The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 843 The Forgotten Carton

After the chaos of the first two days passed, the entire factory finally started to get back on track, which made Zhang Chen feel hopeful.

Although the 40,000 pieces of clothing were delayed for half a day by the power outage, they could still be completed within the time expected by Zheng Huihong. What comforted Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang the most was that through their own efforts in the tailoring in the previous two days, the speed of the tailoring was improved. They also came up, and there were no supervisors from the sewing workshop chasing after them to ask for goods. They went at their own pace, which made it smoother.

After finishing a piece of paper, Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang went to Zhao Zhigang's office. The two decided to take a break and smoke a cigarette. They were really tired.

After sitting down, Zhao Zhigang looked at Zhang Chen and smiled.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Boss, how long has it been since you did this?" Zhao Zhigang asked.

Zhao Zhigang was bringing up old things again. When he and Caidi were still running a tailor shop on Sanbao Street, and Zhang Chen and the others were making clothes in their shop, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were helping in their shop every day. Life, there is no day when I am not in such a hurry to rush for time. At that time, Xiao Zhao was still pregnant.

Hearing Zhao Zhigang ask this, Zhang Chen felt very emotional. He did the math himself and told Zhao Zhigang that it seemed that he had never worked like this since he moved here.

Zhang Chen thought about it and cursed: "I was always busy when I was in your store, and I was exploited by you every day."

Zhao Zhigang smiled and said, "You brought him to your door for exploitation, right? You can't even drive him away."

The phone on the table rang, Zhao Zhigang pressed the speakerphone, and the voice of the backend supervisor came from the phone:

"Director Zhao, that product is packed, where should I put it?"

Zhao Zhigang scolded: "You don't even know where you put the goods? Where did you put them?"

"It turns out that they go directly to the distribution center for storage."

"Then you also go to the warehouse now."

"Well, the goods going to Taiwan also go to the distribution center for storage?" asked the supervisor at the back.

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang were shocked. They thought of a problem almost at the same time. They had only been focusing on the cutting bed for the past two days, and they had even forgotten to order the cartons!

The ones that came out yesterday were all old models. After they came out, they were sent to the warehouse to match the numbers with the original inventory. However, the original inventory had not changed the tags yet, so there was no packing problem. The new models that came out today must be packed. boxes, but now even the boxes have not been ordered!

A carton factory is no better than a printing factory, because each customer has different requirements for the material and specifications of the cartons. They all order cardboard after receiving the order, and then start production after the cardboard arrives.

According to the past time, it usually takes seven to ten days for the carton to be delivered after the order is placed. If this situation is followed, even if Zhang Chen and the others order the carton as soon as possible, the time is already very tight, let alone they are delayed again. Two days.

Zhao Zhigang hurriedly told the backend supervisor: "This does not need to be sent to the distribution center. You put it aside for now. I will come over and talk about it later."

After hanging up the phone, without Zhang Chen's instructions, Zhao Zhigang immediately called the carton factory, but it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening. Where was the carton factory? Zhao Zhigang detained the boss of the carton factory.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Zhigang asked Zhang Chen, do you have the specifications of the carton?

Zhang Chen was dumbfounded. He had completely forgotten about the cartons. How could he remember to calculate the specifications? Not only did he not know how to calculate the specifications, he didn't even know the internal dimensions of a 40-foot container or how many cartons it could hold.

Zhang Chen hurriedly called Xiao Zhao and asked her if the freight forwarder had provided the size. Xiao Zhao said no, and there was no one at the freight forwarder now. It would not be good to deduct the goods so late.

Zhang Chen said okay, I'll call Brother Liu and ask, he should be in the arena now.

Zhang Chen called the bowling alley. As expected, Han Emperor Liu Bang was in the alley. Zhang Chen told him the matter and he asked:

"Tall cabinet or short cabinet?"

