he saw them.

Zhao Xin also came back. Zhang Chen gathered all the materials they brought back together. He first selected teachers from each school, made a list, and told them, the ones on this list are the ones we want to buy, and you go do the work.

Yao Fen said that these people from Sichuan and the United States basically hang out in a cafe called Baiye. That cafe is opened by a female poet. The female poet is very close to Teacher He on the list.

Zhang Chen said yes, I am not interested in these, I only want works.

Then spread the photos of all the students' works on the conference table. Zhang Chen wanted to test them and told them to select ten people from this.

Zhao Xin and Yao Fen made the selections. Zhang Chen looked at them and found that they were quite satisfied. At least they were not too outrageous. He also picked ten. The three of them gathered together and after deleting the selections, Zhang Chen said, Okay, it’s them. .

Zhao Xin and Yao Fen looked at him, wondering what he said.

Zhang Chen then told them his thoughts. He said that he planned to select ten students from all over the country every year and support them with 2,000 yuan in living expenses each month...

"With such a good thing, wouldn't they become rich?" Zhao Xin shouted.

Zhang Chen nodded and said with a smile, only by allowing them to have a stable life can they create better. Our funding requirements are that each person provides us with two works every year. We will also give rewards to good works.

Zhao Xin and Yao Fen nodded, and Zhang Chen continued to tell them that this year, we will only select from these people. Next year, we will expand the scope to include students from all schools across the country.

At the same time, five places are provided to the whole society. That is, even if you are not a student of any school, as long as you apply yourself and submit your work, we think it is good after reading it, and we will also provide funding. The purpose is to bring the whole country to All the masters of oil painting are gathered around our oil painting studio. Only in this way can we be called an oil painting studio.

"Great, that is to say, as long as you draw well, you can have enough food and clothing?" Yao Fen said.

Zhang Chen is right, because our school still has a certain threshold. There are many talented oil painting enthusiasts who will be blocked from the school by cultural examinations. Those who study painting are asked to take exams in foreign languages, politics and mathematics. , is a joke in itself. If you take the exam like this, probably most of the people in the history of art in the world will not be able to pass the exam.

"Da Vinci can pass the exam, he is good at math." Zhao Xin came from the school, so of course he is on the school's side.

Yao Fen said: "There is still no chance. He still has to take the politics and foreign language exams, and he still can't pass the score line."

While Zhang Chen and the others were collecting works, Lao Tan was also in full swing on the renovation of the entire building and the construction of the vault. Lao Tan suggested to Zhang Chen to double the area of ​​the vault. If only the original If it was more than 100 square meters, he felt it was too small. If he wanted to expand in the future, it would be better to do it now. Zhang Chen agreed.

The original glass house was specially used as a studio for He Hongmei. It was more than 500 square meters, which was more than enough. However, if it was used as an art gallery, it would be a little smaller. Taking advantage of this renovation, Lao Tan took advantage of the entire house. The area has been expanded by more than two hundred square meters. In this way, the area of ​​the exhibition hall has been greatly expanded. The upper and lower floors add up to nearly a thousand square meters.

All of this exceeded Zhang Chen's original imagination, and Zhang Chen felt that he was trapped in the embarrassment of fishing by himself. First he had the idea of ​​an art museum, and then he recruited people, but immediately he didn't have enough people, and now he doesn't even have enough houses.

Including investment. Originally, he was planning to take a small amount of capital, but as a result, the capital investment became larger and larger. Fortunately, compared with his income, it had no impact.

When he was alone, Zhang Chen would sometimes wonder if he had made the wrong step. But at this time, there was no turning back when he fired his bow. Even if he made a mistake, he could only make the mistake.

Xiao Zhao was watching from the side, but she was a little worried, but she had no way to stop it. She could only remind Zhang Chen half-jokingly and half-seriously, dear, why do I feel that you are now a professional in exhibition halls instead of As a business owner, how long has it been since you went to a factory?

