The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 762 Alian’s Story (6)

Ah Lian remembered that whether she was leaving the country or entering the country, Miss Zheng and she took two different channels. When leaving the country, Miss Zheng told her that I am a Taiwanese compatriot, so it would be more convenient for me to take Huhu with me. They will ask random questions.

When entering the country, she told Alian that I am Taiwanese and there is no need to queue at the immigration. You have to queue over there, Huhu, give it to me.

Huhu was usually hugged more by Miss Zheng and less by Alian. It was the first time for Alian to go out of the country, so she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Of course she was eager to have Sister Zheng by her side constantly helping her with ideas. Looking at it now Come, they have already planned it.

What Alian didn't know was that Huhu had already settled in Taipei a long time ago. He was from Taipei, so there would be no problem getting in and out.

On the day Alian arrived in Shenzhen, the suite she stayed in was not a hospital ward at all, but the dormitory of the hospital's Taiwan Affairs Office. Before Alian moved in, Ms. Zheng had already gone through the hospitalization procedures. The hospital didn't check the procedures anyway. I just wanted to see if there was any problem with the ID card. That hospital was funded by their family.

The original purpose of opening this hospital was because the medical conditions in the mainland were not very good, and many of their customers had set up factories in the mainland. This hospital was opened to provide services to Taiwanese businessmen and cadres in the mainland. From doctors to deans, their financial holding company poached and sent them from National Taiwan University Hospital and Evergreen Hospital, and they are all well-known on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

When Miss Zheng arrived here, she was naturally able to control the wind and rain.

All of Alian's examinations were done at home by doctors and nurses, including the name of the woman who was finally sent to the delivery room and lying on the operating bed. Her name was also Zheng Liwen, not her, Alian.

After Huhu was born, Huhu’s birth certificate was issued by the hospital. The parents on it were also Zheng Liwen and Lin Zhaofeng. It was a Taiwan-funded hospital, and both parents were of Chinese nationality. Huhu’s birth certificate did not even require notarization. It was notarized and registered after being sent back to Taiwan. The household registration book submitted by Ms. Zheng for entry and exit already had Huhu's name.

Even if it doesn’t, what does it matter? Miss Zheng and Alian said, your mainland has a bureaucratic politics, and our Taiwan has a black gold politics. In Taiwan, there is nothing that our family can’t do. Everything is done very formally, but we don’t want to cause more trouble. People just pay attention.

You said, good sister, you said Huhu is your son, what can you prove? Whether in mainland China or Taiwan, do you have anything that can prove that Huhu is your son?

Miss Zheng asked.

Alian took a breath and felt that all her thoughts were lost. Miss Zheng was right. She really couldn't provide any proof. The only ones who could prove it were the few people in the neighborhood committee, but what they could prove , but you are too pregnant, how can you prove that the child in your belly is Huhu?

There was no DNA paternity test at that time, so no matter how smart the judge was to judge the case, if Huhu was more affectionate to Miss Zheng than to Alian, he would probably think that Huhu was Miss Zheng's son.

"So you have been holding Huhu every day since the day he was born, just for this day?" Alian looked at Miss Zheng and asked sadly.

Ms. Zheng said that this was indeed the plan at the beginning, but it didn’t take long for me to really fall in love with Huhu. When his little hands touched my face, you know, my heart broke. Melted away.

Many times, when I look at him, I feel like he really fell out of me.

Alian sat there, her heart pounding, and tears streaming down her face. She felt that her son was getting farther and farther away from her, and she was about to lose her Huhu. She didn't even have time to listen to him as a mother. One cry and she would lose him.

Miss Zheng sat over, hugged A-Lian, and started to cry. She said, I know you are feeling very sad, and I know there is nothing I can do about it. People like me will be struck by lightning, but I can’t do anything. Yes, just think of me as helping me, alright, Alian, just think of me as your biological sister, help me.

I will give you money, I will give you a lot of money. Alian, I will give you one million US dollars. This money will allow you to go back to the mainland and you will not have to worry about it for the rest of your life. Alian, you can find a good man. Go give birth to another child, okay Alian, you are young and you can still give birth, but there is nothing you can do about it, Alian.

