There is a cultural square between the Yongcheng County Federation of Trade Unions and the Cultural Center. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Lijuan, vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, left the office, went downstairs, walked through the cultural square, and walked towards the cultural building opposite.

The first floor of the cultural building is the Yongcheng County Library. When you enter the main door, there is a reading room on one side and a book lending room on the other. Walk out through the hall and reach the yard at the back. There are stairs going upstairs in the yard. The second floor is the cultural center. The third floor is the Cultural Bureau, and the fourth floor is the dance hall of the Cultural Center.

Tang Lijuan arrived at the second floor and walked straight to Teacher Shi's office. Teacher Shi was very familiar with her. The Workers' Cultural Palace, which Tang Lijuan was in charge of, and the cultural center were considered brother units. They often held activities together. As long as they were doing activities, the Federation of Trade Unions would Tang Lijuan is always responsible.

When Tang Lijuan walked in, she saw Teacher Shi and Tan Shuzhen inside. Teacher Shi saw Tang Lijuan and stood up with a smile. She called Tang Lijuan not Chairman Tang, but Commander Tang.

Commander Tang is the commander of the Imperial Army Tang Binghui in the movie "Tunnel War". Actor Liu Jiang has played two famous villains, one is Hu Hansan in "Sparkling Red Star", and the other is Commander Tang in "Tunnel War". The performance was so successful and the character was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that many people with the surname Tang all over the country were unlucky and would be called Commander Tang.

Tan Shuzhen was standing in front of the window, looking at the French plane trees practicing outside. When she heard Commander Tang come in, she stopped, turned around and smiled at her.

Commander Tang is very famous in Yongcheng. There is almost no unit that she is not familiar with, and there is no door that she cannot enter. Whenever there is any big event, whether it is sponsored by the Federation of Trade Unions or not, you will see this middle-aged woman. The figure was walking around in a hurry on and off the stage, shouting, and his voice was very confident.

When each unit held an event and had insufficient experience or manpower, the first thing that came to mind was to ask Commander Tang to help. And she was also very happy to do this kind of thing. She always arrived as soon as she was called, never considering the reward, and she saved everything. She was so popular that many people later knew Commander Tang, but fewer people knew that she was the vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions.

Because I have seen her in too many unit activities that have nothing to do with the Federation of Trade Unions, and every time she appears, she acts like a master. Who knows which unit she belongs to.

Of course Tan Shuzhen also knew Commander Tang.

Commander Tang and Tan Shuzhen said: "The singing was so beautiful. I heard it on the stairs and couldn't bear to come in and interrupt you."

Tan Shuzhen quickly said thank you to Teacher Tang.

Teacher Shi looked at Commander Tang and asked, "Did you come in to listen to the music?"

"No, no, I don't have time to listen to music. I'm so busy that my butt is burnt. I'm here to find you." Commander Tang said.

As soon as Tan Shuzhen heard this, she knew that they had something to talk about, so she was ready to leave. She told Teacher Shi, "Teacher Shi, I'll leave first."

"Don't go, don't go. I'm looking for her and you." Commander Tang shouted.

"Looking for me?" Tan Shuzhen was surprised.

"Sit down, sit down. I wouldn't have come here if I wasn't looking for you. I pass by you every day and hear you singing. I know you are here all afternoon." Commander Tang said.

Tan Shuzhen sat down.

Commander Tang told the two of them about the matter. It turned out that the County Federation of Trade Unions and the County Women's Federation jointly organized the "ICBC Women's Style and Etiquette Grand Prix". It was said to be a grand prize, but in fact it didn't cost much. The champion was Three hundred yuan, but since this activity was organized by the Federation of Trade Unions and the Women's Federation, Commander Tang had to pay attention to his own activities.

"What does this have to do with us? Aren't you just wearing a cheongsam and twisting around on the stage, and you don't sing?" Teacher Shi asked.

