The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 693 Successful baiting

Liu Ligan continued what the secretary said:

"That's right. Now, don't you dare to use newspaper bags anymore? Now you can go to the shopping mall to have a look. I went to the Federation of Trade Unions and Hejie Bai yesterday to see it. There are dozens of products in the food counter, hundreds of varieties. The pastries, our pastries, were very pitiful. They were placed in the corner. I tried hard to find them, but I couldn't find them. I asked the salesperson and she pointed them out to me, and I saw them.

"Then I was thinking, if I were an out-of-town tourist with so many pastries, how would I know which pastries are delicious? It's impossible for me to take them apart and eat them all, so the one I bought must be Is it right to buy the one that looks the prettiest and attracts me the most?

"With so many products, I can't take them apart and eat them. How do I know? It depends on the packaging of the product. The packaging of this product is like the clothes a person wears. No matter how beautiful you are, if you dress well She is shabby, and her beauty is compromised. On the contrary, the one next to you is not as beautiful as you, but she is dressed beautifully, so is she still attractive?"

"That's right, as the old saying goes, people rely on clothes and gold." The cashier shouted.

"Yes, this product is the same as people. People rely on clothing, and products also rely on packaging. The aroma of wine also depends on the alley. If the packaging is not good and customers don't like it, it will be useless no matter how good the taste is. Now , it is not an era of economic benefits." Liu Ligan said.

"It's nonsense, but we still have to talk about benefits." Fan Qishun said.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Director Fan. What I said was inaccurate. To be precise, nowadays, few people eat pastries to satisfy their hunger. If he wants to satisfy his hunger, he might as well buy steamed buns. The main purpose of these pastries is to satisfy his craving. The mouth and eyes are connected together. You have this good-looking thing, which will satisfy half of his craving. It will satisfy his craving for eyes. If he eats it again, wow, the craving for his mouth will also be satisfied."

As Liu Ligan spoke, Fan Qishun was amused. He said with a smile: "It's a fancy thing, a gimmick."

"What Mr. Liu said makes sense." said the person from the supply and marketing department.

"Yes, Mr. Liu, have you ever been in supply and marketing?" Another asked.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I have never been in supply and marketing, but I have been to many factories and seen a lot. I have seen many factories like ours. The products are very good and the sales are smooth, but they just can't be sold. , but as soon as the packaging is changed and the advertisement is launched, the sales volume of this product goes up. If you look at the CCTV advertisement, do you know what the calculation is based on?"

Several people shook their heads.

"People calculate it in seconds. Fifteen seconds is tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Do you know how much it costs per year for the fifteen seconds before the news broadcast? Tens of millions!"

"Ten million?" someone shouted.

"Yes, it's so expensive. Why would anyone want to invest? Only with input can there be output. If you want people to buy your stuff, you must first let them know about your stuff and be interested in it."

"Yes, that makes sense!" shouted the person from the supply and marketing department.

"Come on, let's take a look. For example, the cakes are the same. One is in this box, and the other is wrapped in straw paper. If you were asked to choose one to give as a gift, honestly, which one would you choose?"

The cashier said: "Then it must be in this box. After the things in this box are finished, I can also put other things in the box, as well as these ten scenes of the West Lake. Even if they are placed on the table, they will look good in a row like this. Then The straw paper is not that kind of straw paper, it’s too hard to wipe your butt.”

The other people, whether they spoke or not, also chose the box. Fan Qishun was a little moved. He looked at the secretary and said, "How about we give it a try?"

Before the secretary said anything, the accountant said: "That's what you say, and it sounds reasonable, but once the cost is included, how much will we sell a box?"

"Twenty-eight." Liu Ligan said.

Twenty-eight? Everyone was startled, and the secretary said: "Our cakes cost more than three yuan or more than four yuan per catty. Your two and a half catties cost twenty-eight yuan. Does anyone want to buy it?"

While the secretary was talking, he looked at the two people in the supply and marketing department, meaning, are you sure of selling?

Those two people thought Liu Ligan's words were right, but when they heard the price, they felt unsure.

Fan Qishun sneered: "There are so many baby boxes, but they are so expensive. How can we recover the cost?"

The accountant did the math in his mind and said yes, no, is the price of twenty-eight right? The discount in the mall is 23%, which is six yuan and forty-four cents, so the remaining amount is twenty-one and fifty-six cents, two and a half kilograms of pastries. No matter what you do, our cost will not exceed six yuan. Yuan, you said this set of boxes costs about three yuan more than four yuan, so we calculated it as four yuan.

"The cost is ten yuan. You mean, for a box of this stuff, our gross profit will be more than eleven yuan? A gross profit of more than 100%?" the accountant looked at Liu Ligan and asked.

"Yes." Liu Ligan said, "You are talking about actual costs, but you did not include hidden costs?"

"Hidden costs? What is that? I haven't heard of it. Does this pastry have hidden costs?"

"Yes, for example, if someone thinks of using this box and how to design the box, these are all hidden costs. The gross profit margin you mentioned is the profit brought by the hidden costs, not the actual costs. What we have wrapped in straw paper now is real and comes from actual costs. There are many components of this hidden cost.

