The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 727 Things seem a bit complicated

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and Wei Wenfang left Director Liu's office. They were all very happy. Wei Wenfang's face, which had been worried since last night, became much more lively and talked more. Although the matter was not solved immediately, Director Liu has promised to help her and asked them to come back at three in the afternoon.

Liu Ligan said: "Although Director Liu said that the Post and Telecommunications Bureau is a vertically managed department and is not under the control of their municipal government, you can rest assured, Wei Wenfang, Director Liu can still play a role. He is the current manager. Doesn't everyone say that the county government It’s better to be in charge now than to be an official.”

Wei Wenfang punched Liu Ligan and cursed: "You just like to talk nonsense. Director Liu can even say that kind of thing."

Both Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan understood that Wei Wenfang meant that Liu Ligan said that her clothes were borrowed.

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Don't you understand this? Your tears and my words are the most effective."

Zhang Chen felt the same way.

After sitting in the car, Wei Wenfang took out Director Liu's business card and looked at it. She asked, what's going on with the director of the general office and the deputy secretary-general?

Zhang Chen didn't understand either. Looking at Liu Ligan, Liu Ligan said, that means that Director Liu is the biggest official in the general office, and all the municipal government offices are under his control.

"If he is the eldest, why is he also the deputy secretary-general?" Wei Wenfang asked.

"This secretary-general is in charge of the entire city government. His office may or may not be here in the city government office, but he does not specifically oversee the city government office. He mainly assists the mayor in his work. He is the so-called city government office. The same is true for the chief secretary, the general office of the municipal party committee, and the provincial and central government. The secretary-general is the main assistant to the chief, the real chief secretary."

Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang understood.

Liu Ligan drove his car, not to Stadium Road or back to Sanbao, but to Hangcheng Xinhua Bookstore on Jiefang Road.

Zhang Chen asked curiously, what are you doing here?

"You have to communicate face to face in the afternoon, and you don't even need to prepare? People from the Postal and Telecommunications Bureau, if I use three words of postal law to fool you, you don't even know what the postal law is?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang both felt it made sense. They went to the bookstore and found a copy of the "Postal Law of the People's Republic of China" passed by the National People's Congress on December 2, 1986, and the State Council's Policy No. 65 on November 12, 1990. The "Detailed Implementation Rules of the Postal Law of the People's Republic of China" promulgated and implemented by order of the State Council, a combined version of the two regulations.

Zhang Chen was going to buy one, but Liu Ligan said to buy three and take them back to study and understand them separately. They would use them in the afternoon.

Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang both agreed.

At 2:50 in the afternoon, Zhang Chen and the others arrived at Director Liu's office and walked into the door of Office No. 130. They heard a lot of people in the reception room. Xiao Yan saw them and walked over, but did not lead them there. Instead of going to the reception room, we were led to room 129 next door. When we opened the door, there was a small conference room inside.

Xiao Yan asked them to sit down, and then went to the cabinet in the corner to pour water for them. Wei Wenfang quickly walked over and said, "We will do it ourselves."

Xiao Yan smiled and walked away. There was also a wooden chair at the entrance. Xiao Yan pulled open the chair at the head of the conference table, which was covered with sponge and black artificial leather, and put the wooden chair away. Just walked out.

After a while, five or six people walked in, each of them holding a cup in their hand, which seemed to have been brought from Director Liu's reception room.

Everyone sat down one by one. Director Liu took his seat on the wooden chair. He first introduced Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and Wei Wenfang to the people who came in, and then introduced the people who came in to Zhang Chen and the others. Zhang Chen and the others were frightened when they heard this. A quick glance revealed that there were not only the director of the Hangzhou Post and Telecommunications Bureau, but also the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the director of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the director of the Municipal Government Office Secretariat.

Such a big battle is not as simple as face-to-face communication with the Post and Telecommunications Bureau, as Director Liu and Zhang Chen said in the morning.

Director Liu made an opening statement first. He said, I have told everyone the general situation before. After Mr. Zhang and others left in the morning, I thought about it carefully and felt that this was not a single incident, nor was it Xiao Wei's. As for their family, many people will definitely do this in the future. This market can be said to be a market that your post and telecommunications did not discover, but it was discovered by others.

What will you do after everyone does this? Your post and telecommunications think it is robbing you of your jobs, but others think they are operating legally. If your inspection team goes to inspect them, they will definitely be unconvinced. Such conflicts will arise one after another. If it is not done well, it will It caused a major conflict, so I called everyone over to discuss it.

Let’s all speak freely without any baggage or fear of arguments. Let’s express our thoughts first, okay? The more we argue, the clearer the truth becomes.

As soon as Director Liu finished speaking, the Director of Industry and Commerce said, I still stick to my previous idea. I think this matter, Director Wang, you Post and Telecommunications are just meddling in other people's business.

Director Wang of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau said that the license was issued by your industry and commerce department. Of course you would say such a thing.

The Director of Industry and Commerce said that the license issued by our Industry and Commerce Bureau is correct. Cargo transportation is not prohibited by the country. Perhaps the scope of permitted business has been liberalized a long time ago. It did not say that engaging in cargo transportation still requires the approval of your Post and Telecommunications Bureau. Approval.

"That's a problem of identification. You think it's cargo transportation, but we think it's mail sending and receiving. Mail sending and receiving is what our post and telecommunications specialize in. The country has never let it go." Director Wang said.

