The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 662: The beginning is a bit annoying

Next, the merger progressed very quickly. Zhang Chen was almost pushed away by Mr. Nie and others. Within a week, a factory-wide staff meeting was held at Qunying Garment Factory to discuss the merger of Zhejiang Banmutian Clothing Co., Ltd. with Hangzhou Qunying. Signing ceremony at the garment factory.

On this day, almost all the workers and retired workers of Qunying Garment Factory were present. Qunying Garment Factory was so lively for the first time in several years.

The reason is that Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao brought money today to settle old accounts and pay the wages and medical expenses originally owed to workers and retired workers in one lump sum after the meeting. From then on, everyone present, It has nothing to do with Erqing Corporation. Erqing Corporation is still responsible for supervising Zhang Chen and others' implementation of the agreement.

Although by 1993, the entire society's identity recognition was completely different from the previous years. The state-run, national, large-scale collectives, collectives, streets, etc. were still so clearly divided. They were one level behind, walking. The degree of upward tilt of the chin varies from time to time.

But overnight, I changed from a worker in a large collective to a worker under a private boss. Many people, especially those who are older, still feel a little unbearable.

Someone started making a fuss on the spot. Director Liu also participated in today's signing ceremony. He stood up and said slowly at first that we are holding this ceremony today to find a way out for everyone.

"What's the way out, is to sell us to the capitalists?" someone shouted.

"Which capitalist?" Director Liu asked, "In our country, there are no capitalists at all. Private enterprises are also an important supplement to our socialist economy. This is clearly stated in central documents."

"What you say is better than what you sing. Private enterprises are not just capitalists, they are here to exploit our working class." The man continued to shout.

Director Liu smiled and said: "Hey, your hat is quite big. Come on, tell me what you have done this month, and what you have that others can exploit, tell me.

"I don't know your name, but I'm sure that if you didn't arrive late or leave early last month, Erqing Company won't pay your salary. I, Liu Chengcheng, will pay it. Come out and tell me whether you did it or not. "

There was silence in the venue. The man pursed his lips and stopped talking. After a while, he said: "I'm not the only one."

Director Liu glanced at the people below and continued:

"I am not afraid of saying ugly things, so I will tell you ugly things. Don't think that you are a treasure and are exploiting you. You know, Mr. Zhang has his own factory. The factory's business is very busy. He doesn't care whether there are people like you or not. In order to facilitate this in a factory, you know how much work Old Nie and Old Bao did before they agreed to take over.

"After being merged, according to the agreement, your right to work will be guaranteed by Mr. Zhang. However, if any of you feel that you are capable and are aggrieved by staying in this factory, you may have told the person in front that you do not want to be exploited by capitalists. , then you also have the right to leave.

"Let me say something ugly again. Mr. Zhang will only breathe a sigh of relief when you leave. In his heart, he only wants to protect your right to work and ensure the wages of retired workers. In this merger, the government must wear Mr. Zhang's head. The tightrope on the government is also a promise he made to the government and all workers, and he has to abide by it. Please figure this out."

"I don't care who owns the factory, as long as it guarantees that I get my retirement salary every month. Don't be like now, where Qiantang doesn't care and Renhe doesn't take it," a retired worker shouted.

Director Liu looked at Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen said: "Whether you are working or retired, I can guarantee that your monthly salary will not be delayed for a day. If it is delayed by one day, you will come to me and pay it." My desk fell off.”

"Have you seen, is Mr. Zhang's guarantee reliable? Do you have any other opinions?" Director Liu shouted.

Below, although there were still people chirping, they did not dare to object loudly.

At the end of the signing ceremony, Director Liu took Mr. Nie, Secretary Bao, and Director Zhao from Qunying Garment Factory to leave first. Of all the people today, Director Zhao was the happiest. He could finally leave this hellish place and go back to the company to wait. How could he not be happy because his work had been rearranged.

Zhang Chen sent off Director Liu and the others, but he was not happy at all. Standing there, he felt extremely depressed. He felt as if he was back in Gaohang again. For so many years, he had been escaping and not wanting to be Lao Yang. And Feng Laogui, in the end, what is the difference between myself and Feng Laogui now.

After the workers had received their wages, they all went home to have lunch. By the afternoon, the scene was no longer the same as in the morning. Only a dozen people came to work, and when they came, they all sat in the foyer through the workshop door and chatted.

Zhang Chen walked over, but no one paid him any attention, as if they didn't know him at all, and no one regarded him as their boss.

Zhang Chen walked to the workshop and took a look. It turned out that there were still a few people working in the workshop, but there was no one there. He didn't even bother to go up to the second floor. He knew it must be the same situation.

Zhang Chen came out of the workshop and passed by the group of people again. Finally, someone called out: "Boss, where are you from?"

"Yongcheng." Zhang Chen said.

"Gua Lao'er (countryman)." Zhang Chen heard someone speaking in Hangzhou dialect and whispered.

He didn't take it seriously and walked out. I'll let you go, as long as you can always maintain the arrogance of your city people and continue to be hungry.

Zhang Chen walked across the court and saw Lao Wan and Wu Zhaohui using saws to saw the single screw on the backboard. This was what Zhang Chen asked them to do. He was worried that he would not take over the backboard just now. He just fell down and hit someone. He was already unlucky enough, but he didn't want to encounter such unlucky things again.

