The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 675 Darkroom and Carpenter

At the end of this road, turn right, with the river on one side and the courtyard wall of the Forestry Engineering Station on the other. Tan Shuzhen stood by the river for a while, looking at the moon falling on the water, being broken bit by bit by the flowing river water, and then another. Gathering them together little by little, and then breaking them apart little by little, she could hear the sound of the river water, like the sounds of countless fish's mouths opening and closing.

She walked forward for a while and arrived at an abandoned pier. This pier was built when Anhui's wood could be lowered from the upper reaches. Now a hydropower station has been built on the river, and the waterway to Anhui has been cut off, and no more wood can come down. , this pier was abandoned.

On the other side of the pier, there is a door, the door of the forestry station. This door used to be the front door, but now it has become the back door. The newly opened front door is on the side of the road in front. The wood in the forestry station now comes from Qiandao. They are pulled from forest farms in the mountains around the lake and transported out from here.

The iron door is wide open, and the people in the communication room don't bother to care about people who come in and out empty-handed, because there are too many people who have to come out and go to the river to wash their hands and feet, or even take a bath. On this hot day, not only People from the forestry station itself include drivers and porters who transport wood, including residents near the front gate. They will also pass through the forestry station and come to the riverside.

If it weren't for Tan Shuzhen's beauty, no one in the communication room would have given her a second look.

Entering through the iron gate, you will see a large courtyard. The courtyard is brightly lit, and countless small flying insects are flying around every lamp. There are piles of wood piled in the yard like hills. At one end is the courtyard wall and front door next to the road. On both sides of the courtyard are two rows of two-story houses dozens of meters long.

Tan Shuzhen didn't even ask, she just felt that it was in the row of houses on the left.

In this row of houses, there are three stairs leading to the second floor. Tan Shuzhen chose the staircase closest to the river, 201. It must be the first one on the second floor, either this end or that end. Tan Shuzhen felt it should be At this end.

When Tan Shuzhen arrived upstairs, she laughed softly. She saw that the first room on the second floor was not 201, but 200, and there was such a strange number. When she walked to the second room, it was 201. Tan Shuzhen saw The doors and windows of this room were closed tightly, and the windows were covered with thick paper. The curtains were closed, and no light was exposed either from the windows or under the doors.

Tan Shuzhen hesitated, thinking that no one should be there, but since everyone was here, she still knocked on the door.

Unexpectedly, a voice sounded from the door: "Wait, wait, wait two minutes."

Tan Shuzhen coughed.

The people inside laughed: "Haha, it's Miss Tan. I knew you would definitely come."

"Don't be so beautiful. I was walking with my friends. When I got to the door, I thought of coming in for a look." Tan Shuzhen said through the door.

"It doesn't matter, just come." The door opened a crack, and Jin Bo stuck his head out, looked at her and said:

"Why are you lying? You obviously came alone. I saw you coming alone when I was upstairs."

Tan Shuzhen's face instantly turned red. It would have been embarrassing if it were during the day. Fortunately, it was night and the light here was dim. Tan Shuzhen asked anxiously: "Where did you see it?"

Jin Bo laughed loudly: "Did you see it? It's revealed. I was just lying to you."

"You-" Tan Shuzhen stretched out her hand and tapped him on the head.

Jin Bo walked out and closed the door. Tan Shuzhen asked: "What, the beauty is hidden in the golden house?"

"Hide your farts, there are so many beauties. When you come, throw them out too. If no one is around, you are afraid of wild cats getting in."

Tan Shuzhen asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

"Next door." Jin Bo pointed at 200, "Come here."

Tan Shuzhen followed, and Jin Bo opened the door and turned on the light. Tan Shuzhen saw that this was a photography studio. Jin Bo and Tan Shuzhen said, this is my studio and a place where I make extra money.

"What to shoot?"

“Take pictures of everything, product photos, artistic portraits, puppies and kittens.”

"There must be a lot of girls you tricked into coming here, right?" Tan Shuzhen asked, looking at the well-equipped photography studio.

"Yes, quite a few, but you are the most beautiful."

"If you continue to be so glib, then I'll leave."

"Okay, okay, if you like to hear lies, then I will just tell lies next time."

"What truth or lie?"

Jin Bo turned around, looked at Tan Shuzhen and said: "The truth is, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. No, it is not beautiful, but the most charming. The lie is, you are the ugliest girl I have ever seen." , which one do you want to hear?"

It was difficult to answer this, so Tan Shuzhen changed the subject and said, "Any girl, I'm a mother."

"Yes, that's what makes her more attractive. A young mother has a quiet temperament and is not as impetuous as a girl. Come, sit there." Jin Bo pointed to a picture surrounded by photography lights. Chair, talk to Tan Shuzhen.

"What?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Take a picture of you." Jin Bo shouted, "I want you to see for yourself how beautiful you are."

"Are you crazy, taking pictures now?"

"Do you need time to take pictures? Are you in a hurry to go home again?"

Tan Shuzhen hesitated. She was not in a hurry to go home. She would rather be alone with her thoughts when she went home. She might as well take pictures here. However, she was not prepared at all and had even taken off half of her makeup.

"Don't tell me you're not ready." Jin Bo seemed to have seen through Tan Shuzhen's thoughts. He squinted his eyes and looked her up and down: "You are the most beautiful like this."

Tan Shuzhen looked at him. When he said this, he was serious. He seemed to have entered another state, not slick at all.

The windows of the photography studio were sealed, and Jin Bo turned on the photography lights. The room was very hot and there were beads of sweat on Tan Shuzhen's forehead. Jin Bo handed her a tissue and told her that she would be fine soon.

