The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 703 Continues every day

Feng Laogui came back from Beijing in the afternoon, and Tan Shuzhen went to the song and dance hall that night. Whether it was members of the art troupe or early customers, everyone saw Tan Shuzhen after a long absence, and they all gave enthusiastic applause, and Shen Linlin, mouth They were all furious.

Teacher Shi pulled Tan Shuzhen to the corridor outside the song and dance hall, and said to her with a smile, if you don't come, I will go to the Yue Opera Troupe to find you tomorrow.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Shi, I really can't leave these days. Laogui will come back in the afternoon, and I will rush over in the evening." Tan Shuzhen said quickly.

Teacher Shi knew that she had misunderstood and quickly told her:

"I'm looking for you, not here, but to go to Hangzhou to participate in the 'Sanjiang Cup Young Singers Grand Prix'. I have already signed up for you and Shen Linlin. The preliminaries will start on September 10th, and the preliminaries will start on September 30th." , which is the evening final of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Hangcheng TV station will broadcast the game live.

"The top six in this competition are eligible to participate in the 'Quhua Cup' Young Singer Grand Prix organized by the Provincial Television Station, the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Provincial Department of Culture in May next year, which is also the title of the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix. Preliminary round.

"This competition is divided into professional and amateur groups. The top three in the two groups will represent our province in the CCTV National Young Singer Grand Prix in November next year. Do you still remember what Dong Xhua said to you? , don’t forget your agreement.”

"Teacher Shi, do I belong to the professional group or the amateur group?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"You are an opera actor and not a professional singer. Of course you belong to the amateur group. Zhejiang and Hangzhou singers are in the professional group." Teacher Shi said.

"Fortunately, fortunately, if I were to compete with the professional group, I would be under great pressure." After hearing this, Tan Shuzhen patted her chest with her hand.

Teacher Shi smiled and said: "What, you are very confident in the amateur group?"

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said quickly: "Thank you, Teacher Shi. I will definitely work hard."

When Teacher Shi was talking, Tan Shuzhen felt that a road was slowly unfolding in front of her. If she could participate in the CCTV competition and appear on the CCTV screen, at that time, little Yongcheng, what a small time. What does it mean to perform in Beijing? Going to CCTV is the real performance in Beijing, right?

Tan Shuzhen immediately decided that she must seize this opportunity.

The next morning, Feng Laogui was surprised to find that Tan Shuzhen went downstairs to hang her throat again early in the morning.

As soon as Tan Shuzhen opened her voice, Lao Li from upstairs shouted from the window, "It sounds nice!"

Tan Shuzhen turned around and smiled, thank you Teacher Li! Then continue.

Feng Laogui lay on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that during the days when he went to Beijing, Tan Shuzhen had probably figured it out. The last list change, including this performance in Beijing, had probably completely changed.

Feng Laogui got up and saw that his daughter was sleeping soundly in his little bed. He went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he went there, he brought a steel pot and rice. After washing, he washed the rice himself. When I came back, I took away the kettle from the stove, sat the steel pot on the briquette stove, and opened the door under the stove a little.

Feng Laogui walked to the window and looked at Tan Shuzhen singing babblingly below. After watching for a while, Feng Laogui turned around and looked at his sleeping daughter. It seemed that she would not wake up yet. He tried to try around the small bed. The bolts were all in place, and even if my daughter woke up, she couldn't crawl out.

Feng Laogui picked up his bag, walked out, and went downstairs. As before, he didn't say hello to Tan Shuzhen. He went out along that road and then went up the semicircular slope. At the bottom of the slope , he could still hear Tan Shuzhen's babbling voice looming behind him.

Xu Jianmei's clear babbling voice can be heard in Gao Hong.

Feng Laogui walked up and saw Xu Jianmei and two young practitioners standing between the camphor tree and the tallow tree. Feng Laogui walked into the office and put his bag away. He walked out and stood beside Xu Jianmei, ah Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Xu Jianmei stopped. She walked over and stood next to the two young students, continuing to babbling.

Feng Laogui was stunned for a moment, shook his head slightly, and continued to chant ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

At nine o'clock, although everyone did not know what to rehearse next, they still went to the practice room. Everyone stood there, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at Teacher Li, but Feng Laogui Looking at the door, he knew that Tan Shuzhen could come in at any time and give everyone a surprise. Of course, it would be a shock to some.

But to Feng Laogui's surprise, Tan Shuzhen never appeared at the door.

Teacher Li clapped his hands and shouted: "Come on, everyone, come over, let's go through the old leader's play again."

Xiangxiang was the first to express her objection. She shouted: "This is a crappy show. It's still scheduled. I'm about to vomit."

Others also felt that the historical mission of this play has been completed, so why bother excluding it? Who would want to watch it except the old man who would watch it excitedly? Could it be that we have to go to Beijing for the second time?

Xu Jianmei wanted to continue rehearsing the play over and over again, but everyone objected and she couldn't say anything.

After returning from Beijing, Xu Jianmei became a celebrity. "Yongcheng Daily" used two pages to publish the grand performance of their performance in Beijing, and also used one page to publish an exclusive interview with Xu Jianmei.

Yongcheng TV station also broadcast exclusive interviews with Xu Jianmei for several days in a row. Suddenly, almost everyone in Yongcheng didn't know about the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe's performance in Beijing. Everyone knew about Xu Jianmei, and the Wu Opera Troupe had originally The famous celebrity Tan Shuzhen seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

In addition, the county also held a celebration party specifically for this performance in Beijing. It was said that this performance report in Beijing shocked Beijing and greatly expanded Yongcheng's reputation at home and abroad. Xu Jianmei and Feng Lao Gui and Teacher Li both received red certificates and three hundred yuan bonuses from the secretary and the county magistrate.

