The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 836 The factory is in a hurry

Zhang Chen’s big brother rang. Zhang Chen picked up the phone and a voice rang out:

"Hello, Boss Zhang, how is business now?"

The voice seemed familiar. Zhang Chen thought for a moment and then remembered that it was the original client of Beijing Zoo, their former general agent in Beijing.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, hello, hello! Thank you for your concern, business is going well.

"Boss Zhang, how are you doing in Beijing now?" the other party asked.

"Very good." Zhang Chen said, "We are now doing it ourselves in Beijing. The store is in Wangfujing. We have counters in more than a dozen shopping malls such as Lufthansa, Parkson, and Seth."

"Your store is in Wangfujing?" The other party's voice sounded a little surprised and a little disappointed.

"Yes, if you have a chance, you can go over and take a look. Xiaoli is in charge there. You should know her."

"Is that the salesperson you used to have at Sijiqing?"

"Yes, she is now the general manager of our Beijing branch." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I'll definitely go over and take a look when I get the chance. See you, Mr. Zhang."

The other party hung up the phone as he said that. Zhang Chen could imagine in his mind how disappointed his face was. He must have turned around. After tasting the 100% exchange rate, he decided to do half an acre. When I was in the field, I made a lot of money. Looking back, I wanted to be their general agent.

But I'm sorry, after passing this village, this store is no longer there. Zhang Chen felt that after answering this call, he felt so happy.

A few days ago, He Hongmei told him that the guy from Yunnan called her.

"What?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Haha, I don't want to turn around. From me, I can learn how Yunnan is doing now. I told him directly that it was very good, better than what you did before, and he was speechless." He Hongmei said with a smile.

He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao walked in from outside. Zhang Chen told them the phone number from the Beijing Zoo just now. He Hongmei shouted:

"Then bastard, why don't you let him eat shit?"

"Waiting for you to tell me." Zhang Chen smiled.

"Okay, give me his phone number and I'll call him." He Hongmei scolded, "Sister Xiaozhao, didn't you see how bad this bastard was on West Lake last year? He came there on purpose. You are causing trouble, please give me your phone."

It seemed that what happened last year really made He Hongmei very angry. Thinking about it now, she was still angry. Zhang Chen said forget it, it was boring.

"Coward!" He Hongmei rolled her eyes at him and cursed.

"You are so talkative that these people think that after bullying others, they can still have a chance to cooperate later." He Hongmei said.

"I support you in scolding him." Xiao Zhao and He Hongmei said.

He Hongmei stretched out her hand, Zhang Chen smiled, but still did not tell her her phone number, nor did he give her his eldest brother.

"By the way, how was it when you went to the factory last night?" Zhang Chen changed the topic and asked.

"Of course it's a complete victory. Zhao Zhigang is no match for Sister Shuzhen and I." He Hongmei smiled happily, "You didn't see that Zhao Zhigang was under our guard. He would rush whatever we asked him to deliver." goods."

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he became anxious and shouted: "Then should I go to rob it at night? Xiaoli and Xiaomi have called me many times."

He Hongmei laughed and said, go ahead and ask this person to accompany you. If he has the strength, the boss and his wife will go to their factory to grab goods. It will be an eternal spectacle.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both laughed.

Zhang Chen remembered that more new workers would arrive today. He picked up the phone and called Zhao Zhigang to ask him how the recruitment of workers was going. Zhao Zhigang told him that they would all be here tonight. Lao Wan and the others No, I'm so busy. I'm asking the bed-cutting workers to help me, and then I'm going to the cutting-bed to pull the cloth.

"What can the bed cutter do to help?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"Let's build a bed, boss. I asked the machine seller to bring someone to install the machine. The bed seller doesn't have anyone to install the bed." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhang Chen remembered that so many workers were coming today and the steel frame beds in the dormitory had to be installed. It turned out that these were the tasks of Lao Wan and his maintenance team. Without Lao Wan and his team, there were not many men left in the factory. Well, Zhao Zhigang really had no choice but to transfer people from the cutting room to work there.

"Do you want me to come over and help?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Are you alone?" Zhao Zhigang asked, "Forget one, ten are fine."

After putting down the phone, Zhang Chen still withheld the second-hand goods, and borrowed three security guards from Hagen in the market below. If one couldn't do it, how about five damn ones, Zhao Zhigang?

"Do you want us to go over and help?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"Forget it." Zhang Chen said and walked out, and went to the Third Fort with Erhuo and the others to help with the work.

Unexpectedly, not long after Zhang Chen and the others arrived at Sanbao, Xiao Zhao, He Hongmei, and Zhao Jingjing also arrived. They couldn't install the bed, so they could go to the cutting bed to pull fabrics. They had to go back to do their own work, otherwise the keyholes and buttons and packaging would be manned. Not enough again.

Zhang Chen and the others had just started to work when Lao Tan's jeep drove in. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were startled and hurried over, only to see Lao Tan and Han Gaozu Liu Bang getting out of the car. When they saw them, Han Gaozu Liu Bang and They said, when I went to your place and you were not there, I happened to meet Brother Tan.

Lao Tan said, I went to the construction site opposite, and then I went to your office for a walk. The people in the office said that you are here. The emperor just wanted to take a look at the factory, so we came.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, looked around and sighed, the scale is really not small.

