The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 83 Requires 8,000 yuan

The next morning, Zhang Chen woke up and found that Jin Lili was not there. He thought she had gone to the bathroom. After waiting for a long time, she did not come back. Zhang Chen got up and saw a note left by Jin Lili on the table:

"My dear, there is an emergency at the company. I will go back first. If you are still asleep, I won't wake you up. Lily."

Next to Jin Lili's note was Zhang Chen's painting. Zhang Chen picked up the note, tore it up, picked up the painting, tore it up, and threw them into the garbage pile at the foot of the wall. He returned to the bed and continued sleep.

When Liu Li stood up, he saw the torn painting on the ground. He turned around and looked at Zhang Chen on the bed. He wanted to ask him, but after thinking about it, he didn't ask. He shook his head and went out to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Zhang Chen didn't get up until noon. Liu Ligan asked why Lily was gone.

Zhang Chen said angrily: "The company has something urgent."

Liu Ligan looked at the paintings on the ground, thought for a while, and still didn't speak. When Zhang Chen came back from washing his face and brushing his teeth, Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen, "What are we doing today?"


"Didn't you just get up?"

"I still want to sleep again."

"Then you have to eat first, right?"

"I won't eat, you go and eat."

The two people were talking when Zhang Chen's BB phone rang. He looked at it and walked out without saying a word. Ten minutes later, Zhang Chen came back with two bowls of pickled powder and With a bag of braised vegetables, he seemed to be in a much better mood than before.

"What good thing?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Just now our Mr. Tan detained me. He told me that yesterday he gave my renderings to Mr. Fu from Wanghailou. As a result, Mr. Fu called him today and said that he wanted to meet with him and the designer again. Tan I always think our plan works." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Great! If this project can be won, Zhang Chen, let me tell you, it doesn't matter how much money you make. You designed the decoration of Wanghai Tower. This is awesome. As a designer, you are in Haicheng, or even the entire Hainan's reputation has been established!" Liu Ligan said excitedly.

Zhang Chen chuckled: "I think so too."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go quickly." Liu Ligan said.

"They invited us to have dinner at Wanghai Tower at seven o'clock. What should I do now?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"Oh my God, Zhang Chen, the boss of Wanghailou invites you to dinner at Wanghailou? That's awesome. You know Haicheng, how many people want to invite him to dinner but can't?"

Liu Ligan said, flipping through several plastic bags that Zhang Chen brought back, and shouted: "It's such a big event, why didn't you buy wine? No, no, no, no, no, I'll buy wine. I must celebrate it. It's a pity that Lily Not here."

Liu Ligan got up and ran out. After a while, he came back with four bottles of beer and bought some braised vegetables.

The two of them were drinking wine when they suddenly heard someone yelling and saying something urgently below them. They couldn't hear clearly, they only heard a babbling sound and started to cry.

The two people ran downstairs quickly. They saw Yi Ya standing in the yard crying. Liu Ligan asked the man who came, what happened?

The man hurriedly told them that Yilin's mother was demonstrating a stove to the guests, but the stove exploded, injuring Yilin's mother, who has now been sent to the hospital.

When Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen heard this, their hearts trembled. They both understood that the cassette stove must have exploded. Liu Ligan asked urgently, which hospital was it in?

The other party said it was the Farm Reclamation Hospital.

Zhang Chen took out his motorcycle keys and said hurry up, we will go there.

Liu Ligan snatched the key and said to Zhang Chen, "You are busy with your own affairs. I will take Yilin there. By the way, do you have any money?"

Zhang Chen took out all the money in his pocket and gave it to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan wanted to pay him back a hundred and said that you would take a taxi later.

Zhang Chen shook his head. He said that if you look for the taxi money in the drawer of your bag, you must still have it. You go first. If you need anything, I will hold it.

Zhang Chen carried Yilin to the back seat of the motorcycle and told him to hold Brother Gangzi's waist tightly. Liu Ligan and Yilin left immediately.

Liu Ligan took Yilin to the Nongken Hospital. Yilin's mother was rescuing her. Liu Ligan asked the doctor. The doctor told them that there was no life-threatening danger at the moment, but because of the large burns on his hands and face, we were doing emergency treatment. Treatment, cooling her down, removing foreign matter from the respiratory tract and replenishing body fluids, because the patient was also exposed to a lot of explosives...

"Okay, doctor, we don't understand what you're talking about. Just hire the best doctor, use the best medicine, use the best medical equipment, etc. Oh, I don't understand. Anyway, we just try our best to treat you. Please Please, doctor."