Ding Baigou revealed to Xu Jianmei that this year's "Yongcheng Literary Award" has been decided. The group award will go to our theater group, and the individual award will go to you and Feng Laogui.

Xu Jianmei was surprised after hearing this. Wasn't this Wu Opera Troupe originally your troupe? How come it has become Ding Baigou's troupe now?

Feng Laogui didn't even dare to take the certificate of award he received at the celebration party home and threw it on top of the cabinet in the office.

After the celebration party, the Yongcheng Wu Troupe also began to return to its original days. There were still no new plays to rehearse and no performances to perform. The secretary and the county magistrate said in front of the old leaders that the play should be released as soon as possible. The words spread throughout the province and across the country, neither those who spoke nor those who listened took them seriously.

Fortunately, it is said that because the first Yongcheng Summer Art Festival was a huge success, the county has decided to hold a second one next year, and then three and four more.

In this way, the Yongcheng County Wu Opera Troupe will still have hope next year, the year after that, and every year.

This year, let’s continue our days of being free.

After Feng Laogui came back, Tan Shuzhen sang her voice every morning and continued to sing in the dance hall in the evening. Feng Laogui stopped rehearsing and took care of the children at home in the evening. Faced with the fact that Tan Shuzhen came home so late every day, although she had objections, she didn't What is the reason to object? Tan Shuzhen sings and has a higher income than in a theater troupe. This is the best reason.

When Tan Shuzhen was singing on the stage, she saw Jin Bo sitting below from a distance. Tan Shuzhen pretended not to see it. When the song and dance hall ended, she went downstairs, and Jin Bo flashed out from behind a tree and said to her :"Hello!"

Tan Shuzhen replied hello.

Yidianwu walked to the door and when he saw them, he stopped and did not continue to come.

"Can I have a good talk with you?" Jin Bo asked.

Tan Shuzhen smiled: "I don't think there is anything to talk about."

Jin Bo was stunned for a moment, then continued: "I think, I think there are some things that we should make clear."

"Something? What's going on between us?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Jin Bo was stunned and ran out of words. He felt why he was no longer so articulate.

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and smiled and said: "Okay, if you want to make it clear, then I will make it clear to you. I have a husband, a daughter, and I am about to reach my thirties. What are you doing? , very romantic, but I think it’s better to deal with the little girl, maybe you can hit the target with perfect accuracy.”

Tan Shuzhen turned around and saw Dianwu standing in the distance, and shouted to him, "Let's go, take me home."

Yidianwu came over quickly.

The sound of motorcycles rang downstairs, and Feng Laogui heard Yidianwu saying goodbye and Tan Shuzhen saying goodbye.

Feng Laogui walked over and turned on the lights in the corridor, and also opened the door. Tan Shuzhen came in, looked at her daughter on the small bed, and asked, what time did she go to bed?

"Ten o'clock."

"So late again?"

"No way, she said she would wait for you to come back and sing to her."

"You can do it too, but you can't sing?"

"She found it unpleasant when I sang it."

Tan Shuzhen laughed softly, took the basin and towel from Feng Laogui, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Feng Laogui remembered that it had been a long time since Tan Shuzhen had not smelled alcohol either from her mouth or her body. Feng Laogui breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Tan Shuzhen now looked more like someone who had returned from the night shift in the factory. Worker.

The two of them took off their clothes and went to bed. In the darkness, Tan Shuzhen said, "Laogui?"

Feng Laogui hummed.

"I'm going to Hangzhou at noon tomorrow and will stay in Hangzhou for two nights." Tan Shuzhen said.

"What are you going for?"

"To participate in the Sanjiang Singer Competition, I went with Teacher Shi and Shen Linlin."

Feng Laogui said "oh".

Of course Feng Laogui knows about this competition. It is an event organized by Hangzhou TV Station, Hangzhou Musicians Association and Hangzhou Group Arts Center. It has been held for several times.

The so-called three rivers refer to the Xin'an River, Fuchun River and Qiantang River. They are said to be three rivers, but they are actually one river.

This river originates from Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province, flows into Qiandao Lake through Tunxi and She County in Anhui Province, and flows out from the Xin'an River Hydropower Station to Meicheng. This section is collectively called the Xin'an River. It continues downward through Tonglu to Fuyang. This section is called the Fuchun River. The section from Fuyang through Hangcheng and Haining until Hangzhou Bay flows into the East China Sea is called the Qiantang River.

In the past few years, young singer grand prix competitions under various names have become popular across the country. The "Sanjiang Cup Young Singer Grand Prix" is the highest level and most formal competition in Hangzhou. Participants include five districts in Hangzhou, and the following Contestants selected by seven county cultural centers.

From the day Tan Shuzhen learned singing from Teacher Shi, Feng Laogui knew that Teacher Shi would select Tan Shuzhen to participate in this competition, so Feng Laogui was not surprised when Tan Shuzhen told him.

He also suddenly understood that the reason why Tan Shuzhen still got up and hoisted her voice every day should be to participate in this competition, not to return to the troupe.

Feng Laogui felt a little disappointed and a little angry. He was angry because Tan Shuzhen was leaving tomorrow and he only told himself today.

But if she told you ten days or a week in advance, would there be any difference?

Thank you "A Wolf" for the reward! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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