When Feng Laogui returned home at noon, he saw that on the table at the door, the gas stove was cold, the pots were cold, and even the briquette stove next to the table was about to get cold.

Feng Laogui knew that Tan Shuzhen should have returned to her parents' home.

Feng Laogui quickly opened the door of the coal cake stove, used coal cake tongs to take out the top coal cake and the ignited coal cake tongs in the stove, put them aside, and took out the waste coal cake tongs from the bottom and put them in. Then put the still-fired coal cake back into the stove and add a new coal cake on top.

He picked up a broken fan beside the briquette stove and pointed it at the stove door. He fanned it a few times and looked down through the round hole of the new briquettes. A flame lit up underneath.

Feng Laogui breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the kettle, then took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

Feng Laogui was stunned for a moment. It turned out that Tan Shuzhen did not go out. Feng Laogui said, "This coal cake stove is almost black."

Tan Shuzhen sat at the table, drinking water quietly and ignoring him. Feng Laogui glanced at her and was stunned again. He saw that Tan Shuzhen had already put on makeup, and even her eyebrows had been carefully traced.

What kind of makeup are you wearing at noon?

"When are you going to tell me?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"What did you say?" Feng Laogui's scalp tightened and he asked knowingly.

"It's a matter of substitution."

"There's nothing to say. You'll know it anyway."

"Yes, I will know anyway, after being treated as a joke and losing face, right?"

"This is something that Director Ding has decided. What can I do? Besides, they have good intentions. They want to protect you and let you go solo."

"Protect me? When did Ding become so kind?" Tan Shuzhen looked at Feng Laogui and sneered: "I am an opera singer. You don't know what my specialty is? Thank you for saying it. "

"What's wrong with me? It's not that even Teacher Li didn't object."

"Teacher Li, don't you object? Teacher Li is my teacher, who is my husband? If your wife is not protected by your own husband, you still need someone else to protect her, right?"

"Just because I'm your husband, it's hard for me to talk."

"I understand, Ding proposed it, and you didn't even object?"

"He is the director and the leader of the regiment. I am opposed to it. What's the use?"

Tan Shuzhen stood up, looked at Feng Laogui coldly, and nodded: "I understand, I am marrying a pig!"

Tan Shuzhen walked past Feng Laogui and walked out of the door. Feng Laogui walked to the window. He watched Tan Shuzhen walk out of the valley, turned a corner, and disappeared.

This time, Tan Shuzhen really returned to her parents' home.

Feng Laogui lay on the bed with his eyes open. It was almost three o'clock before he heard the sound of motorcycles outside. He thought that Tan Shuzhen had returned to her parents' home, but Tan Shuzhen still came back.

Feng Laogui stood up, walked to the window, and looked down. The motorcycle was parked too close to the gate. Feng Laogui's sight was blocked by the awning above the gate and he couldn't see anything.

He listened carefully. After listening for a while, he didn't hear "Goodbye" from Dianwu or "Goodbye" from Tan Shuzhen. Instead, he heard the rustling sound in the corridor outside the door. Feng Laogui walked away. After passing by, he heard Tan Shuzhen say in the corridor:

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm really okay, you can go."

Feng Laogui opened the door and the light almost at the same time. He saw Tan Shuzhen walking in front of her in the corridor outside, followed by Yidian Wu. He could smell a strong smell of alcohol from a distance, and Feng Laogui frowned.

Tan Shuzhen did not stop. She entered the door from Feng Laogui. When Yidianwu saw Feng Laogui standing at the door, she was a little embarrassed and quickly explained:

"It's too late. Teacher Shi asked me to send Teacher Tan back."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and hurriedly retreated. Soon, Feng Laogui heard the sound of a motorcycle churning downstairs, and then walked away.

Feng Laogui returned to the room and closed the door. Tan Shuzhen sat there with her head hanging down. The strong smell of alcohol had not dissipated. Feng Laogui twitched his nose and realized that the smell of alcohol today did not come from Tan Shuzhen. , but came from her mouth.

"Have you been drinking?" Feng Laogui asked.

Tan Shuzhen raised her head suddenly, looked at him and shouted: "Yes, Feng Laogui! I drank, how is it?!"

Feng Laogui was stunned for a moment. This was the first time since childhood that he saw Tan Shuzhen getting so angry. Feng Laogui murmured: "Drinking is bad for your throat."

Tan Shuzhen suddenly became furious and continued to yell: "Isn't it bad for your throat? It's not good for your throat, haha, it's not good for your throat, then I will not only drink, but also smoke!"

Tan Shuzhen stood up, rushed to the cabinet, opened the cabinet doors one by one, and looked for the cigarettes prepared at home for guests.

Feng Laogui was frightened. He quickly walked to the window, opened the screen, and reached out to close the window. He thought that Tan Shuzhen's roar should have woken up everyone in the building.

When he turned around, he saw that Tan Shuzhen had found the cigarette. She had a cigarette in her mouth and the half pack of cigarettes in her hand. She was looking around for matches or a lighter.

Feng Laogui hurriedly grabbed the cigarette in her hand. The half pack of cigarettes had been crushed into a ball in the fight between the two people. Tan Shuzhen simply threw it on the ground and stepped on it hard with her feet.

During the fight, the cigarette in Tan Shuzhen's mouth was broken, leaving only a filter tip, which was still biting there. Tan Shuzhen spit it out and lay on the table crying.

Feng Laogui stood on the side, at a loss. He could only comfort him: "Zhenzhen, Zhenzhen, what's the matter? We'll talk about it tomorrow. Now, if you act like this now, everyone in the whole building will be woken up."