The screws were rusty and could not be turned with a wrench, so Lao Wan and Wu Zhaohui had no choice but to use saws to cut off the screws.

Zhang Chen walked into the office building. In the first office, there were still a few people playing cards around, if for no other reason than because this was the only office in the building that had a good ceiling fan.

Zhang Chen stood at the door for a while. Those people turned their heads to look at him, then turned to continue, as if they didn't know him. In fact, Zhang Chen had been coming here almost every day this week, and they had known him for a long time. Will be the boss here, already is.

Zhang Chen came here to handle the handover with Factory Director Zhao. There was not much to do during the handover. He just handed him the company's business license, tax registration certificate, real estate certificate, land certificate, etc., as well as the seal.

Director Zhao told him that you should send someone over to check and hand over the equipment's ledger and inventory. Although Zhang Chen didn't think it was necessary, what does it matter if there are more than one of these broken sewing machines? However, he still sent Wei Wenfang to go through the formalities.

The factory's finance staff continues to be in charge, and there is no problem with the handover of accounts. There are still 375 yuan and 35 cents in the account. Director Zhao told him that since I came here as the director of the factory, there has never been any financial problems. If it exceeds 3,000 yuan, you can check the account.

When Director Zhao said this, he had a provocative tone. Zhang Chen almost punched him, cursing in his mind, "Damn you, a factory director, for turning the factory into such a horrible state, and yet you still act like you're doing nothing." Guan Ji's appearance, this kind of person really deserves a beating.

Of course, the accounts had to be checked, but instead of checking Factory Director Zhao, they were checking accounts receivable and payable. As a result, the amount payable was more than 12,000 yuan more than the amount receivable, which was another extra expense.

Zhang Chen felt that the longer he stayed in this ghost place, the more aggrieved he felt.

Qu Tianlin was right, she was just trying to show off her talent, and that was why she had caused such trouble for herself.

Zhang Chen walked to Director Zhao's office, which was now his office. Wei Wenfang and He Hongmei were helping him clean.

The door of the finance room opposite the factory director's office was also open. When the cashier Zhao Jingjing saw him coming in, she raised her head and called out to Director Zhang. She was one of the only two people in the whole factory who paid attention to him, and the other one was her. Opposite Accountant Li, who had been on sick leave for a long time, Zhao Jingjing told him that he was actually working in another unit.

He also worked as an accountant for several units, and this has now become his part-time job.

Accountant Li appeared briefly in the morning, but disappeared again in the afternoon.

When Zhao Jingjing saw Zhang Chen watching her work, she explained to him that the money distributed in the morning had been sorted out and handed over to Erqing Company.

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you for your hard work.

Zhang Chen turned around and was about to come out. Zhao Jingjing stopped him and asked him, "Do you want to give you the key to the factory gate?"

Every day in this factory, Zhao Jingjing opens the door in the morning and she is also responsible for closing the door.

"It's better that you persist a little longer." Zhang Chen said.

"I'll give you one, Director Zhang, just in case you come in at night or something." Zhao Jingjing said and took out a key from the drawer. Zhang Chen agreed and took it.

Such a big factory doesn't even have a reception room, which shows how miserable it is. Even thieves are not willing to patronize it.

Zhang Chen walked back to the factory director's office. He Hongmei saw him and said with a wry smile: "Master, this place is too shabby, almost the same as before liberation."

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes at her and cursed: "It seems like you have experienced before liberation."

"I've seen it in movies. What's the difference between here and before liberation?"

Zhang Chen ignored her and walked out. He walked to the first office. People inside were still playing cards, and Zhang Chen walked in.

"What are you playing for? Red five or double dunk?" Zhang Chen asked.

The room suddenly became quiet, and the movements of several people's hands slowed down. After a while, someone said: "Red Five."

"Can you let me play for a while?" Zhang Chen asked.

One person stood up, and when he stood up, he took away a few cents in front of him.

After sitting down, Zhang Chen discovered that during the meeting in the morning, the guy who liked to call himself the working class was also there.

"How many are here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"One or two cents," someone said.

Zhang Chen shouted: "Wei Wenfang!"

Wei Wenfang ran over, and He Hongmei also followed. Wei Wenfang asked: "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

"Did you bring any money?" Zhang Chen asked.

Wei Wenfang shook his head.

"I have some in my car. I want to buy them for breakfast." He Hongmei said.

"Go get it for me."

He Hongmei walked out and came back after a while, taking a stack of 12.50 cents and placing it in front of Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen and others said, come on, just follow your rules.

After playing for more than an hour, almost all the money in front of the others went to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen put down the cards in his hands and told those people that you are not good at playing cards. Your card skills are too bad. From tomorrow on, if any of you still can If you want to play cards in the factory while working, come and play with me. However, we play cards for ten and twenty dollars, otherwise it’s not worth wasting your time.

Zhang Chen stood up and walked out without even taking the money in front of him.

Zhang Chen walked outside to the court and saw that Lao Wan and Wu Zhaohui had already removed the backboard.

Zhang Chen and Lao Wan said: "Bring the maintenance team over tomorrow and replace all the broken lights first. Also, replace the ceiling fan in the foyer over the workshop. It's so hot with so many people crowded together chatting. "

Lao Wan said yes.

Thank you to user 229790848, book friend 20180722131714214, and monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all a happy mood!

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