The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 668 You think it’s complicated

Zhang Chen returned to the Sanbao Factory, drew his design ideas into a rendering, and framed it with KT boards. He also wrote a planning book, including the ideas and instructions for his entire reconstruction plan. , ready to take it together to show Director Liu.

Director Liu asked himself to go there at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. According to Director Liu's work style, he didn't like to drag things out, but to solve the matter at once. Zhang Chen estimated that Director Liu should meet with the relevant leaders of the Planning Bureau and the Urban Construction Bureau tomorrow. , they all were called to the office. Whether this will succeed or not will be known tomorrow.

Therefore, Zhang Chen was very careful when writing his paintings. He worked until about one o'clock in the morning before he felt that he was ready and there was no need to revise anything.

Zhang Chen put down his pen and walked outside the exhibition hall. He saw that the construction site was brightly lit and Lao Wan was working with the maintenance team. It was too hot during the day and the work on the construction site was too noisy. The workers were still sleeping. Well, they might as well do it at night.

Zhang Chen walked to the workshop that was transferred to Qunying Garment Factory to take a look. The people here had already been filled up. Because it was a new workshop, there would be more problems. Zhao Zhigang transferred Caidi to this workshop as a supervisor. When he saw Zhang Chen , Caidi complained to him and said, use me like a nanny, and move me wherever it is difficult.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, I can't control that. It's your housework. Otherwise, don't let him go to bed.

"Go, I'm not that stupid. There are so many women in the factory and he is very popular. I won't let him go home. He is eager to go home." Caidi scolded.

Zhang Chen went back with a big smile.

Wu Zhaohui saw Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang off and arrived at the gate of the city government compound before half past two. Zhang Chen felt that it would be rude to go too early. Maybe they were talking about something right now. Zhang Chen didn't get out of the car, so he put the He took out a copy of the planning document and read it again before handing it to Wei Wenfang.

At two forty-five, Zhang Chen got off the car with Wei Wenfang. After checking in at the door, he went in and walked to the door of room 105. Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was already two fifty. This time was just right. Zhang Chen Knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Director Liu called.

Zhang Chen pushed the door open and saw a person sitting on the sofa inside. Director Liu did not sit on the sofa, but pulled up a chair and sat opposite the person. It seemed that he was not being polite when he said he didn't like sitting on the sofa.

When they came in, Director Liu and the other person also stood up. Director Liu introduced to Zhang Chen that this was the building director of the Xiacheng District City Appearance Office.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that they must have been talking about other things just now, and it seemed that he was still early.

Director Liu introduced Zhang Chen to Director Lou. After the introduction, he looked at Wei Wenfang. Zhang Chen quickly introduced them to them. Wei Wenfang nodded to them with a smile and said: "Hello, Director Liu! Hello, Director Lou!"

Director Lou gave up the three-person sofa he was sitting on and went to sit on the single sofa on the side. Director Liu asked Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang to sit while looking at the renderings in Zhang Chen's hand.

"Is this your plan?" Director Liu asked.

Zhang Chen said yes and quickly handed the rendering to Director Liu. Director Liu held it in both hands and looked at it carefully. Director Lou also stood up and came over to take a look.

Director Liu told him, "Did you see that? I'm right. Once Mr. Zhang and the others take action, the quality will not be low. Their half-acre field is already the highlight of Yan'an Road. This, "Dynamic Zone", isn't it?" Will it also become the highlight of Stadium Road?

Director Lou kept nodding and said: "Not bad, Mr. Zhang, which designer did you hire?"

"This was designed by our Mr. Zhang himself," Wei Wenfang said.

Director Lou was surprised, Director Liu smiled and said, I didn’t expect that the store on Yan’an Road was also designed by Mr. Zhang himself.

"I didn't expect that." Director Lou kept nodding.

Zhang Chen watched secretly amused, thinking to himself, this director of the building is really strange. After talking about things, he saw that Director Liu had other things to talk about, but he didn't leave and still came in like this. It seemed like it had something to do with him. It seems like there is some relationship.

Zhang Chen quietly looked at his watch. It was already past three o'clock. No one from the Planning Bureau and Urban Construction Bureau came. It seemed that he had made a mistake.

Wei Wenfang opened the folder in her hand, took out the planning document, and told Director Liu that this is our planning document and asked Director Liu to read it.

Director Liu took it and looked at it with great interest. While looking at it, he praised, "Okay, Mr. Zhang, your idea of ​​a sports goods street is good. It is really suitable to put it there."

After reading it, he gave the plan to the director of the building and told him, "Look, it's really good to liberate your mind a little more. It's such a good idea. The provincial gymnasium occupies the right time and place, but why didn't you think of it? It made Mr. Zhang think that this section of Stadium Road is really going to be lively.

Director Lou took the plan and read it carefully. After reading it, he nodded to Director Liu and said, "Director Liu is right, this plan is really good."

"So, is this settled?" Director Liu asked.

"Okay, you, the senior director, have decided. What else can I, the junior director, say?" Director Lou said.

Director Liu looked at Zhang Chen and said, "You heard it, Mr. Zhang, your matter has been resolved. I told you yesterday that it is a good thing. All departments of our government will definitely support it."

Zhang Chen was puzzled and asked: "Director Liu, are you saying that the flower bed outside can be demolished?"

"Didn't Director Lou promise you? He will tell you what the specific procedures are."

Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang were both surprised. It turned out that the building director was the one who came to solve this problem. Zhang Chen asked strangely: "This does not need to go through the Planning Bureau and the Urban Construction Bureau?"

Director Liu and Director Lou were both stunned for a moment, then laughed. Director Liu said, "What does it have to do with the Planning Bureau and the Urban Construction Bureau if we demolish a few roadside flower beds?"

