The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 791 This is your home

Xiao Wu asked the driver of the Jinbei van to park the car at the gate of the dynamic zone near Huancheng North Road, put them down, and drove back to Yongcheng. He and Xiao Jin would probably stay here tonight, but they just wanted to leave. Zhang Chen wouldn't let it go either.

When the place opened for business, Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu to come over. Xiao Wu originally planned to take the earliest bus the next day, but he didn't expect to hear about Tan Shuzhen in the middle of the night, so he didn't come over.

In front of the market is a square with several groups of sports sculptures scattered around. Many children learn to roller skate here. Roller skates were a new thing at the time. Those who sell roller skates not only sell shoes, but are also responsible for training. Tan Shuzhen’s daughter He screamed with excitement when he saw it.

Xiao Wu took them and asked the security guard in the square. The security guard pointed to a door next to the market. Tan Shuzhen's daughter held Tan Shuzhen's hand and refused to leave. She wanted to watch the children roller skates.

Xiao Wu picked her up and told her, "Let's go upstairs first. There is a little brother up there. Can you go downstairs with the little brother and take a look?"

Tan Shuzhen's daughter then agreed to go up.

Go up the stairs in this door to the roof of the second floor, which is where Zhang Chen and the others are separated. Their own office area. After going up, there is a garden. The garden is on the side of Huancheng North Road. A row of offices, across from the Provincial Gymnasium, is a row of dormitories.

Their office area is separated from the badminton and table tennis halls over there by an iron fence more than two meters high. There is a small door on the iron fence that leads to that side. This door is now locked.

In the garden, a little boy about two years old was running around, followed by a woman chasing him. When they saw them, they both stopped. The woman saw Xiao Wu smiling, and Xiao Wu asked , is Brother Zhang Chen here? The woman nodded.

The little boy saw Tan Shuzhen's daughter running towards her, and the one she was calling vaguely was a beautiful woman.

He stretched out his hand to pull Tan Shuzhen's daughter. Tan Shuzhen's daughter stopped, quickly put her hands behind her back, and said like a little adult:

"Don't scream, call me sister."

Zhang Xiangbei was stunned, and Tan Shuzhen's daughter continued: "You call me sister, and my sister will be nice to you and hold hands with you."

Zhang Xiangbei quickly called his sister and stretched out his hand impatiently. Tan Shuzhen's daughter held his hand, and both of them laughed.

The adults standing there also laughed.

Xiao Wu said that this was Brother Zhang Chen's son. Tan Shuzhen nodded. She looked at the woman and asked if this was Zhang Chen's son...

The woman's face turned red instantly, and she quickly waved her hands and said, "No, no, I made a mistake..."

Xiao Wu said that this is Brother Zhang Chen’s apprentice, named He Hongmei.

Tan Shuzhen stretched out her hand, held hers and said, "Hello, my name is Tan Shuzhen, I am a former colleague of Zhang Chen Theater Company."

Zhang Chen was sitting there and heard what sounded like Xiao Wu's voice outside. He quickly got up and walked out. When he was about to reach the door, he heard what sounded like Tan Shuzhen's voice again. His heart trembled. He quickly quickened his pace and walked to the door to look outside. , it turned out to be Xiao Wu, Xiao Jin and Tan Shuzhen.

"Tan Shuzhen!" Zhang Chen shouted.

Tan Shuzhen looked up and saw Zhang Chen. She also called Zhang Chen. She felt sour and quickly turned her head away.

Zhang Chen asked Tan Shuzhen to go to the office. Tan Shuzhen pulled her daughter. Zhang Xiangbei held Tan Shuzhen's daughter's hand and refused to let go, and followed her. Tan Shuzhen told her daughter, "Quick, call me uncle."

The daughter timidly called her uncle. Zhang Xiangbei followed the little girl and also called her uncle. Everyone laughed.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said: "Zhang Chen, this is my daughter Xiangnan, Feng Xiangnan."

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei were both surprised. Zhang Chen asked, what is it called?

"Feng Xiangnan, direction of direction, east, west, north, south."

