The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 664 “Working class” and “Gua Laoer”

It is getting dark, but there is no complete darkness in the city. There are always lights here and there, which will bring a little light to this place.

Zhang Chen took advantage of the half-dark light and walked back and forth throughout the factory. He felt that in order to get this place on the right track, he must first win over people's hearts, and the best way to win over people's hearts is to let everyone When we see changes, everyone will feel hopeful when there are changes. But if the lifelessness of the past continues, this place will continue to rot.

But how to change, Zhang Chen felt, was the most troublesome for him.

Zhang Chen stayed in the factory until about nine o'clock. He went out and locked the door, walked around the door again, and rode his bicycle to Huancheng North Road to look at the courtyard wall behind them.

Then I went to the store.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao asked the finance department to transfer 100,000 yuan to Qunying Garment Factory's account tomorrow.


Zhang Chen didn't say what he was doing. He thought for a while and said, forget it, I'd better go to the factory later and let her write a check to me.

Xiao Zhao looked at him, feeling depressed, knowing that although he didn't say anything, he was still under a lot of pressure. Xiao Zhao felt that it might be the best way to let him relax slowly without asking him anything. He would also tell himself that asking too many questions would only make him feel annoyed.

Zhang Chen sat down, took the sketchbook, and started drawing from memory. He finished drawing the entire factory area. When he reached the Stadium Road in front of the drawing, Zhang Chen was excited. He asked Xiao Zhao: "How about we rent out the office building?" ?”

"How to rent?"

"Look, although the door of this office building opens to the factory, outside it is Tianjin Road. Aren't we now encouraged to break through the wall and open shops? If we turn this office building into shops for rent, can we increase our income? ?”

Xiao Zhao looked at it and felt that this was a way, but it was definitely not a good way. If it was a good way, the Qunying Garment Factory at that time would have done it long ago. The reasons why they did not do it were that the renovation of the office building itself required It costs a lot of money, but the benefits after the renovation are invisible and there are great risks.

Although Stadium Road is one of the main streets in Hangzhou, it is not a commercial district. There are basically no shops on the entire street.

Especially the place at Qunying Garment Factory. On the right is the Hangcheng Oil Refinery. Large trucks and tank trucks are coming and going from the door. On the left is the Provincial Gymnasium, and opposite is the Hangcheng Stadium. Except on game days, , except for some people here, other times, no one stays here at all.

Xiao Zhao told Zhang Chen his thoughts, and Zhang Chen sighed. He also felt that what Xiao Zhao said was reasonable. Don't spend a lot of money on renovating an office building. If no one comes to rent it in the end, it will be a loss.

Zhang Chen gave up this idea.

When they arrived downstairs, Wu Zhaohui came to pick them up. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao, do you want to take Zhang Xiangbei home first?

"Where are you going?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"In the factory, I have to get the check and have a meeting with Zhao Zhigang, Wei Wenfang and Lao Wan."

"Then let's go to the factory too."

Zhang Chen agreed and asked Wu Zhaohui to drive directly to the factory.

The next morning, Zhang Chen went to Qunying Garment Factory. There were slightly more people in the factory than yesterday afternoon, with more than thirty people present.

But Zhang Chen clearly felt a kind of hostility from the eyes and expressions of these people looking at them. Even those poor households no longer worked. Everyone just sat in the foyer of the factory and office building, watching coldly. Looking at them, I lost the energy to even chat.

Zhang Chen knew in his heart that this was a non-cooperation movement, and someone must be instigating it, and the instigators were just those few people who he refused to let them continue playing cards. Maybe the one who started it was the "working class man" ".

Not long after Zhang Chen and the others arrived, Lao Wan took the maintenance team to replace the light bulbs and ceiling fans as ordered by Zhang Chen. A large truck drove in from outside the door. This was the sewing machine owner on Danhua'an Road. Come here. Regarding sewing machines, Zhao Zhigang went to ask yesterday. They accept this kind of old-fashioned sewing machine, but the price is only 20 yuan a piece.

Zhao Zhigang asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen said that if he sold it, it would be garbage if he left it there.

Zhao Zhilong jumped out of the cab of the large truck. Zhang Chen asked his boss to bring five high-speed trucks. Zhao Zhilong went there early in the morning to pick out the machines. Zhang Chen's idea was to bring five over first and give them to the workers here for practice. of.

The truck stopped at the door of the factory. Zhao Zhilong asked those people to help move the machine, but no one paid attention to him as they sat. Lao Wan came over with the maintenance team, moved the machine down, and placed it on the basketball court. I started to move those old-fashioned sewing machines into the car.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?" someone shouted.

"If you sell it, how can you do anything with such a rotten thing?" Zhao Zhilong said.

“The machines are all sold, so what do we use for work?”

"Learn this first, and then everyone in the factory will switch to high-speed vehicles." Zhao Zhilong said.

Someone immediately shouted: "I don't want to learn about electricity. What if I get an electric shock?"

"Yes, what should I do if the needle pricks me?"

"Also, if you see, this is the motor and this is the belt. If you are not careful, your clothes will be transferred into the belt."

The "working class" shouted: "What I said is right, capitalists are capitalists, and they start selling their products as soon as they come here. All the machines in this Qunying Garment Factory have been sold out, what is left?"

While there was a lot of chatter over there, Zhang Chen walked into the financial room. He handed the check to Zhao Jingjing and told her, go to the bank and hand it over, and leave the money in the account when it arrives. This is specifically for payroll purposes.

