The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 897 Bitter and Poor

As time went by, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao began to chat about Li Yong and the others. Especially during the long night, when the two of them were sitting on the bed cuddling together, Zhang Chen talked about the scenes he saw there and their little stories. Zhao said, Xiao Zhao said, I didn’t expect that they are all rural areas, and they are different from our hometown.

"Of course it's different. You are suffering, but Li Yong and his family are poor." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao didn't understand and asked: "Is there any difference between this?"

"Of course, it's hard work, but it's not like you don't have enough to eat, and you don't even have socks. Your father works very hard, the coal miners also work very hard, and the sewing workers in our factory also work very hard. Including when we first started making clothing, it was also very difficult, but the pain is that as long as you work hard, there is still hope.

"And being poor means there is no solution at all. No matter how hard you try, it is of no use. You just don't have enough to eat and you just don't have enough clothes to wear. In your hometown, my aunt and the others can have a street in the countryside that is very lively and becomes a market. , this means that the people there still have surplus food and money, otherwise no one will buy it even if you have people selling it.

"In Li Yong's place, what do they call the streets in the countryside? A consignment store, a tofu seller, and occasionally some pork, a shoe repair and umbrella repairer and tooth denture shop, and two powder shops , the main people who go to eat here are truck drivers passing by on the national highway. Other than that, there are no more, and they may not be able to drive.

"Walking on the streets and villages there, people will be very depressed and feel that their life is a sin. You will think, why are we all human beings? You have to live like that, and they have to live like this. I I don’t know what would have happened to me if I had been born there. There is a high probability that I would be one of those people with dull eyes as Li Yong said.

"So I especially understand what Li Yong said to us. Li Yong is like a Don Quixote now, a little extreme. His extremeness comes from his anger, shame, and even competitiveness. That's the kind of thing that I have become. Instead of becoming a winner, we have to become a martyr who falls on the road to victory. This is very painful to watch.”

"How else can we help him?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "I can't help. Maybe Sun Hou can help. I'll go to Beijing again if I have a chance."

Xiao Zhao thought for a while, but still couldn't figure it out. She asked, "How can Sun Hou help him?"

"When we left there, Meng Ping said something, which may be quite right. He said that our sponsorship may have helped Li Yong, or it may have harmed Li Yong."


"Li Yong's place turned out to be a place that no one wanted to go to. It was an inconspicuous corner. Throwing Li Yong there also meant throwing him into that corner and doing whatever you wanted. Anyway, that place was... No matter how bad it is, it can't get much worse.

"But once you have money, things will be different. Everything will change. Everyone will focus on that place. Meng Ping estimates that no one from the secretary of that place was willing to go. Now he probably has to go through some activities before he can go. Although the public notice system currently implemented by Li Yong seems to be very effective, since all regulations are made by people, people can of course modify and abandon them."

"Dear, you mean, just like when we sent money to our families, we originally wanted to help them, but ended up harming them?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes, a bit like it.

"Then what does this have to do with Sun Hou?"

"If I were Li Yong and you were my superior, do you know what you are most afraid of?"

Xiao Zhao thought for a moment and laughed. She said: "I have only been Xiaoli and Xiaomi's superior. I can't imagine that. Every time I go there, I treat them to delicious food. They are not afraid of me, and I am not afraid of them either." Not afraid of them.”

Zhang Chen laughed and finished laughing and said:

"You will be most afraid of someone above Li Yong, and if that person is mysterious and unpredictable, but can determine your future, that would be even more terrifying. Someone above is like giving Li Yong a halo behind him. Who will have the halo? ?No one dares to offend someone with a halo. The most they can do is try every possible means to send him away, and send him off happily with gongs and drums.

"Sun Hou is the person who can make Li Yong have a halo behind him."

Zhang Chen said and sighed: "This can at least ensure Li Yong's safety."

"Safe? Is there anything unsafe about Li Yong?" Xiao Zhao was surprised.

"Of course, Meng Ping is right. If you want to punish a good person, the trick has been the same from ancient times to the present, and that is to make you look bad first. Meng Ping said, maybe someone is already sharpening the knife now, thinking Trouble with Li Yong."

"Ah, that's it, dear, why are people so scary?" Xiao Zhao said.

"You are too naive." Zhang Chen kissed Xiao Zhao and said to her.

"Then I'd rather do that, my dear."

"Yes, everyone hopes for this, but sometimes, life and reality will force you to change, and the person who is hurt the most is often the person who is unwilling to hurt others."

Xiao Zhao thought that Zhang Chen's words were complicated and helpless. She thought that this was probably the reason why he looked a little sad when he came back from Guizhou.

The New Year's Eve of 1996 is February 18th, which is still one month away. At this time of year, the factory is busiest and the workers are most restless. He was living, and he was already thinking about going home.

Some people are worried about whether they can buy Spring Festival train tickets. Although the group tickets have been booked at work, as long as the tickets are not in hand, they are worried about whether there will be temporary changes. If so, they will not be able to go back.

There is anxiety about what to bring home, and anxiety about what will happen after I return home and whether I can come out again.

Thinking about next year, everything seems to be unknown.