"Are you her family member?" the doctor asked.

Liu Li pulled Yi Lin aside and said to the doctor, "He is her son."

The doctor frowned: "Are there any adult family members?"

"I, I live in their house." Liu Li pointed at himself.

"What's your relationship?" the doctor asked.

what relationship? Liu Lipole patted Yilin on the shoulder: "I am his brother."

The doctor looked at the two of them suspiciously, and Liu Ligan became anxious: "Doctor, why are you asking so many questions? If you need to pay, I will pay it, and if you need to sign, Yilin, just sign wherever the doctor asks you to sign, okay?"

Yilin nodded desperately.

The doctor said: "Okay, you go and pay the deposit first."

"How many?"

"Eight thousand, maybe."

"Okay, no problem."

Liu Ligan took out all the money in his pocket, including what Zhang Chen gave him, and counted it. There were only more than two thousand. Liu Ligan said to Yilin, "Yilin, you are right here, don't go away." My brother went to the bank to withdraw money.

Yilin nodded.

Liu Ligan rode his motorcycle and went to two banks. Because it was Sunday, the banks were not open, and there were no ATM machines at that time. Liu Ligan had no choice but to detain Jin Lili and tell her the matter. Lily didn't have so much cash on her. She said don't worry, Pole, I'll figure it out. I have money in the safe, but I can't touch it. I'm going to ask Mr. Xia to borrow it.

Liu Ligan said okay, then I will come to your company and wait.

"No, pole, you go and accompany Yilin. Don't lose Yilin again. Which hospital is it at? I'll send it over." Jin Lili said.

Liu Ligan told her that she was at the Nongken Hospital, and then hurried back to the hospital. When he saw Yilin sitting obediently on the chair, Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Ligan took Yilin to wait at the hospital gate. Ten minutes later, Lao Bao arrived in a car. Jin Lili and Lao Bao got out of the car. Jin Lili handed 10,000 yuan to Liu Ligan and said He borrowed it from the company. Liu Ligan took out his bankbook and said to Jin Lili, "You know the password. You can go get it tomorrow."

Jin Lili shouted: "Oh, don't worry about this for now. Go and pay the money. These doctors won't save their lives without money."

Liu Ligan hurriedly ran to the payment window. There were many people queuing up. Liu Ligan didn't care. He got in the front. A bunch of people behind him yelled. Liu Ligan raised his hand and said to them, "Sorry, sorry, we are patients." In the rescue, I'm sorry!

Liu Ligan paid the deposit, ran to the doctor, gave him the list, and then ran back to the hospital gate.

Jin Lili, Lao Bao and Yi Lin stood there. Liu Ligan greeted Lao Bao, and Lao Bao asked how it exploded.

Liu Ligan told Jin Lili and Lao Bao what the man told them. Lao Bao nodded and said, "It may be a problem with product quality."

"It's going to kill me. How come it's okay if we used it last night?" Jin Lili said.

"There is a quality problem with this product, but not every piece has a problem." Lao Bao said, while Jin Lili and Liu Ligan nodded.

Jin Lili said that she wanted to see Yilin's mother, but Liu Ligan said not to go, no one can see her now, you should go about your own business first, Yilin and I can be here.

"Okay, if you have something to do, hold me accountable, Yilin, be strong!" Jin Lili said, Liu Ligan and Yilin both nodded.

After Jin Lily and Lao Bao left, Liu Ligan remembered something and shouted: "Lily!"

Jin Lili stopped, and Lao Bao said I should go to the car first.

Liu Ligan walked over and said to Jin Lili: "Lily, Zhang Chen's design for Wanghai Tower may have been confirmed. Mr. Fu from Wanghai Tower will invite Zhang Chen and Mr. Tan to dinner in the evening."

"Really?!" Jin Lili shouted.

"Of course it's true. Zhang Chen was going to come to the hospital originally. Just because of this, I asked him not to come and prepare at home." Liu Ligan said.

"Great!" Jin Lili clenched her fist and waved it in front of her chest in a small and high frequency.

Liu Ligan hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "Lily, do you and Zhang Chen have any problems?"

"No, what problems will we have?" Jin Lili asked curiously, "You are thinking too much."

"It's fine if you don't." Liu Ligan chuckled.

"By the way, pole, why didn't Zhang Chen tell me about such a big thing?" Jin Lili asked.

"It's not like you don't know the character of that bastard. He must want to give you a surprise when things are really confirmed. He's afraid of firing a cannon."

Liu Ligan said, Jin Lili nodded.

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