The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 919 Singing lingers in the mountains

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen went into the mountains from Xiaowu's village. The mountains in western Zhejiang are full of lush plants. Especially now in early July, it is the time when all the plants are luxuriant. Whether it is a hillside or a valley, there are all There are masson pine, whitebark pine and fir trees. Below, there are thorn bushes as tall as a person, as well as clumps of wild bamboo, or a whole piece of Ruo leaves.

Under the bushes, there is a thick layer of pine needles, which are dried pine needles that have fallen from the pine trees. Under the pine needles, there is moss. If a person walks on it, he will slip if he is not careful, and then he will fall. Get out.

In the past few years, every household used pots and stoves to cook. All the pine hair on the mountains was stripped away, and the shrubs were cut down for firewood. Children in the town like Zhang Chen and others also had to cook on Sundays. Go to the nearby mountains to chop wood and loosen the wool.

In mountain villages far away from the town, like here, the firewood and pine wool silk on the mountain are the livelihood of the family. They will carry loads of firewood and pine wool silk, cross the ferry, and go to the town to sell, or A boatload, loaded to a farther place.

Although they are located in a remote place, they cannot escape people's attention and cannot stay in the mountains for a long time.

In recent years, everyone has begun to use gas stoves or briquette stoves to cook, and the pots and stoves at home have been dismantled, and the mountains have become lush again, with shrubs and pine hair covering every corner of the mountains.

In the bushes, there are acorns, oak trees that never grow tall, Jiangnan alder, wolfberry, shameless wolfberry, bermudagrass, etc., especially the golden cherry tree covered with thorns, the eleuthero, and a The thorns, which the locals call diamond thorns, are so densely packed that if you are not careful, you will prick your body and hands and bleed.

In such a mountain, if there is no road, it will be difficult for you to move forward. This is probably the reason why tens of thousands of people searching the mountain can't find any trace of Xiao Wu. Even the teams searching the mountain are all along the mountain. He walked along the winding path, searching the bushes on both sides with his eyes, but for someone like Xiao Wu, who grew up in the mountains and forests, it was easy to hide.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen walked forward along a mountain road. Zhang Chen took a compass and a sketchbook and kept drawing, remembering the general direction in which they came. Otherwise, these mountains that stretch for hundreds of kilometers will not be easy for you. It's easy to get in, but hard to find out.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said, Zhang Chen, why do I feel that Xiao Wu is still around here? He has not gone far.

After Tan Shuzhen finished speaking, she shouted loudly, "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu."

The mountains echoed Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu.

Zhang Chen took out a large stack of paper from his bag and told Tan Shuzhen that in ten minutes, he would insert a piece of paper on the branches and shrubs on the roadside.

Tan Shuzhen took it and looked at it. It read: "Xiao Wu, we are looking for you. 317/209."

317 is Zhang Chen’s original room in Wu Opera Troupe, and 209 is Tan Shuzhen’s original room. No one else will know, but if Xiao Wu sees it, he will know what these two numbers mean.

"Will this be useful?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"It's useful." Zhang Chen said, "It must be easier for Xiao Wu to find us now than for us to find him. First, he is familiar with this place, but we are not; second, if he doesn't know that we are looking for him, he may be far away. When we see a figure coming from a distance, we will run away. When we get closer, we don’t know where he has gone. How can we find him.

"If he sees this note and knows that we are looking for him, I think if he sees someone coming again, he will hide and observe to see if it is us."

Tan Shuzhen nodded, feeling that what Zhang Chen said made sense. She looked back at the piece of paper she had just left on the pine branch. The white paper was very eye-catching in this mountain. It could be seen from a long distance. If it was Xiao Wu When he sees it, he will definitely come closer to see what it is.

Because the two of them were going up the mountain, even though it was already summer, they were still wearing black long-sleeved T-shirts. Tan Shuzhen thought about it and stopped. Zhang Chen saw her stop and also stopped.

Tan Shuzhen looked around, and then said to Zhang Chen, "Zhang Chen, please turn around. I didn't yell, so don't turn around."

"What for?" Zhang Chen asked, "You want to pee?"

"Fuck you, let me change."

Zhang Chen said yes and turned around.

Tan Shuzhen took out a bright red T-shirt from her bag, looked around to see if there was no one around, then stood on the mountain road, took off her black T-shirt and put on a bright red T-shirt.

Tan Shuzhen agreed, Zhang Chen turned around, looked at the T-shirt on Tan Shuzhen, and understood.

Tan Shuzhen asked: "Would it be easier for Xiao Wu to see us this way?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

He told Tan Shuzhen to sit down and take a rest first.

Tan Shuzhen shouted, "You have just walked for a while, do you want to rest?"

Zhang Chen said: "It's still a long time. Believe me, when walking on mountain roads, don't push yourself until you are exhausted before resting. That way your physical strength will never be replenished. Stand up and take two steps, and you will immediately feel tired again." If you are going to fall down, you must rest for a while when you feel a little tired to replenish your strength before walking. In this way, you will not feel tired after walking for a whole day."

"Really or not, Zhang Chen, where did you learn this?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I figured it out myself."

"Okay, I believe you."

Zhang Chen sat down. In fact, he had a more important thing to do. He took the stack of paper, picked up the pen, and added the word "red" after 209 one by one. In this way, when Xiao Wu saw it, he would He pays great attention to people wearing red clothes and avoids other people when he sees them.

