The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 889 Wahaha Mineral Water

They arrived at Huangguoshu Waterfall. Liu Ligan got out of the car with a camera and Zhang Chen got out of the car with a sketchbook. They drew and took photos in front of the waterfall, and then climbed up along the road on the cliff until they reached the waterfall. From the back, look outside, then go down from the other side of the waterfall, look back, and you will feel that it is nothing more than this.

Zhang Chen feels that every time he goes to a scenic spot, he seems to have this feeling. The more he understands and is familiar with a scenic spot, the more he will feel this way. Your expectations for it are too high, and you have already described it in your mind countless times. It is nothing more than this, and this is probably the cruelty of reality.

On the contrary, it was an unexpected encounter like Phoenix. Apart from knowing the name, I had almost no impression of it. When I met it at first, it was full of surprises and surprises.

In fact, it’s normal. How are you familiar with it? It’s not just through videos or photos. You have to know that these photographers stayed in that place for days or even months and years before they captured these shots, which showed the most beautiful side of this place. How could you meet them by chance? A glimpse of beauty?

The parking lot of the scenic spot is on the top of the mountain opposite the waterfall. On the other side of the waterfall, there are rows of restaurants, from "Guanpu Hotel", "Guanpu Restaurant", "Guanpu Restaurant", "Guanpu Hotel" to "Guanpu Restaurant" Wait, they were all named after waterfalls, and they looked like they were convinced of this waterfall. There was only one "looking at the waterfall from a distance and Kageqianchuan", which was somewhat new. Zhang Chen and the others walked in.

After sitting down, I found that I could really "watch the waterfall" here, and it was really "watch it from a distance". Through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the hotel box, I could see the Huangguoshu Waterfall from a distance, and a line of people squirming like ants around it. .

What surprised Zhang Chen was that because the hotel is located on a higher ground than that side, from here, you can actually see the source of the waterfall, which is the river above. The river is lined with stone pillars and shaded by green trees. It is even bigger than the waterfall. There's something to behold.

Zhang Chen quickly picked up his sketchbook and started drawing.

When paying for the meal, Meng Ping asked the boss, how far is it from here to Qinglong?

The boss said that the road is not far, more than a hundred kilometers.

Liu Ligan asked: "Can we drive there in three hours?"

The boss looked at the clock behind the bar. It was now twelve o'clock. The boss said that it would be good if it could open at eight o'clock.

Zhang Chen and the others were shocked. It took eight hours to drive more than 100 kilometers?

They don't believe it. The boss says he wants it, and you'll know when you open it.

"I am from Qinglong." The boss added.

Since he was from Qinglong, Zhang Chen asked Li Yong how to get to his hometown.

The boss said to them: "Then when you arrive in Qinglong County, you must not leave at night, just stay in the county town."

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You have to go through 24 turns to get there. It's very dangerous at night, especially for those of you from outside the city who are not familiar with the road. Don't go there." The boss warned, "Also, don't leave the city. Don't think about it outside the city." When we come back, it’s hard to find a place to turn the car around.”

The boss's words made Zhang Chen and the others look at each other. Is there such a way out? Is it true?

Zhang Chen and the others started the car and set off. After driving for twenty minutes, they arrived at a three-way intersection. Zhang Chen saw a huge word "Guanling" engraved on the mountain across the river. Zhang Chen and Meng Ping, who was driving, said, Drive this way, this is National Highway 320, leading to Qinglong.

Meng Ping turned to the left road.

Zhang Chen opened the introduction of the text part on the map, read it for a while and started shouting, saying:

"What the boss said is true. These twenty-four turns were originally rebuilt by American engineers. They are the famous 'Stilwell Highway'. Listen, this is what it says here."

Zhang Chen then started to read:

"The Qinglong 24-turn Anti-Japanese War Highway is the image of the 'Stilwell Highway'. It was called 'Crow Pass' in ancient times. It is majestic, strange, dangerous and precipitous. If one man is in charge of the pass, ten thousand people will not be able to break it. From the foot of the mountain The straight-line distance to the top of the mountain is about 350 meters, and the vertical height is about 260 meters; it is built in an 'S' shape along the mountain slope on a slope with an inclination of about 60 degrees, winding and circling to the pass, the whole journey is about 4 kilometers."

After reading, Zhang Chen asked: "Isn't it amazing? I didn't expect Li Yong to be in such a cool place."

"Why do I feel like Li Yong was exiled?" Liu Ligan said.

"I'll go, look!" Before Zhang Chen could say anything, the car turned a corner and Meng Ping shouted.

Zhang Chen looked up and saw endless hills in front of him. The mountains were bare, with almost no grass growing. This large area of ​​​​the mountains shone with white-brown reflections under the midday sun. A road circled from the foot of the mountains to The top of the mountain, then circled down from behind the mountain they couldn't see, and then climbed from the foot of another mountain to the top of the mountain.

There is a car moving on this road, as if it is parked there, motionless. It takes a long time before you see it moving from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

These endless mountains are connected together by the 320 National Highway.

They drove forward and saw a wooden sign in front of them, which said "High-risk zone, buses are prohibited from passing after six o'clock in the evening, and other vehicles are subject to a speed limit of twenty yards!"

