The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 884 Hit and Run

The car behind them kept changing their lights. Xiao Wu and Er Huo said to slow down and see what they wanted to do.

The driver slowly slowed down the car, and the other party honked the horn, but did not change lanes. When it slowed down to 40 yards, the other party also slowed down to the same speed, and still followed them.

"Just drive at this speed." Xiao Wu said.

The second guy rolled down the window and stretched out his hand to wave, which meant to tell the other party that his car was not going fast and if you were in a hurry, just go ahead.

The other party still did not change lanes, but stepped on the accelerator and pushed their car forward. Although they knew that the other party was looking for trouble, the people in the car suddenly became nervous. Zhang Chen and Liu Li Gan and Meng Ping had never experienced anything like this before, and now they felt their hearts pounding.

Xiao Wu was the only one who was very calm. He told Er Huo to ignore him and didn't bump into him much.

The second-rate guy listened and didn't speed up. As a result, just as Xiao Wu finished speaking, the car was hit from behind again, and the car sped forward again, but the other person obviously had some scruples and left after touching him. .

Xiao Wu and Zhang Chen said that they pushed us like this just to let us stop and see how the car was doing. Most people would pull over, but if you stop at this time, you will be fooled.

The people in the car understood.

Xiao Wu looked back and saw the car behind him approaching again.

"Accelerate, increase the speed to eighty yards." Xiao Wu said.

The second guy drove the car to eighty yards, and the other party also accelerated to catch up, but at this speed, they didn't dare to hit them with the car anymore. Xiao Wu and the second guy said that it was just this speed.

Xiao Wu calculated in his mind, knowing that at this time, the other party must be discussing what to do next.

At this time, it was getting a little brighter outside. From the rearview mirror of the car in front, Xiaowu saw that there were four or five people in the car behind. When Xiaowu climbed to the front, he blocked the elastic cotton to the glass at the rear of the car. The front, so that the situation in their car cannot be seen from the rear.

The other party kept honking the horn, but the idiot ignored him and kept driving forward. The other party suddenly changed lanes, and Xiao Wu saw that there was a Jinbei car following him. There were also four or five people in the Jinbei car.

Xiao Wu quickly shouted: "Get down, get down."

Zhang Chen and Meng Ping lay down.

The Santana accelerated until it was alongside the second-hand car. The window of the passenger seat was rolled down. A guy pointed at the second-hand car and cursed loudly, asking him to pull over.

The idiot didn't even roll down the window. He looked at him and continued to drive his car.

Xiao Wu shouted, be careful, don't collide with them, and would rather stop.

The Santana driving side by side suddenly accelerated and rushed to the front, then changed lanes and blocked in front of their car. He braked slightly, slowed down and prepared to change lanes. At this time, the Jinbei car overtook them and started driving with them. When they reached abreast, the two cars, one on the left and the other on the front, pinched them.

Santana in front slowed down, and the second-rate guy could only speed up. Jinbei moved towards them, and the second-rate guy could only lean to the right side of the road. Santana in front also moved to the right at the same time, always blocking them, until the second-rate guy was forced to the side. , when there was no room for another car to pass on the right edge of the curb, the Santana in front stopped, and the second-hand car could only stop.

Eight or nine people got out of the other two cars, and the second guy and Liu Ligan also got out of the car. The leader of the people who got off Santana in front was very tall. He pointed at Liu Ligan and cursed:

"You damn thing, you hit our car and you still ran away!"

Liu Ligan said: "When did we hit your car?"

"Look, isn't that one?" The guy pointed at the Jinbei car. Only then did Liu Ligan and Erhuo see that the back of the Jinbei car was smashed. It seemed like they were out to blackmail people like this.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "The tail of your car was smashed. You were always behind us. How could we hit it?"

"The guy hit him at a gas station. He ran away after the hit, so we chased him."

"It's a joke." Liu Ligan shouted, "If you can hit your car like that, then where do you think we hit it? Why is there no impact mark on our car?"

The other party grabbed Liu Ligan's front and cursed: "You don't fucking admit it, right? Well, you bitch, I'll make you admit it right away. Do you want bruises? I'll show you the bruises right away."

The person next to him shouted: "Why are you nagging him so much? Just give him a beating and he will be honest."

Another person opened the trunk of Santana, took out an iron pipe from it, and walked towards Zhang Chen and his car. Xiao Wu knew that he was going to create a collision mark. Xiao Wu whispered to Zhang Chen and Meng Ping, look I took action and rushed out of the car, being careful not to let any of them run back to the car.

Xiao Wu pushed the car door down and shouted "Stop!"

Suddenly there was another person in the car. The eight or nine people on the other side were stunned for a moment. The man holding the iron pipe was also standing there. Xiao Wu walked towards the leading man. The man saw such a small man. The tall man walked towards him, looking down at Xiao Wu, and sneered:

"Did you still fucking fart?"

Xiao Wu walked over without saying a word, walked up to the man, and suddenly punched him straight to the door. The man was caught off guard and was stunned. He fell backwards and fell onto Santana's engine with a "bang" Cover.

"Holy shit!" Several people on the other side shouted, and chaos suddenly broke out.

The guy who was walking towards their car carrying the iron pipe saw this scene and rushed towards Xiao Wu. The iron pipe in his hand was swept away at the same time. Xiao Wu ducked, dodged the iron pipe, and kicked him in the front. Chest, the opponent and the iron pipe flew out together. Xiao Wu caught the iron pipe in the air. The guy fell to the ground. Just as he was about to get up, Xiao Wu hit him on the back with the iron pipe and fell down again.

Six or seven people rushed towards Xiao Wu. Zhang Chen and Meng Ping rushed out of the car and rushed over with baseball bats in hand. The other party was stunned for a moment when they saw that two more people suddenly appeared. At this moment, Zhang Chen and Meng Ping They had already rushed in and were beaten randomly.

