The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 931 Li Jinfa, whom few people know

Zhang Chen and the others returned to Hangzhou. When Liu Ligan and Lao Tan heard that Zhang Chen had returned from buying paintings, they all came to Zhang Chen's office to take a look. Lao Tan looked at the pile of things and said, I don't understand this kind of painting, but It seems to me that the paintings are all messy, the table is not even, and the house is crooked. Are they not as good as our effect paintings?

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Old Tan, you understand now. They just want to paint in a messy way. If they don't paint in a messy way, they are not painters."

Lao Tan shook his head and said, no matter what, let alone asking me to take 1.8 million yuan, even if it is 1,800 yuan, I will not buy these things.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, Brother, you don’t know, with this batch of things, my art museum will have its foundation.

Lao Tan said, I don't understand painting, but since it's 1.8 million, you can't put it in that house. The thieves will be worried about you, just a hammer.

Lao Tan's words reminded Zhang Chen that indeed, if these paintings were placed in the glass house, it would be tempting others to smash the glass.

"Old Tan is right. Even if you send security guards 24 hours a day, there won't be enough for one person." Liu Ligan said, "Since this is going to be turned into an art museum, the place still needs to be renovated. First, the glass needs to be replaced. It’s thicker and stronger. Secondly, don’t hang your particularly good treasure there every day. Just hold a treasure exhibition once a year. If you hang it there every day, it won’t be unusual.”

Zhang Chen thought about what they said made sense. At least in terms of safety, the building itself needed to be reinforced, with security guards on duty 24 hours a day, and a monitoring system also needed to be installed. In addition, Zhang Chen remembered, Change He Hongmei's original room into a moisture-proof and constant-temperature safe, just like the one in Haibatian upstairs in Haicheng Wanghai Mall.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Chen felt that this art museum was really not as simple as he had imagined. He thought that just putting two people in would solve the problem.

What they need to do right now is to add frames to these works if they don’t have frames. Even if they originally have frames, they don’t have outer borders. They have to match them. Also, these paintings After all, it is a long time ago. Some of them were limited by the conditions at that time and the materials used, and some of them were preserved later.

Fortunately, the deceased Mr. Qiu was a painter himself. During the preservation process, he used varnish to polish these paintings. The bright colors of the paintings are still retained, but some of them are affected by his living conditions. There are still some cracks due to the restrictions. These need to be cleaned on the surface and repaired and cured with glue.

"I can do this, boss, and I know how to do it. It just takes time. I'll start doing it tomorrow." Yao Fen said to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen agreed.


Liu Ligan screamed when he saw the sculpture of Xiong Bingming that the idiot brought to Zhang Chen's office.

Seeing the leopard again, Liu Ligan picked it up curiously. He saw the name on the base. The handwriting was very sloppy and could not be read clearly. He asked Zhang Chen who it belonged to, and Zhang Chen told him it was Li Jinfa.

"Holy shit! Can Li Jinfa also make sculptures? He's also a versatile artist!" Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen asked him: "Who is Li Jinfa?"

"Do you know Xu Zhimo?" Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen said he knew.

"This Li Jinfa was a poet as famous as Xu Zhimo back then. But now people only know about Xu Zhimo and very few know about Li Jinfa."

While Liu Ligan was talking, he was still staring at the leopard sculpture. After seeing it, he laughed and said, "Zhang Chen, do I know who this sculpture is?"


"Rilke." Liu Ligan said, "Do you know Rilke? Rilke served as Rodin's secretary and wrote a book "On Rodin."

Zhang Chen felt that this was a bit reliable. Sculptors who had been to France all admired Rodin, but, "How are you sure this is Rilke?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Rilke wrote a poem called 'Leopard - In the Paris Zoo': Its eyes were so tired by the endless iron bars that it could not accept anything. It seems that there are only a thousand iron railings/There is no universe behind the thousand iron railings/The strong steps are taking soft steps/The steps are rotating in this extremely small circle..."

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and continued to memorize:

“As if the dance of power revolved around a center/in which a great will dazzled/only sometimes the eyelids lifted silently/—so that an image dipped/through the tense silence of the limbs—/disappeared in the heart.”

Zhang Chen listened to Liu Ligan reciting this poem, and when he looked at the sculpture, he felt that it was right. This sculpture must be Rilke, which is also consistent with Li Jinfa's identity as both a poet and a sculptor.

Zhang Chen and Yao Fen said: "Your next work is to repair the paintings and varnish them here before the museum is renovated. Also, I will ask Brother Tan to send A carpenter comes over and you guide him to match the paintings here and the inside and outside frames. In addition, if you have time, go to Hangzhou Library and Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.

"Most of the authors of these paintings are related to the National Art School. The National Art School's information should be the most complete in Zhejiang and the United States. Find out the basic information about each artist, and then look for the background of these paintings. Information, it would be interesting if each of our paintings could be as specific as the sculpture Mr. Liu mentioned earlier.

"This will also be a capital for you to communicate with people in the art museum in the future."

