The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 895 Why don’t you report such a huge good thing?

In the evening, Li Yong and Zhang Chen said that there was no guest house in the village and they would be arranged to live in the homes of fellow villagers. Zhang Chen said that they would live wherever they wanted, so they would make beds on the floor in your room. Ganzi, Xiaowu, I, and we had gone out before. Performing on the floor every day.

Xiao Wu said, I saw there is straw in your yard. If you spread it on the straw, it will be warm and comfortable.

Meng Ping also said: "Yes, you can just borrow some quilts."

"Do you have anything to eat? Get something to eat. I still want to drink your wine. The beautiful scenery will not be the best on a good day. I just drink old wine to brag." Liu Ligan said.

"If you didn't fucking tell me sooner, you could have asked someone to find some. Now, there are only a few pieces of bacon and a bunch of sausages given by others," Li Yong said.

"Okay, okay, just put this in water and boil it until it's done." Liu Ligan said.

After laying the floor, cooking bacon and sausages, and filling half a basin, a group of people sat on the straw on the ground, drinking, eating, and bragging. Meng Ping remembered that the last time so many people gathered together, it was on the beach in Sanya. , Meng Ping said, in fact, there is no difference between this place and the seaside in Sanya. Anyway, we can’t see the sea when we look out.

"It's different. I can already see my cement factory when I look out." Li Yong said with a smile.

"Come on, let's drink to your cement factory!" Zhang Chen suggested, and everyone raised their glasses.

After eating and drinking enough, I turned off the lights and lay down on the straw. I could hear the sound of cars passing by on National Highway 320 and the honking of horns outside. I could also hear the faint sound of car motors in the distance, making a dull effort. roar.

Zhang Chen asked Li Yong: "What is the sound?"

Li Yong said: "The sound of the car turning twenty-four turns."

"Holy shit, can you hear it from this far away?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Okay, isn't this a canyon? It's like a trumpet spreading out." Li Yong said.

Zhang Chen remembered that when he was a child, there were no telephones at that time. There was a clock in Yongcheng Hospital. When there were emergency patients in the middle of the night, the bell would be rung. The bell could be heard throughout the city, no matter where he lived in Yongcheng. Doctors and nurses, when they hear the bell, know that there is emergency, they will get up from the bed and rush to the hospital.

I heard people say that the sound of the bell is very particular. When the bell sounds, the people in their hospital will know what department the patient is.

Now, the bell no longer exists, but even if it does, when it rings, it is probably impossible for the whole city to hear it. It seems that if this place develops, the sound of this place will become noisy. When Li Yong comes here, At night, when you can only hear the sound of the cement factory's rotary kiln, but not the sound of cars climbing the twenty-four turns, Mayor Li may not be so anxious.

The next day, Zhang Chen handed his bank card to Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan and Meng Ping took the village cashier to the county seat.

Zhang Chen borrowed paints and pens from the art teacher of the township middle school, sat in Li Yong's office, and designed the bottle and outer packaging of "Li Xiangchang" wine.

A friend of Township Chief Li donated three million to the township. The news quickly spread among the township government. Everyone was shocked and thought it was incredible. They were the poorest and most looked down upon in the county. The township has become the richest township in the county. Three million. Which township in Qinglong can get three million?

In the past, when they went to a meeting in the county, they all felt that they were a head lower than others. They could only sit in the corner and listen to others' speeches. The person presiding over the meeting called the meeting to an end and they hurried out. In the meeting, they could not hear the praises. The name of one's own hometown will not be criticized even once.

These township cadres, in fact, seem to be assigned here. As long as they have some connections and backing, not to mention which department in the county, they can at least be transferred to other towns. Only people like them with little background can do this. Surrender here.

But now, my hometown can be said to have jumped over the dragon's gate. What kind of experience is this?

In the future, there will not only be Qinglong's first cement factory in my hometown, but also a brewery. This brewery is actually a packaging factory. It will collect the wine brewed by every household in the township, package it, and even The market has been opened. Fifteen thousand bottles, how much income will this bring to the brewing families in the countryside?

Moreover, the township will organize 300 people to work in Zhejiang. The bosses of the companies where they go to work are all here, and they are all friends of Mayor Li. Not only will their income be guaranteed, but they will definitely not be bullied by others. .

Zhang Chen was painting in Li Yong's office. Outside, people were coming and going in the drying area. Some of them came to sign up to work, and some came to register to make wine. Li Yong put the township propaganda committee in charge of the wine making. When we were engaged in the construction of civilized villages and civilized families, we visited almost every household and had a better understanding of each household's situation.

Li Yong told him that these winemakers should be allowed to make as much as they can. Don't be greedy and make excessive amounts of money. The quality cannot be guaranteed. Otherwise, it is not their fault but Li Xiang's fault. If mold grows, distribute the fifteen thousand bottles reasonably.

We made it clear to them that we need to take the first step first and have a solid foundation before we can expand production. We told them that the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. As long as our wine is made well, the sales volume will naturally increase. If people drink it If you scold your mother in one breath, you won't even have the fifteen thousand catties next year, so don't do the one-hammer business.

