The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 825 What a huge sum of money

Jinling Hotel, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting between the two parties was held on time in the small conference room on the fifth floor. On one side were Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang, and on the other side were Meng Ping, Qian Fang, Ye Yilan and Liu Ligan.

The four renderings drawn by Zhang Chen were placed in the conference room. When Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang came in, their eyes lit up. They looked at the renderings and whispered something in Cantonese.

Mr. Qiao asked: "Mr. Meng, where is your project in Nanjing?"

Meng Ping pointed out the window and said, "This is the opposite."

"Opposite this hotel? Xinjiekou?" Mr. Yang asked.

Meng Ping said yes, this is the opposite.

"Then can we go down and take a look at the scene first?" Mr. Qiao asked.

Meng Ping said yes.

The group of people left the conference room, went downstairs, and walked outside the hotel. Taking advantage of the red light, Meng Ping led them across the zebra crossing and to the middle of the intersection. Under the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen, there were many People, take pictures here.

Meng Ping pointed to the corner, then spread his hands about a foot apart, made a vertical movement from bottom to top, and compared a cube in the air, and said to Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang:

"Our building is built here."

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang nodded. Mr. Yang looked around and murmured: "It's still a crossroads."

As a group of people walked back, Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang were still whispering something in Cantonese. Liu Ligan observed very carefully that there was excitement on both of their faces. Liu Ligan was thinking that something was going on, and he He quietly gestured his thumb towards Meng Ping.

Back in the conference room, Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang stood in front of the four paintings again, continuing to whisper something in Cantonese. From time to time, they pointed at the paintings and out the window with their fingers.

Meng Ping thought to himself as he looked at it, the pole was right. This project really needs pictures to be convincing. It seems that although the two of them have not asked anything yet, they are already very clear about the importance of this project. .

After sitting down, Mr. Qiao asked: "Mr. Meng, what is the status of this project now? Has it been implemented or is it still in the intention stage?"

"Implementation has already begun." Meng Ping said, "We have now purchased this place."

"You mean, this land is now under your company's name?"

Meng Ping nodded, stretched out his hand, and Qian Fang gave him a brand new land certificate. Meng Ping pushed it to Mr. Qiao and the others across the conference table. Mr. Qiao picked it up, looked at it, and handed it to Mr. Yang. After Mr. Yang read it, he put it on the table and nodded slightly.

Mr. Qiao asked: "Mr. Meng, how much money do you need this time?"

"Four hundred million." Meng Ping said.

"Are you going to apply for a loan from one financial institution for these 400 million, or from multiple financial institutions?"

"We're going to be just one family."

"Then let me ask again, please don't mind Mr. Meng." Mr. Qiao said, "What I want to ask is, if our family meets your needs, will you apply for various forms of financial services from other financial institutions? Loan?"

Meng Ping shook his head and said no. This fund can already ensure that the main structure of our project reaches more than 50%. However, in fact, when our project reaches plus or minus zero, we have already begun to collect payments. , Therefore, we will not have financial pressure, and subsequent construction funds and repayments are guaranteed.

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang nodded, and Mr. Qiao asked: "How do you arrange the entire construction cycle?"

"It takes 225 days from pile foundation construction to earth excavation until the completion of the basement structure. For the main structure, 16 days for the first floor, 16 days for the top floor, 8 days for each layer of the middle layer and equipment layer, and 180 days after the main structure is capped, rough and garden The environmental supporting facilities are completed in 250 days, and all projects are accepted and delivered for use. The entire project takes about thirty and a half months." Meng Ping said confidently.

"In other words, it's enough for us to provide you with a three-year development loan?" Mr. Qiao asked.

"Yes, actually we can start paying back the money in batches for the project in about a year or so." Meng Ping said.

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang looked at each other. Mr. Qiao picked up the cup on the table and drank tea, indicating that he had no questions to ask.

"Mr. Meng, I would like to ask, what are your guarantee measures for this fund?" Mr. Yang asked.

“The project itself is mortgaged and guaranteed,” Meng Ping said.

"Then will you still take out mortgages in the future? I mean, will the customers who buy your office buildings take out mortgages?" Mr. Yang asked.

"Well, it should be possible. It depends on the customer's needs and their financial situation."

"In this case, there will not be a problem of repeated mortgages, and I think it will be difficult for them to obtain mortgages. If so, how can you guarantee that the repayment of your project will be smooth?"

Meng Ping was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this question.

"No problem."

Ye Yilan looked at them and continued:

"As long as we hand over the mortgage to your company, and in the contract with the customer, we specify that you are the only financial institution that we recognize and can provide mortgage services, then this problem will not be a problem? You can gradually release the mortgage At the same time, the loan will be gradually recovered, or you can make a remortgage internally with the customer. Anyway, the other rights will always be with you."

Mr. Qiao laughed first, followed by Mr. Yang.

Mr. Yang said: "Mr. Meng, I would like to ask if you can provide other guarantee measures in addition to the project mortgage. This lady should also know that if it is just a project mortgage, our risk will be too great." ”

When Mr. Yang said this, he pointed at Ye Yilan. It seemed that he knew in his heart that this woman was not easy to fool.