Although Lao Tie told them that the teams searching the mountain have been withdrawn, because experts assessed that after such a large-scale search, Xiao Wu would definitely not stay around here, so they are now focusing on various intersections. Inquiry.

But Zhang Chen was still a little worried. Maybe there were still people and teams who would stay in the mountain. Others deliberately stopped searching the mountain to relax Xiao Wu's vigilance.

Zhang Chen felt that if he were the commander, he would definitely command like this. He would even leave people lurking in the mountains when the large troops retreated. Lao Tie was just the chief of a police station in a town. How could he know about the headquarters above? deployment, so Zhang Chen had to be careful.

Ever since they entered the mountain, Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen had not hoped that someone else would catch Xiao Wu instead of finding him themselves, because in that case, even if Xiao Wu was not injured, it would not count as surrendering, and there would be no chance of a reduced sentence. .

The purpose of their coming was to convince Xiao Wu to seize the only opportunity that might allow him to save his life.

After Zhang Chen finished writing, the two of them got up and continued walking, shouting as they walked. Zhang Chen shouted for a while, and Tan Shuzhen shouted for a while. After shouting for a while, Tan Shuzhen shouted, "I can't do it anymore," and my throat was broken.

"No way, Tan Shuzhen, you can sing for several hours without getting tired on stage, but now your voice can't stand it after shouting for so long?" Zhang Chen shouted.

"What do you know? The places and methods of making sounds are different."

Zhang Chen had an idea and shouted, "Then just sing. When Xiao Wu hears it, he will know it's you."

Tan Shuzhen suddenly realized that she quickly stopped shouting and started singing Wu opera.

Tan Shuzhen's singing lingered in the mountains, and Zhang Chen felt that it spread farther than her shouts.

The two walked for a whole day. Tan Shuzhen sang intermittently for a whole day. When Tan Shuzhen stopped, Zhang Chen shouted loudly, Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu. After shouting for a while, he changed it to, Xiao Wu, I am Zhang Chen.

They didn't see a single person all day long. There were very few people in this area of ​​the mountain. The people walking around in the mountain were basically forest rangers, lumberjacks, and herb farmers who went into the mountain to collect medicine. There were still many mountain roads in the mountain. It can be vaguely argued that it was not completely submerged by weeds, mainly because of their existence.

Now, before Xiao Wu was caught, they all received the notice and evacuated the mountain, abandoning the entire mountain here.

In the evening, Zhang Chen and the others reached the top of a mountain. This top was just one of the countless mountain tops around. The setting sun dyed the entire top of the mountain red. Looking down, one could see that the Fuchun River at the foot of the mountain was also dyed red by the setting sun. , glowing with golden light.

There is a patch of short golden pine trees on the top of the mountain. Between the trunks of several golden pine trees, there is a lookout shelter built by a forest ranger. It faces the sky on all sides and the roof of the shed is covered with pine branches.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said, let's stay here at night, and Tan Shuzhen agreed.

Zhang Chen took out his telescope and looked around the mountains. Tan Shuzhen stood in the observation shed and started singing. However, the wind on the top of the mountain was howling. Tan Shuzhen originally thought that standing at this high place, the singing would spread farther, but Unexpectedly, the singing was immediately blown away by the wind.

Tan Shuzhen was annoyed and sang louder, but the wind was merciless and blew her singing to the top of the tree before it had gone very far. Tan Shuzhen's singing turned into a sob, and she shouted: "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu Wu, where are you? Come out quickly, Xiao Wu..."

Zhang Chen sighed. He took a bottle of water and handed it to Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen took it and said to him, "Zhang Chen, we have been searching for a day and still haven't found Xiao Wu. We can't find him."

Zhang Chen said, don’t worry, we will definitely find him. If we can’t find him in one day, we will search for ten days. If we can’t find him in ten days, we will search for a month. If we can’t find him in one month, we will search for a year. We will definitely find him. .

Tan Shuzhen nodded, and she sat down like Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen held up the telescope, his eyes were sore, and he found nothing. He put the telescope down, and the two of them sat there blankly, looking into the distance.

The wind on the top of the mountain was blowing loudly. When they didn't speak, the wind erased them bit by bit, as if they didn't exist in this space at all. When they spoke, they separated themselves from the silence, Salvaged.

"Zhang Chen, tell me, what should we do next after we find Xiao Wu?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"First persuade him to surrender, and then I will find him the best lawyer in the country. I must find a way to save his life, and then we will find a relationship." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said, Zhang Chen, it's great to have you here. With you here, I don't seem to be so panicked.

Zhang Chen smiled without saying anything.

They sat there, the wind was blowing, the trees were swaying, and the sun was taking away the sunlight from the earth little by little. The top of the mountain was still orange, but the foot of the mountain below was already immersed in the shadow of the mountain.

They saw that the Fuchun River was now like a white line, sandwiched between two mountains, silent and flowing quietly. The river water without any glimmering spots seemed to have suddenly lost its noise, and became quiet and a little melancholy.

The sun will set soon, and darkness will fill every mountain col in front of them, fill all around them, and will definitely fill all around Xiao Wu.

They don't know whether the dark night will bring peace to Xiao Wu, but they know that even if the dark night comes, they will still not be at peace.

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