Commander Tang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Not only wearing cheongsam, but only wearing cheongsam, that is what your cultural center only does. In our case, there is also a professional attire, which is to wear stewardess and railway clothes and so on... "

Teacher Shi scolded: "You can't even see the shadow of an airplane in Yongcheng. Where do the stewardesses come from? There are trains, but they are all coal transporters, wearing labor cloth overalls?"

"You're not pretending to be Miss Vacuum. Who's the flight attendant who came to this valley?" Commander Tang said, "But if there is no business attire, what does it have to do with our Federation of Trade Unions?"

"Then it's none of our business if you talk for a long time." Teacher Shi said, "I have heard that some people say that your event only has women and no men. It is a beauty pageant in disguise, an etiquette contest. In fact, it is We are choosing Miss Yongcheng.”

"A beauty pageant is a beauty pageant. What are you afraid of? If you don't choose beauty, why should you choose ugliness? Miss Yongcheng is also very good, and she is not a thief in Yongcheng. If I were twenty years younger, I would also want to be Miss Yongcheng. Xiao Tan, don't you think so? When your troupe performs on stage, that lady is the protagonist and a positive figure, right?" Commander Tang shouted.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "It's true what you said. The ladies in our dramas are rarely bad people."

"Do you think I said it right?" Commander Tang said to Teacher Shi.

"Hey, hey, hey." Teacher Shi tapped his fingers on the table and asked, "Commander, you've been talking for a long time, what exactly do you want to say?"

Commander Tang burst into laughter, and she said, "Haha, when you're happy, you talk nonsense."

Teacher Shi asked suspiciously: "Why are you happy?"

"I saw Xiao Tan. I came here just to find her. She is here and she is not happy that I caught her."

"Then what's wrong with me?"

"It's none of your business. Just listen and don't hold me back." Commander Tang laughed and scolded.

Commander Tang then talked to them, and they finally understood her intention.

It turns out that when this event started, in order to expand the impact of the event and encourage the enthusiasm of the organizers in the townships below, the two units discussed that all those who signed up would be charged a registration fee of five yuan, and the fee would be returned to the township women's federation. As a result, they were very motivated. , even higher than their heads, and went to every village to mobilize.

Now in the village below, they were talking about some kind of beauty etiquette contest. Who could understand? Some people simply said it was a beauty pageant. Now everyone understood. They also said it was a rare opportunity to stand out. Don't miss it.

This makes many girls and young women who think they are pretty are ready to take action.

When you come to sign up, you don't do any basic deletion according to the regulations. As long as you pay the money, the two-nosed people will sign up for you. You stand there and hesitate, and they encourage you to sign up.

According to statistics, there were more than 5,000 people who signed up. Although there were many people who signed up, and the impact of the event was indeed great, only God knows the quality of the people who signed up.

Helpless, Commander Tang and the others had no choice but to go down and delete the elections one by one from the thirty-six towns in the county.

After deletion, there were only a hundred candidates left, and a preliminary round was held in the county seat, and only thirty candidates were left. These thirty candidates were still not ideal.

This event was sponsored by the County Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. After seeing it, the president of ICBC was very dissatisfied and told Commander Tang that the ones you picked out are not as good-looking as the tellers at my bank. What kind of heroine style are they? If the style is gone, where will the etiquette be?

After discussing with the Women's Federation, the Federation of Trade Unions and the Women's Federation also felt that if this event, with such a grand spectacle and such wide-spread reputation, ended in an anticlimactic manner, selected unsatisfactory candidates, and ended hastily, it would not look good on the Federation of Trade Unions and the Women's Federation.

Especially the first place in the preliminaries is a lady who runs a hair salon on the street in the county town. Although she is doing a serious business, but for such a vigorous event, the winner selected in the end is the owner of a hair salon, and it is always that one. , not very nice.

"Don't be professionally discriminatory. What's wrong with those who open hair salons? They also get rich through hard work." Teacher Shi said.

"Don't interrupt, just listen to me." Commander Tang waved his hand.

After discussion between the Federation of Trade Unions and the Women's Federation, the two organizers, the result was that in addition to the thirty places selected in the preliminaries, ten more special invitation places would be added. Commander Tang has a wide range of connections, so Commander Tang was asked to find these ten people by himself. , to put it bluntly, they were actually brought here to add excitement to this event.

