The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 87 Why are you following me?

Tonight, the walls of the lobby of the Northeast Restaurant will be painted with latex paint. Zhang Chen will stay to see how the color will look after the large-area color blocks come out and whether there is any deviation from his own design. He told Liu Ligan that today He didn't go home for dinner at night and asked Liu Ligan to cook it for Yilin.

Zhang Chen was at the construction site and stayed until about nine o'clock in the evening before preparing to go back. He was riding a motorcycle. Just as he left the gate of the parking lot, a car cut in front of him. Fortunately, he was not going too fast when he left the gate, otherwise he would have been hit by a car. On.

Two people got off the car and walked over. Zhang Chen thought they were coming to argue with him, so he parked the motorcycle and got off the car.

Two people walked up to Zhang Chen, and one of them said, "Mr. Zhang, can you come with us?"

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Where to go?"

"Mr. Fu would like to invite you to discuss your design plan."

It turned out that this was the case, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, when?"

"Right now, Mr. Fu is free now, waiting in the office. We went to your company. They said you might be here, so we came directly."

"Okay, I'll call Mr. Tan and I'll go with him."

"No need, Mr. Fu has already made arrangements. Mr. Zhang can just go directly."

Zhang Chen agreed and was about to ride his motorcycle to Wanghailou. The man stopped him and told him to go by car. My colleague will ride the motorcycle for you.

Although Zhang Chen was suspicious, he still got in the car. Mr. Fu called him, but he didn't dare to delay. He also knew the importance of Mr. Fu's project in their company and Mr. Tan's heart. How could he dare to be careless?

Zhang Chen took their car and arrived at the parking lot of Wanghai International Hotel. Zhang Chen and the others got out of the car and took the elevator to the top floor. The elevator door opened and Zhang Chen got out of the elevator. On both sides of the elevator hall, there were catering service companies hanging on them. There is no sign on the door on the other side.

The man led Zhang Chen and pushed open the door. Inside was a large office, with Mr. Fu sitting behind his desk.

Seeing Zhang Chen, Mr. Fu stood up with a smile and walked a few steps over to shake hands with Zhang Chen: "Xiao Zhang is here, welcome."

Another person came in, gave Zhang Chen the key to the motorcycle, and told him to park it right where you got off.

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you.

This man and the man who led Zhang Chen in earlier retreated out together.

Seeing that Mr. Fu was the only one in the office, Zhang Chen asked, "Mr. Fu, Mr. Tan hasn't arrived yet?"

"Mr. Tan?" Mr. Fu was stunned for a moment, then laughed. He waved his hand and said, "No Mr. Tan. There is no Mr. Tan today. It's just the two of us. It's me. I want to have a good chat with my little brother."

Mr. Fu led him, instead of sitting on the sofa, he opened a door and led Zhang Chen in. Zhang Chen saw that there was a suite inside the door and a living room outside. Zhang Chen walked into the living room and saw at a glance He saw his rendering of the lobby of Wanghai International Hotel hanging up against the wall.

There are two open doors in the living room, one is a large bedroom, and the other is a well-decorated bathroom with a bathtub.

There was a tea table in the living room with a Kung Fu tea set on it. Mr. Fu invited Zhang Chen to sit down and said to him, "Let's drink tea and chat while drinking."

Zhang Chen couldn't guess what Mr. Fu wanted to talk to him about. His overall impression of Mr. Fu was pretty good. Although he was considered a big shot in Haicheng, he had no airs at all. He was easy-going, friendly, and got along well with others. At that time, there was no sense of pretentiousness or condescending arrogance.

But Zhang Chen felt vaguely uncomfortable again. From the car in front of him that intercepted him, to the entire process of coming here, and from the aura revealed by his luxurious and domineering office and the connected bedroom, Zhang Chen thought of Tan The general word "Hai Batian."

Indeed, Mr. Fu always smiles, but there is a kind of domineering that you can feel at any time, from his confident behavior to the humble attitude of the people below him. You can even feel him even when others do not show up. The presence.

"Xiao Zhang, I fell in love with your design at first sight." Mr. Fu said, "It's very talented and imaginative."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Thank you Mr. Fu."

"To tell you the truth, I have also sent people to get to know you in the past two days." Mr. Fu said, "The feedback from various aspects has been good."

