The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 769 A meal on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year

On the night of the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Qu Tianlin set up six tables in Jinyuan of Hangcheng Building, mainly to treat their clients to dinner and thank them for their support over the past year. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were both friends of Qu Tianlin and clients. , Liu Ligan's several project booklets, and Zhang Chen's picture albums for the four seasons were all printed by Qu Tianlin, so the two of them also went.

Zhang Chen saw an old friend here, Mr. Ni from Keqiao. Qu Tianlin arranged them at the same table, not only because Mr. Ni and Zhang Chen were familiar with each other, but also because Mr. Ni had something to discuss with Liu Ligan. talk.

The brochure for Liu Ligan's "Splendid Jiangnan" project was designed by Zhang Chen and printed by Qu Tianlin and others. Mr. Ni came to Qu Tianlin's place that day and happened to see the printed brochure delivered to him. He heard Qu Tianlin introduce it, and he was very interested in this project. very interested.

Qu Tianlin's customers, who were also potential customers of Liu Ligan, were willing to spend a lot of money to print high-end printed matter. At that time, they were all very profitable units. They also cared about the image of their company. Qu Tianlin simply asked Xiao An to print the high-end printed matter. Liu Ligan and his colleagues distributed the brochure of "Splendid Jiangnan" to everyone.

Qu Tianlin also told them that from now on, we will move here, and if everyone comes to find us, they will go to the office building here.

Qu Tianlin also asked Liu Ligan to introduce the situation of their office buildings, and focused on how the office mortgages of Shenzhen Anxin Trust Co., Ltd. were done.

Mortgage was a new thing at that time. Everyone had never been exposed to it before. Now I heard that as long as you spend 20% of the money and pay the equivalent of renting an office building in a hotel every month, you can get your own office building. This way It’s a good thing that many people are interested and have expressed their intention to order.

Mr. Ni originally intended to buy or rent an office building to serve as the office of the foreign trade company affiliated to his company. Since the foreign trade company was located in the Keqiao factory, it was difficult to recruit salesmen, so he simply separated the foreign trade company and established it in Hangzhou. .

He walked around Hangzhou but couldn't find any office buildings to buy, so he turned to Qu Tianlin to see if he was renting office buildings in Hangcheng Building like Qu Tianlin and others.

When I got here, I heard Qu Tianlin talk about Liu Ligan's project, and I wanted to buy it. Now I heard about the mortgage that could be obtained for this project, and asked Liu Ligan that the price of the office building was 2,811 square meters.

This price was already sky-high in Hangzhou at that time, but because there was a mortgage and only a small one-time payment was required as a down payment, everyone felt that it was not that expensive.

The determination of the price of 2,810 square meters was also the result of discussions between Mr. Qiao, Mr. Yang and Ying Ying.

Ying Ying believes that since in the survey, so many people can accept the price of two thousand to two thousand ninety-nine, and so many people can even accept the price of three thousand to four thousand ninety-nine, then we will accept the price of two thousand to two thousand ninety-nine. The upper limit of the price of one thousand and nine is set at two thousand and eighty. In this way, there will be no problem for those who choose more than three thousand.

And for those who can accept two thousand to two thousand nineteen, because they can get a mortgage, they can definitely accept it. Maybe some of them who chose one thousand to one thousand nineteen at that time will also accept it. They choose one thousand to one thousand nineteen. When they were one thousand nineteen years old, they started from their actual ability and did not consider the mortgage factor. Now that the conditions have changed, their choices will definitely change.

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang agreed with Ying Ying's analysis. Mr. Qiao and Liu Ligan said that this little girl has a very clear mind. If you don't reuse her, Mr. Liu, I will poach her to Shenzhen.

Mr. Yang also said that the price is very good. According to their experience abroad, these office buildings are actually similar in terms of architectural form and cannot be very different. Whether an office building is high-end or not depends on two points. The first is Look at your price. Your price prevents many people from getting in. This is not only your disadvantage, but an advantage.

Liu Ligan remembered that Qu Tianlin had already expressed this meaning.

That princess can be approached by anyone? Mr. Yang then added, there is another very important thing about this office building that you must remember, Mr. Liu, and that is your future management level. The management level of your office building is high. After ten years of use, this old building still looks like For new buildings, the price will still increase by 10% every time you change hands.

If management is not in place, within five years, your building will become a garbage building. It will be too late for everyone to escape outside, and who will dare to come in? Therefore, your management team in the future is very important. I have seen many buildings in China and have not realized this. They spend their energy on how to build rather than how to manage. They think that as long as they build high-end , this office building must be high-end.

Liu Ligan kept nodding. He felt that he had learned something again. It was true that he had always thought of hiring the best design company when designing such important projects as Haicheng and Jinghai International Financial Center. , but I have never thought about how to build the best management company in the future.

Not only him, but Sun Hou and the others had never thought that logically speaking, they would have more contacts with foreign countries.