Zhang Chen wanted to take him to visit. Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said that he should work first and then visit after finishing the work. Behind Zhang Chen, a truck of beds had just arrived. Everyone was unloading the bed frame and bed boards from the truck and heading upstairs. move.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, saw Zhang Chen hesitating and shouted, "Don't worry, I have never done any kind of work." He picked up a thick stack of four bed boards and carried it upstairs.

Lao Tan took the hammer from Zhang Chen and told him that while I couldn't move things upstairs or downstairs, I could still build a bed. He went upstairs with the hammer in hand.

Zhang Chen quickly shouted: "Okay, big brother, the second-rate guy is upstairs, you look for the second-rate guy."

After calling, Zhang Chen also picked up a thick stack of four bed boards and carried them upstairs.

This time they have hired more than 300 new parking spaces. Including the original ones, they already have more than 900 parking spaces, and the workshop is almost full.

With the increase in parking spaces above, the number of quality inspectors and supervisors will also increase, and the number of cutting, ironing, and back-end workers below, including handymen, will also increase. Even the number of chefs and helpers in the employee canteen will also increase. This time, they are all added at once. More than 400 people arrived at the same time within two or three days, and the chaos in a short period of time was conceivable.

It’s also because Zhang Chen’s factory has a good reputation in Hangzhou. All sewing workers know that this factory has high labor prices, good treatment, and good food in the cafeteria. They all want to come, but it’s difficult to get in. With such an opportunity, it’s not possible. Seize it, so they all flock to it.

Some people came here on leave from their original unit. After taking this leave, they were not planning to go back. The purpose of asking for leave was that they were worried that they would not be able to get in, or that they would be eliminated immediately after they got in, so they had a backup plan.

But when she came here, she couldn't help but laugh. She saw that the supervisor in the factory whom she had asked for leave from was also here. He was willing to be a lathe worker like herself. Everyone smiled and understood it tacitly.

More often than not, you threw away your unpaid wages and deposits and came here resolutely. Finding a good factory is the same as finding a good husband. The time you spend with your husband is not as long as the time you spent in the factory. If you have this opportunity, of course you have to choose Gaozhi.

Liangfen is now the quality inspection team leader in the factory. The original peace has been broken. The old man is always a little uncomfortable looking at the new man, and even hates it. Plus Liangfen is a very serious person.

Zhang Chen recommended Liangfen to be the quality inspection team leader. Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said that she was a person with a sense of honor. When Zhang Chen saw Zhao Zhigang staring at him, he said that she was a person who wanted to save face. Don't worry about doing things, she won't let you lose face.

Do you believe it or not?

Zhao Zhigang was doubtful, but since his boss recommended it, he made Liangfen the leader of the quality inspection team. The result was exactly as Zhang Chen said. Liangfen served as the leader of the quality inspection team for two days, and all the supervisors below couldn't bear it. They came to complain to Zhao Zhigang. They complained, and Zhao Zhigang saved the trouble and secretly enjoyed themselves.

Even Caidi and Zhao Zhilong didn't let go of the things they put together, and they were still merciless about the things they came up with. When they went to Zhao Zhigang's place, they said there was nothing they could do about it. If the clothes in the factory were If I don't do well, Director Zhao won't scold me, but I will be scolded by my daughter when I go home. She says that all her hard work has been wasted by me. What should I do?

After Liangfen said this, Caidi and Zhao Zhilong had no choice but to go back to the workshop. Zhao Zhigang secretly had fun again and quietly told Liangfen that he had done a good job, just to give them power!

In addition, she is tall and strong. When she is free, everyone has seen her bravery on the basketball court below. Even the young men who cut the bed can't beat her. When she stands in front of people, she will naturally know how to do it. Give people a kind of pressure.

Liang Fen ran over and said to Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang, "No, no, no, the work is too rough for these newcomers, and the time to do it is not as much time as to rework. When the reworked clothes are handed over, the threads are still one foot long. We Eight people are so busy.

You set the number of stitches for him, and as soon as you walked away, he secretly released the number of stitches.

Open the number of stitches. The thinner the stitches, the faster the sewing machine will run. The denser the stitches, the slower the sewing machine will run. Each sewing machine has a stitch adjustment knob that can be adjusted.

According to the thickness and characteristics of different fabrics, Zhang Chen and others have regulations on the number of stitches per three centimeters in the craft sheet. Generally, their stitches are denser than other factories, so many new workers will not adapt. If I feel like I can't do the job, I will secretly loosen my stitches.

Zhao Zhigang told Liangfen that it would be fine as soon as they got used to it. The sewing workers in Hangzhou were basically making market goods. They only focused on quantity, not quality. They didn’t care about stitches. How could you piece together several pieces of cloth? Just a piece of clothing is enough. Even if you change a group of workers, the situation will still be the same. We can only rely on us to correct their habits.

Zhao Zhigang thought of a way. He split the original old workers and divided the new workers into a new group. Instead, he mixed the new workers into the original old workers.

People are like this. When you see people around you no longer working hard, you will slow down and do a good job. Not to mention the wages here. If you make ten pieces, it will be better than if you worked hard in the original factory. Fifteen pieces was still high, so I wasn't that anxious.

In addition, if you meet Lifen, you can't escape even if you want to. Reworking a piece of clothing will not only give Lifen them a headache, but the workers will also have an even bigger headache. You must know that there is no wage for rework, and all you waste is your own time. .

In this way, both the supervisor of each group and the quality inspection team feel that the pressure has been reduced a lot.

Thank you Tin Soldier, third from top to bottom for the tip! Thank you Zhu Laoye, Mu Yangxiang, Li Ruijin, and Wu Yehuan for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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