The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 788 Whose room is important?

Shen Linlin walked downstairs and almost laughed when she saw President Mao. Early in the morning, he was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a mask. He stood there and looked around alertly. People walking by him also felt that this person It's so strange, they all look at him without exception.

"President Mao, are you afraid that others will recognize you, or are you afraid that others will not recognize you?" Shen Linlin asked.

As soon as the words came out, Shen Linlin was shocked. When did she talk to President Mao so casually?

In the past, when Shen Linlin saw President Mao, she would have the same natural reaction as all subordinates when seeing their leader. They would be nervous subconsciously. But today, she no longer felt nervous at all, but instead felt a bit condescending.

It's no wonder that after Shen Linlin saw this man's ugliness and embarrassment last night, if she wanted to still be in awe of him, it would at least take time.

President Mao didn't care what Shen Linlin said at all. He pulled Shen Linlin with his hand, turned around and walked into the passage. Shen Linlin followed and turned left at the end. It was a dead end. Generally, few people would come here.

It seems that as soon as he arrived here, he explored the surrounding terrain.

The two of them stopped, and Shen Linlin asked: "President Mao, what do you want from me?"

Manager Mao took off his mask in order to speak more easily. Shen Linlin almost laughed again when she saw it. She saw that Manager Mao's face was swollen and there were scratches and blood oozing out. It was obviously yellow. Linghua's masterpiece.

No wonder he wears a mask.

Shen Linlin suppressed her laughter and looked at President Mao. President Mao looked uneasy. He asked anxiously: "Today, someone may come to you to learn about the situation. What would you say?"

Shen Linlin asked knowingly: "What do you know?"

"Hi, what happened last night, how did we get back to the hotel, how did we get into the room, etc."

"Oh, so that's what happened. Who is so bored as to ask these questions? Director Huang?"

"No, no, just, just... maybe it's the Discipline Inspection Commission or the police."

"Tell it like it is, just do it as it is. Anyway, I didn't see anything I shouldn't have seen. Didn't I just leave?"

"Yes, you just left, what would you say?"

"We got off the old man's car and took the elevator upstairs. I couldn't find the key to our room, so you just told me to send Tan Shuzhen to your room first. Send her to your room, and I'll leave. That's it."

Manager Mao's face turned pale. He panicked for a moment. When he spoke again, he stuttered:

"Xiao Shen, um, Linlin, can you not say this, that is, don't say that we sent Tan Shuzhen to my room."

"If you don't say so, then how can you say it?" Shen Linlin asked curiously.

"Just say, when we got upstairs, we sent Tan Shuzhen to your room and put her on the bed. Then I left. After a while, you also went to your aunt's house."

Shen Linlin looked at President Mao and asked, "Why?"

"No reason, just say so."

"But that's not the case. If I say this, isn't that deceiving the organization?"

"Linlin, I beg you, just think of it as helping me. Seriously, I will definitely repay you."

"Oh, Mr. Mao, I don't dare to do that."

"Really, really, Linlin, I know you have always wanted to work in the union. I promise you, after this matter is over, I will definitely transfer you from the counter to the union."

"Isn't there Tan Shuzhen in the union?"

"Oh, do you think she can still stay in the industry?"

"That's true." Shen Linlin smiled, "Even if you cherish her, Director Huang will not let her go, right?"

President Mao nodded desperately and said, "Yes, yes, as long as you understand, as long as you say so, her position will be yours, I promise."

Shen Linlin said suspiciously: "President Mao, what you are saying now is still effective?"

"It works, it works." President Mao said, "As long as we don't divorce, this matter will be over soon. You also know that your Director Huang, for the sake of my son, will not divorce me. She still wants to keep her life." This home.”

Shen Linlin pondered for a while and asked, "Are you true to your word?"

"Keep your word, I promise to keep it."

Shen Linlin said, okay, should I just tell them that the three of us go upstairs and help Tan Shuzhen to our room, and then you go back to your room. After a while, I left too. I don’t know anything else. , is this enough?

"That's right, you just need to say that, there is no need to say anything else."

"Okay, then I promise you."

Shen Linlin promised President Mao not only because of President Mao's promise to transfer her to the labor union. To be honest, she was still doubtful about whether President Mao could pass this test. She promised President Mao, and more importantly, because Because of President Mao's words, Tan Shuzhen couldn't stay in the bank any longer. For this reason, Shen Linlin felt that it was worth telling a lie.

"Thank you, thank you Linlin. Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

"Okay, is there anything else? It's okay. I'm going home. I've only eaten half of breakfast."

"No, no, that's it."

Shen Linlin waved her hand and left. President Mao stood there, watching her figure turn the corner and disappear, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

He put the mask back on, lowered his head and walked out.

In the early morning, Lao Ren heard the news and rushed to President Mao's house. He pulled President Mao into the study and asked President Mao to tell him the whole story.

Lao Ren is President Mao's best friend. President Mao is very anxious at this time, not knowing what will be waiting for him tomorrow. When he sees Lao Ren, it's like he has grasped a life-saving straw, and he dares to hide it.

After listening to what President Mao said, Lao Ren asked, "Whose room were you in when the police came?"


"Fortunately, fortunately, Lao Mao, you are so lucky." Lao Ren shouted.

"What's wrong?" President Mao asked strangely.

Lao Ren pointed at him with his finger and cursed: "You are so damn obsessed, I shouldn't care about you. Do you know this is rape? Do you think it is a demerit for demotion or expulsion? You will be jailed." .”