"But, I went to the Urban Construction Bureau and the Planning Bureau yesterday, and they told me that this one didn't have documents and that one didn't have documents." Wei Wenfang was also surprised.

Both directors laughed, and Director Liu said: "Oh, Lao Lou, you can't blame the masses. Look at our departments, aren't we talking nonsense? It's obviously not our own business, but we still have to give directions."

Director Lou also smiled and said, yes.

"Old Lou, please talk to Mr. Zhang and the others about what to do next." Director Liu waved his hand.

Director Lou and Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang said that this planning document is already very complete. They will provide us with a copy for filing. The renderings are not required to be like this, but should be archivable. It should be smaller, as big as two A4 sheets of paper. .

In addition, provide a floor plan of the entire building in your renovation plan, including how many doors need to be opened, the width of each door, etc., all drawn clearly, and a copy of the real estate certificate and land certificate. The parcel map in the land certificate must be copied clearly.

Zhang Chen kept nodding, and Wei Wenfang took notes with a pen and notebook.

Director Lou asked: "Is it Xiao Wei who is actually handling this matter?"

Zhang Chen is right.

Director Lou and Wei Wenfang said: "You bring these things and the official seal and come to the office to see me tomorrow. I also need you to fill in a form. Then we will draw up a list of things that can be provided to you based on your needs and the actual situation on site. It's a borrowed public area, so that's fine. As for the flower bed, we can demolish it even if you want."

"Is this good?" Wei Wenfang asked Director Lou, "Is it that simple?"

"Yes, how complicated do you think it is? Nowadays, we are encouraging people to break down walls to open shops and prosper markets. We also go to the units and individuals along the street to mobilize them to do this. If you have this initiative yourself, that is the best. We are sure We will provide strong support,” Director Lou said.

Wei Wenfang made a face and smiled.

Zhang Chen remembered something and asked: "By the way, Director Lou, when we opened the Yan'an Road store, we didn't know anything. Why didn't anyone come to tell us that we need to go to your place to go through the procedures?"

Director Lou looked at Director Liu and said with a smile: "Look, Director, Mr. Zhang is complaining to you, saying that we didn't do anything."

Zhang Chen quickly argued: "No, no."

"I'm just kidding. That's it. In your Yan'an Road store, the open space from the entrance of your store to the flower bed belongs to you. Do you know that?"

Zhang Chen scratched his head: "I really don't know about this."

"You are constructing within your own land and it has not changed the status quo. Of course we cannot control it. This does not involve public land, so we need to approve it."

Director Lou touched the planning book on the coffee table with his fingers, and Zhang Chen understood.

"However, your Yan'an Road store is not without its violations." Director Lou changed the subject and told Zhang Chen.

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was surprised.

"You installed so many lights in the flower bed at the door and on the trees. According to the regulations, it is not allowed. The following also reported it to me. One night, I even went to see it. After seeing it, I felt , very good, so I didn’t ask them to send you a rectification notice.”

"There is such a thing, but I don't know about it at all." Zhang Chen chuckled.

"I can't help it. Who gave you such a whimsical idea?" Director Lou said, "If I take down your lights, my wife will scold me to death. She went to see it with me that night. , she liked it very much.”

"Not just your lover, the whole Hangzhou will scold you to death."

When Director Liu said this, he seemed to be angry and continued to curse:

"They will call you an old-time bumpkin, stubborn and not liberated at all. This city is meant to be colorful. Where can it be the same? Can you let KFC be the same as the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China? That other company How can the characteristics and culture be reflected? It is a century-old store. Do you think the stores of Hu Qingyutang and Zhang Xiaoquan will be the same?"

"Yes, yes, otherwise I won't be able to bear it if you wear the title of chief director." Director Lou said, and everyone laughed.

The next day, Wei Wenfang went to the building director to complete the formalities. The maintenance team, which had just been withdrawn to Sanbao for a few days, came over again. Zhang Chen asked them to first repair the large passage room on the third floor of the factory building and the row of windows at the back. Eight small offices were separated.

There is an office of its own there, as well as the factory office, production department, sales department and finance department. Next to the finance department, there is an office for Xiao Zhao. Now there are three finance departments in three places, and the general manager is still the junior one. Zhao.

Outside this row of offices is a large office area.

After the renovation was completed, the office building here was vacated and the design center was moved from Sanbao.

Then they began to renovate the office building. While the project was still in progress, Zhang Chen placed an investment advertisement in the "Qianjiang Evening News". The first person to visit was the general agent of the German Puma company in Zhejiang.

It only took more than a week since the advertisement was posted, and the twelve shops were quickly rented out, including the rooms on the third floor. Zhao Jingjing calculated that there would be a monthly rent income of 38,200 yuan.

Zhao Jingjing and Accountant Li said privately that the factory had never thought of such a good idea. If they had thought of it, life in the factory would not be so difficult.

Accountant Li said, there is no way, they just made smart money, and if the renovation money is spent, the store may or may not be rented. If it cannot be rented, who will bear the responsibility? Isn’t this adding insult to injury? Besides, the factory can't even get the money for reconstruction. It has no money, and it's still difficult to move forward.

Zhao Jingjing thought about what Accountant Li said. She said that according to Lao Zhao's stubbornness, the store he wanted to build would definitely not be rentable.

That’s why people don’t dare to do it, Accountant Li said.

Zhang Chen stood on the sidewalk of Stadium Road and looked at the "dynamic zone" that was about to be completed. He breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had taken the right step again. The income from the rent should be able to offset all the retired workers in the factory every month. The salary and medical expenses were reimbursed.

Thank you to the Dingli Blade of the Country, the Prosperous Farce, and Qianqian Dad for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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