The second-rate guy took this opportunity and ran back to the car and got a baseball bat. He saw a guy running towards the van, rushed over and hit him on the head.

With his bare hands, Liu Ligan looked around and saw someone's shoe on the ground. He picked it up and hit a guy in the face with the heel of his shoe.

This time they started too suddenly. Even eight or nine people on the other side were knocked to the ground. Xiao Wu held the iron pipe and gave it to anyone who thought of it. Meng Ping and Zhang Chen also followed suit. In this way, those guys are under their control.

Xiao Wu shouted to the second-rate guy: "Go get the knife quickly!"

The second-rate guy was stunned for a moment and asked, "Cut the pig's head?"

"Punctured their tires." Xiao Wu said.

The idiots understood that this was to prevent the other party from chasing them or calling for rescue. After all, they were in the other party's territory, and they didn't know how many people there were.

The second guy took a knife and punctured the tires of the other two cars. Xiao Wu shouted: "Go and drive quickly."

The second guy hurriedly ran over and got in the car. He backed his car out from between the two cars and drove to a stop in front of the opponent's Santana. The second guy got out of the car and shouted to Xiao Wu and the others, "Get in the car quickly!"

The leader of the other party was half sitting up from the ground, looking at Xiao Wu in horror. Xiao Wu cursed: "Fuck you, I'll teach you how to be a human being!"

Another hard punch.

"Go, go, go!" Xiao Wu shouted. Zhang Chen, Meng Ping and Liu Ligan hurried forward. As soon as the four of them got into the car, they stepped on the accelerator and the car sped out.

Looking back through the rearview mirror, I saw those guys standing up in twos and threes.

Liu Ligan shouted loudly: "It's so enjoyable, it's a fucking victory!"

Meng Ping also smiled and said: "It seems that fighting is not that difficult."

Although they returned to the car and won the fight, they still couldn't help but tremble. Xiao Wu looked at them. Zhang Chen and Meng Ping both smiled sheepishly. Xiao Wu said, it doesn't matter. First of all, Every fight is like this.

Zhang Chen remembered that this was not his first time. His first time was in Haicheng, in the KTV box of Taoyuan Hotel.

Xiaowu told Erhuo to drive faster and pay attention to see if there is a car chasing behind him.

"Didn't the tires of their car get punctured by us?" Liu Ligan said.

"They won't stop the car?" Xiao Wu asked.

Meng Ping took out his mobile phone from his bag and said that I was going to call 110 and tell them that there was such a group of car thieves and road bullies and let them deal with it.

As a result, there was no signal on Big Brother.

"Hero, please teach me your experience. How to fight in this fight?" Liu Ligan said.

"Why, are you planning to become a gangster instead of building a house?" Xiao Wu asked.

"No, no, I have some experience. I will know how to deal with it next time I encounter it."

"That's right." Meng Ping also said.

Xiao Wu thought for a while and said: "Actually, in this fight, there is a difference between being able to fight and knowing how to fight. I have seen a national Sanda champion, but he doesn't know how to fight at all."

"Why?" Zhang Chen was surprised.

"He quarreled with people until he was blushing and thick-necked. The worst thing he did was yell, 'If you say it again, believe it or not, I'll beat you up!' But it was useless. He couldn't do anything. This kind of person doesn't know how to fight. , If we really fight, we will only get beaten."

"Really?" Meng Ping asked.

"Of course, there is not much difference when working with others. It all depends on whether you are good at it or not. If you strike quickly and hard, and knock the opponent into confusion all of a sudden, it will be useless even if the opponent is the national champion. He will have to wait until Wake up and figure out how to deal with you. If he fights again, you will no longer be his opponent."

"Just like just now, there were so many people on the other side, so they thought we were nothing, so we had to strike first. If we waited until the other side made a move and the two sides started fighting, it would not be certain whether we would win or lose. We stunned them all at once, and the other party's people It’s useless no matter how much.”

"I understand." Meng Ping said, "Hitler's blitzkrieg was like this. It also stunned the opponent at once."

"Yes, almost the same. When encountering this kind of situation, the best thing to do is to strike first, knock the opponent unconscious, and then run away quickly. Otherwise, one is to wait until they wake up and fight back, and the other is, you don't know what else they will do. Will anyone come over?"

The second guy slowed down the car slowly. Zhang Chen and the others took a look and saw that they had arrived at a toll station.

The second-hand guy rolled down his window and paid the toll. Meng Ping also rolled down his window and shouted at the toll collector:

"Hey, Master, do you have a phone? Hurry up and call the police. There is a group of gangsters over there who are looking for trouble for out-of-town cars."

The toll collector rolled his eyes at Meng Ping and waved his hand to tell them to hurry up. What else did Meng Ping want to say? Xiao Wu said, It's useless. Do you think they don't know?

After passing the toll station, Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief and said, OK, it's safe now.

Meng Ping was surprised and asked: "Why?"

"This kind of people generally don't cross the border. When they get here, they go to another county, which is someone else's territory. They can't handle all aspects of the relationship," Xiao Wu said.

"Just like you can only be the King of Yongcheng, but not the King of Tonglu?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Fuck you." Xiao Wu cursed.

"Oh, women are still wise!" Meng Ping sighed.

Others looked at him and didn't know why he was feeling this way. Meng Ping said, "Think about it, what would have happened today if Xiao Zhao hadn't called Xiao Wu?"

When others thought about it, it was true, they would definitely suffer the loss anyway.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier, Reading Books Every Day, and On the Shore 131 for the rewards! Thank you to book friends 160506011616458, Chuanlin, and Guo Zhi Dingli Blade for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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