The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 747 Another pot of spicy fish

When Liu Ligan arrived at the Gongshu District Government conference room, the conference room was already full of people. In addition to Director Liu, there were also the district chief and deputy chief of Gongshu District, as well as the urban public security, industrial and commercial, and civil affairs management departments. and the head of the urban construction department.

The only two people here who are not from government agencies, besides Liu Ligan, are Party A who finally showed up, the director of Hangcheng Foundry General Factory.

The goods yard is used by their foundry to store coke. Now that the company is about to close down, the goods yard has long been of no use. It has been rented to others since last year. Now that the lease term is about to expire, it is simply ready to be sold.

Director Liu saw Liu Ligan coming in and asked him to sit next to him. He asked Liu Ligan in a low voice, have you heard about Jianguo North Road?

Liu Ligan nodded and said, I heard a little bit, but the specific situation is not very clear.

Director Liu nodded, looked at the district chief sitting on the other side of him, clapped his hands, and the conference room became quiet. Director Liu said:

"Okay, everyone is here. We are going to have a meeting right away. Before the meeting, I will introduce to you a guest I invited. Today's incident happened because of the sale of off-the-plan property, but I listened for a long time and everyone said: I don’t know anything about real estate, and I have only a partial understanding of what an off-the-plan property is, so how can I determine the nature of today’s matter and how can I solve the problem?

"I invited an expert, Mr. Liu Liu Ligan, the general manager of Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd. I believe that everyone has heard of his company even if they don't know him. Well, let's welcome him first."

The people present applauded, and Director Liu asked the director of the District Public Security Bureau to introduce today's situation to everyone. What the director introduced was similar to what Liu Ligan knew. After the introduction, the director said:

"The difficulty with this matter now is that based on the current situation and evidence we know, we have no way to identify this matter. We have no way to say for sure whether this should be handled by our police or by the director and others in industry and commerce."

"Have you found the boss of this company?" Director Liu asked.

The director said no, but Factory Director Lao is here, and Factory Director Lao confirmed that the letter of intent was authentic. In this way, without more evidence, it would be difficult for us to determine whether this was an illegal operation or suspected of fraud.

Director Liu asked Liu Ligan: "Mr. Liu, what do you think?"

Liu Ligan asked Director Lao: "Director Lao, what is the area of ​​the goods yard you agreed to transfer?"

Director Lao said: "Forty-two point three acres."

Liu Ligan asked the district bureau director: "Director Chen, how much are their on-site advertisements and the off-the-plan properties they are selling this morning?"

"One thousand three hundred and thirty-two."

"Who has yesterday's evening newspaper?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I have it here." Director Chen said, handing over a newspaper.

Liu Ligan said: "I don't think this is a normal off-the-plan property sales behavior. It can even be judged that they are not operating illegally as Director Chen said. I think this is a premeditated fraud."

Everyone in the conference room sat upright when they heard this. Director Chen asked: "Mr. Liu, what is the basis for you to draw this conclusion?"

Liu Ligan took out the calculator he brought from the car from his bag. While he was calculating, he said:

"Director Lao just said that this land covers an area of ​​42.3 acres, which is 28,197 square meters. According to their advertisement, a six-story house costs 60 Five square meters, then the maximum floor area ratio for multi-story buildings in our country is 1.8, which means that the maximum building area of ​​this land is 50,755 square meters."

Liu Ligan pressed the calculator and continued:

"Divided by 65 square meters per house, that is to say, on this piece of land, they can build up to 780 houses, which means they can have 780 off-the-plan properties, and they sell 1,332 , then, where are the other 552 houses?

"It is impossible for a real estate company not to be able to calculate even the simplest arithmetic. If they really want to build houses to sell, this only shows that they have no intention of building houses at all. The one they signed with the labor director The letter of intent is just to buy everyone’s property.”

Everyone suddenly realized it. Director Liu looked at Director Chen and asked, are you clear?

Director Chen stood up with a smile: "It's clear, I'll arrange the pursuit right away."

He looked at the leader of the Municipal Bureau, who waved his hand, and he went out immediately.

Director Liu looked at the director of the Urban Construction Bureau. The director smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm not an expert. I can't tell at a glance. I didn't pay attention to this issue of floor area ratio."

Director Liu pointed at him with his finger.

The district chief leaned over and exchanged a few words with Director Liu. Director Liu nodded, looked at the people in the conference room, and said:

"Now there is no question about the characterization of this incident. It is a fraud, but it takes time for the police to pursue it. Even if someone is caught, it is still unknown whether the stolen money can be recovered and how much can be recovered. But what is urgent now is that the victims are so Many of them are still waiting for our reply, how do you think they can solve their problems?"

There was silence in the conference room for a moment, and everyone understood that this was the most troublesome issue.

The simplest way to solve this problem is money. Return the money to everyone and the matter will be over. But for the governments at all levels at that time, what they lacked most was money. Even if they had this money, they would not have this. Projects, every money in each department must be earmarked for special use, and cannot be easily diverted to other uses.

At that time, local governments at all levels were really very poor. The main reason was that their fiscal revenue came from a single source, which was tax revenue from urban industrial and commercial enterprises. But at that time, there were not many enterprises that were truly large-scale and profitable, so their income was limited.

On the other hand, their burden is even more prominent. Each level of government has a large number of local state-owned and collective enterprises. Most of these enterprises are in a state of suspension or semi-suspended production. Not only do they have no profits and taxes to pay, but in turn The government also needs constant blood transfusions.