"So many?" Zhao Jingjing asked.

"Is that enough for two months?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Enough is enough."

"Okay, we are not familiar with the people in the factory yet, so please inform me that starting from tomorrow, anyone who does not come to work will be treated as absenteeism and their wages will be deducted. Also, those who arrive late and leave early every day will also have their wages deducted. , I will ask Director Wei to write this and post it later."

"Okay, I understand, Director Zhang." Zhao Jingjing said excitedly.

The reason why Zhang Chen asked her to notify him was because he knew that at the same time, she would definitely tell everyone that she had two months' salary saved here.

Zhang Chen wanted to make them understand that their monthly wages were guaranteed. In this way, they were not allowed to be late, leave early, or be absent from work, otherwise their wages would be deducted. This would be effective and a deterrent.

Zhang Chen walked out of the office building and saw a bunch of noisy people over there, so he walked over and saw them surrounding Zhao Zhilong. Zhang Chen asked what was wrong, and Zhao Zhilong said that they all said they refused to learn.

Those people talked to Zhang Chen nonstop, Zhang Chen said yes, first of all, he is also a worker in this factory like you. If he can do it, why can't you do it?

Second, it’s okay if you don’t study. Then you can sit in the factory every day and watch them work. This is not a high request, right?

Zhao Zhilong smiled and said: "Okay, you can just play around and we will support you."

Those people jumped up again, and the "working class" cursed: "Guolaoer, you are awesome and coaxing, and you still support us. We are the working class, and you, Guolaoer, are migrant workers to support us?"

Zhang Chen asked them: "Who among you has the best skills?"

Many people pointed at the "working class". Zhang Chen understood. No wonder this guy had a loud voice. It turned out that he felt good about himself because he was the backbone of the factory.

Zhang Chen looked at him and said with a smile: "Then let's play a game, okay?"

"what game?"

"You're not the working class. Of course it's a competition to see who can work faster. You two, let's compare hand-made buttonholes. He'll lock five and you'll lock one. See who's faster."

Everyone was stunned, and then shouted, "Five against one, how is it possible, compare with him." "Zhao Long, let Mr. Gua see what you are capable of." "Compete with him."

Some people immediately ran away to find sewing cotton and scissors. This time, there was no competition but a competition. The "working class" said: "Competition is a competition. What if he loses?"

"What do you want him to do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Get out and don't come in again."

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Then what if you lose?" Zhao Zhilong asked.

"Five versus one, how could I lose?"

"What if it happens?" Zhang Chen asked.

"What if... what if..." "Working Class" scratched his neck, "Then I will leave this factory by myself."

"Wait a minute, this doesn't count, don't bet so big."

Zhang Chen quickly stopped him and said to him: "In this case, he loses. He will no longer show up in this factory. It doesn't matter. He still has a job in that factory. If he doesn't come here, it won't have much impact on him. You are going to lose. Not to mention leaving the factory, I think..."

Zhang Chen looked outside the foyer. He said this is good. No matter who loses, you two, he will run five laps along the court outside. If he loses, he will run five laps outside, and he will not be able to come here from now on. This way OK?

The "working class" nodded and said yes.

Someone immediately volunteered to be a referee. Zhao Zhilong asked, how big are the buttons?

Someone brought out a button. Zhao Zhilong measured it with a ruler, then picked up the paint powder and dotted five spots on the cloth. The "working class" also drew the buttonhole positions on the cloth.

The referee called one, two, three, start!

Zhao Zhilong started sewing directly on the cloth. The workers on the side were all surprised that there was such a way to lock buttonholes. Shouldn't the buttonholes be cut first and then locked along the cuts?

Zhang Chen saw that this is how the "working class" is locked up.

At the beginning, everyone was still shouting and making noises. Of course, they were mainly cheering for the "working class", and the foyer was very lively. But then, the sound slowly died down, and everyone's attention was focused on Zhao Zhilong. In his hand, he saw a neat buttonhole quickly appearing on the piece of cloth.

Some people looked at their watches and shook their heads.

Someone shouted softly, "Gajie stick!"

Everyone watched with bated breath as the foyer, which had been noisy just a moment ago, was now completely silent.

"Working Class" glanced at Zhao Zhilong. Sweat broke out on his forehead and his hands began to shake.

When Zhao Zhilong quickly locked the five buttonholes connected in a series, he picked up the scissors and cut the buttonholes open with a "click", cut off the thread ends, and handed the cloth to the referee. The referee picked up the button and put it through the buttonhole. In the past, buttonholes were neither too big nor too small, just right.

There was an exclamation in the crowd, and everyone felt that the other four did not need to try. In turn, they looked at the "working class" with some sympathy.

The "working class" buttonhole is only two-thirds locked.

The face of the "working class" turned red. He sat blankly for a while, threw away the cloth in his hand, stood up, and walked outside. Zhang Chen grabbed him and asked, "Go and do it." Well?"

The "working class" said angrily: "I lost, I'm going to run!"

"If you want to run, wait until the sun goes down. Do you want heat stroke?" Zhang Chen scolded.

From that day on, workers in this factory, even those in their forties or fifties, would call Zhao Zhilong "Master Zhao" when they saw him, and no one would call him "Gua Laoer" anymore.

Zhang Chen felt that the "working class" was completely wilted, and he was secretly amused in his heart.

Thank you Xu Yuenian and Infinite Love for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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