The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 807 What happened to you in Haicheng?

Lao Tan was quickly sent to the operating room. Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, and Erguo went to the yard outside and found a place to sit down and smoke.

The People's Hospital is at the foot of the Xinjiang Bridge. From here, you can see the Xinjiang River flowing slowly in front and the Shangrao City opposite.

Zhang Chen asked Lao Tan how he fell and got injured?

The second-hand man said that the contractor who was forced to raise the scaffolding did not have enough moso bamboo to build the scaffolding, and he was reluctant to sell it. The moso bamboo cost a little more, and the man who was forced to raise it was reluctant to part with it. He only had enough bamboo to build four floors of scaffolding, and he wanted to build it to five floors. , I had to reduce it everywhere.

My Uncle Tan also reminded him that the scaffolding erected like this is very dangerous and something could happen. The people who forced him to raise him didn’t listen. He also said that you don’t understand, Old Tan, and you won’t even save the money you should. No wonder your company is losing money. , I have done many projects this way. My Uncle Tan is most afraid of people saying things about the company. If he said this, Uncle Tan would stop talking, and something really happened.

I went out to pull paint that day, otherwise I must have gone to the scaffolding. I was not there, and Uncle Tan went up to do it. Not long after he got up, the scaffolding fell down.

The three workers at the top, the two workers at the bottom, and the two passers-by were all hit by the fall. When I came back, the contractor saw that the scaffolding had collapsed and knew that something was wrong, so he had already escaped. Otherwise, I will not let him go if he is forced to raise him.

Didn't go to the hospital? Liu Ligan asked.

Where can I have money to go to the hospital? Usually, the foreman who is forced to support me will only give me ten yuan a month as pocket money to buy toothpaste and other things. They only pay the bill after the project is completed. Even when the bill is paid, we don’t have anything. All the money has been paid off.

What debt should be paid? Zhang Chen asked.

I'll tell you this later. Everyone had no money, and they didn't fall to death. They could still move their hands and feet. There was only one worker who had his head smashed and bleeding. He went to a small private clinic nearby and spent three yuan. The two passers-by were sent to the hospital by their own family members after packing their wallets.

My uncle Tan even said with a smile at the time that we were so lucky that it would be okay if we fell from such a height. Although my body hurt, I thought I would be fine just lying down. Unexpectedly, they walked inside and lay down and couldn't get up. , I have been lying there until you came today. During the day, Uncle Tan didn’t cry out in pain, but he didn’t know it. When he fell asleep, he would often cry out.

For such a long time, not only did it not get better at all, but it got worse and worse. I was anxious and had no other options. I didn’t have any money. There were so many people lying there, and I had to eat every day to survive.

I would find some odd jobs everywhere every day, help people move things, make briquettes, etc., earn one or two yuan to buy some rice and salt, go to the market to pick up leaves and other vegetables, and go back to cook some porridge for them.

It had been three days, and Uncle Tan had even pooped on his body. I became afraid and knew that it would definitely not be better, so I thought of calling the instructor.

In fact, I wanted to have a fight when I was still in Hainan, but Uncle Tan kept refusing. He said that if I dared to call you, he would chop off my hands. He might really know how to chop them off. During that time, he My mind is a little unclear.

Zhang Chen asked, if the contractor escaped and so many people were lying here, did Party A not care?

He was forced to raise him, so he fucked Party A, and Party A also ran away.

ah? what happened? Zhang Chen asked.

Party A originally rented this place to open a hotel. When he saw the contractor running away, he knew that the matter was serious. He was afraid that something might happen, so he also ran away. In fact, even if he didn't run away, there was nothing we could do. The contractor was the contractor of the scaffolding. You guys built it yourself. If it falls down, it’s none of his business, am I right, instructor?

Only the two passers-by are from the local area. They come to the unit of this house every day to make trouble. It seems that the unit is responsible for the medical expenses. We who are from other places are separated by the contractor and Party A, who is forced to raise us. Who cares about you.

People have been here twice. They just urged us to move out quickly, saying that they were planning to rent this place out again. They didn't even bother to take a look at the people. They also scolded us and made the place stink. Four people peed. How can we not stink if we are all in bed?

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan understood why the family members were so alert when they entered before. They probably thought they were here to drive them away again.

What happened in Haicheng? How could the eldest brother be like this? I can't get through to my eldest brother, nor can I get through to the company. Zhang Chen asked.

The situation in Haicheng is very clear. So many companies have collapsed all of a sudden, and we can't get money for any project. How can we, who are engaged in decoration, bear it? We have so many construction sites.

Aren't the company's finances always strictly controlled and the progress of the project strictly controlled? As long as the progress payment is not received, the project will be suspended when the time is up? Zhang Chen was surprised and asked.

That was when you were here. After you left, it was a bit chaotic. In addition, those companies used all their money to speculate in real estate. I, Uncle Tan, was also speculating in real estate and real estate with a few friends. The money came quickly. , I was forced to raise him. I think he was so confused that he no longer had the heart to focus on the company.

Yes, not bad, second-rate, to the point! Liu Ligan shouted.

This is what I see. Those companies have no money. As for Uncle Tan, I asked him to help and the project should not stop. He said that he was waiting for the land in hand to be released, and there was no progress payment. Lao Tan, I paid all the project funds. Calling you once.

We were all friends, or partners who were speculating in land and real estate together, and the money came so quickly there. My uncle Tan must have thought, this little money is nothing, so he didn’t wait for the projects that should be waited for. In the end, it was all us. Advance funds are being made.

