The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 684 It turns out...

The police car drove into Xiuying Pier, cut in front of the motorcade waiting in line to cross the sea, and quickly boarded the ferry.

Even after getting on the ferry and parking the car, they did not get off the car and go to the cabin. Instead, they continued to sit in the car. Liu Ligan looked at them and asked them if they were Wuxi police officers. He regretted getting on the bus in front of them, but they didn't. Looking at the license plate, I can’t stop thinking about it now.

No wonder him, when he went downstairs he always thought they were taking him to some police station, but he didn't expect that they were driving directly to the pier and had to cross the sea.

The four police officers always ignored him. When Liu Ligan asked them what he had committed, they ignored him and looked at each other without speaking. However, their attitude toward Liu Ligan improved significantly. One of them, He also lit a cigarette and handed it to Liu Ligan, who took it and started smoking.

The ship docked at Hai'an Pier, and they disembarked. When they passed through Haian Town, they did not stop. Instead, they continued forward until they reached Xuwen County, and then stopped at the entrance of a "Guizhou Hotel" on the side of the highway.

When Liu Ligan saw the word Guizhou, his heart trembled. Could it be that these people who came to him were related to Chen Qihang and Li Yong? What happened to them?

There was a car parked in the open space in front of the hotel. The license plate had been removed with the red paper that read "Hundred Years of Love". The police car drove over and parked next to the car. The two in the front got out of the car and the two in the back. , also urged Liu Ligan to get out of the car.

Everyone in the car got out of the car. When they heard a car arriving outside, two people walked out of the restaurant. When Liu Ligan saw it, he cursed: "Fuck!"

He saw Zhang Shaowen, the owner of Hongyu Building, and his brother-in-law walking out of the restaurant.

Mr. Zhang looked at Liu Ligan and laughed. The four police officers also laughed. Three of them began to take off their clothes. Zhang Shaowen asked them: "Is Mr. Liu dishonest?"

One of them smiled and said: "Quite honest."

Mr. Zhang asked Liu Ligan again: "Mr. Liu, look at our Flower Drum Opera performers. Are their acting skills good?"

Liu Ligan understood and scolded with a smile: "You are so brave, you even dare to pretend to be a police officer."

"Hey, I'm not pretending to be a police officer. Did you see that this is a real police officer, my cousin?" Zhang Shaowen pointed at the only one of the four who was still wearing a police uniform.

"The three of them just arrived in Haicheng because it was too cold and they didn't bring any clothes. They just borrowed my cousin's clothes to wear. And this, did you see it? It's a real police car. It's just my cousin. He didn't go to Haicheng to perform a mission, but You are here to pick up your friend across the sea for me. Otherwise, how can we win? How can they bring you out?" Zhang Shaowen added.

Liu Ligan said: "Okay, thank you, thank you! But how did you know that Azheng and the others were going to find me?"

"Among the people who went to your company, there are people from us. They want to find you. They have been planning for several days. I can't explain this in a few sentences. I will tell you slowly later."

Zhang Shaowen asked his cousin if he wanted to have something to eat before leaving. His cousin said that we should hurry on first, fearing that they would chase us. We would try to get to Guangzhou as soon as possible. Only when we arrive in Guangzhou would we be safe.

Zhang Shaowen said yes, and Lao Xie just called me to remind me.

Zhang Shaowen had predicted that they would not stay here for a long time, and had asked the hotel to prepare a lot of meals for them to eat on the way. Zhang Shaowen asked his brother-in-law to return to the hotel, take out the packed food, put two bags in the police car, and There is a bag for Liu Lipole.

Zhang Shaowen and his cousin said, Mr. Liu will take my car.

His cousin said yes, we will follow you. If someone catches up with us, don't stop, just keep walking.

Liu Ligan sat on Zhang Shaowen's car and left immediately.

Zhang Shaowen's brother-in-law drove the car and drove all the way. Zhang Shaowen and Liu Ligan were sitting in the back. Liu Ligan was really hungry. While eating his food, he listened to Zhang Shaowen tell him everything.

Only then did Liu Ligan fully understand the whole process of the matter.

It turned out that it was a security guard from the nightclub under Mr. Xie, a fellow countryman, who was hanging out with Azheng and the others. Mr. Xie knew that Azheng and the others made trouble for Zhang Shaowen last time, so he was more cautious and simply let them, a fellow countryman, hang out with them. However, If you have any news, come and tell him.

Liu Ligan often went to Mr. Xie's place. The security guard knew Liu Ligan, but Liu Ligan did not know him. He heard Azheng and the others discussing how to deal with Liu Ligan. They wanted to deal with Liu Ligan, but in fact it was not just In order to get money for sand and cement, that was just a pretext to take Liu Ligan away from the company.

They still didn't know what was going on with Liu Ligan's relationship with Beijing. They were still a little wary of their company, so they decided to take him away from the company as soon as possible. However, they didn't expect that Cao Guoqing would come out to stop him, and Wei Wenfang scared Azheng again. .

Their purpose of taking away Liu Ligan was actually to force Liu Ligan to sign some documents and take the opportunity to get the Jinghai International Financial Center project.

Although the current real estate in Haicheng is in a mess, the people behind Azheng know that this Jinghai Center is different from other projects. In this project, the land payment has been paid in full, and tens of millions have been invested in it. There is no debt and it is very clean.