Unexpectedly, this sentence was more effective than anything else. Tan Shuzhen still lay there, but she immediately stopped crying. After a while, she stood up, took a towel and a washbasin and went out.

After returning from washing, Tan Shuzhen did not return to this room. Instead, she went to the room across the corridor. Opposite was their dining room and living room. As long as people were at home, the key was usually inserted in the door. In order to facilitate coming and going, inside the living room There was a couch, and when Tan Shuzhen entered, there was no movement.

Feng Laogui stared at the ceiling in the darkness with his eyes open. Everything was silent. Feng Laogui lay there, but he cried silently.

He felt that he was too aggrieved. He was aggrieved in front of Tan Shuzhen, and he was aggrieved outside. He seemed to be aggrieved everywhere. This was probably the price he had to pay to pursue something that should not belong to him. Bar?

Why couldn't he just listen to his family's arrangements and marry a lavish girl from the same village? He would go back occasionally a few times a year, cross-dressing and enjoy the treatment that a husband who earns a salary in the city should enjoy when he returns home. At other times, He is free outside.

This morning, Feng Laogui woke up uneasily from a series of chaotic dreams. It was already bright outside. He looked at his watch. It was half past six. For the first time, he didn't hear Tan Shuzhen's babbling downstairs. He walked to the opposite side, opened the door, and saw Tan Shuzhen curled up on the sofa with her back to the outside.

Feng Laogui stepped back. He opened the door of the coal cake stove a little, took the steel pot to the bathroom to wash rice. When he walked back, the flames of the coal cake stove also came up, and the kettle lid on the stove Jumping up and down, he sat the steel pot on the briquette stove, closed the stove door a little, picked up the kettle, and poured all the water inside into the thermos.

Feng Laogui took the tooth cup and towel to the bathroom. After washing up, he came back and walked into the opposite room again. Tan Shuzhen was still curled up on the sofa, facing inward, motionless.

Feng Laogui walked over and asked softly, what's wrong with you, are you sick?

When he leaned over and reached out to touch Tan Shuzhen's forehead, Tan Shuzhen shouted in a low voice: "Get out!"

Feng Laogui was startled, retracted his hand, stood there blankly for a while, and sighed softly.

He turned and walked out of the room, closed the door, returned to the opposite room, picked up his bag, and walked downstairs.

Lao Zheng, a former veteran of the Yue Opera Troupe, was sitting at the gate downstairs. When she saw Feng Laogui, she shouted: "Lao Gui, where is Zhenzhen? I have to wait downstairs."

Feng Laogui ignored her and walked out.

They waited in the practice room until half past nine, but did not wait for Tan Shuzhen. Teacher Li looked at Feng Laogui. Feng Laogui shook his head. Teacher Li clapped his hands and said, "Come on, Jianmei, come on, ma'am, everyone." start.

From that day on, Tan Shuzhen never took a step towards Gaofang of the Wu Opera Troupe. No one from the Wu Opera Troupe heard Tan Shuzhen's voice coming out of the valley in the morning.

Tan Shuzhen did not appear again in Gao Hong, and everyone publicly avoided talking about her. It seemed that there had never been such a person in the group, but she was clearly still there, and her monthly salary and bonus were paid as usual, and it was not Feng Laogui who replaced her. Instead, Mrs. Li took it on her behalf, walked into the valley, and delivered it to Tan Shuzhen. No one in the whole regiment thought there was anything wrong with this.

Tan Shuzhen's name is still there on the attendance sheet. Teacher Li will check it every day, then look at the attendance sheet and sigh.

With Tan Shuzhen away, everyone seems to be relieved. Of course Xu Jianmei is eager for it. With Tan Shuzhen away, she has really become the pillar of the Wu Opera Troupe. Regardless of whether Teacher Li is willing or not, Bai Suzhen must be her. Xiangxiang has become Xiao Qing.

Teacher Li always felt that he was ashamed of Tan Shuzhen. If Tan Shuzhen walked into the practice room every day and called him Teacher Li again, he would feel that there was no place for his old face.

As for Feng Laogui, whenever Tan Shuzhen approached him outside the house, he would subconsciously become nervous and feel uncomfortable all over, let alone having to act in a scene.

Even Ding Baigou, who clearly knew that Tan Shuzhen had never gone to work in the troupe, but he didn't even ask Feng Laogui and Teacher Li, what was going on?

What's going on? He still doesn't know. If he doesn't know, Xu Jianmei will let him know.

Ding Baigou had too many reasons to convince himself and the entire Cultural Bureau that the current situation of the Wu Opera Troupe was the best period in the history of the Wu Opera Troupe in Yongcheng. It was not that Tan Shuzhen was absent, but that she was upright and upright, supporting the underachievers, although this was called The latecomer Xu Jianmei is the same age as Tan Shuzhen.

The reason why Ding Baigou had to make the entire bureau think so was that the director, who usually didn't care about the affairs of the Wu Troupe at all, got the festival's program. He was stunned for a moment and asked Ding Baigou, what about the starring role in the troupe's play? Not Tan Shuzhen?

Ding Baigou understood that Xu Jianmei still needed a halo. Only when she had enough halo and became Mrs. Ding Baigou, no one would think that she was taking advantage of Ding Baigou's power and squeeze out Tan Shuzhen, she relied solely on her own strength.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Thank you for the monthly votes of Zhou Ping, the worm that flies away, the sample that is bad, and the ion exchange resin that takes the spotlight! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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