The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 834 You look too much like a boss

Zhang Chen sat there blankly until Zhao Zhigang came in, and then he woke up. Zhang Chen asked: "Do you think I have regressed?"

Zhao Zhigang was puzzled by Zhang Chen's meaningless words. Zhao Zhigang asked: "What did you say?"

"Zhao Zhigang, let me ask you, have I regressed?" Zhang Chen said, "Am I no longer working as hard as when I first started?"

Zhao Zhigang thought for a while and said to Zhang Chen, "No, you are more like a boss."

"Oh, what do you say?" Zhang Chen asked.

"When you come to the factory now, you just look around, look here and there, walk around and then leave. It seems that you are here to complete your boss's task. New workers who don't know you will ask the old workers if our boss is It was very impressive. The old workers told them, no, the boss was very nice. He used to cook for us and work with us, but the new workers didn’t believe it.”

Zhao Zhigang said, Zhang Chen then remembered how he felt like a world of ice and fire in the factory. Someone called his boss very affectionately. When Zhang Chen turned around, he must have seen an old worker. Zhang Chen also Can call her or him by name, stop or walk over, and make a joke or two with her or him.

There were many workers walking around when they saw him. He went to the cafeteria to eat. When he sat down, there were workers around him. Some workers would sit opposite him with bowls in their hands and ask him about the hot sauce he brought from home. , Boss, do you want it?

As soon as he heard this, Zhang Chen knew that he was an old worker. Zhang Chen used to ask for hot sauce everywhere when eating. If someone brought delicious hot sauce, Zhang Chen would directly call her, "Hurry, hurry, go." Give me some of your hot sauce.

When some workers saw him, they quickly turned their heads away, pretending not to see him, or burying their heads and eating their own food in a hurry. Sometimes Zhang Chen felt strange. It turned out that in the eyes of the workers, he already had such a big problem. difference.

"What else?" Zhang Chen asked Zhao Zhigang.

"Also, you are in the factory now. No matter how urgent the production tasks are, you don't seem to be in a hurry anymore. It turns out that you are in the factory, and when you see that you are busy, you will help with packaging. No one is ordering buttons, so you yourself You will sit in front of the button-tacking machine or the cutting bed. If there are not enough people to pull the cloth, you will help pull the cloth. Anyway, when the work is very tight, you will not leave until the batch of work is completed. "

"Is it good or not?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's good or bad, but the distance between you and the workers has been shortened."

Zhao Zhigang said that Zhang Chen remembered the story of Wu Qi that Liu Ligan told when he and Xiao Wu had dinner that day, so he said that he looked like Wu Qi at that time.

"The bad thing is, it feels a bit too casual. The workers are not afraid of you, unlike the boss. Now the new workers are afraid of you. If you stand behind a worker and watch her work, the worker will panic and do something. wrong."

Zhao Zhigang said that Zhang Chen thought that he was more like an emperor now, with more majesty, or in other words, like Wang Yaowu, who "would rather see the king of hell than touch the old king." Wang Yaowu, who was famous for his strict military discipline, was not just in appearance. Wang Yaowu and Zhang Chen themselves didn’t know.

"Tell me again, how am I doing now?" Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said.

"Now, you just ask, and then say hurry up, and then go back to the office. After a while, if you have anything to do, you just leave. It seems that even if you can't rush out this batch of work, it doesn't matter." Zhao Zhigang said.

"Damn it, I trusted you and knew you would definitely get out." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Yes and no. In fact, you just can't sit still in the factory. Do you think the time you spend in the factory now is getting less and less?"

Zhang Chen was speechless. He wanted to argue that he used to live here, so of course he spent a lot of time here. He also wanted to argue that it turned out that the design center was here, so of course he spent a lot of time here.

But Zhang Chen didn't say anything. He felt that whatever he said had weak reasons. Zhao Zhigang at least hit his mark with one sentence, which was that he couldn't sit still in the factory.

This is really the case. Many times, there is nothing going on on Stadium Road, but Zhang Chen will rush there from Sanbao. Even if there is nothing, he seems to be willing to sit in the office over there.

Calculating the time, it is true that he rarely stays in the Sanbao Factory for more than two hours now. From the beginning, he stayed in the factory all day, and then every night, he would definitely stay in the factory. , then I must come to the factory twice a day, once every two days, and now I basically come every three or four days.

However, to be honest, Zhang Chen felt that if he was asked to come to the factory once a day and sit here for a few hours, it would be just sitting. He really had nothing to do. Everything in the factory was normal. A more normal enterprise would seem to There is no need for a boss. Only companies that have problems every day need bosses to go to the front line of fire and put out fires everywhere.

Zhang Chen didn't know whether this was the case.

"Then tell me, which one is better?" Zhang Chen was a little confused and asked Zhao Zhigang.

Zhao Zhigang sighed and said: "The factory is big. If you are asked to do what you did before, you won't be able to do it. If you do it, you will be exhausted. I will take care of the things here. If I can't take care of it, just ask me to hold you accountable." .”

"Then what do I need to do?"

"Just give me some snacks."

"Just snacks? What do you mean?"

"Do you know that the production tasks in the factory are very tight right now, and goods are being rushed everywhere?" Zhao Zhigang asked.

"Fuck you, I came to you just to talk about this."

Zhao Zhigang chuckled, Oh, what are you going to talk about?

"You are a dead man. The task is tight. You don't know how to expand production and recruit people?" Zhang Chen cursed.

Zhao Zhigang didn't answer and stared at him. Zhang Chen was annoyed by him and said, OK, I know I told you that recruitment will be strictly controlled this year, but doesn't this mean the plan can't keep up with changes? Moreover, Zhao Zhigang, don’t fucking think that I don’t know, you are still recruiting.