"Holy shit! Is there a 20-yard speed limit on National Highway 320?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Meng Ping drove the car and started climbing. After climbing for more than 20 minutes, he reached the top of the mountain. Then he started to go downhill, down to the foot of the mountain, and then started to climb up the hill again. When he reached the top of the second mountain, he looked back and looked at the top of the first mountain. It was still clear. visible.

Only then did Zhang Chen and the others understand that the boss told them that it would take eight hours. He was not lying. They drove for more than an hour before they reached the top of the third hill. Looking back, they saw that they had only walked two or three hours in a straight line. Kilometers, and the mountains ahead stretched endlessly, like a basket of steamed buns placed there, requiring them to climb over them one by one.

"I'm desperate." Meng Ping shouted.

The winding mountain road here is the same as the Huanghua Bridge. There are no trees on the side and no cement protective pillars. Only a few sparse ones can be seen in a few very steep places. It seems that they are too valuable and there are more than one. I can't bear to use the root.

On a bare road, one must prevent the gravel from rolling down, and the other must prevent rollover. When the two cars meet, the driver stretches his neck. The one on the mountain side prevents the car from being scraped by the cliff, and the one on the side of the road needs to prevent the car from being scraped by the cliff. Be careful not to get too close to the roadside. Everyone was careful. Zhang Chen felt like two people were facing each other and had to turn sideways to pass.

If possible, all the cars passing by would have their bodies raised.

They drove for three hours. They couldn't see the end in front, but they seemed to be able to see the tail behind. If they calculated the distance in a straight line, they would definitely make people cry.

Meng Ping looked at the fuel gauge and told them that he could not hold on any longer and might need to use spare fuel. Zhang Chen agreed that after passing the top of the mountain, he would add more fuel at the bottom of the mountain.

When they reached the top of the mountain, the people in the car cheered. They saw that there was a gas station at the foot of the mountain. Due to geographical restrictions, there was only one gas station and only two or three cars could be parked inside. Fortunately, there were not many refueling cars. There are no cars queuing up outside, otherwise, this road will be blocked soon. The cars here are probably well prepared. Like them, they all have their own gas.

There was a simple shed set up where the gas station entered. Water and biscuits were sold in the shed. When Meng Ping was filling up, Liu Ligan ran over and bought a bag of biscuits and water. He told them that it was good, not bad. , Wahaha and Danone biscuits are also sold here.

When Liu Ligan ran back, Meng Ping had just filled up the gas, and the car behind was waiting. As soon as Liu Ligan got in, Meng Ping started the car and drove away.

Liu Ligan distributed water and biscuits to everyone. He opened a bottle of water himself and gave it to Meng Ping. Meng Ping took it, took a sip and asked, "What kind of water is this? Why does it have a strange smell?"

Liu Ligan scolded: "Of course the mineral water has a strange smell."

He opened a bottle himself and took a big sip. He frowned and felt that something was not right. The guy in the back row cursed, "You idiot, the mouth of this water bottle is open."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu were shocked when they heard this. They quickly picked up the water in their hands and took a closer look. They found that the mouth of the bottle was indeed opened. They both laughed because they didn't drink.

Liu Ligan picked up the other water in the bag and looked at it. Sure enough, every bottle had been opened. This was Wahaha mineral water. It was an empty bottle of mineral water filled with water for sale. As for this water, What kind of water it is, only God knows.

Liu Ligan looked at one bottle after another. His eyes suddenly widened. He saw a leech in one bottle of water. Liu Ligan suddenly felt that the big gulp he had just drank was overwhelming in his stomach.

"Stop, stop, Lao Meng, I want to vomit." Liu Ligan shouted.

Meng Ping found a slightly wider space in front of him and carefully pulled over to the side of the car. Before the car came to a stop, Liu Ligan opened the door and ran out, squatting on the roadside and retching.

Meng Ping and Zhang Chen also went down. Meng Ping said: "What reaction? It's not that exaggerated. I also took a sip. If you think about it, maybe this bottle was thrown by a beautiful woman. If you do this, you are talking to the beautiful woman." Kissed."

Zhang Chen laughed, and Liu Ligan glared at him and said, "I found a leech in the bottle of water you drank."

Meng Ping's expression changed, and he quickly squatted down, retching.

Xiao Wu got out of the car, holding biscuits in his hand and scolding: "Pole, what kind of Danone are you?"

Zhang Chen took it and laughed. Then he realized that this biscuit turned out to be "Da Xiong", but the upper part of the word "Xiong" was as big as Da, and the bottom part was four points of water, which was very small and very colorful. Light, almost submerged in the background color.

Liu Ligan scolded: "Damn it, poor mountains and rivers breed unruly people!"

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping stood up. Zhang Chen asked Meng Ping with a smile: "Meng Ping, why did you react so big after kissing a beautiful woman?"

Liu Ligan laughed. After laughing, he wanted to go back and settle the score with the shop owner. Meng Ping cursed, "Forget it, forget it, you can't even turn the car around here."

The second-hand scolded: "You are forced to raise them, what's so strange about this? The consignment stores in our village sell all these things, and none of them are genuine. I'm not okay."

I didn't catch up, I was a few minutes late. Let's count this one as yesterday, haha.

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