"Who took it?"

"Me." Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen laughed loudly and said what a coincidence. This is my son, Zhang Xiangbei, direction of direction, east, west, south, north, south, no no, east, west, south, north, north.

Tan Shuzhen was also stunned for a moment and asked: "Who started it?"

Zhang Chen didn't say anything, but quickly invited them to sit in the office. Xiang Nan made sure to take Xiang Bei downstairs to see the children on roller skates, and He Hongmei took them down.

When Xiao Jin saw that all the products sold here were sporting goods, he became excited and asked, "Brother Zhang Chen, does this market belong to you?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiao Jin smiled and said, "Then I'm going to go down and have a look."

Zhang Chen said okay, if you see something you like, tell the store that Zhao Jingjing will come down to pay the bill on the third floor, so you can bring it.

"Really?" Xiao Jin shouted, "Okay, then I'll go down."

The three of them entered the office and sat down. Zhang Chen looked at Tan Shuzhen and smiled and said, Tan Shuzhen, you finally showed up. I was just wondering when I could see you.

When Tan Shuzhen heard this, she started crying. Zhang Chen panicked, thinking that it was his words that made Tan Shuzhen cry. Zhang Chen gave Tan Shuzhen a piece of paper and cursed: "Tan Shuzhen, when did you become so fragile?" Are you crying after just one sentence?"

Tan Shuzhen cried harder and turned away.

Xiao Wu looked at Tan Shuzhen, stood up, made a gesture with Zhang Chen, and walked out. Zhang Chen took a bottle of water, placed it in front of Tan Shuzhen, and told her, drink water first.

He followed Xiao Wu out, and the two of them stood outside. Xiao Wu probably told Zhang Chen about Tan Shuzhen, and Zhang Chen was surprised.

Zhang Chen and his family's house in "Splendid Home" has just been renovated. Zhang Chen's parents came to Hangzhou to see it a few days ago.

The house on the first floor that Liu Ligan arranged for them was in the corner near the community. The house had an extra back door than others. When it opened out, there was a small courtyard. Two sides of the courtyard were surrounded by community walls, and the other side was. It was also separated from the neighbors by walls, and nothing was planted inside, leaving Zhang Chen's father to grow vegetables.

The two of them were very happy to see it, so they went back to pack their things and prepare to move.

Before his mother left, she told Zhang Chen that something seemed to have happened to Zhenzhen. Zhang Chen asked her what was wrong, but she hesitated and refused to say anything. Zhang Chen knew that they both liked Tan Shuzhen very much, and they used to really hope that Tan Shuzhen could be him. of the daughter-in-law.

His mother refused to tell, so Zhang Chen didn't care. He was thinking about what could happen in that small place in Yongcheng, so he forgot about it. He didn't even tell Liu Ligan, but now he heard from Xiao Wu , only to know that it was such a big deal, Zhang Chen asked:

"So, Tan Shuzhen can't even go to Beijing?"

Xiao Wu nodded.

"What the hell is this? On the day she won the championship, pole and I went to the provincial TV station. We even drank and celebrated for her. How the hell could she be so unlucky."

Xiao Wu said: "What's even worse is that not only can I not go to Beijing, but I can't go back to my workplace. I also divorced Feng Laogui. Sister Shuzhen can't stay in Yongcheng anymore, so I brought her here." Looking for you."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "Then there's no need to go back. What's there to do in that miserable place in Yongcheng?"

The two walked back to the office. Zhang Chen sat down on the sofa next to Tan Shuzhen. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said:

"Tan Shuzhen, when you get here, you should go back to your home. Don't be polite to me. When did you, Tan Shuzhen, ever be polite to me? If you want to be polite to me, you are no longer Tan Shuzhen."

After hearing this, Tan Shuzhen burst into tears and smiled. She raised her head to look at Zhang Chen, her face became gloomy again, and she asked: "Zhang Chen, Xiao Wu has told you, right? I haven't done those things, do you believe it?"

"Of course, if I don't believe it, who do you believe? Well, Tan Shuzhen, when we get here, the past becomes the past, let's start over, okay?"