"You mean it's not operable?" Meng Ping asked.

"It's not impossible. In that case, even if we agree to release this amount, it will only be provided gradually in batches."

Meng Ping said: "There is no problem with this. We also hope to gradually implement it in batches. We won't need so much money at once. If you do it in batches, it can also save our capital costs."

Mr. Yang waved his hand: "It's not that simple. If that happens, we will have to supervise the funds. We will send our financial personnel to your company to review every expenditure. Only after approval can we spend. We know that in mainland China, if you do this, it will cause practical operational difficulties for your company."

Meng Ping sighed inwardly. If that were the case, every money going out would have to be reviewed by you. That would be a fool's errand. Not to mention that the project would not proceed, my company would be damned.

"Our company can provide guarantee." Qian Fang said.

"Your company?" Mr. Qiao was stunned for a moment and asked, "Aren't you the same company?"

"No." Qian Fang shook his head, "We are two independent companies with a relatively good relationship. We both have our own independent businesses."

"Miss Qian, could you please introduce your company's situation?" Mr. Yang said.

Qian Fang said yes, and then she introduced their company and the projects they had done.

"Are there any other projects?" Mr. Yang asked.

“This is the project at the moment, and other projects are still under negotiation,” Qian Fang said.

Mr. Yang asked: "How is the sales situation of your villa project?"

"Seventy percent already sold."

Mr. Yang said: "That means that the total value of the unsold part is still more than 20 million. It is impossible to use physical mortgage for this part, right?"

"In that case, we might as well sell it directly and lend the money to Mr. Meng. The money will be a little more." Ye Yilan said.

Mr. Yang smiled: "That's what I mean. What I want to say is that it seems that for such a large loan, your company's guarantee capacity is obviously insufficient."

"I can provide a guarantee." Liu Ligan said.

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang were stunned for a moment, and Mr. Yang said: "Mr. Liu, there is definitely no problem with your guarantee ability, but the problem is that you already have a loan of 80 million with us. If you provide another guarantee, I personally can’t make the decision on this.”

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said, "That's okay. I'll pay back your 80 million right away, and then give Mr. Meng a guarantee."

Before Mr. Yang could speak, Mr. Qiao first said: "I don't agree with Mr. Liu's early repayment of the loan."

You must know that Mr. Yang and others are not qualified to lend money in China. Their money was lent to Liu Ligan through Mr. Qiao and his trust company. The loan that Meng Ping is applying for will also be through this channel, and Every time a loan passes through Mr. Qiao and his trust company, they want to make a profit from it.

For them, Liu Ligan's 80 million loan is a high-quality business, and it is fat meat that has been put in the bowl. How can they give up a high-quality business for a business that has not yet started? Business principles.

"Mr. Liu, we won't mention the loan repayment, and we have no intention of you repaying the loan early." Mr. Yang and Meng Ping said, "I have a suggestion. I wonder if I can talk about it?"

Meng Ping said: "Mr. Yang, tell me."

"If Mr. Zhang, whom we met when we had lunch together, can promise to guarantee this loan for you, we should have no problem here," Mr. Yang said.

Damn it, it’s here!

Liu Ligan cursed in his heart. This was why his heart skipped a beat when he saw Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang's expressions when they saw Zhang Chen at noon. He knew that they would make this request in the afternoon.

It's true that a wise man will always make mistakes. He should have thought of it a long time ago and shouldn't have introduced them to them.

Even a fool can see that it would be great if Zhang Chen acted as a guarantor. Leaving aside Zhang Chen's company and his clothing business, just a dynamic zone can be convincing.

Not to mention the value of the market itself, the rent in the market alone is more than 40 million yuan per year. You must know that this rent is basically net income, the water and electricity in the market, the wages of market managers and security guards in the public stalls, the market The monthly management fee paid by each store here is more than enough.

There is still a huge amount of parking fees and catering revenue in the market every day? Even a fool can see that it is a golden chicken that lays golden eggs, let alone professionals like Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang.

It would be strange for them not to make this request at this time.

And if Zhang Chen were sitting in this conference room, Liu Ligan knew that without even five seconds of hesitation, Zhang Chen would definitely say, "Okay, I'll guarantee it."

This big-headed ghost.

Then it is really difficult to recover.

This is why Liu Ligan asked Li Yang and Xu Jiaqing to pull Zhang Chen out at noon and not come back, otherwise he would definitely appear in the conference room.

Meng Ping shook his head and said to Mr. Yang:

"Impossible. Mr. Zhang and I are just ordinary friends. We haven't reached the point where he would guarantee such a large sum of money for me. I won't even mention this request, and it would be in vain if I did. Mr. Liu and Mr. Qian agreed to give it to me. I'm grateful for the guarantee, that's all we can offer."

Liu Ligan saw clearly disappointed expressions on the faces of Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang.

Liu Ligan looked at his watch and said to Meng Ping: "It's dinner time. Let's stop here today. Mr. Qiao, Mr. Yang, and their bank also need time to discuss. Can we continue tomorrow morning?"

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Qiao, who said yes, he would come here first today.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Mr. Jiang for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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