The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 818 Well-intentioned Confinement

The next day, fortunately, except for Zhang Chen who was still coughing and his sister who still had a slight fever, the other children were fine.

He Hongmei saw Zhang Chen and teased: "Guo Guo, how many times has this happened to you?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "Almost two hundred and eighty."

Zhang Chen argued: "I'm just acclimated, you know? Look at you in Chongqing. It's already ten o'clock in the morning and it's still foggy. If you were in Hangzhou, it would already be sunny."

"Guo Guo, where is Hangzhou? Have we never been there? It's raining, snowing, and sunny today in Hangzhou." He Hongmei scolded.

"Really, how do you know?"

He Hongmei pointed at the TV and said, "You don't watch TV? Don't you know that after "Eastern Time" on TV in the morning, the weather forecast for the whole country is also shown? Where is the sun in Hangzhou?"

Zhang Chen looked at her and stared. He Hongmei lay down and whispered in Xiao Zhao's ear: "I lied to him. The weather forecast after "Eastern Time and Space" includes Ningbo, Shaoxing, and Wenzhou, but there is no Hangzhou."

Xiao Zhao laughed.

Zhang Chen's eldest brother rang, and he picked up. It was Meng Ping. Meng Ping shouted:

"Zhang Chen, how are you doing in Xiaozhao's hometown? Is the peach blossom blooming again? Hey, Chongqing is so developed now that even the big brothers in the mountains and valleys have access?"

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "We are not in Xiao Zhao's hometown, but in Chongqing. We are celebrating the New Year in Chongqing."

"what happened?"

"It's hard to explain in one sentence. I'll tell you in detail next time." Zhang Chen asked, "Meng Ping, where are you?"

"I'm going to Yongcheng. I just bought something at the supermarket." Meng Ping shouted.

"Why are you going to Yongcheng?"

"The parents who went to see the pole." Meng Ping said, "This guy won't go back to celebrate the New Year this year. He said that his parents are used to him not being at home, so I kept him in custody and told him that he should at least go back to see him. One trip.”

"You're still fucking talking about me. Why don't you go back to Wuxi to celebrate the New Year?" Zhang Chen heard Liu Ligan's voice curse next to him.

Zhang Chen said yes, Meng Ping, aren’t you going back to Wuxi for the New Year?

"I'm not going back. I'm going back. Two old comrades saw me. One said bad things about that to me, and the other said bad things to me about this. They started to quarrel while they were talking. I wasn't here, but they didn't mess with each other. The world is at peace."

Meng Ping said, Zhang Chen laughed, but there was a hint of bitterness in his smile. It is true that every family has a hard time to recite. There are many things that are useless no matter how much money you make.

"Zhang Chen, Zhuangzi and I have already agreed that we will go to the hospital to eat with Lao Tan for the New Year's Eve dinner. Don't worry. I came here mainly to see him." Meng Ping said.

"Really, are you going to eldest brother's ward for New Year's Eve dinner?"

"Of course, when we come back we have to figure out how to bring the New Year's Eve dinner into the ward,"

"Okay, I wish you immediate success."

"Okay, Zhang Chen, we're going to leave right away. Say hello to Xiao Zhao and her parents."

"Thank you, thank you Meng Ping! By the way, on rainy and snowy days, let that bitch drive the pole slower."

"It's raining and snowing? Where did the rain and snow come from? The sun is so bright." Meng Ping asked strangely.

"Okay, please be safe on the road."

"I know, Zhang Chen, goodbye."

Zhang Chen hung up the phone and saw Xiao Zhao and He Hongmei looking at him. Zhang Chen asked He Hongmei: "Where is your sleet? Where did you see the sleet in Hangzhou?"

He Hongmei looked around and said, "Do you have any first-line information? It may be that the TV station made a mistake and took out last year's weather forecast."

Xiao Zhao laughed and asked Zhang Chen, Lao Meng’s phone number, why he didn’t go home for the New Year?

Zhang Chen told them the contents of the phone call. Xiao Zhao sighed and said:

"Well, in comparison, we are pretty good. At least within our family, we are still united and harmonious."