"Brother Liu, what are the high cabinets and low cabinets?" Zhang Chen was puzzled.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, smiled and told him that there are two specifications for 40-foot containers, one is a normal container, and the other is a high container. The height is higher than the normal container and can hold ten more cubic meters than the normal container. goods.

Zhang Chen said: "I don't know either, I just know it's a forty-foot cabinet."

"It doesn't matter, little brother, clothing is a throwaway item. There is no issue of weight. The main problem is volume." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "Wait a minute, let me look it up. I wrote it down in a book. The specifications of containers are the same all over the world." of."

Zhang Chen quickly said okay, I'll wait.

After a while, the voice of Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty, rang on the phone: "I found it, little brother, please take a note and take a note. Here, I will give you the dimensions of the two cabinets. You can calculate it carefully. What is the size?" Whether it's a high cabinet or an ordinary cabinet, I'll check with A-wan tomorrow. If we need a high cabinet, and A-wan ordered an ordinary cabinet, let her change it. It's not too late now."

Zhang Chen said okay, thank you Brother Liu, I understand.

"Brother, remember the length, width and height. The short cabinet is 12.032 ?”

"Remember it, Brother Liu, I'll report it again."


Zhang Chen reported it once, and Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said it was correct and told him again, remember, little brother, you must confirm with Awan tomorrow what cabinet it is.

Zhang Chen said okay.

After hanging up the phone, the boss of the carton factory had not called back. Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said, ignore him and let's go and calculate the size of the carton first.

They usually ship goods in woven bags and plastic bags, and rarely use cartons. The cartons are still used to return so many clothes in the warehouse. They need to be boxed for easy storage, and they only order a few times a year.

The two people first went to the warehouse and took two empty cartons, then went to the back aisle and tried packing them. Only then did they get the required carton size. When they returned to the office, Zhao Zhigang asked the carton factory owner again, and Zhang Chen took the calculation The computer is counting cartons. After the calculation, three specifications are needed, totaling 1,165 cartons.

Zhang Chen took a pen and paper and first drew two cubes on the paper, representing two containers. Then he used a pencil to arrange the boxes horizontally and vertically inside. He first calculated the number of boxes in each row, and then calculated how many rows could be placed in total. The result of the calculation is that the short cabinet cannot fit in it, and it must be a high cabinet.

After finishing counting the cartons, the boss of the carton factory had not called back yet. Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang became anxious again. Zhang Chen asked, do you know where his factory is?

"I know, it's at the Nine Forts." Zhao Zhigang said.

"Does he live in the factory?" Zhang Chen asked.

Zhao Zhigang shook his head. He said, I don’t deal with this person often, how could I know.

Zhang Chen said: "Let's go to his factory and have a look."

Zhao Zhigang stood up.

Zhang Chen took out his mobile phone and asked Zhao Zhigang to use the phone to call the carton factory owner. Zhao Zhigang understood that this was because he was afraid that when he called back, there would be no one in the office and he could go back to the mobile phone directly.

They arrived at Jiubao. At that time, Jiubao was a gathering place for foreigners. The street lights were dim and there were rental houses built haphazardly on both sides of the road, making the already narrow road appear even narrower.

Zhao Zhigang had only been here once, and he still had some vague memories. He remembered that the carton factory was already outside Jiubao Village, near a pond, and there was a solitary simple house made of colored steel tiles.

The first time, Zhang Chen drove in according to the road pointed by Zhao Zhigang. It turned out to be a dead end road. There was no way to turn around in it, so he had to carefully turn it out and drive forward. Zhao Zhigang pointed to an alley on the right and said, here Go in here, go in, I remember this electric pole at the intersection, yes, it's so crooked.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Damn you, this is a carton factory. You can only use two-wheeled vehicles on this road. The carton factory is here, how do you transport the cartons out?"

Zhao Zhigang said "Oh", it made sense after thinking about it.

Driving further, there was another alley. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "This electric pole is also crooked like this, isn't it here?"