Zhang Chen was secretly shocked. It turned out that his suspicion that someone was following him was not an illusion. The person who went to the construction site to get to know him must have been sent by Mr. Fu. However, Zhang Chen was confused, what kind of operation was this? I have never heard of a project that requires a thorough understanding of the designer.

Mr. Fu looked at Zhang Chen, smiled faintly, and said, "I know you must be wondering why I want to know you in such detail. I might as well clarify it directly. I hope you don't mind, okay?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Wanghai Tower was built with my hard work. I hope this decoration will be generous and I can implement many of my own ideas into this decoration. To be honest, I will not leave this project to Any company." Mr. Fu said.

Zhang Chen was startled, and then cursed in his heart: "What the hell, you're just teasing everyone. You don't want to give out contracts. You brought so many people here, what plan will you come up with? You've made the entire Haicheng decoration industry go crazy." A dog jumped?"

"I didn't ask any company to help me produce any renderings. It was them who got the news that our Wanghai Building was going to be renovated. They found various connections and came to treat me to dinner." Mr. Fu smiled, "No. It’s just for a meal, and I can’t shake off some face, so just go, otherwise people will think you have too much arrogance if you have the surname Fu.”

Zhang Chen thought about it carefully and realized that it was true that from the time Mr. Tan gave their designers the order that night until recently, he had never heard of any clear news from Wanghailou. Everything seemed to be speculation by these companies themselves. There have been private rumors, including that the renovation plan will be finalized before the year, but there has never been a clear statement.

"Including the renderings they brought over, I didn't accept them. I only accepted the two of yours." Mr. Fu pointed to the renderings on the wall, "Because I like it so much. To be honest, Mr. Tan After meeting him, I felt very good. If I had no other plans, among so many companies in Haicheng, I would definitely choose to hand over this project to Mr. Tan’s company."

Other plans? What's the meaning? Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Fu in confusion. Mr. Fu smiled and said to Zhang Chen:

"Let's be clear. I don't intend to hand over this decoration to any company. I will do it myself. I have a small company. Of course, it won't be in my name. I think if I don't say why, you can't do it either. I can understand it. To put it bluntly, this company was set up for this project. I’m telling you all this. Do you understand what it means?”

The smile disappeared from Mr. Fu's face. He looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was confused, but he still nodded.

Mr. Fu laughed again: "You asked me to stand on the wok. I can barely stand on the pier, but when it comes to decoration, I know nothing about it. Therefore, I would like to ask you to be the CEO of this company and preside over the entire Wanghai Tower. furnish."

"Me?" Zhang Chen was startled, "I'm just a designer, but I've never been a boss."

Mr. Fu laughed loudly and said, "If you could only do design, I wouldn't look for you. Do you think I would be irresponsible for my company and my projects? I am responsible for several things you have done." We have all learned about the project, including our contact with Mr. Li, your Party A, and they all speak highly of you. Moreover, there is one thing that you may not even know..."

Zhang Chen's scalp felt numb after hearing this, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know that you almost became the leader of your Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe?" Mr. Fu said with a smile.

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was shocked. What surprised him was not that he wanted to be the leader of the regiment. Even if he was allowed to be the leader of the bad regiment, he would not be surprised. But, he did not expect that Mr. Fu, in order to understand himself, Yongcheng It was so far away that they sent people to get a clear picture of the situation of the Wu Opera Troupe.

Mr. Fu stretched out his hand, patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder, and told him, you can do it, young man, you have to be more courageous, especially in a place like Haicheng.

The conditions that Mr. Fu offered to Zhang Chen were that in addition to salary, he would receive a 30% dividend upon completion of the entire project.

With this money and this project, you will be able to stand on your own in Haicheng from now on, without having to rely on others. Mr. Fu said.

Zhang Chen promised to think about it. He said that he would go back and discuss it with others. He had no way to refuse, and he did not want to refuse. If Zhang Chen was not tempted by this temptation, then Zhang Chen was not Zhang Chen, and he would not come here to try. Hainan, especially Mr. Fu’s words:

"With this money and this project, you can stand on your own in Haicheng from now on, and you don't have to rely on others."

Everyone who comes out to make a living will probably be moved by this sentence, right? Isn't this your dream?

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