The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 670 Do you need to tell her?

The evening rehearsal ended at almost ten o'clock. This night, I don't know if it was Feng Laogui's psychological effect. He always felt that Xu Jianmei knew about this. She was in high spirits throughout the night, rehearsing a scene with him. At this time, Feng Laogui felt that her eyes were more lively than usual, and she seemed to be more beautiful than usual.

Logically speaking, it was impossible. They discussed this matter in the afternoon. After the discussion, Feng Laogui gave Ding Baigou a gift. He watched him push the bicycle to the bottom of the slope, and stepped on the bicycle pedal with his left foot. He put on his right leg and rode away.

At that time, Xu Jianmei had already joined the regiment and never left. Even if she was not in the regiment, she would not be able to go to the Cultural Bureau. She had a chance to meet Director Ding, and they were not familiar with each other.

During a break in rehearsals, Feng Laogui was standing there drinking water. Xu Jianmei came over, touched Feng Laogui's arm with her arm, and asked with concern: "Laogui, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well today?"

Feng Laogui himself also felt that he was uneasy this night.

"It's nothing, I'm probably too tired these days." Feng Laogui said.

"Tan Shuzhen went to the cultural center again?"

Feng Laogui said "hmm".

"Tan Shuzhen is very popular now. I heard that many people go to the dance hall of the cultural center every day just to see Tan Shuzhen."

Feng Laogui frowned. Xu Jianmei felt it and quickly changed the topic.

"Yesterday you and Xiao Wu went to Zhang Chen's place. I heard that Zhang Chen sponsored the group for 50,000 yuan. Is it true?"

Feng Laogui said with a smile: "This is still fake, the money has already arrived."

"You are still very powerful, you kept silent, and you got 50,000 yuan at once. Look at this county, it only took a few years to give 100,000 yuan. It seems like a big deal."

"I didn't do it to Zhang Chen. Before we even exchanged a few words, he said it himself, or I would sponsor the troupe for 50,000 yuan."

"Alas, this person who left the troupe still has feelings for the troupe."

Xu Jianmei sighed. Her sigh made Feng Laogui think that the person who left the troupe was also talking about Liu Ligan?

"Okay, let's start, do it again!" Teacher Li clapped his hands.

Xu Jianmei touched Feng Laogui's arm with her arm again and smiled charmingly: "Let's go, sir."

In this play, Feng Laogui plays the husband-in-law and Xu Jianmei plays his wife. It is a so-called new light-hearted and humorous costume play written by Lao Meng of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The so-called humor means mixing some modern words into the costume play. Here, the husband and wife make jokes. For example, the wife will say: "Oh, husband, I will go to the refrigerator and bring you a bowl of sour plum soup to cure your jealousy."

This is all a fucking mess, it might as well be a reflection of the old leader.

Teacher Li has probably been out in the society a lot in the past two years, and he still likes this, saying that if it is not like this, the following will be quiet, but it is lively anyway.

lively? Xiao Wu's show was the most lively. They used all the martial arts students in the troupe as acrobats, and when they all expected Xiao Wu to do somersaults, the audience followed and counted loudly: "31, 32, 33..."

After coming down from Gaofang, Feng Laogui looked at the triangular night sky above his head, cut out by the dark mountains on both sides, and sighed.

The streetlight at the intersection was broken again, and the road leading into the valley was pitch black. The further Feng Laogui walked in, the heavier he felt. What he was thinking about was the list. He replaced Tan Shuzhen with Xu Jianmei. He knew this Tan Shuzhen couldn't accept it easily, but she was even less likely to go somewhere and make a fuss, so she didn't bother to do so.

She would feel that if this was the case, she would be on the same level as Xu Jianmei, and she would have to compete with Xu Jianmei, huh, she wouldn't do it.

Tan Shuzhen and Xu Jianmei grew up in the same student class, and they had no conflicts and often played together. However, everyone in the group knew that Tan Shuzhen looked down on Xu Jianmei from the bottom of her heart, although she always deliberately did not let this kind of look down on her. She showed it, but the more she concealed it, the more others could see her contempt.