Xiao Zhao's words made Zhang Chen's heart tremble. He felt that Xiao Zhao was right. Not only had he not been to the factory for a long time, but he also spent less time going to the design center next door.

Fortunately, there is Zhao Zhigang in the factory, Ge Ling in the design center, and Xiaojuan in the store, so I don't need to worry too much.

Zhang Chen didn't know if he was losing his ambition by playing with things like this, but he felt that it was a pity not to build a suitable exhibition place for them when half of his office was filled with good things.

Zhang Chen told Liu Ligan his thoughts, and Liu Ligan said, "It's okay. This is just a process. I have experienced this kind of experience too much. Every time I start a new project, I will have this process."

It's like a pair of parents. If you have only one child, of course all your attention will be on him alone. If there are seven or eight, you have to let them be in a semi-free state. Otherwise, how can you be busy? come over?

But it’s okay. It will be fine when the children grow up. Every project of mine is complicated at the beginning. Once the earthwork is excavated, it becomes simple. The same goes for you. Just be busy for a while and wait for your art museum to open. After that, the two little girls have been tempered enough to be able to run the library, and you will be relaxed.

Zhang Chen thought it made sense, but felt that it was not entirely the case. He didn't seem to have spent so much energy on M-Zone.

"Are you stupid? M-Zone. You have Hagen. He knows the market better than you. You don't have to take care of anything. He takes care of everything. If the rent hadn't been put into your account, I wouldn't have done it. I thought, this market is not yours, how many times do you go to the market? Do you know how many times Hagen has to patrol the market every day?"

Liu Ligan cursed, and Zhang Chen also laughed. He felt that it was true. Even in his mind, he seemed to have forgotten the dynamic. He never felt that there was anything else he needed in the market under his feet. To worry about.

Liu Ligan said: "This art museum is different. You have to come up with all the ideas. Others want to help, but they can't. You have to organize the museum, find collections, and bring people. Of course you are busy."

Zhang Chen nodded, feeling that it made sense.

Liu Ligan said proudly: "As I am now, it is better. I think it will be no problem for me to do ten more projects. Tan Shuzhen is in charge internally, and Lao Tan, Lao Wan and Ying Ying are in charge externally. I feel that I am in a good position." The company is just superfluous.”

Zhang Chen thought of something and cursed: "Damn you, you poached all your people from me, causing me to have a serious manpower shortage."

Liu Ligan laughed and said, you should feel honored. Although the Whampoa Military Academy is gone, but speaking of it, who doesn't give it a thumbs up? Come on, I will give you two thumbs up too.

"Fuck you." Zhang Chen cursed.

After all, we have to continue to do it. Zhang Chen’s art museum must be ready before the end of October, because November 12 has been determined to be the opening day of their “Riverside Oil Painting Gallery”. It is also the day when they and Zhejiang On the day when the joint exhibition "Art in the War - National Art College and Them" was launched at the American Art Museum, this "them" includes the generation who did not attend the National Art College.

The reason why I chose November 12 is because fifty-nine years ago, on November 12, 1937, students from the National Art College, led by the principal Lin Fengmian, said goodbye to West Lake and set foot on the West Lake. Their long journey to the southwest gave this suffering country a chance to preserve an artistic seed.

This exhibition is very large in scale and is one of the major cultural events in Hangzhou this year. Even painters Zao Wou-Ki and Chu Teh-Chun living overseas will be invited to participate.

Thank you Wu Yehuan, Wawa Tin Soldier, and Ri Ri Fanshu for your rewards! Thank you Wuyehuan, Ziyixiaoyong, a have a safe journey, zpengyong1, humor tribe, Chuanlin, the most powerful blade of the country, book friend 20190923005429143, it is not an impossible world, cup guy Api, Lao Chentang, I am a fat man with potential stocks , demo thief, and monthly pass for Yuji! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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