He walked over and opened the curtains of a window facing the river. Tan Shuzhen discovered that there was a window air conditioner installed on the window. Jin Bo turned on the air conditioner and closed the door. After a while, the room became cooler.

Tan Shuzhen sat down on the chair. Jin Bo took out the camera and stopped talking. Instead, he clicked and took pictures from different angles. Sometimes he got very close and the camera almost touched Tan Shuzhen's face. Sometimes Then he withdrew far away and stood there, looking at Tan Shuzhen and saying nothing for a long time.

"Don't worry about me. You can do whatever you want and think whatever you want."

Jin Bo did not look at Tan Shuzhen, but murmured to her. Tan Shuzhen felt that his voice seemed to come from a dream.

As expected, Tan Shuzhen no longer paid attention to what he was doing and continued to think about her own worries. She was wondering where Feng Laogui and Xu Jianmei were at this time. She couldn't help but frown slightly and heard the camera click.

Tan Shuzhen was about to scold her for being so ugly. What are you taking a picture of? The camera clicked and beeped twice more.

After one roll of film was taken, it was already past twelve o'clock. Jin Bo asked Tan Shuzhen, are you in a hurry to go home? Don't worry, let's develop and enlarge it now.

Of course Tan Shuzhen wanted to see her photo right away, so she said yes.

Tan Shuzhen followed Jin Bo and walked out of the photography studio. After staying in the air conditioner for a long time, she felt a heat wave hit her face as soon as she went outside.

The two people walked to 201. Jin Bo opened the door with the key. A hotter heat wave came out of the door, along with a strong smell of potion. Jin Bo shouted, "Wait a minute."

He walked in, turned on the air conditioner on the window near the wall, and pasted the indicator light on the air conditioner with black electrical tape.

Tan Shuzhen walked into the room. She saw that in the darkroom, only a dark red light bulb was on. In the middle of the room, a piece of iron wire was pulled. On the iron wire were rows of clips, holding long strips and printing them. film, and photos that have been developed and printed.

There is a row of tables against the wall. On the table is an enlarger, neatly arranged measuring cups and cylinders, and bottles of potions. There are also several large ones on the table. Doctors and nurses in the hospital The kind of enamel tray that holds syringe needles. On the edge of the table are two sinks.

Jin Bo walked over and closed the door, and told Tan Shuzhen that it would be cool after a while. I didn't like to turn on the air conditioner when I was alone.

After getting used to the dark red light in the darkroom, Tan Shuzhen looked around and saw no fan. She said, "How can you work if it's so hot?"

"It's not suitable for children when I'm working alone." Jin Bo grinned. His teeth were very white in the red light.

"What do you mean?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I like to work naked, it's exciting." Jin Bo smiled.

No wonder she had to wait for two minutes outside. It turned out to be... Tan Shuzhen's face suddenly turned red again. Fortunately, the light here itself was red. Tan Shuzhen felt that this kind of light had a kind of ambiguity, coupled with Jin Bo's voice and his When she smiled, the white teeth made Tan Shuzhen feel dazed for a moment, and she suddenly felt her heart panic.

In order to cover up her embarrassment, Tan Shuzhen looked at a photo hanging on the wire, most of which were artistic photos of girls. Jin Bo said, "Don't look at it, none of them will be as beautiful as what you are about to see."

Tan Shuzhen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was talking about herself.

"Come on, let's start right away."

Jin Bo took the film out of the camera and took a jar on the table. Jin Bo and Tan Shuzhen said that this was a developing jar for developing film.

He inserted the film head into the core of the developing tank, wound it in circles, closed the lid, and said, "Let's wash it with clean water first." He opened the faucet on the sink a little to let the water flow from the developing tank. A hole in the top flows into the jar, shake it gently a few times, and pour the water out of the jar.

He seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be telling Tan Shuzhen that he needed to use the developer now.

He opened a bottle of potion, poured it into the measuring cylinder, raised it to look at it, added a little more, and then poured the developer in the measuring cylinder into the rinse tank.

He put his hands on the platform, tilted his head slightly upward, and his whole body was trying to stand upward, as if he was ready to fly out at any time. He kept this posture, as if he was thinking about something, and as if he was thinking about something. Calculating the time, after a while, he asked himself, is it OK? OK.

He poured out the developer, and then poured in the fixer that had been measured with a graduated cylinder. He still placed his hands on the table and tilted his head slightly upward.

Tan Shuzhen sat there and looked at him, her face burning. She felt that this man's back, in this light, and listening to him speaking unfamiliar words one after another, she felt that this man was a little... sexy.

After the film was developed, Jin Bo clamped it with a clip and hung it on the wire to dry. He turned his head and smiled at Tan Shuzhen, saying that it would take a while to dry.

He walked aside and pressed the recorder. The indicator light on the recorder was also removed. When the sound came out, it gave people a very strange feeling, as if the sound came from the depths of darkness. If you look for The source of the sound cannot be found.

It was the singing voice of a foreign woman. Her voice was slightly hoarse, very magnetic, and had an air of carelessness, which made Tan Shuzhen feel that word again, sexy.

Tan Shuzhen had never heard such a song before, and she couldn't understand what she was singing, but she thought the sound was pleasant.

"Whose song is this?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Karen Carpenter, American, does it sound good?"

"Sounds good."

Jin Bo came over and sat down on the chair next to Tan Shuzhen. When he sat down, his arm touched Tan Shuzhen's arm. His arm was very cold. Tan Shuzhen was startled and stood up quickly.

Thank you for a safe journey and book friend 140516095729465 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all good health!

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