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Township Chief Niu arrived with a large team of people. Chief Niu's family consisted of three, his uncle's family of four, plus Xiao Zhao's grandmother and Xiao Zhao's mother.

There was also half a pig with them. When Niu Xiangchang saw the refrigerator arrived, she said that I would cut up the meat later and put it in the refrigerator. A large bucket of fish was just right, and it was poured into the fish pond outside. The previously dry fish ponds were filled with water.

There were more than a dozen chickens and ducks that had grown up in Niu Xiang early in the morning and were killed first. She said that she would bring them alive because the car smelled too bad and they would poop when they got here. The next day they would be stewed or braised. Put it in the refrigerator and air-dry it. Tie a rope to each duck leg and chicken leg, and hang it on the clothes drying pole at the door.

There are also a lot of peppers and vegetables piled on the porch, and tofu is also put in the refrigerator.

I don’t know why, but when Zhang Chen saw so many things and so many people, he felt the smell of the New Year coming out immediately.

Suddenly three more children came, and the house became more lively. The younger brother wanted to go camping in the tent again. Xiao Zhao pointed at him with his finger, and he chuckled:

"Then let's just go hide and seek. It's okay to hide and seek, right?"

A large group of children ran out in the blink of an eye.

In this world, there is no house or door that can close and retain the hearts of children.

Zhang Chen and the others returned to Hangcheng on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. The Yan'an Road store was always open for business, and the M-Zone opened for work the next day, which was the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. In Sanbao Factory, work nominally started on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

However, workers in the factory will not return in large numbers until after the 15th National Day. Those who will go to work tomorrow will be the old workers of Qunying Garment Factory, as well as workers who have not returned home or are close to Hangcheng Road and are unwilling to stay at home longer.

He Hongmei returned to Hangzhou with them. She didn't have to worry about the spring clothes from Half Acre Field. A large number of goods had been sent to Chongqing before the Spring Festival. What she wanted to see was the other goods from Sijiqing. The big goods hadn't arrived yet, but the samples were all there. Already coming out, she has to go to the stalls, and some to their processing plants, to see samples and place orders.

Liu Ligan drove his showman to pick them up at the airport. He was originally a second-rate guy who came to pick them up, but Liu Ligan said he was fine, so he picked them up.

Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan how many days Meng Ping had stayed in Hangzhou?

Liu Ligan said four days.

"Did you really have the New Year's Eve dinner in the hospital ward?" He Hongmei asked.

"No, the head nurse didn't agree at all. Lao Mengdu said that we could hang Moutai as an infusion bottle and give Lao Tan an infusion of Moutai. She didn't agree, but she agreed that we could take Lao Tan out for a few hours. , had New Year’s Eve dinner and then sent it back, we had New Year’s Eve dinner at Xinqiao Hotel.”

"Haha, Maotai liquor infusion, the head nurse must have encountered two lunatics." He Hongmei said with a smile.

"Let's go directly to the hospital first, see Big Brother and then go back." Xiao Zhao said, and Zhang Chen agreed.

Liu Ligan drove the car to Zhejiang Second Hospital first.

The next day at work, Zhang Chen went to the company, and Xiao Zhao went to the specialty store on Yan'an Road. When they had dinner together the night before, Xiao Zhao made an agreement with Tan Shuzhen and told her to rest the next day while she went to the store. One day at a time.

Zhang Chen arrived upstairs in the company. Before he entered the office, he heard the sound of Tan Shuzhen chatting and laughing from the other side of Tan Shuzhen's room. Zhang Chen walked over and saw that it was Xiao Wu sitting there chatting with Tan Shuzhen.

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Xiao Wu, why are you here?"

"He's waiting for you."

As Tan Shuzhen said, they both stood up, walked out, and followed Zhang Chen into his office. After sitting down, Xiao Wu and Zhang Chen said:

"Brother Zhang Chen, I have come to Hangzhou to work."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you right away." Zhang Chen said, "Tell me first where you want to go. The Third Castle is here."

Xiao Wu knew that Zhang Chen had misunderstood, and said quickly: "No, no, brother Zhang Chen, I have already gone to work. I reported for work yesterday. Today, I am here to tell you."

