The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 854 In the soft waves of Genshan River

After the boat stabilized, Qianqian asked Liu Lipole which way to go?

Liu Lipole pointed in the direction of the Jiangnan Canal and told Qianqian to go this way first, then make a U-turn at the end, and then go up to finish the entire river.

Qianqian said yes and moved the deck with her hands. The boat turned around on top of Green Ping and sailed briskly towards the Jiangnan Canal.

Waves of stench surged up from under Green Ping. Wenwen didn't even dare to open her eyes and cursed: "It feels like falling in shit. Why the hell did you bring us here to see the scenery?"

Liu Ligan laughed and shouted: "Did you see that so many people on the shore are looking at you? You are so ugly."

Wenwen opened her eyes and looked to both sides. Except for the tangled grass and tattered stones, there was no fart. Then she realized that Liu Ligan was teasing her. She stood up and was about to hit him. Unexpectedly, the boat followed him violently. In a flash, Wenwen staggered, and Qianqian screamed, seeing Wenwen about to fall overboard.

Liu Ligan had quick eyes and quick hands. He stretched out his hand to catch Wenwen, and Wenwen changed the direction of the fall. Together with Liu Ligan, the two of them fell heavily into the cabin, and Liu Ligan's head hit the side of the boat with a bang.

Qianqian scolded: "Damn it, can't you be more honest?"

Wenwen lay on her back on Liu Ligan's body and said with a smile: "It's okay now, I can be more honest now."

Liu Ligan felt uncomfortable under the pressure and cursed: "Get out of here, I know how to eat every day. It's as heavy as a pig. I can't breathe under the pressure."

Wenwen sat up and pressed her body down deliberately, causing Liu Ligan to grimace in pain.

Even Qianqian couldn't stand it anymore and cursed: "Damn it, have you made enough trouble?"

Wenwen shook her head, pursed her lips, and then moved away.

Liu Ligan sat up. He was too lazy to pay attention to Wenwen anymore. Instead, he looked to both sides. Behind the dilapidated stone fence, it was very open. There were large vegetable fields on both sides of the river, extending to the Huancheng North Road in front. .

When the Genshan River reaches Huancheng North Road, the river has stopped. People who don’t know think that the river has reached the end. Those who know will understand that there are two culverts below, connecting the Jiangnan Canal outside. The Genshan River, The reason why it will not dry up even in midsummer is because these two culverts are working.

Close to Huancheng North Road, there is an iron fence. The sharp corners of this iron fence are forty to fifty centimeters above the water. It was originally used to block the garbage on the river and prevent it from clogging the culvert. However, because the iron fence has long been Rusty and rotten, they themselves have become part of the garbage, surrounded by more garbage.

The garbage on the river formed two small islands. When the boat approached, Liu Ligan picked up a deck board and poked at it. The two small islands formed by garbage did not move at all. After years of accumulation, they had solidified. Liu Ligan and Wenwen said:

"You can climb up here."

Wenwen yelled: "You're the only one who crawls on shit."

Liu Ligan knew that the two culverts should be under the two islands, because the water here is flowing, so so much garbage is gathered here.

"Okay, turn around." Liu Ligan and Qianqian said.

Qianqian stretched out the cabin board and clicked on a garbage island. The ship turned around lightly. Liu Ligan praised: "Not bad, Qianqian, I didn't expect you to have such a hand."

"What's the matter? I haven't learned to walk yet, and I'm already on the boat." Qianqian said with a smile.

Wenwen seemed to be used to the rocking of the ship at this time. She climbed over to Qianqian, turned around and sat side by side on the rails that separated the middle and rear cabins of the ship, and said to Qianqian:

"I know how to do this. Damn it, let me do it."

Qianqian smiled and gave her the cabin board in her hand. Wenwen rowed twice. The boat did not continue to move forward, but stopped. Wenwen became anxious and started rowing again. This time, the boat did not move forward. Instead of moving forward, he turned sideways. After a few more strokes, the boat started spinning in place.

"Hey, hey, why don't you fucking move forward? Don't, don't, don't turn, don't turn, you fucking told you not to turn, you are deaf and didn't hear? Hey, why are you still turning... …”

Wenwen kept scolding the boat, Qianqian and Liu Ligan laughed, Liu Ligan said, you can use a honey trap, kiss it, and it will listen to you.

"Get lost!" Wenwen rolled her eyes at Liu Ligan and cursed, "I'll kiss it once, and then I'll kiss you again, do you want it?"

At this time, there were many people standing on the north road around the city. Seeing them laughing and laughing, Wenwen's face turned red and she quickly pushed the cabin board to Qianqian and shouted:

"Die, I'll give you back your things."

Qianqian took the cabin board and paddled twice in the water. The boat stopped turning. Wenwen was very curious and stared at Qianqian's hands and shouted:

"Damn it, how did you do that? Why does it spin when I paddle it twice, but stops when you paddle it? It's your mistress, so it's so obedient?"

Qianqian smiled and said: "I can't explain it. I'm just used to it and know when to do it. It's like when something comes to your mouth, your mouth will open automatically."

"Tch, when shit comes, you open it automatically?" Wenwen said disdainfully.

"When shit comes, it automatically stops opening." Qianqian said, "Just like now, I automatically know that I can't stroke anymore and have to stop."

The boat seemed to be stable, Qianqian rowed a few more times, and the boat moved forward briskly close to Luping. Wenwen raised her hand, waved to the people standing on the north road around the city, and shouted: "Bye bye Got it!"

Someone blew a whistle, and it broke after a while. Wenwen snorted: "You think I can't do it?"

She put two slender fingers between her lips and blew a loud and long whistle. Many people on the shore applauded, and someone shouted: "Beauty, do it again."

