The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 743 A big mouthful

Now that one party has made an offer and the other party immediately agrees, the next thing is simple. What's more, this place is cleaner than the spoke factory, and there are no problems left over by the old employees. As long as the two parties sign the agreement, Liu Lipole will give the money. Hand over, the other party handed Liu Ligan a file bag and the key to the large piece of wood in the director's hand, and this place was really named Liu.

The four people stood in the pavilion to finalize the matter. Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao still showed their sincerity. They felt that Liu Ligan would be under too much pressure if he asked Liu Ligan to pay two million at a time, so they took the initiative to sign the contract. When making the agreement, Liu Ligan paid one million first, and another one million to be paid six months later.

"Mr. Liu, your house has already been sold by then, so you should not be under so much pressure." Secretary Bao said.

For them, it's very simple. The land is here, and you can't put it in your bag and take it away. There is an agreement, and if you can't hand over the remaining one million by then, that's even better. This land It would go back to their name, but it was just a matter of changing the name, and it would be a million dollars in vain. At that time, one million was a huge sum of money.

It was impossible for the land to be acquired and construction had not started for six months. It was even more unimaginable that it had not been sold. You must know that at that time, you could start selling houses as soon as the drawings were released. You sold off-the-plan properties and sold down payments. You can sell it for the full price, no matter how you sell it. In this regard, the relevant regulations are still blank.

From Liu Ligan's point of view, paying the two million in one lump sum did not put any pressure on him at all. He already had more than ten million in his account, and now the second phase of "Splendid Home" has been paid again. Payments have begun, and whether it is the Xiasha or Majeng Road projects, it has not yet come time to pay for the project again. Liu Ligan's finances are very easy.

This also gives him the confidence to say "I agree" almost without thinking.

But the other party suggested this kindly, but Liu Lizhu still pretended that Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao had helped him solve a big problem. He was very grateful. This was because, when the ball was hit back, it would not be possible. It was all good intentions and favors. Liu Ligan could pay the one million he owed at any time at any time. As long as he paid it one day earlier, it would be a favor.

I can win the trust of Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao, and I feel that I can rest assured when dealing with this guy.

Liu Ligan still had to dig out pickaxe after pickaxe. He had to bury this foreshadowing so that he could reveal it when needed.

They signed the contract at Erqing Head Office in the afternoon, and the two parties cooperated happily. Tonight, Liu Ligan invited Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao to Zhang Shengji for dinner. This time, Liu Ligan took Wenwen and Qianqian, and Zhang In the morning, I excused myself from attending because I had something to do.

In the evening, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao returned to Sanbao. Xiao Zhao went to Zheng Huihong and the others. Zhang Chen walked to Wu Zhaohui and the others and saw the packages piled up like a hill inside. Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui were both busy. When they arrived at Zhang Chen, Wu Zhaohui came over and said to him:

"Mr. Zhang, let me tell you news. Right now, you no longer need to go to a vocational and technical school to learn a driver's license. The society allows driving schools to be opened and driver's license training can be conducted. Moreover, everyone is not required to learn to drive a truck. You can also take the jeep test.”


"Yes, right here in Hangzhou, at the East Bus Station, they have established a new driving school. My senior brother is here as a coach. I think you and Xiao Zhao should go and learn, two days a week, just half a day each day."

"Great, Wu Zhaohui, then help me say hello to your senior brother."

Wu Zhaohui chuckled and said: "The quota is very tight. I have already told my senior brother and asked him to reserve two. I knew you would definitely need them."

"I need it, thank you, Wu Zhaohui." Zhang Chen patted Wu Zhaohui's arm and shouted.

Zhang Chen thought the news was great. He immediately went to the distribution center and told Xiao Zhao the news. Xiao Zhao was also very happy.

Indeed, it’s not that they don’t want to learn to drive, but it turns out that to learn to drive, they need to leave their jobs and go to a vocational and technical school to learn, with food and accommodation in school for two or three months. Like Lao Wan, he was Wu Chaohui’s master, which gave him a lot of face, and secretly If you open the back door, you can't let others know about it, and you still have to go back to Tonglu School to take the exam.

How can Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao have time to learn to drive like this? And now, they do have this need. They travel to Sanbao, Stadium Road and Yan'an Road every day. Every time they either take Lao Wan's car or ask He Hongmei to deliver them, which is too inconvenient.

After Liu Ligan's "Splendid Home" was built, they lived on Majeng Road, but both Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao still had to come to Sanbao every day, and they came all night, or even in the middle of the night. We have to wait for the reports from various places to come over, Xiao Zhao wants to calculate the inventory, and Zhang Chen needs to discuss production arrangements with Zhao Zhigang based on the inventory situation.

Because of the exchange rate, once the two seasons have passed, they now have some inventory of spring, summer and autumn clothing in their warehouses. Zheng Huihong and her entire distribution center are already trying to find ways to coordinate and arrange all parts of the country as much as possible. goods and reduce inventory, but inventory still inevitably increases, and Zhang Chen has begun to worry.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao immediately decided that as soon as Wu Zhaohui's senior brother could start learning, they would go and sign up immediately.

At midnight, Xiao Zhao took Zhang Xiangbei and went home to sleep first. Zhang Chen was still in the factory. Liu Ligan came with Wenwen and Qianqian. When he saw Zhang Chen, he shouted, "I knew you didn't go back." .

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"These two guys have never been here before, so I'll bring them here to have a look. I also want to drink with you."