"Already at work, what do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked curiously, "You don't want to come to my place?"

"Yes, not here, but at..."

"It's not at the pole either?" Zhang Chen's face didn't look good.

"No..." Xiao Wu said.

"Xiao Wu, what are you thinking about? You have to go to work in Hangzhou. Instead of coming to us, you have to go to other people's places. What do you think you are thinking about?" Zhang Chen was immediately annoyed, "Other people Is it better to give you a higher salary and better treatment, or to have a higher position? Tell me, Xiao Wu, tell me how much salary he will give you, and I will double it for you!"

"Zhang Chen, don't be angry yet. I just scolded Xiao Wu." Tan Shuzhen said, "But what Xiao Wu said makes sense. You need to calm down first. Zhang Chen, listen to Xiao Wu."

Zhang Chen sighed after hearing what Tan Shuzhen said. He softened his tone and said to Xiao Wu, "Okay, Xiao Wu, tell me what's going on."

Xiao Wu said: "Years ago, Xiao Jin and the others finally had a big fight with those little devils. Of course, it was those little devils who suffered the loss. Several of them were sent to the hospital. However, one of the ones who was sent to the hospital was injured. It’s still very serious, his father is an official, Xiao Jin and the others also suffered bad luck, some were caught and some escaped.”

"Where's Xiao Jin?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I've been caught." Xiao Wu said, "I think about it, the world has changed, and I can't hang around like this anymore, so I just took advantage of this moment when the old school is cracking down hard and no one dares to move, and kill everyone. It was disbanded, and after it was disbanded, it was pointless for me to stay in Yongcheng by myself, and the regiment was still like that, so I decided to find work and not stay in Yongcheng."

"Then just call me."

"I've thought about it, Brother Zhang Chen, really." Xiao Wu said, "I know whether it's you or Brother Ganzi, as long as I come, you will take me in at any time, just like when I went to Haicheng and ran away so suddenly I went there. At that time, you were still doing things for others, but you took me in without saying a word and gave me the easiest job."

"That purchasing job is not easy, you did a good job."

"No, I know it myself. That is already the best job you can give me. Compared with Cao Guoqing and others, I don't know how much better it is. Even if I don't have money to use it, you will give it to me and buy me clothes and so on." , you never let me spend a penny when we go out to eat. Really, you are so good to me."

Zhang Chen seemed to understand something and asked, "Is it because of this that you feel you can't stay in Haicheng?"

Xiao Wu nodded: "For this reason, I know that when you first arrived in Haicheng, you endured a lot of hardships to achieve such status and achievements. Staying there, I feel like I'm just a ready-made person. He's just a waste, he can't help you with anything, he can only crawl on you like a snail.

"Actually, Brother Zhang Chen, I went out to find a job in Haicheng, as a bodyguard for others. People also wanted me, but I have never dared to tell you. I know that if I say something, I will definitely be beaten by you. I didn’t dare to say anything even if I scolded him, and I missed the registration time.”

Zhang Chen listened and took a breath of cold air. Yes, at that time, he would only call Xiao Wu this and Xiao Wu that. He thought it was good for him, but he never thought about what Xiao Wu wanted to do. You just Giving, but not thinking about whether what you give is what the other party needs. It seems that I have never even asked Xiaowu what his thoughts and plans are.

Until he asked to go back to Yongcheng, there was definitely no way out. You thought you were helping him in Haicheng, but in fact you were blocking all his roads and leaving him with no way to go. You What is given is not only help, but also a kind of confinement that makes it impossible for people to express objections.

This will actually cause inequality in the status of both parties. The more he accepts, the more he feels that he must listen to you. You are not controlling him with majesty and intimidation, but kindness and giving can also control a person. Disarming.

Zhang Chen felt that in Haicheng, Xiao Wu really seemed like his own son.

Thank you to the Tin Soldiers, Ten Thousand Years White Vote Party, On the Shore 131, and the third ranked person from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you Dapeng, wxd121, the monthly ticket is not worth it! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

I was out of shape today, I wrote a chapter, then deleted it and rewrote it, so it’s late, sorry!

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