Commander Tang's first thought was, of course, Tan Shuzhen. With Tan Shuzhen at the bottom of the box, she wouldn't worry about the rest.

"No, no, no, Teacher Tang, I have never participated in such an activity." Upon hearing this, Tan Shuzhen quickly refused.

"What's not working? What's so difficult about this? I just learned the steps in ten minutes while wearing clothes. When you were acting before, you rarely walked around on the stage. You can't even do this?" Tang said the commander.

"No, Teacher Tang, mine is different from yours. Let's talk about it..."

Tan Shuzhen thought hard and couldn't say anything anymore. She was a little anxious and looked at Teacher Shi for help. Commander Tang also looked at Teacher Shi and she said:

"I don't care. This matter can be done or not. Saving a situation is like putting out a fire. You can't just watch me, Lao Tang, die without saving me."

Teacher Shi scolded: "You are not asking, you are forcing me."

"Yes, it was forced. If it doesn't work, I'll tell you, Xiao Tan, I'll ask two young men to go to your house and kidnap you. I know where you live."

Commander Tang said, and both Teacher Shi and Tan Shuzhen were amused by her.

Teacher Shi thought for a while and said to Tan Shuzhen, just go and be the gang commander. It won’t waste time anyway, and there is no need to rehearse or anything, just go up and walk around. We can’t afford to offend this person. We can’t offend him. She doesn't want to live in Yongcheng anymore.

"It's good to know!" Commander Tang rolled his eyes at Teacher Shi and laughed.

Commander Tang looked at Tan Shuzhen and pointed at her. Since Teacher Shi said so, Tan Shuzhen had nothing to do. She frowned and said with a bitter smile, "Okay, okay, Teacher Tang, I'll go."

Tang Lijuan escorted Tan Shuzhen like a prisoner. She came out of Teacher Shi's office, went downstairs, crossed the cultural square, entered the gate of the Federation of Trade Unions, went upstairs to the office of the Federation of Trade Unions on the second floor, walked to the door and walked in He shouted, hurry up, take out the registration form, I brought a special guest.

The people inside looked up and saw that it was Tan Shuzhen. Their eyes lit up and they quickly took out the form.

Tan Shuzhen had no choice but to pick up the form and look at it. She told Tang Lijuan, "Mr. Tang, I didn't bring my ID card."

"It doesn't matter. Just fill in what you remember. Who else in Yongcheng doesn't know you." Commander Tang said.

"I don't have a certificate of approval from my employer." Tan Shuzhen said when she saw that the specially invited contestants needed a certificate of approval from their employer.

"It doesn't matter. Who dares to disagree with your troupe, Ding Baigou or Feng Laogui? I will go to whoever disagrees." Commander Tang shouted.

Tan Shuzhen smiled bitterly. The office staff took off the cap of the pen and handed it to her. Tan Shuzhen could only start writing.

After she finished writing, she saw that she still had to pay the registration fee of five yuan. When she was about to take out her wallet, Commander Tang had already rushed to pay the five yuan for her.

Tan Shuzhen is a serious and competitive person. Although she was reluctant in every way before, now that she has signed up and filled out the form, she sat down and began to seriously inquire about the details of this competition.

When she knew that tomorrow morning, Sunday, there would be a physical fitness teacher invited from Hangzhou to give physical training classes to the thirty contestants who had passed the preliminaries, Tan Shuzhen decided that she would also attend the class.

The physical education class was held in the activity room of the Cultural Palace on the fourth floor of the Federation of Trade Unions. The next day, when Tan Shuzhen walked through the Cultural Square and walked towards the gate of the Federation of Trade Unions, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan had just arrived at Stadium Road. They were overwhelmed by so many people. People who buy off-the-plan properties are in for a surprise.

Thanks to Wandering Lao Zhao for the reward! Thank you wandering Lao Zhao and Baliang for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all good health!

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