Zhang Chen walked to the distribution center and hugged Zhang Xiangbei from Xiao Zhao's hand. Xiao Zhao asked, had he talked to Wei Wenfang?

Zhang Chen said yes, he had also talked with Xiaoli, and she would go.

Xiao Zhao understood and said nothing more. Zhang Chen wanted to ask Xiao Zhao, did you know anything in advance? After thinking about it for a while, he didn't ask. Instead, he told Zhang Xiangbei, "Let's go for a walk on the country road."

Xiao Zhao watched Zhang Chen and the others go out. What she didn't tell Zhang Chen was that Caidi told her that she always heard Wei Wenfang discussing with Wu Zhaohui about starting a business or something. Whenever she had time, she would go Four Seasons Green Run.

Caidi reminds Xiao Zhao, do they also want to open a store in Sijiqing and then imitate our models?

Xiao Zhao feels that the least thing these two people have to worry about is this. Wu Zhaohui will not do it, and Wei Wenfang does not bother to do it. She is not the kind of person who likes to imitate others. She thinks a lot and is thoughtful, but The heart is also high.

Now, for them, the thing they are least afraid of is the imitation. Sijiqing may have a lot of imitations now, but they will not worry about it because they are taking two roads now. They are two markets, and they rely on customers' brand trust.

What's more, the styles of clothing are updated every day. It doesn't mean that just because you have worked here, you can know everything.

Ge Donghai and Xiao Li went to Shanghai. Ge Donghai and his old acquaintances expressed their intention to enter the market again. At the same time, they emphasized that the current company was no longer the original Qunying Garment Factory. He invited them to come first. Hangcheng took a look before making a decision. Several shopping malls on the other side happily accepted the invitation.

After agreeing on a time, Zhang Chen asked Wang Hainiao for help. Xiaoli took him and Wu Zhaohui's two Ivecos to Shanghai to pick up the clothing department managers. The first stop was to their Yan'an Road store, Ge Donghai. Wait for them here.

When Ge Ling came to report, Xiao Zhao arranged for her to follow Xiao Juan on the second floor. The second floor was for their own agents. These people usually came in the morning and went back in the afternoon. At four o'clock, there are no customers on the second floor. Ge Ling can get off work and go home on time at five o'clock every day, so that she doesn't have to go home to take care of Ge Donghai's dinner.

Ge Donghai introduced Ge Ling to his old friends. Ge Ling snuggled up to Ge Donghai obediently, calling each other uncle, aunt, brother and sister. Everyone was very happy.

Although these people who came here were all clothing department managers from major shopping malls, they were still surprised when they saw Zhang Chen's store. They were very interested in their products and the store's business philosophy and methods.

Then they went to Qunying Garment Factory and saw that it was very different from when they came here in the early days. Then they went to Sanbao and were convinced of the strength of Zhang Chen and the others. By the time they had dinner at the building outside the building, they were already OK, tell Zhang Chen and Ge Donghai to enter the market on October 1st.

Xiaoli sent them back to Shanghai. When she returned to Hangzhou, she brought back the contracts for each shopping mall.

There is still one month left, and this month is enough for Zhang Chen and the others to be busy. They have to go see the venue and decorate. The decoration in the mall is much simpler than that of the store, mainly the shelves, but there are so many stores. come out.

Also need to stock up.

For Xiaoli, things are even more complicated. She will return to Shanghai immediately with the contract stamped by the company. In Shanghai, she must first find their company's distribution warehouse. All goods sent to various shopping malls must be Send it to this warehouse first and then distribute it. It is impossible to send it directly to every shopping mall, as that would be a mess.

After finding the warehouse, they still needed to recruit salespeople and train them. Wei Wenfang took the initiative to tell Zhang Chen that she should help Xiaoli because there were too many things.

Zhang Chen agreed, and he sent Zheng Huihong over at the same time. He felt that Xiaoli needed her warehouse management more.

The people who should set off have already set off, and after Zhang Chen has arranged the things that need to be prepared, he will immediately do a very important thing, which is to go see Meng Ping.

Xu Li called and told Zhang Chen that Meng Ping has been assigned to the third prison of Laohuqiao Prison. She has made an agreement with the prison that as long as it is not Sunday, Zhang Chen and the others can go there any day. Mr. Zhang, you can go one day in advance. Call me and I will ask my friend not to arrange anything else that day and to accompany us.

Zhang Chen couldn't wait and immediately told Xu Li that we would come early tomorrow morning and arrive in Nanjing at eight or nine in the morning.

Zhang Chen immediately told Xiao Zhao the news. He Hongmei heard it from the side and shouted, "I will send you there."

Considering that when they arrived in Nanjing, they had to pick up Xu Li and her friends. Xia Li couldn't sit down, so He Hongmei had to change cars with Wu Zhaohui. Wu Zhaohui said he wouldn't change, and I also wanted to see Lao Meng.

Wu Zhaohui and Lao Wan said that you would just use a tricycle to work hard for a day, and Lao Wan agreed.

Wu Zhaohui had walked this road from Hangzhou to Nanjing. He told them that it would take more than seven hours to drive. He Hongmei cursed, "That's you. It's more than 300 kilometers and takes more than seven hours to drive. Are you a snail?"

"The road is not easy to walk on. When we approach Nanjing, it is all mountainous." Wu Zhaohui shouted.

"It's so difficult to walk. Is it more difficult than our road in Sichuan? Our road is Shu Road. Do you understand what Shu Road is? Hehe!"

"What the hell?" Wu Zhaohui was confused by her, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao laughed, and He Hongmei proudly shouted at Wu Zhaohui: "Ugh! Ugh!"