Wenwen came again.

The boat moved forward and saw the bridge on Fengqi Road ahead. Wenwen sat there and sang a song. Qianqian smiled and said, "Are you starting to show off?"

Wenwen shook her head proudly and said, "You care about me?"

The singing continues.

Wenwen's singing quickly attracted many passers-by to stand on the bridge and watch. It was very strange to have a boat in this smelly river. There were also a man and two women on the boat. These two women were very beautiful, which was even more strange. , one of the beauties was still singing, and she sang very nicely, which was very strange, and some people couldn't help but applaud.

Wenwen waved to them, and someone asked: "Are you making a movie?"

Wenwen smiled and said: "Yes, we are filming a movie, be careful, you will be filmed too."

Many people were looking around, looking for where the camera was. Some people were adjusting their hair and clothes, thinking that if they were filmed, it would be too messy and would not look good.

The bridge was very short, and they had to lower their heads to pass. When they reached the middle of the bridge, Liu Ligan, who was squatting half-crouched in the middle cabin in front, had his head covered and was caught in a spider web. He quickly reached out to lift it, but a spider fell in. It fell into his mouth and he quickly spit out "Bah, Bah". Wenwen and Qianqian were also caught by the dancing spider threads and screamed randomly.

People on the bridge were very curious when they heard the screams under the bridge. A large group of people hurriedly swarmed from one side of the bridge to the other side of the bridge. Looking down, they saw that the boat was coming out of the bridge hole, but it seemed to be the same as the boat. There is no difference in the front, two women and one man or two women and one man. Some people can’t help but ask:

"Beauty, you are under the bridge, what's wrong?"

"I met a gangster." Wenwen said angrily.

The people above were surprised and asked each other, is it possible to walk under this bridge?

Are there any gangsters down here?

A smart person exclaimed: "Aren't we making movies? In this movie, gangsters can of course appear wherever they want."

The three people on the boat laughed when they heard it. Wenwen raised her right hand and raised her thumb, giving the smart man a big thumbs up.

After the Genshan River passed Fengqi Road, the river became a little more open. The scene on both sides of the river was still the same, except that there were no vegetable fields, but patches of overgrown wasteland. In the middle of the wasteland, from time to time, there would be a sudden appearance. The wall stretches from the inside to the river.

Liu Ligan understood that the land on both sides of the wall belonged to different units, but everyone unanimously decided that the land next to the Genshan River should be left uncultivated, otherwise it would be useless to build anything here.

Wenwen hummed a song again. Unlike before, this time she was not showing off, but truly happy. After spending time on the river for a long time, she no longer felt the smell, although the smell was still real. The deserted banks are deserted, but being in the city center gives people the feeling of being in the wilderness, which is really refreshing.

For a moment, Liu Ligan was confused, thinking that they were really taking a boat trip. He thought of Xu Zhimo's "Farewell to Cambridge", "Green Lycoris on the Soft Mud", what kind of soft mud, isn't it the same as here? Same, is it also silt? "You are swaggering under the water", damn Youyou, how dirty it is, worse than water hyacinth and green duckweed.

There is no one other than Xu Zhimo who can make a good talk in the world by playing tricks in a smelly ditch.

Liu Ligan thought about whether he should write a few lines of poetry, but he couldn't think of it.

When they passed Qingchun Road and walked towards Jiefang Road, in addition to the stench, there was also a very complex and pungent smell floating in the river. From time to time, gauze and masks were exposed on the river surface among the green leaves. and cartons for injections.

Liu Ligan looked to the right, which was Zhejiang No. 2, and to the left. There was a tall chimney not far from the river, with thick smoke billowing. It should be some kind of machinery factory or foundry. It seemed that the hospital was not only filled with medical waste. Here, the wastewater from the entire hospital also comes here, and the factory opposite certainly does its part.

The river is everyone's river. Why can you pollute it, but I can't pollute it? Everyone keeps away from it anyway, so who is afraid of whom?

After Zhejiang 2, there is Zhejiang 1, and then there is Hangcheng Third People's Hospital, which is the dermatology hospital. On the left side of the river is the coal yard of the railway station. Many of the trains at that time were steam locomotives, and they still needed to add steam locomotives. Coal, the coal needed for the trains passing through Chengzhan Railway Station, is piled in this coal yard, like a black mountain standing by the river.

Standing in the middle of the boat, Liu Ligan felt the soles of his feet were cold. When he lowered his head, he was surprised to see that water quickly leaked in from the bottom of the boat and soon covered his insteps.

"It's leaking, it's leaking!" Liu Ligan shouted, Wenwen and Qianqian also discovered it, Wenwen screamed, and Qianqian looked to both sides to see where they could dock.

It's just a water leak, and the ship won't sink completely, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Liu Ligang pointed to a collapsed section of stone on the right bank and said to Qianqian, go there.

Qianqian looked and saw that there was no better place to dock, so she docked the boat there.

The water quickly filled one-third of the cabin, and the boat reached the shore. Qianqian shouted to Wenwen, get ashore quickly!

Wenwen stood up and saw that the boat was still one foot wide from the shore. Her legs were trembling and she kept shouting:

"Don't dare, don't dare. If you get closer, I'll force you to move further to the side."

Qianqian cursed in her heart, there are rocks down there, how the hell can I rely on it?

She saw that the collapsed gap was filled with mud and rotten grass, so she stretched out her foot and kicked Wenwen on the buttocks. Wenwen yelled "Ah" and she fell to the shore like a baby. A frog, lying on the mud and rotting grass.

Qianqian and Liu Ligan also jumped ashore quickly. At this time, a ring of the hull of the small wooden boat was still exposed above the water and the green leaves.

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