Wei Wenfang raised his hand. Director Liu saw it and said, "Xiao Wei, tell me."

Wei Wenfang said, from the time we first had this idea to when we applied for a license, we always felt that there was no difference between what we were doing and what the shipping departments in the market were doing. These shipping departments were doing it all over the country and had been doing it for many years. Why is it that they have nothing to do but we have something to do? What kind of illegal operation is this? I just can't figure this out?

The Director of Industry and Commerce smiled and said, Don’t say you can’t figure it out, even I can’t figure it out. Little girl, I also think that what you are doing is cargo transportation, which is the same business as the shipping department.

The Postmaster General said: "How can it be the same? Their big packages are of course cargo transportation. What you are doing is parcels, and parcels are our postal business."

Director Liu asked the Director of Industry and Commerce: "Does the state regulate the volume and weight of goods when it comes to consigning goods?"

The Director of Industry and Commerce shook his head and said no, he did not see such a request.

"Leaders, can I speak?" Liu Ligan said.

"Xiao Liu, tell me." Director Liu said, "I said you can speak freely."

Liu Ligan said: "I just heard Director Wang from the Post and Telecommunications Bureau say that parcels are a postal service. Director Ying from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau said that the country does not have size and weight requirements for consigned goods. This may seem like a contradiction, but in fact it is not contradictory at all. , The country actually has regulations on consigned goods. For example, flammable, explosive, toxic, and those that have not been inspected and quarantined in accordance with regulations are not allowed to be transported.

"That is to say, except for items prohibited by the state, business is allowed. Is my understanding correct?"

The director of the National Development and Reform Commission said, yes, it should be understood this way. Projects that are prohibited by the state are prohibited from operating. If there is no prohibition, they will be leniently identified.

"Email is not included." Director Wang said.

"Yes, Director Wang is right, but I think the country has a very clear understanding of what mail is." Liu Ligan said, "Item 1, Chapter 8, Article 41, of the Postal Law, There is a very clear definition of the mail referred to in this law, which states that mail refers to letters, printed matter, parcels, remittance notices, newspapers and periodicals, etc. sent through postal enterprises.”

"Yes, it doesn't mention postal parcels. This is what we commonly call parcels. Doesn't the "Postal Law" stipulate that mail is our post and telecommunications' exclusive business?" Director Wang said.

Liu Ligan is right, mail is a specialty of post and telecommunications, but this parcel refers to the parcels sent through your post and telecommunications, not all parcels in a broad sense, and there is no exclusivity. Otherwise, luggage check-in at train stations, luggage at bus stations and airports You can check the consignment. What is the difference between the packages they consign and ours?

"No, that's not what you understand." Director Wang said.

"Lao Wang, I think Xiao Liu's understanding is correct." said the director of the National Development and Reform Commission.

"Let me add something about this." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, tell me, Mr. Zhang." Director Liu said.

Zhang Chen said: "What Mr. Liu just said is actually reflected more clearly in the implementation rules of the Postal Law. In the implementation rules, there is an exclusive clause, which is Chapter 1, Article 4, and it reads like this of:

"'No unit or individual may engage in the delivery business of letters, postcards or other items of a letter nature without being entrusted by a postal enterprise, except as otherwise provided by the State Council. Letters refer to sealed information delivered in an envelope. Carrier. Other items with the nature of letters refer to the carrier of information transmitted in the form of symbols, images, sounds, etc.'

"In other words, the postal and telecommunications franchise that Director Wang mentioned is what the state refers to. It is also the area that other units and individuals are prohibited from operating, that is, letters and items of a letter nature. What Xiao Wei and the others are consigning are clothes, letters and Items in the nature of letters have nothing to do with it.

"In this case, if you are conducting postal and telecommunications inspections, you can check whether there are letters in their piles of packages. You can even check whether there are letters in the clothes, but obviously there will be none. Who will do it? When you send out clothes, you also write a letter to the customer and put it inside?"

Director Liu nodded and said, "I think what Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhang said is reasonable. Director Wang, what do you think?"

Director Wang felt a little short of words. He said: "What you are referring to is the regulations. What I am talking about is the practice. In practice, our entire system is investigating such companies."

"Director Wang, this is a bit quibbling. Even if your system is doing it, it may not be legal. We still have to administer in accordance with the law." said the director of the National Development and Reform Commission.

"Actually, to put it more seriously, Director Wang, I think your inspection team has violated the law." The Director of Industry and Commerce said, "According to our enterprise law, any unit or individual is not allowed to interfere with the legitimate operations of an enterprise for various reasons. of."

"Lao Ying, what do you mean? According to you, your Industrial and Commercial Bureau is going to punish us?" Director Wang was angry.

Director Liu quickly stopped him. He said that they had different understandings. But Lao Wang, let me just say a few words. Putting aside other things, you are just enforcing the law, and you must also enforce the law with humanity. A large group of people went and opened the door of someone's house without saying a word. It was pulled down without leaving any room, and people were still living in it. As a result, they...

Director Liu said and looked at Wei Wenfang. Wei Wenfang thought he was going to borrow clothes and blushed.

In the end, Director Liu didn't say to borrow clothes to make peace with things, but said that as a result, he almost ended up living on the street.

Thank you Lao Chentang and M for the reward! Thank you M for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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