The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 91 My hotel, my Haixiu Road

Zhang Chen went downstairs, walked around the lobby of Wanghai International Hotel, and sat for a while. He felt a sense of pride in his heart. He thought with some pride, next, this will be my world. I'm here to change everything in this building.

It feels so good.

Zhang Chen looked at it intentionally, but did not find Jianqiang in the lobby. If Jianqiang was there, he would be very willing to share it with him, although he himself did not know what he wanted to share. He looked at Mingcan outside the door. Sunshine, Zhang Chen himself couldn't help but laugh. It was daytime now, Jianqiang and Jiajia were still doing homework, how could he see Jianqiang here.

Zhang Chen felt that he might not want to see Jianqiang, but anyone he knew, and Jianqiang was the most likely to appear here.

Zhang Chen suddenly thought of the clerk in the stationery store in Hangzhou when he was in junior high school. He gave himself a sketchbook and a picture folder, and said to himself, I am going to be transferred back to Hangzhou and I will leave here tomorrow. I am very happy. I hope you can share my happiness. After so many years, Zhang Chen only understands today what this happiness is.

I wonder what happened to this clerk after he was transferred back to Hangzhou. I wonder if he will continue to be happy in Hangzhou?

Zhang Chen really wanted to go to the service desk, call Jin Lili, and tell her that I had decided to come to Mr. Fu and renovate Wanghai Tower. After taking one step forward, Zhang Chen took two steps back. Thinking that it would be a bad idea to go to the service desk to make such a call, he turned around and walked out.

Zhang Chen walked out of the door. The bright sunshine carried a heat wave and hit Zhang Chen's face suddenly. Although it was already December, the afternoon sun in Haicheng was still very strong.

Zhang Chen was suddenly exposed to the sun, but he almost laughed. He felt that this city had never been so friendly and so close to him as it was today, and he had truly integrated into it.

Haixiu Road, this will be my Haixiu Road. I walk on this road every day, to and from get off work. My company is in Wenming East and my construction site is on Haixiu Road.

He looked back at the lobby of Wanghai Hotel and said goodbye to it in his heart, as if it would be demolished tomorrow. Zhang Chen saw countless oars gathering one by one to form a tree, spreading towards A vortex formed on the top of the high ceiling, and small waves spread out. This will be... yes, this will be my hotel.

Zhang Chen almost laughed again.

He saw a cigarette shop opposite with a public phone sign, so he passed through the traffic. He first called Liu Ligan and then hung up the phone to Jin Lili.

"What are you doing?" Jin Lili said lazily on the phone.

"I just left Mr. Fu's place," Zhang Chen said.

"What? What are you doing?" Jin Lili immediately became alert, "Zhang Chen, don't be dizzy!"

Zhang Chen tried hard not to laugh. He said, "Oh, I can't help it. I've said it all, and it's too late to regret it now."

"Zhang Chen, what did you say to Mr. Fu? Didn't we agree to tell me first if we have decided? Hey, Zhang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about?" Jin Lili asked anxiously.

"I just told him that I agreed to come here. Oh, should I go back and regret it?" Zhang Chen said.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, Zhang Chen, did you really agree to go to Mr. Fu's company?"

"Yes, I have the company's business license in my bag now, and I probably won't be able to get it back," Zhang Chen said.

"Oh, great! Zhang Chen, you are awesome! I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Jin Lili shouted. Zhang Chen heard Lao Bao on the phone saying: "What are you doing? "

"Go away, I want you to take care of it!" Jin Lili scolded, and then immediately shouted: "Zhang Chen, I am not scolding you, I am scolding Lao Bao."

"I heard it." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Come back tonight and let's celebrate."

"Okay, I'll come back after taking leave." Jin Lili shouted happily and hung up the phone.

As soon as Zhang Chen put down the phone, the phone rang. Zhang Chen quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" Liu Ligan asked on the phone.

"Me, your father!" Zhang Chen scolded.

"Holy shit, where's the phone number? Where did you go?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Across from Wanghai Tower, I just came to tell Mr. Fu that I couldn't decide to come..."

"Zhang Chen, are you really fucking out of your mind? What did we tell you last night and you just couldn't fucking listen? Lily is right. You better go back to Yongcheng, you mother. Not suitable for coming to Hainan..."

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Liu Ligan started to curse loudly. Zhang Chen couldn't help it anymore and burst into laughter.

Hearing Zhang Chen's laughter, Liu Ligan stopped scolding him and said suspiciously: "You fucking lied to me? You didn't go to Mr. Fu to tell you?"

