The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 917 Remembering the Warring States story

Although she knew there would be no reply, Tan Shuzhen still detained Xiao Wu again. Tan Shuzhen was so anxious that she almost cried. She said, this Xiao Wu refused to tell us anything and didn't know what happened. It was really disappointing. People are anxious to death.

Zhang Chen sighed and said, "Tan Shuzhen, why are you so stupid? Xiao Wu is protecting us. What would we do if he told us? If he told us something yesterday, he would run away. Tan Shuzhen, What did you say you would do?"

Tan Shuzhen thought for a moment, sighed and said, I will help him escape.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said, I can do it too. I will give him money and let him run. Xiao Wu also knew that we would do this, so he didn't say a word to us.

Zhang Chen thought of last night. After Xiao Wu walked away, he called him. Xiao Wu turned around and bowed to them.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said: "Xiao Wu came to say goodbye to us last night."

Tan Shuzhen was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Yesterday, they thought Xiao Wu's behavior was strange, but now that they thought about it, it was not strange at all. When Xiao Wu called Zhang Chen, they knew that he was in a very dangerous situation and he wanted to say goodbye to them.

The sky outside gradually began to darken. Neither of them turned on the lights and just sat in the darkness. They couldn't imagine, Xiao Wu, what happened, and they didn't know who to ask.

Zhang Chen thought of Xu Wenhui and asked him to find their reporter in charge of political and legal affairs to find out why the police wanted to find Xiao Wu.

"It's better not to do it." Tan Shuzhen said, "When the police left in front, they told us not to tell others about Xiao Wu. Xu Wenhui knows Xiao Wu. If you ask him to inquire, he will definitely ask you what happened to Xiao Wu. Yes, what do you say?"

Zhang Chen thought about it and it made sense.

"By the way, Zhang Chen, you can either ask Lao Gui. Xiao Wu's relationship is still with the troupe, and he is still a member of the troupe. If something happens to him, will the company know about the situation?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Zhang Chen's eyes lit up. It was true. As soon as he mentioned the troupe, the police immediately mentioned the Yongcheng Wu Troupe, which meant that they knew that Xiao Wu was from the Yongcheng Wu Troupe.

Zhang Chen stood up from the sofa. Tan Shuzhen ran to the door and turned on the light. Zhang Chen walked to the desk and sat down. He dialed the number of Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe. The phone rang for a long time and was picked up. Zhang Chen Morning call, hey hey, Laogui.

"Lao Gui is dead." The other party yelled, then hung up the phone with a chuckle.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen knew that it must be a guy who was playing cards in the opposite office, so they ran over to pick him up. When they heard that it was Lao Gui, they hung up the phone. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen didn't recognize who this guy was. .

"Call again and again, and if you get through, say you are Zhang Chen." Tan Shuzhen shouted.

Zhang Chen continued to dial the number of Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe. The phone was connected and kept ringing, but no one answered. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen knew that those guys must have played their cards to the top and were too lazy to pay attention to this. The phone rings.

Zhang Chen put down the phone and asked Tan Shuzhen, how much did Laogui charge? Tan Shuzhen told him that Zhang Chen detained Feng Laogui. After a while, the call came back and it was Laogui.

As soon as the phone call came through, Zhang Chen just said Lao Gui, this is Zhang Chen, and Feng Lao Gui asked: "Zhang Chen, isn't Xiao Wu in Hangzhou? What happened to him?"

When Feng Laogui said this, Zhang Chen was stunned. He couldn't say anything. He asked, "What's wrong with Xiao Wu? I detained him for two days and didn't reply. I was just about to ask you whether he has returned to Yongcheng or to the regiment." inside."

"Hey, he didn't come back. In the morning, Lao Tie came with the police. They searched his room and took his personnel file from me."

"Ah! What happened to Xiao Wu?" Zhang Chen asked.

"How do I know? I asked Lao Tie, but Lao Tie just shook his head with a mysterious look. Before leaving, he quietly told me that something big had happened, a big deal." Feng Laogui said, "Zhang Chen, you In Hangzhou, can you find some connections to find out what happened?"

Zhang Chen said okay, I'll think of a solution here. Lao Gui, if anything happens there, call me right away.

Feng Laogui said yes.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen asked Tan Shuzhen: "Who is Lao Tie?"

"Director of Yongcheng Police Station."

"you know?"

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said, "Do you want me to call and ask him?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, forget it. Neither he nor Lao Gui can tell, which means that the case is still confidential and cannot be leaked. If you ask him, he will know but can't tell.

Tan Shuzhen nodded.

The two of them sat on the sofa in the office until around nine o'clock. Zhang Chen remembered. He walked to the desk and sat down. He opened the drawer and rummaged through it. Tan Shuzhen followed and asked, "What are you doing?" What to look for.

"I'll look for their boss's business card and call him to ask. There's no way he doesn't know what happened to his bodyguard."

"Yeah," Tan Shuzhen nodded quickly.

Zhang Chen found Wang Chao's business card and took a deep breath. Although he hated calling this bastard, he couldn't care less now. He dialed Wang Chao's eldest brother, but the phone was unreachable, and then dialed his office number. , the call went through, but no one answered, so Zhang Chen detained him.

The two of them sat there waiting for a long time, but there was no call back. Zhang Chen sighed and said:

"We can't find him now. Tomorrow morning, we will go directly to their company to find him."

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

Zhang Chen stood up and said to Tan Shuzhen, let's go have a meal.