Alian kept shaking her head. She said no, no, I won't sell my son.

Why are you so stupid? Alian, you didn't sell your son. Huhu is also Lin Zhaofeng's son. Huhu is here with his father, not with other people. Alian, he is just thinking about Huhu. , do you think it’s better for him to stay here or go back to Hangzhou with you?

The two women hugged each other and cried bitterly. Alian felt that Zheng Liwen at least had something in her heart. Huhu was here with his father. Although that father was a bastard, the bastard's father was also a father. , isn’t his father also an asshole?

She was saying that it was impossible to be with Lin Zhaofeng. Huhu was destined to either leave his father or his mother. Huhu, what should you do?

"Alian, do you believe that sister will be very kind to Huhu?" Zheng Liwen asked crying.

Alian shook her head and nodded again. She felt that at this point, she had no way to say she didn't believe it.

"Alian, I will let Huhu receive the best education and study in the best university in the world. I will make your son Huhu become a great person. Alian, don't worry."

The two women just hugged each other and cried. The sky outside turned dark, and the entire Yangmingshan, Taipei and Taiwan fell into the night. They chattered in the darkness.

Zheng Liwen promised Alian that she would let Alian see Huhu every year. As long as Alian did not reveal her identity as Huhu's biological mother, she would definitely let Alian see her Huhu every year.

The two of them cried themselves to sleep on the sofa. When they woke up, Alian agreed to Zheng Liwen. She felt that she had no other choice but to agree.

She asked Zheng Liwen to let Huhu sleep with her every day while she was in Taipei, and she would feed Huhu milk every day. Zheng Liwen said yes, I promise you.

In the following days, just like when they were in Shenzhen and Hangzhou, Zheng Liwen took her and Huhu to play in Taipei every day and eat delicious food. Zheng Liwen bought her many, many things. She only needed to touch them with her hands or When asked about something, Zheng Liwen would definitely buy it and give it to her.

Sometimes, when the two of them were walking on the street pushing a stroller, and saw the police approaching from the opposite side, Alian would have the urge to shout for help, but she restrained herself in the end.

Zheng Liwen was right. Even if she shouted, she would have no way to prove that she had any relationship with Huhu when she went to the police station. There was only one result: she would be deemed to be a woman of unclear mind and she would be deported. And from then on, she never wanted to see her son again.

Zheng Liwen said that there is nothing she can't do in Taiwan. Ah Lian believes that she is nothing in Taiwan. She can't even compare to a fly. At least a fly is still a fly in Taiwan, and she is the one who entered Taiwan. According to the certificate, the number of days you can stay in Taiwan is getting shorter and shorter day by day, and people who are destined to leave Taiwan are eventually destined to leave Taiwan.

On the last day, Zheng Liwen took a suitcase of US dollars and wanted to give it to Alian, but Alian refused to accept it. She said, I can't ask for this money. If I do, I feel that Huhu has been sold by me. I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life.

Zheng Liwen thought for a moment, and took out ten dollars from which box of money she had. She said, I understand you, but you must accept this, treat it as if it was given to you by your sister. When you go back, you can't even work. No more, what will you do if you don’t have money? Sister, please accept it, otherwise I will be very sad when I think about it.

When Zheng Liwen said this, Alian didn't refuse anymore.

Alian returned to Hangzhou. When her parents saw her coming back, Huhu didn't come back, so they asked her what was wrong, where was Huhu?

Alian said, I sold Huhu.

They knew she was joking, but looking at Alian's face, they also knew that there must be nothing good going on with her in Taiwan. Alian must have had a quarrel with Lin Zhaofeng and returned to Hangzhou. This was a disgrace.

Alian's father said, OK, just sell it, where's the money?

Alian glared at him and threw the 100,000 US dollars in front of him. The two of them didn't know US dollars, but they knew the numbers. They knew that this knife was 10,000 dollars, and 10 dollars was 100,000 dollars.

Her father took a knifeful of U.S. dollars and looked at them over and over, muttering in his mouth, saying that the Kuomintang reactionaries were traitors. It was true. Even the money was printed with foreigners. Who was this foreigner? He was the work of Bald Chiang. Dad?