Of course, there is not much advance payment. Don’t most of the workers’ wages and bonuses have to wait for the completion of the project? It means they are all owed money for materials from the following suppliers. Our company is so famous in Haicheng, and they sell materials. , and they are all old customers, and they are forced to support them. That is not to say that we can do as much as we want, and we don’t even say a word of nonsense, we are all owed.

But when all the Party A above have fled and cannot get a penny of money, of course the people below are also panicking. As long as you can still find them, they will all come to you in a hurry, including those selling materials and those at the construction site. Why do workers and company employees not need money for their wages and bonuses?

My Uncle Tan lost a lot of money by investing in real estate and real estate, and he owes a lot of debt here. He was raised by force, but I, Uncle Tan, am still very stubborn.

The workers below started to make a fuss. He called all the workers at each construction site and assured them, don't worry, I know that your money is all hard-earned money, and it should be given to you. I won't pay a penny to someone. I will be short of you. Whichever one is missing, you will raise my head. Do you think I am tough or not?

They were raised by force. At that time in Haicheng, many companies collapsed and the workers could not get a penny.

Uncle Tan went back to discuss with my aunt and wanted to take out all the money from the family. Of course my aunt refused. The two of them had a fight. My aunt and my uncle divorced and left with their children. Uncle Tan got his share. Everything that could be sold was sold, and with the money sent by many comrades in arms, we really gave the workers every penny they deserved.

There was some leftover, which was also given to the suppliers. The stone seller owed him the most. Uncle Tan gave him his car and gave him some cash. Many suppliers, seeing Uncle Tan like this, said forget it. , Lao Tan, you have done your best, and you don’t want the rest, except this forced labor contractor...

What does this foreman have to do with you? Zhang Chen asked

This guy is a paint maker. He has a shop in the building materials market in Haicheng. He supplies all our paints. My uncle Tan owes him money for paint. In fact, he has paid back some of it, and there is still more than 30,000 yuan left. , others forget it, but he refuses to do it. He told me, Uncle Tan, if you don’t have any money, come to my place and work for me to pay off the debt.

Since he made such a request, I, Uncle Tan, of course agreed to him as long as I still owed him the money. We just followed this forced labor to work on each construction site. Originally, after the project was completed, we The money owed to him should be paid off, but I didn't expect this to happen.

Zhang Chen felt very sad when he heard this. He had been embarrassed for more than a year because of the more than 30,000 yuan. His elder brother just refused to call him. As long as he made a phone call, he would never be able to get the 30,000 yuan. ?

Zhang Chen thought again of the words he had been thinking about all the way, brother, what are you holding on for?

But he also thought, if the eldest brother's company and career were gone, and if he didn't even have this tone, he would probably collapse completely.

Zhang Chen thought of something and asked: "Secret, what happened to your hotel project in Sanya?"

"The hotel is not finished yet. There is not much work left."

"Where's the money?"

"Of course you owe my uncle." Erhuo glanced at Zhang Chen and said, "It's lucky that you married my aunt and not the pig grass girl."

Liu Ligan knew that the Pig Grass Girl they were talking about was Jin Lili. Liu Ligan asked, "What happened to the Pig Grass Girl?"

"Zhucao girl is very fierce. She had a big argument with my uncle Tan that day, and the man named Xia didn't say anything at all."

"Oh, for what?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I'm not very clear about this. I saw them quarreling. Ask me, Uncle Tan. Anyway, I think it's God's fault that the instructor married my aunt."

"Secrets, you guys were planning to finish the work here and pay off the debt. Where will you go?" Zhang Chen seemed to not want to dwell on this issue anymore and changed the subject.

The idiot took a puff, finished the cigarette, placed the cigarette butt between the thumb and index finger of his right hand, aimed at a tree, and flicked it out, missing.

He shook his head and said, I don’t know, the Haicheng company house and everything else are gone. If I go back naked like this, my Uncle Tan is probably also afraid of seeing his comrades and former soldiers. He is afraid that they will give him money again. I guess it’s better to stay in mainland China.

"Are you just following big brother?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course, he was raised by force. I am just a relative. If I don't follow him, who will I follow? He is injured now, and I have to follow him even more." Erhuo said.

Zhang Chen patted the second guy on the shoulder. He looked at his watch, stood up and said to the second guy, it's still early, let's go, buy you some clothes first, and then take a shower.

"Still, let's wait until Uncle Tan comes out before going." Erhuo said.

Liu Ligan said, when Lao Tan comes out, Zhang Chen, you can talk to Lao Tan, and I will take the second-rate guy.

"Secret, is there any Ding Dong here?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, they are forced to be raised. There are them at the train station. When I have nothing to do, I like to go there to see them."

"Looking greedy and having no money in your pocket, doesn't that feel good?"

The second-rate guy chuckled: "I feel bad, I want to die."

"I haven't done it for such a long time, where are you..."

"It's a stone, it's a stone."

"Okay, you idiot, when Lao Tan comes out, I will find you a doctor to treat stones." Liu Ligan said.

"Fuck you!" Zhang Chen scolded, but thinking about it, the second-rate guy really needs it. It's really hard for him to follow Lao Tan and work part-time to help Lao Tan pay off his debts for such a long time.

Thank you Lao Chentang and Pan Jigoethe for the reward! Thank you for your monthly pass to Bustling Farce! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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