Zhao Zhigang looked at it and cursed: "This damn place can't even bury a telegraph pole straight. Do you think it will be okay? Our Three Forts are better."

They wandered around Jiubao for more than half an hour, and finally found the carton factory. The factory was completely dark, and there wasn't even a reception room. Two people were banging on the iron door, but no one woke anyone up. It woke up all the dogs around and started barking wildly.

At around nine o'clock the next morning, while Zhang Chen was still on his way to the factory, Zhao Zhigang called him and told him that the boss of the carton factory had arrived and was in his office.

Zhang Chen said yes, I will be there soon.

Zhang Chen arrived at Zhao Zhigang's office. This was the first time the boss of the carton factory met Zhang Chen. As soon as he opened his mouth, he hurriedly explained that after ten o'clock in the evening, those who detained him were all asking him to play mahjong, and his wife would not allow him to play mahjong at night. When he went out to answer the phone, he knew it was from here, but no matter how he explained, his wife refused to believe it. He said that which factory was still talking about carton business in the middle of the night.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You are usually dishonest too many times, right?"

The other party chuckled.

Zhang Chen gave him the quantity, specifications and labels of the cartons, and asked him how many days it would take to make them.

"Eight days." the other party said.

"Eight days? I don't know where my ship went for eight days."

"Then six days, six days is okay?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"Then tell me how many days, Boss Zhang."

"Four days, I'll give you four days at most."

This time, the other party shook his head and said no, it would definitely not work within four days. Even if I order the cardboard right now, it will take the day after tomorrow for the cardboard to arrive. I still have to do it. How can I make it in time?

"Where did your cardboard come from?" Zhang Chen asked.


"Well, let's wait and see how much time it takes. First, you can calculate how much this cardboard box costs."

The other party took a calculator and calculated it and said, three eight yuan, three yuan a piece, Boss Zhang.

Zhao Zhigang immediately shouted: "No, no, it's so expensive. I have so many carton factories coming here every day, and none of them would charge such a random price like you."

"This is an export carton," the other party said.

"Whatever can't be exported, just do it for our warehouse."

The other party looked at Zhang Chen, who said yes: "We don't need commodity inspection."

"Okay, okay, I'll give you three and a half yuan each." The other party said to Zhao Zhigang. Zhao Zhigang probably thought that the price was about the same, so he stopped ringing.

Zhang Chen said: "Let's talk about the time now."

The other party said: "There is really no choice about time. Six days are already very tight."

Zhang Chen said, "Isn't your cardboard made in Xindeng? One and a half hours is enough from Hangcheng to Xindeng. If you leave here now, take the bus to Xindeng. If you go, they will definitely give you production first." Yes, wouldn’t it be nice if you came back with the cardboard tomorrow? In this way, wouldn’t it be ready in four days? I’ll give you a cardboard box plus fifty cents, so four dollars a piece, okay?”

As soon as the other party heard this, he stood up and said with a smile, "This is okay, this is okay, I will go to Xindeng now."

He took the specifications and label of the carton and went out excitedly.

After he left, Zhao Zhigang looked at Zhang Chen and said, for more than five hundred yuan, a trip to Xindeng is a good deal.

Zhang Chen laughed and said: "Where did he go to Xindeng? He went to his own factory to make arrangements. The biggest supplier of the carton factory is cardboard. If he can't even make cardboard, why would he open a carton factory? I don't believe it. You call his factory number in fifteen minutes and see if he is in the factory."

Zhao Zhigang was doubtful. After fifteen minutes, he actually called the carton factory. The boss answered the phone. When the boss heard Zhao Zhigang's voice, he immediately said:

"I'll go back to the factory to pick up some clothes, and I'll go to Xindeng right away."

Thank you to the Thousand Years of White Vote Party and Daily Reader for your rewards! Thank you あ虞あ, happy0703, and BuDeXian for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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