Zhang Chen scolded: "Didn't you drink with Lao Nie and Lao Bao last night? Why the hell are you still drinking now?"

Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian waved their hands and said, go to the workshop and distribution center to see for yourself. Anyway, you all know Caidi and Zheng Huihong. I am here with Mr. Zhang.

Wenwen and Qianqian left, and Liu Lipole stood there, raising his neck and shouting upwards, Lao Wan! Lao Wan!

Lao Wan stuck his head out from the scaffolding on the third floor, and Liu Li waved him down.

After a while, Lao Wan came down from the top. Liu Ligan took out a hundred yuan and said to Lao Wan, go to the street and help us get some food back.

Lao Wan asked what kind of dish, Liu Ligan said, anything, just add more spice.

He handed Santana's key to Lao Wan and told him, "You drive my car."

Lao Wan was very happy when he heard this and asked, can I drive it for a spin while waiting for the food?

"Okay, okay, you can drive it back to your hometown for a spin, as long as you can come back in time to deliver food." Liu Ligan said.

Lao Wan got into the cab with a smile and left.

Liu Ligan went to the canteen, and after a while, he came back with two bottles of Erguotou. Zhang Chen cursed, are you crazy? Want to drive back?

"It's not necessarily that you've finished drinking, so why are you panicking? I ordered two more dishes in the cafeteria, and I saw there were oily residues, fried green peppers and fried oily residues, isn't it?" Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen looked at him and asked, "Did you go to Zhang Sheng Kee tonight? Didn't you drink?"

Liu Ligan was overjoyed when he heard this, and after drinking a lot of wine, he said, these two guys, Old Bao and Old Nie, never took their eyes off them all night, telling all the history of their revolutionary work and suffering The confession made these two women burst into tears. I couldn't drink alone, so I had to laugh and be surprised and sad by the side.

Haha, the waiter urged us three times before the two comrades reluctantly went back. They had already decided to find a place for them to enjoy themselves this Sunday.

"Why the hell do you sound like a pimp?" Zhang Chen shook his head.

"I'm already trying my best to prevent myself and these two comrades from making bigger mistakes. You still want me to just throw money at them?"

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and asked. Zhang Chen waved his hand and said to him: "Don't ask me this, I don't understand your world."

"You don't need to understand, just take care of yourself."

The chef in the kitchen came over with a plate of fried green pepper residue and green pepper meat slices. There were also a lot of dried chili peppers added to the two green peppers, which greatly increased people's appetite. Liu Ligan tapped the edge of the plate with his chopsticks and shouted, Master Fu, your green pepper meat slices are the most creative and the most delicious green pepper meat slices I have ever seen in the world. One day when I become the king of some country, I will definitely let you be the royal chef.

Master Fu smiled and said, "Okay, you can pick up a Supreme Emperor for me together."

Zhang Chen laughed, and Liu Li raised his thumb: "Wisdom! You are more able to deal with it than Zhuge Liang's verbal battle with the Confucian scholars."

Master Fu smiled and walked out.

Zhang Chenzao couldn't hold himself back, picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of oil residue and put it into his mouth. It was really delicious.

Zhang Chen picked up the Big Brother, and Liu Ligan asked him, what do you want to do?

"It's so delicious. I'll ask Xiao Zhao if he wants to come and eat." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, you guys really understand each other, but don't fight, I still have something to discuss with you."

Liu Ligan said, grabbing two white porcelain tea cups from the table, waving his hand, pouring the remaining water in the cups to the foot of the wall, biting open a bottle of Erguotou with his teeth, and poured it into the two cups. A bottle of wine filled two white porcelain teacups.

The two people raised it, touched it, and took a big sip. The alcohol content was too high and they didn't dare to take a big sip. They put the cup down and Zhang Chen asked, "What's the matter? Tell me."

"I'll dig someone from you." Liu Ligan said.


"Lao Wan."

"What do you want him to do, drive for you?"

"No, I want to recruit a construction team and build a house myself."

Zhang Chen looked at him and waited for him to continue. Liu Ligan said:

"I've been thinking about it these past two days. This house is actually the same as your clothes. They are both commodities. Think about it, these clothes cost dozens of yuan, and they also have to pay attention to quality. This house, they cost the least. Tens of thousands, some of which may be a lifetime savings, is it okay if you don’t care about quality?

"I have thought about it. I, Liu Ligan, not only want to sell the most houses in China, but also build the best houses in China. Once people live in my house, they will feel at ease and get value for money. I will not Behind my back, poking my spine and scolding me.

"Only in this way can I go far. To do this, I must have a reliable construction team myself. Relying on outside ones is not possible. Communication is too difficult.

"I've been observing Lao Wan for a long time. This guy doesn't have a high level of education, but he can definitely do things. I think he can do what I want. It doesn't matter if he has a low level of education. He can learn, as long as he If you put your work attitude into study, you can still become 'Zhejiang University' and 'Zhejiang Mei'."

Zhang Chen raised his cup and clinked it with Liu Ligan. He also agreed with Liu Ligan’s idea. Either he didn’t do it or he built the best house in China. Otherwise, it would be useless. But he wanted to poach Lao Wan. Zhang Chen I felt a little reluctant to give up. Zhang Chen also thought Lao Wan was too useful.

But Liu Ligan's next words made Zhang Chen agree immediately. Liu Ligan said:

"Do you still want Lao Wan to be a driver for the rest of his life?"

Thank you U185229649 for the tip! Thank you for the monthly votes from Bad Sample, Cloudy and Rainy, and Cup Guy Api! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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