From childhood to adulthood, looking down on me has become their habit. If you look down on me, then look down on me. Xu Jianmei also sneered at the side. What she is looking forward to is, hum, let’s see, there will always be a day when I look down on you. Otherwise, I, Xu Jianmei, would not be Xu Jianmei.

Feng Laogui knew that Tan Shuzhen would not make a fuss. She would even act like she didn't care about it outside. But in fact, she did care about it. She would care about it. In his heart, he thought of it as nameless fire, and would take it out from time to time to stab Feng Laogui.

They don't even know how to quarrel. If they quarrel, Tan Shuzhen will feel, Laogui, I think highly of you too much. Feng Laogui knows that although they have been married for several years until their daughter was born, she is still in Tan Shuzhen's heart. status has never changed.

Even when they were doing that, Tan Shuzhen didn't say a word, just lying there silently. Sometimes Feng Laogui had been working hard for a long time, and Tan Shuzhen would reach for his watch, look at it, and say to him, Lao Gui, go to sleep. , over time, it is not good for the body.

As soon as she turned over, Tan Shuzhen fell asleep.

Feng Laogui felt that no matter what happened, he should tell Tan Shuzhen about it today so that she could be mentally prepared.

Feng Laogui walked downstairs to the Yue Opera Troupe. Most of the residents in this building were from the Lao Yue Opera Troupe. People in the troupe had to get up before dawn to practice kungfu, so they developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, especially To those old people.

In the whole building, only two or three lights were on, and the rest was completely dark, including his own room, which was definitely dark.

Their room is on the second floor. The Yue Opera Troupe's house is almost a twin brother of the Wu Opera Troupe's house. The layout is exactly the same, but the Yue Opera Troupe's house was built a few years later than the Wu Opera Troupe's, so it is better than the Wu Opera Troupe's. , it has toilets and washrooms in its building.

There are two rooms at the west end of each floor. On the right is the collective washroom with four faucets. Everyone on this floor washes their faces, brushes their teeth, does laundry, vegetables, dishes and pots. Opposite the washroom is Public restrooms, regardless of gender, have the door open when no one is using it. When someone is using it, just go in and lock the door pin.

In a bathroom like this, you have to do everything quickly, otherwise if you squat for a long time, someone will knock on the door, and sometimes there will be more than one person at the door.

The lights in the foyer on the first floor were dark. Feng Laogui walked in and pressed the switch, but there was no response at all. Feng Laogui looked up and saw that it was not the lights that were broken, but some evil spirit who was in his room. The light bulb is broken. Run down and turn the light bulb here away.

Feng Laogui shook his head and walked upstairs in the dark. The lights at the stairwells and corridors on the second floor, and the lights at every stairwell and corridor in this building, were either broken or had no light bulbs. Otherwise, the guy wouldn't use them. So hard, I ran to the first floor to pick out light bulbs.

The lights at the stairwell and corridor were broken, but everyone could tolerate it. If the light on the first floor was taken off, this guy would definitely be scolded behind his back, because the light on the first floor is not just for the foyer on the first floor. Come to the light, it also illuminates the yard outside, and brings a little light to the road in.

Feng Laogui walked into his room, turned on the light, found a light bulb from the cabinet, took a flashlight and a square stool, and when he went out, he pressed another switch next to the door and installed a switch on their door frame. A lamp came on, illuminating the entire corridor.

This was the idea that the lighting and electrician of the troupe helped him come up with when they were decorating their new house. The lights in the corridor were unreliable, so they installed one themselves. The switch was in the room, and they could turn it off and on as they pleased, and they also paid their own electricity bill.

Feng Laogui went downstairs and stood on a square stool. He held a flashlight in one hand and a light bulb in the other. He inserted the light bulb into the screw of the lamp head and turned it clockwise. After turning it twice, the light turned on. Feng Laogui continued to tighten the light bulb, then got off the square stool and went upstairs.