Yao Fen said yes, and Zhang Chen pointed to the conference table in the office and told her that the cleaning and restoration would be done here. If I have time, I can help. In addition, I can enjoy it every day.

Yao Fen said yes.

Zhang Chen said to Lao Tan again: "Brother, next to the art museum, I want to change the room where He Hongmei used to live into a safe. Also, how to strengthen the house? Help me find someone and let them get out first." It is best to ask people with experience in museum construction to come up with the plan."

Old Tan agreed, "By the way, the people who built the glass house outside the original old house on the first floor of 'Splendid Jiangnan' are what they do. I'll ask them to come up with a plan."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, yes, how could I forget them.

The framing, repairing, and glazing of the paintings bought from Shanghai started immediately. Not only Zhang Chen, but also Ge ​​Ling and the designers from the design center came over to help every day. They said that this was a good opportunity for exchange. Change your brain.

These people used to know how to draw themselves. Although they did not learn oil painting, they knew a thing or two. As soon as Yao Fen gave him some guidance, they immediately knew what to do.

The second-hand guy was helping the carpenter fix the frame. The second-hand guy said, "Fuck me, I can do this job. The main thing is the diagonals. My marble and ceramic tiles are perfectly aligned diagonally, but I can't do this wood and plaster?"

Zhang Chen said, yes, I forgot about your old profession.

The paintings were framed, repaired, and wrapped in newspapers. They were placed at the foot of Zhang Chen's office, occupying a large area of ​​the boss's space. Zhang Chen looked at them with joy in his heart.

I studied painting when I was a child, and the names of these people are very familiar to me. I can only be lucky at most. I have seen their paintings from "Art" magazine, etc. I didn't expect that I actually own them today.

Yao Fen's information collection work also went smoothly. Zhang Chen was shocked when he saw Li Jinfa's information. This person's experience was legendary, and he had never heard of it before.

Liu Ligan is right. This Li Jinfa is Li Jinfa, a poet as famous as Xu Zhimo during the Republic of China. But he is not only a poet. In terms of academics, he is higher than Xu Zhimo, a half-hearted Cambridge student. A big chunk.

Li Jinfa arrived in Marseille, France, on the same boat as Lin Fengmian, Li Lisan, Xu Teli, and W Ruofei. In France, he studied at the École Imperiale des Beaux-Arts, the highest art school in France, and was an alumnus of Xu Beihong. In France, two sculptures have been selected for the Paris Spring Art Exhibition. This is the first time that a Chinese work has been selected for the Paris Art Exhibition.

After returning from France, Li Jinfa served as a professor in the Sculpture Department of the National Art College. Later, he accepted Sun Ke's invitation and left the National Art College to serve as the dean of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Guangzhou.

Zhang Chen knew why Li Jinfa almost disappeared from the mainland and was rarely mentioned. Xu Zhimo was far less famous than Xu Zhimo. Xu Zhimo died in 1949, and Li Jinfa, because he later served as the National Government's ambassador to Iran. Ambassador, 1949 years ago, he retired from politics and went to the United States.

When Yao Fen went to Zhejiang and the United States, he not only found a lot of information about the National Art College, but also attracted several students from the old National Art College who were still alive. They are now professors in Zhejiang and the United States. They heard that Zhang Chen had such a thing here. When the paintings were being approved, everyone came over specially to see them.

They suggested that after Zhang Chen’s art museum is completed, they can hold a joint exhibition with art museums in Zhejiang and the United States. The theme is to commemorate the National Academy of Art. Mr. Zhang, your collection here is substantial enough. Many of them are impressed in our memory. , but it’s really gratifying that all the works that I thought I would never see in this life are here with you.

Zhang Chen was very interested in their suggestions and agreed immediately.

These professors were very moved when they learned that Zhang Chen was interested in collecting domestic oil paintings. They said, it is a pity that there are too few entrepreneurs like you in China, and no one is interested in oil paintings at all. They feel that our domestic oil paintings started late and are greatly affected. It is not necessarily true that they lag behind foreign countries. Chu Teh-Chun and Zao Wou-Ki are now world-famous, but haven’t they laid the foundation for domestic work?

Back then, they were not considered the best in the art college. A professor said.

The professor also introduced to Zhang Chen whose works and whose works, and told Zhang Chen that if you are interested, you can collect them, otherwise they will be taken away by those Hong Kong and Taiwanese people. It is also a pity that most of the good works of our old principal Lin Fengmian were taken away by a man named Zhang Wuchang from Hong Kong. It is also a pity.

They also personally wrote a recommendation letter to Zhang Chen. In the letter, they said that what Zhang Chen was doing now was of great merit and they hoped that old friends and classmates would support him.

Zhang Chen thanked them again and again, and asked Yao Fen to take these letters and set off immediately. Zhang Chen and Yao Fen said, "I thought it was just collection. After listening to these old people's words, I think what we are doing now is rescue." Collect, otherwise really, these good things will go overseas.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you to Humor Tribe, Guilty Orchid Finger, Li Ruijin, and Kundera for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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