The only project payment that has not yet been settled is the boss of the construction company. That guy was also scared away by them.

When the fellow heard that Azheng and the others were planning this, he ran over and told Mr. Xie. Mr. Xie called Zhang Shaowen. After discussing it, they felt that they would definitely not be able to fight them in Haicheng, and Liu Li As long as the pole remains in Haicheng, it will always be in the tiger's mouth.

The only way is to get Liu Ligan out of the island first.

Mr. Xie and Zhang Shaowen discussed this until the end.

Liu Ligan was being targeted, but he didn't know it yet. Mr. Xie and the others couldn't tell him to leave, for fear that once those people knew that Liu Ligan was planning to leave the island, they would take action in advance and capture him.

Zhang Shao went to find his cousin and borrowed a car from the work unit. They took the people to Hai'an, planning to stay one night in Hai'an and go to the island the next day.

The fellow called Mr. Xie and told Mr. Xie that Azheng would take them to Liu Ligan today. Mr. Xie and Zhang Shaowen understood that if they went, there would definitely be no good results, so they decided to ask his cousin to take them to the island immediately. , go find Liu Ligan.

Zhang Shaowen, his brother-in-law, and Azheng all knew each other. It was not convenient for them to go to the island, and the two parties could not meet in Hai'an, so they made an appointment to meet at the "Guizhou Hotel" near Xuwen, where they had eaten when they came.

The cousin and the others got off the ship at Xiuying Port and went straight to Liu Ligan's company. At that time, Ah Zheng had already left, and they took Liu Ligan out smoothly.

While they were still on the boat, the fellow called Mr. Xie and said that Azheng and the others were looking for Liu Ligan throughout Haicheng. They should soon know that it was not Liu Ligan who was taken away by the police in Haicheng. He would probably be found. Island chase.

Mr. Xie asked Zhang Shaowen and the others not to stop on the way, but to go directly to Guangzhou. Guangzhou was so big that they would not be able to find him even if they tried to chase him. Only in this way would they be safe.

"It's really thrilling. If it weren't for Lao Xie's scheming, you wouldn't know where you are now?" Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan.

"Yes, it's probably not in the sea, but on Wuzhi Mountain. Anyway, I won't sign anything you ask me to sign," Liu Ligan said.

"Then you fucking arrived in Liuyang and didn't know how to call to make sure you were safe? If Wu Zhaohui and the others hadn't arrived that day, I would have almost gone to Haicheng." Zhang Chen scolded.

"No matter how dare you call, we haven't returned to Liuyang at all. Mr. Zhang's cousin has returned to Liuyang, and we are all in Chenzhou. Mr. Zhang can only talk to Lao Xie on the phone every day to understand the situation in Haicheng. Other phone numbers, No one dares to fight." Liu Ligan said.

"We have returned to the mainland, what are we still afraid of?" Zhang Chen was puzzled.

"I'm afraid that some of them have seen the license plate and found Liuyang according to the license plate. Lao Xie said that they have been looking for us until last week, and then gave up. We just returned to Liuyang, and I stayed at Mr. Zhang's place I came back after two days, everyone is back anyway, and I still make phone calls."

"Why did they stop looking after they found it last week?" Zhang Chen asked curiously, "Have you given up?"

"It's useless to find it. It's impossible for them to get to that building." Liu Ligan said.


"You still don't know that a lot of our company's money comes from Sun Hou's branch. Last week, the branch went to Haicheng and sealed this building. Azheng and the others will do whatever they want to do. If you can’t come out, you can make some small moves down there and let them rob the branch in Beijing. They don’t have the courage. After all, they can’t get anything out.”

"Fuck, seal yourself up?"

"It doesn't count. The major shareholder of our company is Sun Hou and the others, not their superior branch. It is justifiable for the branch to seize it. After they come to seize it, this large sum of money will be considered settled. Then they can By dealing with bad debts, everyone is relieved.”

Zhang Chen nodded and understood.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan talked about their visit to see Meng Ping. Liu Ligan said, "It's not surprising. I called them all that morning but couldn't get through. I knew Qian Fang and the others must have returned to the mainland with Meng Ping." Well, Meng Ping's biggest gain in Hainan is that he gained them.

Zhang Chen nodded, feeling that this made sense.

Speaking of Mr. Tan, Qihang, and Li Yong, Liu Ligan didn't know what happened to them. He just felt that since Qihang and Li Yong hadn't come back for so long, things in Guizhou must not be that simple. The most troublesome thing now is , they have no channel to contact them at all.

Xiao Zhao and Wu Zhaohui went to the street to buy daily necessities for Liu Ligan and came back. They had already decorated Liu Ligan's room.

Xiao Zhao asked Liu Ligan, are you hungry and do you want to go out to eat?

Liu Ligan laughed: "It's better for Xiao Zhao. I was on the train and didn't even eat dinner. Look at this guy. He grabbed me and asked me why. He didn't ask me if I was hungry."

Zhang Chen glared at him and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry. Boss Zhang, please invite me, a poor man, to eat seafood at Longxiang Bridge. I want to feast on it." Liu Ligan shouted.

Thank you Lao Chentang for the tip! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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