"For example, aren't we an old brand? This old brand means hidden costs. If our Yiming Foods becomes famous again, no matter how we sell the same thing, we will be a few yuan more expensive than others. This is the hidden cost. The obvious profit, I say this, is to remind you that this enterprise depends not only on obvious and visible things, but also on many invisible things."

Liu Ligan's words made these people confused. This was the effect he wanted. He saw that it was almost done, and then the showdown began.

"Actually, let me tell you honestly, this box was provided by one of our customers. He specifically wanted us to use this kind of box to store pastries. He has already ordered a thousand boxes." Liu Ligan said.

"What's the price for a thousand boxes?" Fan Qishun asked quickly.

"I didn't calculate it carefully. I told them at that time that our ex-factory price was 22 yuan. The customer accepted it and ordered another 600 tubes of our mooncakes." Liu Ligan said.

Anyone present could tell by casual calculation that this was more than 20,000 yuan, which was as much as they had sold in the past two months.

"I was just thinking, since customers have already ordered, why don't we order more boxes and try selling this product in shopping malls. I judge that there will be sales." Liu Ligan explain.

When Liu Ligan said this, everyone thought it was reasonable and reasonable. In this case, let's give it a try.

The accountant thought of a question and asked: "Mr. Liu, how many of these boxes are you going to make?"

"Ten thousand."

"That means that just to make this box, we will have to pay more than 30,000 to 40,000 yuan in advance?" the accountant asked.

Hearing this number, everyone was shocked, what the hell, if we go out now, if we can't sell it and the boxes are piled up in the warehouse, isn't it enough that all our work this year has been in vain?

Fan Qishun looked at his son, and he suddenly had a doubt in his heart. He felt that Mr. Liu was trying to trick him. He was actually a box seller.

Liu Ligan looked at them and knew what they were thinking. Liu Ligan said: "For printing this box, the printing factory needs to make a plate, and the mold needs to be opened for molding. If it is less than 10,000 yuan, the printing factory will probably not be willing to make it." , As for how much each one costs, the person in charge of purchasing here will follow me, and he will negotiate the price with the printing factory."

Fan Qishun sneered in his heart, it's useless, no matter how much the deal is, you will get a kickback when you turn around and ask the printing house, huh, this trick...

Liu Ligan continued: "I know everyone is still worried about sales. They are afraid that so many boxes will come in and end up being backlogged in the warehouse and become inventory, right?"

No one answered whether he was right, but everyone thought so.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "In this way, I am very confident in this matter. I think it will be 100% successful. I can guarantee it. No matter how you guarantee it, I will not play tricks with you. In this way, this time I will pay for the ten thousand boxes first, and in the end, you will give me whatever you use, and any unused inventory will be mine."

When Liu Ligan said this, even Fan Jianguo was surprised. Damn, how could he help like this? This was not help, he was a nanny. He even washed your diapers. What he didn't know was , Liu Ligan wanted them to have this nanny-like sense of dependence on him.

Even the secretary felt embarrassed. He said, Mr. Liu, this seems inappropriate. This, this, our affairs, in the end, have become your affairs. We get the benefits, and the losses are all yours. This this……

When the secretary said this, Fan Qishun also felt that he had really judged a gentleman with a villain's heart just now, and he nodded.

Liu Ligan smiled and said to them: "It's nothing. I know that your factory is indeed in difficulty and is also scared. It seems that whatever you do, you just spend money and don't see any benefits, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's it." Fan Qishun continued to nod.

"Don't worry. In your opinion, this matter is very risky, but in my opinion, the risk is zero, so there is nothing suitable or inappropriate. I am just taking tens of thousands of yuan as a temporary advance. , I believe that the money will be back in less than a month." Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan's words shocked them again. In less than a month, all 10,000 boxes were sold out. What is the concept? That is to say, they have sales of more than 200,000 yuan and a gross profit of more than 100,000 yuan a month? Oh my God, they can't do it in a year now.

The accountant was anxious. Since there was such a good deed, he was of course afraid that Liu Ligan would regret it. He said: "Mr. Liu is really helping people to the end. Well, let's not go against Mr. Liu's kindness. What did he say?" , that’s how we’ll do it.”

Okay, okay, everyone agreed.

Liu Ligan and Fan Qishun said, "Okay, Director Fan, send someone with me to contact the printing factory. Also, go sign the contract for these one thousand boxes and collect the deposit."

"No, no, just go ahead." He pointed at Fan Jianguo and said to Liu Ligan, "You can represent our factory."

What he was thinking in his mind was that if he sent these bird people from the supply and marketing department, they would come back and ask for the sales bonus. It is none of your business to sell these one thousand boxes. If you have the ability, you can sell it yourself. Come back and take a look at a thousand boxes, then our life will be easier.

The secretary and Fan Qishun thought about it together. He said, yes, Mr. Liu, just do it and you can completely represent our factory. If we don't even believe you, who will we believe?

Liu Ligan sighed softly in his heart. He felt that his first bait had been successfully thrown out.

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