So in those years, local governments all over the country made great efforts to clean up and rectify these unprofitable enterprises. On the other hand, they developed various types of markets and economic open zones and vigorously supported the development of private enterprises. Only then did they slowly Get out of trouble slowly.

But the real life started to get better, which also stems from the "management of cities and land management" two thousand years later. Land collection and storage centers have been established in various places and land collection and storage systems have been formulated. Local governments have monopolized the primary market of land. , brought them huge benefits.

A local official once made a bold statement, saying that just selling a piece of land can be worth a year's tax revenue of a development zone. Although the words were harsh, the reality later is that the eastern coastal provinces and cities are indeed doing this. Various economic development zones that were developed through hard work in the past few years have been closed down and turned into real estate development zones.

Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places were the first cities to experiment with land acquisition and storage systems, and the experience gained, almost without exception, was from Hong Kong.

These are all things for later.

Director Liu looked at everyone, but no one dared to express their opinion. They all knew that this was a hot potato that they could not swallow. It was the director of the Urban Construction Bureau who said:

"Director Lao, you are also responsible for this matter. Shouldn't you shoulder this burden?"

Other people also talked about it and all agreed. The elder of the labor factory was in charge of himself while drinking tea. When they all finished, the factory director said:

"Yes, our factory can take on this responsibility, Director Liu. As long as the city allocates the money, we will do the specific work."

Director Lao's words made everyone speechless. Yes, this foundry is a municipal enterprise. It is already half-dead and needs relief from the municipal government. Now let them get the money. They Where to get it? In the end, it’s not the wool that comes from the sheep, it’s the city government’s responsibility.

Director Liu was also a little angry, thinking, OK, the matter is in your district, but you all want to hand over this responsibility, so I become your butt wiper?

It was Lao Ying, the director of the Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau. He knew Liu Ligan. The last time he dealt with Wei Wenfang and the others, they met during a meeting with Director Liu.

Lao Ying looked at Liu Ligan, then at Director Liu, and said, "Director Liu, I have a suggestion."

"Say, Director Ying."

"The boss of this real estate company has escaped, but isn't this land still there? My idea is that Mr. Liu can take over this project and continue to work on it. Those who have bought off-the-plan properties and want to return them, Mr. Liu will refund them to him. , If you don’t want to quit, just sign a new agreement with Mr. Liu and his company.”

Everyone's eyes lit up and they felt that this was really a solution, but Liu Ligan secretly complained in his heart, what do you mean, he spent a long time demolishing the mess, but in the end he wanted to take over the mess, and that bastard ran away. Do you have to bear the money yourself?

Lao Ying asked Director Lao: "Director Lao, what was the transfer price of your original letter of intent?"

"Two million and a half million," Director Lao said.

"The building sold now costs 815,000. In this way, after you sign the transfer contract, Mr. Liu will give you the remaining 1.335 million. In this way, Mr. Liu will not suffer any loss, and the police will Over there, whatever is recovered at that time will be transferred to you, and won’t this matter be solved?”

Before anyone else could speak, the district chief immediately said, "I agree with Director Ying's suggestion. This is the fastest and most thorough solution to this problem."

Director Liu thought for a moment, and he thought this was a good idea. He looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "Mr. Liu, are you feeling any pressure?"

Liu Ligan was already chuckling in his heart. How could he suffer from this algorithm? He said okay, if Director Liu thinks it is necessary, then we will take over.

"Okay, that's it. Director Lao, no matter how late it is today, you still sign this agreement with Mr. Liu. The public security bureau will be responsible for informing the victims of the results of this matter. Starting tomorrow, they will have to refund or If you want to re-sign the house purchase contract, go to Mr. Liu’s company.”

Director Liu made the final decision, and everyone felt that this was really the best result. Even Factory Director Lao felt that although it is still unknown how much the police can recover in the end, since it was decided by big shots like you, the money is not my own. , even if I haven’t recovered a penny, and the responsibility is not on me, why should I object?

Everyone got up and prepared to end the meeting. Director Liu clapped his hands and said to everyone:

"Next, Mr. Liu will go to each of your units to complete the procedures. You all give me the green light. If there is any difficulty or deliberate delay, I, Liu Chengcheng, will sit in your office."

Everyone laughed, and someone shouted: "Don't worry, Director Liu, you are such a big Bodhisattva. Our temple is too small to invite you."

Liu Ligan was filled with joy. Wasn't he given the green light? Then you only open the project for the foundry? Are you going to give the green light to my next spring factory project?

I'm afraid, you won't be able to control it then. Isn't it said that once you are familiar with me, you will become familiar with me twice? If I, Liu Lizhan, come back the next time, will you still be familiar with me?

Zhang Chen, Xiaozhao and He Hongmei ate at the spicy fish hot pot restaurant on Zhongshan North Road until about eight o'clock in the evening. They almost finished the pot of fish before Liu Ligan ran in.

He Hongmei cursed, I thought you were going to skip the bill today, but you came just in time and the waiter paid the bill.

Liu Ligan glared at her and shouted: "Why skip the order? I'm starving. Waiter, give us another pot."

Thank you to the blind man for watching the pantomime z, you can rest, and the reward of 80 taels! Thank you Jianxiong 11, I wish you the best, it may rain sometimes, and cup guy Api for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Have a good evening everyone!

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