"We've only hired more than 20 people," Zhao Zhigang said. "They are all relatives of the old workers. We recruited them to take care of them."

"Okay, then tell me, why don't you recruit me now?"

"Boss, you really can't remember?"

"Whatever you think about, tell me!"

"I've called you twice about recruiting people."

"Have you called me?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"One time when you were drinking, I called you and told you that the tasks in the factory are very tight now. You said, I know, I know, and we will talk about it when I get to the factory tomorrow." Zhao Zhigang said, "It took two days for you to come, and you I'm here, I'm not here, I'm back, you're gone."

Zhang Chen couldn't remember this phone call at all.

"What about another time?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Another time, when you were in Nanjing and I called you, you told me, OK, I will go to the factory when I get back and we will discuss this matter." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhang Chen vaguely remembered this call. When Zhao Zhigang called, he was looking at Xuanwu Lake outside, feeling troubled.

"Boss, how many days have you been back from Nanjing? Don't you know that I've been waiting for you? If you told me on the phone, you can arrange it, I will start recruiting. You told me to wait for you to discuss, I won't wait for you. Is that so? I have already prepared that if you don’t come today, I will go to Stadium Road to find you tomorrow.” Zhao Zhigang said.

Damn it, Zhang Chen understood what Zhao Zhigang meant when he said he was served some snacks.

"You don't know, I just said it casually?" Zhang Chen cursed.

"You are the boss, and if you say anything casually, it is an imperial edict here, don't you know?"

Zhao Zhigang looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was stunned. Zhao Zhigang smiled and said, "Don't worry, boss, I can't wait any longer. I have made up my mind to kill first and then show off. It's up to you to kill or behead. I informed the workers below yesterday." , and asked them to notify their fellow villagers and relatives that those who want to come to our factory should seize the opportunity to come. The first batch will arrive this evening.

Boss, can we discuss recruiting workers now? Zhao Zhigang asked.

Zhao Zhigang looked at Zhang Chenle, and Zhang Chen cursed, "Damn it, Zhao Zhigang, don't you think I'll handle it with military law."

Zhao Zhigang said: "Okay, then take out the military law first. Do you have it, boss?"

Zhang Chen was stunned again.

Many things are changing quietly like this. When you think nothing has changed, in fact everything is changing. The size of the company and factory is slowly getting bigger. You thought it was still the same factory and company. However, whether you go to a factory, to the market, or to a store, you can no longer recognize everyone in every place.

There are more and more new faces, which means you are getting bigger.

Not only the size of the company and factory, but also the people are changing. This makes Zhang Chen happy. Zhao Zhigang is no longer the shy tailor, Ge Ling can now take the lead, and Tan Shuzhen is more like a qualified manager. , instead of the troupe star standing between the camphor and tallow trees, babbling and singing.

As for himself, in Zhao Zhigang's words, he is becoming more and more like a boss. Whether it is good or bad, Zhao Zhigang can't tell, and Zhang Chen himself can't figure it out. Wu Qi can lead troops to fight and win many battles, and Wang Yaowu can also lead The soldiers fought and won many battles. Zhang Chen couldn't figure out whose method was better.

But one thing is for sure, that is what Zhao Zhigang said, you have to be careful. Being prepared means to think about it even when you can’t think clearly. The result of thinking may not be that you will think things through clearly, but after that, When you think about it, you will find many problems.

Brother Tan has a very good saying. He said that no company was born on a bloody road. Zhang Chen felt that he once was. When he and Zhao Zhigang rode a tricycle to Wang Hainiao to pull fabrics under the summer sun, he used to be. .

There was a time when I would get up earlier than a chicken every morning before dawn, go to Zhao Zhigang to get clothes, tie bundles of clothes on my bicycle, and rush to the market as hard as I could.

But now, it is definitely not the case. Now that I am too comfortable, will the comfortable person fight his way out, or will he fall on the road...?

Zhang Chen was driving, thinking as he drove, there was a "bang", he crashed into the car, and at a red light in front of him, he rear-ended a Jinbei van. Fortunately, when he reached the intersection, he had already subconsciously slowed down.

The driver in front and him got out of the car, and the other cars went around them.

The driver in front had an angry look on his face. He got out of the car and wanted to have a good theory. Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen waved his hand when he saw him and said:

"My fault, my fault, I'm sorry, I was thinking about something and didn't pay attention."

The driver's anger immediately disappeared and he muttered: "It's so dangerous to think about something while driving. What if I hit someone?"

"Yes, you're right, it's my fault. You shouldn't be thinking wildly while driving."

The driver nodded and walked over to look at his car. The damage was not big. It seemed that the plexiglass outside the taillight was broken. He walked back to the cab, turned on the double jump, and walked back to take a look. The inside was not damaged, but the plexiglass outside was broken. The glass lampshade was broken.

"How much will it cost, I'll compensate you." Zhang Chen said.

The driver thought for a moment and said, "I'm not blackmailing you. I'll give you four hundred."

In fact, it was better to turn it on high. A hundred yuan would be enough to replace the lampshade. He waited for Zhang Chen to counteroffer and return the money to three hundred, which he could accept. Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen took out his wallet from his butt pocket. , took the four hundred and handed it to him.

The other party was so cheerful that the driver became suspicious and asked, "Are you afraid that the traffic police will come if you don't have a driver's license?"

"Yes, yes, the driver's license is in the car. I'll show it to you." Zhang Chen said quickly.

The driver muttered: "It's none of my business."

He turned around and got into the car, started the car and left. Zhang Chen bent down and found the driver's license from the bucket in the middle of the driver's seat. After thinking about it, he also found the driving license. When he turned around, the car was gone.

Zhang Chen shook his head.

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