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said with a wry smile: "Okay, Xiao Wu is right. Without Zhang Chen, we, mother and daughter, have nowhere to go."

"Aren't you good at grabbing it? If I don't give it to you, you, Tan Shuzhen, would grab it before."

As Zhang Chen said, Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Wu laughed. This was really the case in the troupe before. Tan Shuzhen almost cursed: "You still said that if I snatched it away, Jin Lili would snatch it back again."

When the words came to my lips, they turned into: "This is all in the past."

"Without the past, there is no way to survive. Until then, I, Zhang Chen, will still be Zhang Chen, you, Tan Shuzhen, will still be Tan Shuzhen, and he, Xiao Wu, will still be Xiao Wu. The people in our troupe are just one family."

Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Wu nodded.

Zhang Chen asked them if they had lunch?

Xiao Wu told him that he had eaten on the way. Xiao Wu hesitated. He had to say something, but he didn’t know how to say it. He looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen seemed to understand. He felt that these things could not be avoided. past.

Zhang Chen looked at Tan Shuzhen and said, "Tan Shuzhen, we are not children anymore. Let's talk openly about some things, okay?"

Tan Shuzhen looked at Zhang Chen and nodded.

"Did you know that the pole is also in Hangzhou?" Zhang Chen asked.

Tan Shuzhen was startled, but nodded.

"He is accompanying a guest from Hong Kong today. Do you want to see him, Tan Shuzhen? If so, I will call him."

Tan Shuzhen hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice: "I don't want it anymore, Zhang Chen. I came here just to bring my daughter to you. Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't come."

Zhang Chen said yes, and again, Tan Shuzhen, don't be polite to me when you get here, but I want to remind you one thing, you and the pole can't always see each other, maybe we will meet in the evening, you We also know that the pole is just a gust of wind, no one knows when it will come.

Tan Shuzhen said, I understand, but now he is him and I am me. Whatever we had before is in the past. When I see him, I will make it clear to him in person. I think this is good for both of us.

Zhang Chen nodded, and Tan Shuzhen asked: "How is he now? I heard that it was very difficult in Hainan for a while."

"Okay." Zhang Chen stood up and walked to the window, calling Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Wu over, and the two walked over.

Below Zhang Chen's office is the square at the entrance of the market. They saw Feng Xiangnan and Zhang Xiangbei, tired of looking at roller skates, running in the square laughing. He Hongmei chased them, a little too concerned about one thing and the other, and just caught one , and the other ran away mischievously. In the end, He Hongmei had no choice but to pick up Zhang Xiangbei and chase Feng Xiangnan.

The three of them laughed as they watched.

Outside the square is Huancheng North Road. Past Huancheng North Road is a green belt, and beyond that is the Jiangnan Canal.

Zhang Chen pointed to the construction site across the canal and told them, "Did you see that? That construction site is Liu Ligan's "Splendid Jiangnan". There, he will build three of the tallest 32-story office buildings in Hangzhou. building.

"Brother Ganzi is so awesome?" Xiao Wu shouted.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, yes, he is not only a great person in Hangzhou now, but also a famous person. At this time, he should not only be with his Hong Kong friends, but also with the mayor.

When Mr. Han came to Hangzhou last time, Liu Ligan was the host and invited him to have dinner with Director Liu. Director Liu felt that this Hong Kong man did have something in his stomach. No wonder the Shanghai Municipal Government invited him to give lectures.

Director Liu immediately reported to the mayor. The mayor said, don't let him go, and tell us about it. Don't we all not understand what this real estate is about? Isn't that good?

Director Liu returned to the box and told Mr. Han the mayor's request, asking Mr. Han to stay anyway and give them a lecture. Liu Ligan also helped to talk, so Mr. Han stayed and gave them a lecture. Leaders of several teams in Hangzhou City gave a three-day lecture on real estate, and everyone found it very rewarding.

Mr. Han was hired as an economic consultant by the Hangzhou City Government. This is his second visit to Hangzhou.

"I'm really happy for him." Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu understood that he referred to Liu Ligan.

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