No matter how worried Ah Lian was, she was almost amused by her father. She cursed, "Taiwan money, this is American money."

So how much does this dollar cost in China?

At the front desk of Huagang Hotel, what A-Lian saw every day was the foreign exchange price on the wall behind her. She blurted out, 3.74.

"How much?" Dad asked.

"Three dollars and seventy-four cents. One dollar is worth our three dollars and seventy-four cents. Is that enough?"

Alian shouted to her father, and the two of them were shocked. So many, that is to say, there are more than three hundred thousand here?

Alian's father quickly went to the door to see if anyone was there. Alian's mother scolded Alian, "What's your name? Are you afraid that others will hear it?"

Alian's father came back and said quickly, "Put it away, put it away, put the money away quickly, don't let anyone see it."

Alian turned around and went back to her room.

Early the next morning, Alian's father went to the Bank of China to confirm whether what Alian said was true. When he walked to the door, he saw several scalpers holding the same money as him. He went up to ask, and quickly ran back happily. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted to Alian's mother, "Wrong, wrong, it's not three yuan and seventy-four cents. The scalper was charging eighty-five yuan in front of the Bank of China."


Alian's mother was also startled and asked in disbelief. Alian's father took out a wad of money from his pocket and said to her mother, "I brought two of them. Did you see it? If you get so much in exchange, then what?" The scalper also told me that I could exchange as much as I had, and if there was more, he could add some money.

Alian's mother couldn't believe it.

In the next few days, Alian was in the room, and every day she heard her parents chattering outside. Either they said it had gone up, or it had dropped a little today. What the two people were talking about was the price of US dollars on the black market every day. , when Alian walked out, the two of them shut up. When Alian left, the two of them started chattering again.

One day, Alian couldn't bear it anymore and ran out and slapped the table and cursed, "Money, money, money, what else do you have besides money? Why don't any of you care about Huhu?"

Tsk, his father said disdainfully, if Huhu follows his father, what will happen? Do we still need to care? That is his biological father. Since you were a child, has your father ever treated you badly?

that is. Alian's mother said from the side.

Alian rushed back to the room, tears kept flowing. She felt that Zheng Liwen was right again. It was better for Huhu to return to such a home than to stay in Taiwan.

A-Lian returned to Hangzhou and never left. Lin Zhaofeng never showed up again. The neighbors inevitably started to talk. Some people couldn't help it and asked her mother, why didn't A-Lian go to Taiwan?

Alian heard her mother and neighbors say, "You have never been to Taiwan. You don't know that Taiwan is very scary. Where is Taiwan better than Hangzhou? The tap water in Taiwan is stinky. When we get there, Alian , Ouch, I have diarrhea every day and I vomit everything I eat. Our vicious son-in-law called her every day to urge her to go, but she didn't dare to go.

She vomits everything she eats. Does that mean her belly has been enlarged by Taiwanese people again? A neighbor shouted, and everyone laughed.

She couldn't go back to her workplace, and it was hard for Alian to go out and look for a job, letting her neighbors see her going to and from get off work like everyone else every day.

Her mother has already boasted that her Taiwanese son-in-law is a boss of a certain city. She has been raising her as a daughter-in-law since she was a child. She is not allowed to do any heavy work. She is tender and tender, otherwise how could the big boss take a fancy to her? She is destined to be a rich wife.

The rich lady Alian didn't have a penny in her pocket. Ever since her parents knew the value of U.S. dollars, they had taken away all the U.S. dollars she had. Even a U.S. dollar coin was taken away from her wallet by her father. , the Taiwan dollar was not spared, and the remaining RMB was finally spent.

With no job and no money, the rich lady Alian could not speak to her parents. As soon as she opened her mouth, her parents picked up the phone and asked her to call Lin Zhaofeng. Her father said that there is no reason to leave his wife here and have to We raise you, and you only get one copper per month, and you don’t even send us any money. How dare you talk to us?

That's it, her mother said from the side.

Thank you for the reward, Ba Liang, ranked third from top to bottom! Thank you Zhengguang Ion Exchange Resin-Zhou Ping for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Good evening everyone!

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