"I was really opposite Wanghai Tower, and I really talked to Mr. Fu, but I promised him to come over." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan also laughed on the phone. He said, "Okay, good deception. I just like being deceived by you like this."

"Go back early in the evening. Let's cook by the stove. I'll go buy groceries and Lily will come back too." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan said yes, and Zhang Chen was about to hang up the phone when Liu Ligan asked, "Are you going back to the Northeast Restaurant yet? I'm nearby. If you want to go back, I'll go there to find you later."

"Okay, come here, I'll go back now."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen looked at the cigarettes on the counter and asked the boss to get him a three-five. He thought about it and said, take two, no, no, let's get three.

The boss gave Zhang Chen three pieces of thirty-five. Zhang Chen asked how much it cost in total, cigarettes and phone?

The boss said three hundred and nine, and there was no charge for phone calls.

Zhang Chen went to Baishamen first and gave each of the three squad leaders a pack of cigarettes. The squad leader asked what good things happened today.

Zhang Chen smiled and said nothing.

He walked around the entire construction site. This project is small and it is not easy to find mistakes. However, Zhang Chen still told several squad leaders to do the work more carefully. After all, people will live here in the future. If the work is not done well, we will I was scolded behind my back every day, my ears were red all day long, and I didn’t know who was scolded.

After leaving Baishamen, Zhang Chen went to the Northeast Restaurant. From the storage box of his motorcycle, he took out a San Wu and the remaining seven packs of cigarettes.

When he arrived at the construction site, Zhang Chen gave each of the five squad leaders a bag of three to five bags, and two bags to give to the workers.

After a while, the idiot wandered back. Zhang Chen gave him a pack of cigarettes. The idiot asked curiously, "What for? Why are you giving me cigarettes for no reason?"

Mr. Tan told Zhang Chen that he would not tell anyone about his departure from the company for the time being. Of course, he could not tell the second-rate guy. Zhang Chen shouted:

"Do you want it? If you don't want me to take it back."

"Of course I do. How could I not want the cigarettes that the instructor gave me?" the second-rate guy shouted.

The second guy put the cigarette under his arm. Before he could walk out of the door, Liu Ligan came. Liu Ligan stared at the cigarette under the second guy's arm and shouted:

"Mom, Sanwu, you're doing well. How about it? Do you want to see me?"

Without being verbose, he opened the outer box of a pack of cigarettes, poured out two packs and stuffed them into his left trouser pocket, then poured out two more packs and stuffed them into his right trouser pocket, and finally poured out another pack and stuffed them into his right trouser pocket. He put it into his shirt pocket and stuffed the remaining five packs of cigarettes, together with the box outside, into Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan walked in and saw Zhang Chen smiling at him. Liu Ligan shook the cigarette in his hand and said proudly: "I'm rich."

"Damn you, I was robbed before I even went out." Zhang Chen scolded.

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment and then smiled: "Okay, just think that I got half of the kickback for you, but this second-rate guy is too easy to be robbed."

Zhang Chen took Liu Ligan to the Dongmen Market and bought a lot of seafood. When he returned home, he saw that Jin Lili had come and was doing homework in the courtyard below. Yilin looked at their hands. He volunteered to wash the things in the fish bowl. Unexpectedly, he washed the seafood as fast as his mother.

"Yilin, why are you so powerful?" Jin Lili asked.

"What's the point? My bad old dad used to fish every day. If he couldn't sell the fish, he would eat it himself. If he couldn't finish it, he would dry it in the sun. I would wash these things every day." Yilin said lightly.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan carried the table in front of their house in Yilin to the yard and said they would eat outside. Liu Ligan put the cassette stove on the table, installed the gas tank, and said to them:

"You all go away, I want to start a fire. If you want to sacrifice, just sacrifice me."

Jin Lili took Yi Lin and walked away a few steps as expected. Zhang Chen stood there and asked, "Have you finished writing your application for joining the party?"

"You write it for me."

"Where is your bankbook? I know the password anyway." Jin Lili shouted.

"It's in my bag, take it yourself." Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan lit the fire with a snap and shouted "Bang!" which really shocked Zhang Chen, Jin Lili and Yi Lin, and Liu Ligan laughed loudly.

Wenwen and Qianqian were lying on the railing upstairs, looking down and giggling.

Jin Lili turned to look at them and called, "Little sister, come down and eat together."

Wenwen and Qianqian were so happy that they ran down in slippers.

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