Even so, they still left extra time, had a late-night snack in the factory, and set off at around twelve o'clock. They preferred to arrive in Nanjing earlier and wait in Nanjing. Anyway, there were two drivers, Wu Zhaohui and He Hongmei, on the road, so they could take turns. Don't be afraid if you drive. They plan to go back and forth in one day.

We arrived in Nanjing before six o'clock. Zhang Chen and Wu Zhaohui told them to drive to Wangfu Street and park directly in front of our store, where we would continue to sleep.

They arrived at Wangfu Street, drove up the sidewalk, and stopped at the entrance of Ban Mu Tian Nanjing Store. Zhang Chen agreed that everyone should take a rest first or go have breakfast.

"There was a delicious skin belly noodle restaurant over here. I ate it last time I came here." Wu Zhaohui told them.

Xiao Zhao wanted to breastfeed Zhang Xiangbei, Zhang Chen and Wu Zhaohui said, you and He Hongmei go over first and light up ours too, we will come right away.

He Hongmei waved her hand: "You go, I'll accompany Sister Xiaozhao."

Zhang Chen and Wu Zhaohui walked back more than ten meters and arrived at the entrance of an alley. There was a noodle shop with the words "Pidu Noodles" written on the door. The shop was already full. When they arrived, there were just a few people at the door. A table stood up, and Wu Zhaohui quickly grabbed it before the waiter even had time to collect the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

Zhang Chen asked Wu Zhaohui what he wanted to eat. Wu Zhaohui said three delicacies. Zhang Chen walked in and ordered two bowls of three delicacies noodles and two bowls of fat intestine noodles.

Someone came over and asked to sit across from Wu Chaohui. Wu Chaohui said, "There is someone."

The man refused to sit down and wanted to take away a stool next to him. Wu Zhaohui said, "Don't move, there are four of us."

The man rolled his eyes at Wu Zhaohui, who glared at him.

Zhang Chen came back and sat down. After a while, Xiao Zhao came over with Zhang Xiangbei and He Hongmei in his arms. Zhang Chen took Zhang Xiangbei over. As soon as the two sat down, two bowls of three fresh noodles came up. Wu Zhaohui took them over. One bowl, Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said, and the other bowl is yours.

"Do you want spicy oil?" the waiter asked. He Hongmei said yes. The waiter walked away and brought hot sauce.

He Hongmei added a lot of hot sauce, mixed it with chopsticks, and was about to eat. Another waiter came over with two bowls of fat sausage noodles. When He Hongmei saw it, she quickly pushed the three fresh noodles in front of Zhang Chen and shouted, "I want fat intestine noodles."

After the four of them finished eating the noodles, they returned to the car. It was already half past seven. Zhang Chen saw a small shop nearby. There was a phone in the shop. Zhang Chen walked over, detained Xu Li, and waited for more than ten minutes. Without waiting for a call back, I saw Xu Li arriving on a bicycle and shouted from afar:

"I knew it was you who arrived."

When Xiao Zhao got off the car, Xu Li hugged her affectionately and teased Zhang Xiangbei with her fingers. Then she walked over and opened the rolling shutter door of the specialty store, but only half of it. She told Zhang Chen and the others , the salesperson didn’t arrive until nine o’clock, they didn’t open the door until nine in the morning, she urged them to go in.

The four of them arrived at the store. Xu Li immediately put the phone on speakerphone and pressed a series of numbers. The phone rang for a long time before she was picked up. A sleepy voice asked: "Which one?"

"Erwu, I've been waiting for you for five hours." Xu Li scolded.

"I'll be there soon," the phone said.

Xu Li hung up the phone and saw Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao looking at her. She knew they were wondering why they had to tell each other that they had been waiting for five hours. Xu Li smiled and said, "It's just a little trick."

Zhang Chen didn't understand what he was talking about. He probably meant that the other party was dawdling.

They sat there and waited for more than 20 minutes. Xu Li hung up the phone again. The other party picked up and said, "I'll be there soon."

Xu Li made a call every four or five minutes. On the fourth call, the other party said, "They've already gone downstairs."

Xu Li was extremely angry and cursed: "Stupid, can you still answer the phone after going downstairs?"

The other party laughed on the phone.

It seems that this guy is really stubborn, but he also has a good temper. No matter how much you urge or scold him, he is not anxious or annoyed at all.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were confused, could this guy be reliable? Don’t drive half the night and finally arrive, just take a day trip to see the outside of the prison from a distance.

Xu Li seemed to see what they were thinking, and told them that this small pole was just for dumping materials, and when the people arrived, they would still come to trouble.

Xu Li then called again, but no one answered after calling for a long time. Xu Li breathed a sigh of relief and told them that she was really here.

By nine o'clock, Xu Li's salespersons had already arrived. Xu Li cursed at the salesperson in Nanjing dialect, all targeting that guy. The salespersons all nodded and said, "Yeah, that's wrong."

While they were cursing, a handsome young man wearing a red T-shirt walked in and smiled when he looked at them. Xu Li cursed, "You're dragging me to death!"

The man chuckled and said, "What's the matter? Will you be here soon?"

Xu Li introduced them to each other. Only then did Zhang Chen know that the other person's name was Li Yang. When Li Yang arrived, the impression he gave was completely different from that on the phone. It was exactly what Xu Li said. It was very refreshing. (Lisuo), without saying a few words, he told them to leave.

Xu Li asked him if he wanted to make a call first?

He asked Xu Li, what to call?

Xu Li suddenly lost her mind and asked, "Do you really know the third prisoner of Laohuqiao that well?"

As soon as Li Yang opened his mouth, everyone laughed, and he said, "I've been there!"

No wonder, he is cooked from the outside to the inside.

Thank you Shouwang and Tianying 1978 for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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