When he returned to the room, his daughter was not there and the room was quiet. Feng Laogui took the dental cup and washbasin and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. After washing, he came back and turned off the lights in the room and corridor. He stood in front of the window and looked through the window. Looking outside through the window screen, the streetlight at the entrance was broken, and even if Tan Shuzhen came back, she could not be seen from here.

As for Tan Shuzhen, it seems that she comes back later and later every day. At this time, she must still be in the dance hall.

"Tan Shuzhen is very popular now. I heard that many people go to the dance hall of the cultural center every day just to see Tan Shuzhen."

Feng Laogui thought of what Xu Jianmei said and frowned again.

He walked to the bed and sat down, and decided that when Tan Shuzhen came back today, he would tell her about it no matter what.

Thinking of talking to Tan Shuzhen about this, Feng Laogui felt subconsciously afraid and his scalp became tight.

Feng Laogui took off his coat and pants, lay down on the bed, and stared blankly at the ceiling above his head.

After getting used to the darkness, the ceiling and everything in the room emerged from the darkness. He saw a piece of plaster on the ceiling that had peeled off at some point. He saw their wedding photos hanging on the wall. Tan Shuzhen's face was also cold in the darkness.

He remembered that when this photo was taken, the master of the photo studio kept telling them to smile, come on, smile, marriage is about being happy!

But Tan Shuzhen never smiled. The photographer was helpless and finally clicked the shutter button.

Feng Laogui looked at his watch. It was already past eleven o'clock. He knew it was still early for Tan Shuzhen to come back.

Feng Laogui sat up, walked to the table, got himself a glass of cold water, and drank while standing in front of the window. In the darkness not far away, there was a star of light shining in the darkness. It was a firefly.

Feng Laogui thought about how he should tell Tan Shuzhen when she came back. Should he tell her when she came back, or wait until she finished washing and went to bed before telling her.

Alas, no matter what time I tell her, the result is the same.

Feng Laogui sighed. He regretted it now. In the afternoon, when Ding Baigou proposed this suggestion, he should have opposed it. If only he had the courage to object at that time, that would be great. He felt that as long as he objected, Teacher Li would I will definitely object.

Feng Laogui sighed again, returned to the bed, and continued to stare blankly at the ceiling above his head, thinking blankly.

He looked at his watch. It was already past twelve o'clock, and Tan Shuzhen still hadn't come back.

"Tan Shuzhen is very popular now. I heard that many people go to the dance hall of the cultural center every day just to see Tan Shuzhen."

Feng Laogui thought of Xu Jianmei's words again, and he felt a little fucking disgusted.

It was almost two o'clock, and Feng Laogui heard the sound of a motorcycle coming from outside the valley. It was Tan Shuzhen who was back, and it was the saxophone player who sent her back.

Feng Laogui imagined Tan Shuzhen sitting on the back seat of a motorcycle, holding her slightly black waist with her hands. Her face was not cold, but probably very excited.

Originally, Feng Laogui would turn on the light at the door at this time, but for some reason today, he was lying there, too lazy to move.

He heard the motorcycle stall downstairs, and he heard them whispering something, but he couldn't hear clearly.

He heard a little crow call goodbye.

He heard Tan Shuzhen smile and say, "See you soon."

This laughter is colorful, splashing out with a bang, colorful, bright and eye-catching. Tan Shuzhen's laughter is very happy, even a little excited.

Feng Laogui felt nervous.

When she and Feng Laogui were together, they rarely had such colorful laughter. They were always polite, light, and respectful.

Feng Laogui heard Tan Shuzhen going upstairs and said "Huh" when he heard her walking to the stairs. He was wondering why the light at the door of his house was not on.

Feng Laogui heard the sound of her door opening, and he felt as if he had smelled the smell of alcohol on her body. Tan Shuzhen did not drink, but she would smell of alcohol every day when she came back.

Feng Laogui turned over and took advantage of the moment when the lights in the room were not on. He decided that he had fallen asleep and decided not to say anything to Tan Shuzhen today.

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