Some people want to build a house after returning home, and they cannot come out immediately. There are many more who will be arranged by their families for blind dates or engagements when they return home. Some of them will not be able to come out from now on. For others, when they come out again, their identities will be changed. .

No matter how good the factory is, after the Spring Festival every year, there will always be many people who cannot come back due to various reasons, and many positions will be vacant.

Zhang Chen greeted Zhao Zhigang and told him that 200 workers would come from Guizhou after the holidays and asked him not to recruit too many new workers. Zhao Zhigang agreed.

"Are the workers you are recruiting skilled workers?" Zhao Zhigang asked.

Zhang Chen said no, many of them have never even seen industrial sewing machines.

"What are you recruiting for?"

"This is a political mission."

Zhao Zhigang laughed: "What kind of political tasks can a factory like ours have?"

"Why not? This is the political task I gave you. I want you to not only train them well, but also treat them well. By the way, I forgot to tell you. Many of them can't even understand Mandarin."

"Then what should I do? Even if I arrange for someone to teach me, I still need him to understand what others are teaching him. If he can't even understand the words, how can he teach him? Make gestures? Boss, you are so smart, you can't be more dense than a pin. Show me the hand gestures."

Zhang Chen glared at Zhao Zhigang, who laughed.

Zhang Chen thought about it and realized that this was indeed a headache. He told Zhao Zhigang, "Don't you have a lot of clever ideas? Use your brain."

Zhao Zhigang thought with a sad face. After a while, he asked, did all of them not understand or some people didn't understand?

Zhang Chen said it was part of it.

"The only way is to arrange those who can understand Mandarin and those who cannot understand to sit together, and let the ones who can understand do the translation."

"Yes, I knew you, Zhao Zhigang, had a way." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"I really don't understand." Zhao Zhigang sighed.

"What don't you understand?"

"Our factory has so many skilled workers who can't get in even if they want to. Why are you recruiting people who don't know anything?"

Zhao Zhigang shook his head, and Zhang Chen said: "Didn't I tell you that it is a political task? A political task means that you must carry out what you understand, and you must carry out what you don't understand."

"Okay, okay, I'll carry it out, but I have a request." Zhao Zhigang looked at Zhang Chen and said.

"That's right. We all know how to bargain. What do you want?"

"You need to equip me with a computer." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhang Chen did not expect that Zhao Zhigang would make this request. He said, "Why do you want a computer?"

"I'm typing things. There are too many forms and craft sheets. It's exhausting to write by hand. Besides, my handwriting is too ugly. I'll be laughed at when I take it down."

"What? You can type and use a computer?" At this moment, Zhang Chen was surprised.

Zhao Zhigang said: "What's the point? It's very simple. You can find out just by going to Zheng Huihong's place."

Zhang Chen didn't believe when this computer would become very simple. He walked out and walked to the distribution center. Zhao Zhigang followed him.

Zhang Chen walked into the distribution center and his eyes lit up when he saw Zheng Huihong and the others. He saw that the computer screens in front of them had changed. They used to be black and white, but now they are in color. Originally, the screen was full of The words now have many more patterns, and on some screens, there is a very beautiful painting, a window, floating from the distance to the near.

"What's going on, Zheng Huihong?" Zhang Chen asked.

Zheng Huihong and Zhang Chen said: "This? Didn't the window 95 we ordered arrive? After installing it, it will look like this. It is so convenient. Mr. Zhang, come and try it."

Zhang Chen sat down in Zheng Huihong's seat. Zheng Huihong told him, if you want to make inventory now, just bring up the original form and just click on it. If you want to change the number, you can change it like this. Now, change this again, yes, just change it like this, change each one like this, is it fast? Also, do you see, if the top is changed, the total below will be changed automatically.

Zhang Chen tried, randomly punching in a lot of numbers, and a new inventory sheet came out immediately. This was amazing.

"Ouch!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"What's wrong, Mr. Zhang?"

"I changed all your forms. I wrote these numbers randomly. I didn't remember the original ones." Zhang Chen said.

"It's okay, Mr. Zhang. Look here, there is a save. If you press save, your changes will be saved. Otherwise, just like this, let's close it and open it again. Mr. Zhang, do you see that this is still the same as before? Zhang, you have to press Save to change it. I changed it on yesterday's table, and this is today's, but I also want yesterday's, so I just press Save As, and I have both."

"Really, this is so convenient." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "By the way, what about typing?"

"Learn this, Wangma Wubi calligraphy. If you learn this, you can type."

"Is it difficult to learn this?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's not difficult. You can hit it in half an hour. It's just that it will be a little slower at first, but then it will be very fast."

"How fast?"

"Like us, we can type tens of thousands of words a day without any problem."

"So fast?"


"Okay, Zheng Huihong, go buy me a computer this afternoon, buy one for Xiao Zhao, and buy one for this guy, he's so greedy." Zhang Chen pointed at Zhao Zhigang and said.

"Mr. Zhang, I think..." Zheng Huihong hesitated to speak.

"you say."

“I think the finance department in each locality needs this the most, so that all our financial forms can be unified.”

"Okay, wherever you think they are needed, you can match them up, and you will be responsible for the training."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang."

Thank you for the reward for ranking third from top to reading the book every day! Thank you Jun Weixuan and Shuyou20180621093322406 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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