President Mao was shocked: "Why was I raped? The police came in before I even had time to go in."

"That is also an attempted rape, and you will go to jail. As long as Tan Shuzhen insists that she didn't know about it and she doesn't want to, you will definitely go to jail."

"So serious?" Mr. Mao's face turned pale with fright, "Is it true, Lao Ren, don't scare me."

"You are really illiterate about the law. This is not rape, so what is rape? Let me ask you, will Tan Shuzhen say that she likes you and had sex with you voluntarily?"

President Mao thought about Tan Shuzhen and their conversation by the West Lake that day. President Mao said dejectedly: "Probably not."

"To be precise, yes or no?"


"Then you're dead. The evidence is conclusive. The police in Hangzhou can prove that you were naked when they came in. You can't rely on it even if you want."

"No, no, Lao Ren, you must save me." President Mao became anxious, "Old Ren, you must have a way."

Lao Ren sighed and said, "Fortunately, you are lucky, the incident happened in your room."

"Well, does it matter which room it is in?" President Mao was puzzled.

"It's not that there is any difference, it's that the difference is big. If you were in their room, you wouldn't be able to tell clearly and no one can help you. Now in your room, Tan Shuzhen can't tell clearly. Do you understand?"

President Mao shook his head: "I don't understand."

Lao Ren glared at him: "With this IQ, I don't know how you became the president. If you go to her room, you are undoubtedly raping. In your room, you can say that she came to you, and you are committing adultery." It’s a matter of style, do you understand now?”

President Mao seemed to understand a little bit, and Lao Ren said: "Of course, if you want to be fine, you must also ask what you said before, what is the name of the girl in your industry?"

"Shen Linlin."

"You still want Shen Linlin to help you. If she says that she is going to your room, you will be screwed. If she says that you are sending Tan Shuzhen back to their room, she will leave. You insist that it was Tan Shuzhen who was behind her when she left. Then, I came to your room to find you. In this way, Tan Shuzhen is required to prove that she did not come to find you. How can she prove it? The police found you in your room."

Manager Mao nodded desperately, finally understanding.

"Also, if you didn't have time to go in, don't say anything. If you really want to say it, just say that you didn't have time to go in this time, but you guys did it often before."

"I'm looking for death? Will Huang Linghua let me go?" President Mao shouted.

"Do you think Huang Linghua will believe you when you say you didn't go in? She can let you go?" Lao Ren asked, "Do you want to go to jail, or are you afraid that Huang Linghua won't let you go?"

"Why are you going to jail again? Didn't you just say that you would be fine in my room?"

"That's just one of the conditions. Last night, there were a lot of people who could prove that Tan Shuzhen was drunk. Drunk people have no sense of self-control. If it was your first time last night, even if she came to your room, you fucked Or wanting to fuck a woman who has no sense of self-control is also rape, do you understand, but if you have done it often before, it is not, it is still a matter of style, do you understand?"

President Mao finally understood that no matter how scary Huang Linghua was, it was not as scary as going to jail. Besides, it was not a shame to have sex with Tan Shuzhen often. Maybe many people would envy her.

It would be shameful if others knew that he wanted to rape Tan Shuzhen while she was drunk.

Being embarrassed and having to go to jail, President Mao felt it was not worth it.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, people from the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Public Security Bureau came to find out about the situation. The Commission for Discipline Inspection first announced to President Mao the county committee's decision to suspend him for investigation, and then asked him to honestly explain to the organization. question.

"How many times have you had sex?" the Discipline Inspection Commission asked.

President Mao thought for a moment and said, I can’t remember clearly. Anyway, when we were on business trips alone, we would have sex whenever we had the chance, sometimes several times a night.

"When was the first time?"

"It must have been our third or fourth business trip. At the Qunying Hotel, she said she wasn't feeling well, so I bought her medicine and sent it to her room. Then..."

"President Mao, can you tell us what happened last night?" the police asked.

"Last night, didn't she win first place last night? She was very happy. She drank a lot of wine. Shen Linlin and I took her back to the hotel and sent her to their room. They were two lesbians living in the same room. When I arrived, I came out and went back to my room. After a while, she knocked on the door. She seemed to be a little sober from the wine. We were in the room and were getting ready when the police came in."

At around ten o'clock, after the two people found President Mao, they went to Shen Linlin and asked her to recall what happened last night. Shen Linlin said, I don't know anything. I was not in the hotel last night. I saw Tan Shuzhen lying in the room. Nothing happened, so I went out. Later, when I came back, they were all taken away by the police.

"You said Tan Shuzhen was lying in the room, which room?" the police asked.

"Our room, which room else can we have?"

"Normally, when you go on business trips together, what do you think of the relationship between your president and Tan Shuzhen?" the Discipline Inspection Commission asked.

"This should be pretty good, that person of hers, huh." Shen Linlin sneered.

"Oh, how do you know they have a good relationship?" the Discipline Inspection Commission continued to ask.

"Just last night, when we were drinking, I was sitting next to Tan Shuzhen, and President Mao was sitting over there. I saw President Mao holding her waist like this. We don't have a good relationship. Can we do this?" Shen Linlin looked at them, making gestures and asking.

The two men looked at each other.

Thank you to book friend 20190419134447398, half-drunk and half-awake, third from top to bottom, doll tin soldier, and reading the book every day for the reward! Thank you Yuanxi for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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