The publicity committee member said yes, and Li Yong said, it's no use just saying yes. I will now give you the right to allocate the output. I will also give you the follow-up tasks to ensure that every process is strictly in accordance with the requirements. If this wine is When something goes wrong, I don’t look for anyone else but you.

The propaganda committee member still said yes, don't worry, Township Chief Li.

Li Yong handed over the matter of organizing workers to the organization committee member and told him that as an organization committee member, you should not only be responsible to the higher ups, but also to the villagers. This time, you must not only organize the people well, but when the time comes, You are also asked to lead the team and be responsible for sending them to Zhejiang. I promise you now that you can take your wife and children with you and take a trip.

The township paid for this expense.

But when it comes to organizing people, you must organize it for me. After you get there, you and their office staff, who are responsible for the placement of workers, also establish communication channels. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time. Not only our When our products go out, we need to gain visibility, and when our people go out, we need to gain even more visibility.

You want all employers to say that our workers here are good. In this way, you are equivalent to opening up a job market for our entire township. This employment is local employment, and it is also employment in other places. We have no local enterprises. , we need to make good use of foreign companies, do you understand?

The organizing committee member said, "I understand, Mayor Li."

After arranging everything, Li Yong returned to his office. He saw that Zhang Chenren was not in the office and ran out. There was a half-designed bottle on the table. Li Yong thought he had gone to the toilet, so he walked to the door and stood there. , looking at the flow of people outside, and then looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, they are all vivid and joyful, instead of the dull faces.

Li Yong felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. It turned out that this was what he was pursuing.

After a while, he saw Zhang Chen coming back from outside, holding a bamboo in his hand, a pile of old Ruo leaves, and something wrapped in newspaper. Li Yong asked: "What did you go out to buy?" ?”

"Five-spice beef." Zhang Chen said.

Li Yong was surprised and asked: "There is spiced beef for sale on the streets in the countryside. Why didn't I know about it?"

"You stingy guy, it's not that you don't know, but you're reluctant to buy it, right?" Zhang Chen scolded.

"No, no, absolutely not. I really don't know. Show me quickly." Li Yong said.

Zhang Chen stuffed the newspaper bag into Li Yong's hand. Li Yong took it in his hand and almost dropped it to the ground. What beef is so heavy?

Li Yong opened the newspaper and took a look. Instead of beef, it was a large piece of mud. Zhang Chen laughed.

Zhang Chen used the piece of mud to shape a square wine jar, then cut the moso bamboo into pieces and cut it into strips with a knife. He first wrapped a layer of bamboo leaves on the outside of the wine jar, and then used it on the outside. The bamboo strips were woven into a triangular grid, and a diamond-shaped piece of paper was cut. On the paper were written the words "Head Li" and pasted on the outside of the bottle.

A hole was dug in the top of the jar, a lid was added, and a wine bottle was designed.

"Great, this wine bottle is so cool! It's awesome!" Li Yong shouted.

Zhang Chen and Li Yong said, while supplying your wine to us, you can also try to find other sales. Haven't you sold wine before? You don't need me to teach you this. If this market is opened, Your winery might really be able to expand in size.

Li Yong nodded frequently and said, I will sell it to Macau.

"Let Qihang help you sell wine?"

Li Yong nodded, Zhang Chen laughed, you really didn't let go of any damn thing, but that's right, didn't Qihang also sell wine? By the way, you can also ask Sunhou to help you in Beijing. sell.

Speaking of Sun Hou, Li Yong's face turned gloomy. Zhang Chen knew why. He told Li Yong that the pole has passed, so you can get over it. Sun Hou couldn't help himself at that time. In fact, he I feel quite uncomfortable too.

Zhang Chen told Li Yong that he would go to Beijing and ask Sun Hou to help Liu Lipole handle the affairs of those units. As Sunhou and Huang Jianren said, we owed pole.

"By the way, Li Yong, do you have any news about Liu Yun?"

Li Yong said no, didn't he mean he was in Nanjing?

Zhang Chen told him that Liu Yun was not in Nanjing. Qian Fang and the others had already looked for her but could not find her. He had seen her once at Jianqiao Airport in Hangzhou. Although he chased her, Liu Yun had already passed the security check and the two of them were not there. Although he bumped into someone, he was sure that person was Liu Yun.

"Why is my sister going to Hangzhou?" Li Yong asked.

"I didn't understand it either." Zhang Chen said.

Two Beijing jeeps drove in from outside the door and stopped at the drying field outside. Li Yong shouted: "Oh my god, why are they here? It seems that this good thing has spread thousands of miles."

"Who is it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Rare visitors, our secretary and the county magistrate." As Li Yong said this, a man got out of the front one, and a middle-aged woman got out of the back one.

Li Yong looked at Zhang Chen and said: "Zhang Chen, I promise, I was definitely not the one to report to them. If they call, I will take the call."

Li Yong ran to the door, then ran back and said to Zhang Chen: "Don't worry, I promise there won't be any donation ceremony. At most, everyone will have a meal together."

Zhang Chen smiled and scolded: "Go quickly."

Thank you for your monthly ticket and have a safe journey! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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