Mr. Yang then told Liu Ligan that this office building is different from a residential building. Don’t worry too much about selling it. Don’t say, I’d better sell it all at once. Don’t think so. You can put it there and take your time. For sale, you can rent and sell at the same time, as long as the rent can cover your capital cost.

As I said before, as long as your management is in place, the price of your office building will continue to rise. What do you have to worry about when you hold it in your hand? While you are collecting rent, the house is still rising. You will benefit from both ends, right? Will you die from laughing?

Mr. Qiao also said that it is said that management produces benefits, and I think this is best reflected in the management of office buildings. As Mr. Yang said, if management is good, the benefits will be tangible. The properties are rising and the collateral is there. Value-added is the same even if you stay with us. If you borrowed 800 yuan last year, if I refinance this year, I can give you 1,000 yuan.

Liu Ligan nodded and said, I really learned something.

Mr. Ni originally wanted an office building of 600 square meters. Now he has decided to take the 1,480 square meters on the 28th floor of Tower A. He will sign the agreement and pay the down payment tomorrow. When will the people from Shenzhen come over? , you can go through the procedures.

Mr. Ni has decided here, and the others can't sit still. There is no duplication in this building. If someone else takes the floor you want first, you won't be able to change it again if you want it. On the spot, and Six or seven people jumped out and said to Liu Ligan, Mr. Liu, then we will go to your place tomorrow to sign the agreement and ask people from Shenzhen to come over and complete all our procedures together in one trip.

Liu Ligan said OK, everyone is welcome, thank you, thank you!

Mr. Ni asked about Zhang Chen's current situation and was very emotional. He said, your Yan'an Road store, I heard Xiao Qu say it was yours that day. I ran over to take a look, but unfortunately I didn't see you. Take a look, it's just passed. How long has it taken you to do such a decent job? You are really a formidable young person. Alas, it seems that we are all old and can't keep up.

However, after what happened last time, I told Xiao Qu that you will definitely be able to accomplish great things in the future. I, Lao Ni, am still very good at judging people.

Zhang Chen quickly said, thank you, Mr. Ni, for causing you trouble last time.

"What trouble?" Mr. Ni said with a smile, "You are the one who is wronged. You are such a rotten coward. It gives me a headache just to look at you."

The three of them raised their glasses and drank. Mr. Ni asked Zhang Chen, "By the way, is Mr. Liu the friend who does real estate in Hainan as you told me before?"

Zhang Chen is right.

Mr. Ni sat up straight and became interested. He must ask Liu Ligan to introduce the situation in Hainan. Everyone said that it was very miserable there, but no one could explain clearly. What happened in Hainan?

Liu Ligan told Mr. Ni about Hainan. Mr. Ni shouted, "Look, is it true? I almost went to Hainan. If so, would I not be able to find a grave even if I cry?" .

He turned around, patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang, it's thanks to you that I didn't go."

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Mr. Ni, what's wrong with me?"

Mr. Ni looked at Zhang Chen and couldn't help laughing:

"You have probably forgotten what you said to me. What you said to me scared me. When I came to find you that day, I had actually booked a flight from Shanghai to Haicheng, and it turned out that As soon as you chatted, you quickly refunded the ticket. Those friends of mine scolded me at the time, but later thanked me. If I didn't go, they didn't have the confidence to go, so they didn't go."

Liu Ligan also laughed: "That's really a narrow escape from death, Zhang Chen, why have I never heard you say that?"

Zhang Chen vaguely remembered that he and Mr. Ni had a chat about Hainan real estate, but he didn't know that there were so many things behind it.

Mr. Ni relayed what Zhang Chen said to him that day to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan shouted, "Zhang Chen, that's good. This analysis is at the level of Mr. Han. Why didn't you share these words with me?" Lao Meng said, if you tell us, Lao Meng and I might be able to escape from danger.

Zhang Chen looked at him and asked, "At that time, could you listen to anything?"

Liu Ligan thought about it seriously and chuckled. He had to admit that at that time, even if his and Meng Ping's legs were broken, they would still rush forward.

After the dinner, Liu Ligan drove his car to the Zhongbei Bridge with Zhang Chen. The two got out of the car and leaned on the bridge railing, smoking.

Looking at the spring factory in the dark, Liu Ligan said, Damn it, just one meal and several thousand square meters were sold. It looks like there will be a good harvest this year.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, this year has just begun, you already know there will be a good harvest? It seems that you are really good at building houses. Unlike us, we depend on the sky for food and are trembling every day. If the spring clothes are selling well, we have to worry about what to sell in the summer. If the summer sales are good, we will immediately feel that autumn is coming. One day Can't stop either.

Liu Ligan said, it is said that everything is difficult at the beginning. If you start well at this end, the rest will not be much worse. Zhang Chen, you have a good start at the beginning. Don't worry, you will be fine this year.

hope so. Zhang Chen said in his heart.

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