Tan Shuzhen looked at her watch and said, the store was about to close. She hurried out and sent me to the store first.

Zhang Chen agreed, and the two of them went downstairs and went to the specialty store on Yan'an Road first. They waited for Tan Shuzhen to finish her work before going to have dinner.

The next morning, Tan Shuzhen did not go to the store. She was waiting for Zhang Chen in the company. When Zhang Chen arrived, the two of them drove to the Science and Technology Park on Xixi Road to find Xiaowu and his company.

Xiaowu's company is located together with their factory. They rented a three-story building in the science and technology park. The first and second floors are the factory that produces shock absorbers, and the third floor is their company.

When Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen arrived, they were shocked. They saw that the door of the building was locked and there was a seal on the door. The seal said it was sealed by the Hangzhou City Public Security Bureau. The date and time on it showed that it was sealed yesterday morning.

Zhang Chen drove his car to the gate and stopped. He saw two security guards in the reception room. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said, "Wait for me in the car while I go over and ask the security guards."

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

Zhang Chen walked into the communication room, took out cigarettes, gave one to each of the two security guards, and asked them, why were these seven buildings sealed by the Public Security Bureau? What happened?

Zhang Chen took out a lighter and helped them light it. The two security guards looked at each other and laughed. One of them said, "What's going on?" event.

"Who are you in their company?" asked another.

"Customer." Zhang Chen said.

"Then there's no business. By the way, do they owe you money? Yesterday afternoon, several suppliers came over."

"Ow, you owe me money too." Zhang Chen shouted.

The security guard looked at Zhang Chen with some sympathy and shook his head: "There is nothing we can do. Your money is probably wasted. Their boss was taken away by the Public Security Bureau, and all the workers in the factory ran away in fear. , who else are you going to ask for?"

Zhang Chen was surprised: "The boss was taken away by the police. That is the boss's business. What do the workers have to be afraid of?"

As Zhang Chen spoke, he handed each of them another cigarette. They took it and clamped it to their ears. One of them stretched his head to look outside the communication room, lowered his voice and said to Zhang Chen:

"What's there to be afraid of? People died in that building. If it were you, would you be afraid? You're even afraid of us working the night shift."

"Ah, people died in there, what happened?"

"We don't know what happened. Anyway, someone was killed in their boss's office."

"The boss was killed?"

"The boss was taken away by the police. He committed murder and killed people in the office."

The security guard rolled his eyes at Zhang Chen, blaming him for not being able to figure it out, and then said:

"This boss is probably going to see King Yama soon. Who are you going to ask for this money from? How about going to King Yama to ask him for it? Yesterday, there was a woman who sat there crying for more than an hour. We thought She was the wife of the deceased, so she was so sad, and when she went to ask, she found out that the company owed her money, which was pitiful."

"We are also unlucky." Another security guard said, "Whoever rents this house to us in the future or dares to move there will be extremely unlucky."

Zhang Chen didn't know what they were talking about, or how he left the communication room. As he walked to the car, he felt a chill in his heart.

It's over, it's over, he was thinking in his mind, if something happens to Xiao Wu, it must be related to this. Xiao Wu is Wang Chao's bodyguard. As for Wang Chao, how could he have the ability to kill people? If someone is killed in his office, Xiao Wu will probably die. It's participation.

Zhang Chen returned to the car, his face livid. Tan Shuzhen asked Zhang Chen what was wrong. Zhang Chen kept shaking his head and muttering, It's over, damn Xiao Wu is over, Tan Shuzhen, Xiao Wu is over.

"Zhang Chen, hurry up and tell me what the hell is going on?" Tan Shuzhen became anxious and cursed fiercely.

Zhang Chen stared at her and told Tan Shuzhen what the security guard told him. As he spoke, Zhang Chen's eyes turned red. Tan Shuzhen couldn't help crying when she heard it, and shouted, "What should I do, Zhang Chen?" What do you think we should do now? People are already dead. Is it possible that this matter is still small? Why is Xiao Wu so confused that he would get involved in such a thing?

Zhang Chen's whole head was lying on the steering wheel. After a long time, he raised his head, patted the steering wheel with his hands, and shouted:

"Tan Shuzhen, I'm a bastard, I'm a fucking bastard. When Xiao Wu came to Hangzhou, I should not have let him go anywhere. At that time, the pole also told me that he would remove Xiao Wu from this bastard's company. I even tried to persuade him to stop him when I took him back. Later, I knew that this boss was unreasonable and something might happen to him, but I still didn't care. Tan Shuzhen, I'm a fucking bastard!"

Tan Shuzhen sat there, tears rolling down her eyes. She stared blankly ahead, "Zhang Chen," Tan Shuzhen called out, but Zhang Chen didn't hear it.

"Zhang Chen!" Tan Shuzhen shouted again, and Zhang Chen turned to look at her.

For the first time in such a long time, Tan Shuzhen said Liu Ligan’s name. She said:

"Zhang Chen, do you still remember what Zhuangzi said when we had dinner? Do you still remember that story about the Warring States Period that Zhanzi told? Xiaowu said that his boss was not good to other people, so he was right He is a very good person, Zhang Chen, the pole told that bastard’s Warring States story, do you think this is a fucking crow’s mouth?! We all took it as a joke.”

As Tan Shuzhen spoke, both of them felt cold and eerie in their hearts. This was not a crow's mouth, it was a complete prophecy!

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you BuDeXian for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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