The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 657 Can’t find it

As soon as July entered, Zhang Chen became very busy.

I shouldn't be so busy. At this time, the summer clothes have already been finalized. All I need is to add some new styles. The pressure on clothing design and sampling is not great. If there is pressure, it is also due to production, and it is Zhao Zhigang's pressure. .

Another thing that made Zhang Chen very busy was that the costumes he and He Hongmei designed for the film produced by Songzhu Pictures were approved.

Zhang Chen originally thought that designing costumes was just a very simple matter. After the script is designed and approved, if we still need to produce it, we will produce it.

Unexpectedly, this matter was far from as simple as he imagined. After passing the test, Zhang Chen kept receiving calls from Harada Shino, informing him to have meetings with the screenwriter, director, cinematographer, stage manager, and lighting props. , even with actors, the Japanese work attitude is particularly rigorous, and it can even be said that it is as rough as a turtle's hair. Every detail needs to be revised and confirmed repeatedly.

Just the director, assistant director, Zhang Chen and He Hongmei went to more than a dozen meetings. Meetings alone were not enough. When they went to choose a location, Zhang Chen and He Hongmei had to go with them. Zhang Chen thought to himself, what does this have to do with us? Ah, but after arriving at the scene, Zhang Chen felt that it made sense to come.

Clothing is worn on people, and people move around in these scenes. A piece of clothing, whether it is style or color, is different indoors and outdoors, and it is even more different in real scenes and on camera.

Every time Zhang Chen came back, he felt that he needed to make changes to the design draft.

There will be close-ups in the movie, and the director requires that the costumes of the leading actors should not have traces of modern industry. After all, it is a costume drama. You can't zoom in and see that the costumes are made with double-needle machines. They must be restored to the original style. The hand-made work at that time, and even the needlework, had to use the needlework at that time.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen once tore through a copy of Shen Congwen's "Research on Ancient Chinese Costumes" and knew a little bit about it. The director also gave Zhang Chen the job of finding hand-sewing workers, which was hard work again. Zhang Chen, even Zhao Zhigang, who runs a tailor shop, has never sewn a piece of clothing by hand, let alone the clothes of the ancients.

Fortunately, there is still time. Zhang Chen wonders if it is because of the Japanese that the preparation period for a movie is so long. It means that from the time the script was released last year to the actual start of production, it was November this year.

Thinking that from now to November, there is still such a long time that he will be tortured by this matter, Zhang Chen feels a little scared, and even feels that he was too hasty when he agreed to this matter.

But Zhang Chen is not a person who gives in easily. He feels that he should do this well. Not only is he committed to and is responsible for Harada Shino, but he can also learn a lot from the Japanese through his contacts with them. The Japanese have the spirit of grinding an iron pestle into a needle, which is why their products are so delicate.

Isn’t this what I am pursuing? Zhang Chen told himself.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei came back from the filming location of Wuxie in Zhuji. When they returned to the factory, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. Neither of them had eaten dinner. Zhang Chen walked to the canteen and asked the master to fry two dishes for him. He and He Hongmei walked to the staff restaurant.

There is a large TV in the restaurant. Several people from the maintenance team watch TV here when they have nothing to do at night. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei sit at the table behind them and wait for their meals.

After climbing the mountain for a day, both of them were a little tired. They sat there and stared at the TV with dull eyes. Someone was holding the remote control and kept changing channels back and forth.

"Wait, go back quickly."

Zhang Chen suddenly shouted. He had just been in a flash. It seemed to be a news program on CCTV. He heard the announcer say the word Hainan, and he suddenly became interested.

The person holding the remote control changed the channel and looked back at Zhang Chen, asking him if it was this one. Zhang Chen stood up and walked over, simply took the remote control over, quickly changed one by one, and finally found CCTV.

It turned out that the "Observation and Thinking" column hosted by Fang Hongjin was indeed talking about the real estate in Hainan and Beihai, Guangxi. Zhang Chen was shocked. He heard the term Hainan real estate bubble for the first time. A large number of unfinished buildings and buildings appeared in the camera. There are pits one after another, as well as large tracts of farmland destroyed by excavators in Yangpu.

Something happened in Hainan!

And it’s real estate!

Zhang Chen then thought that he was too busy during this period. He had not contacted Liu Ligan and Meng Ping for a long time. Zhang Chen quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Ligan's mobile phone. The mobile phone number was unavailable. Zhang Chen called I called his office, but no one answered.

Zhang Chen then dialed Meng Ping's number, but the call didn't go through either. His calls to Qian Fang and Xu Jiaqing also didn't go through.

It's over, Zhang Chen lamented in his heart. He had a very ominous premonition that something had happened to them. No wonder they hadn't called him for so long.

It’s no wonder that it took Zhang Chen such a long time to find out by chance that something big happened in Hainan. It was an era of limited information. If someone hadn’t told people about Hainan’s thrilling situation, people in the mainland wouldn’t have known about it. From newspapers and TV, there is no news at all.

I still have to thank CCTV for its "Observation and Thoughts" column, which would be renamed "Focus Interview" later that year, allowing people on the mainland to know for the first time what happened in Hainan, from the formation of the bubble to its bursting. After that, more articles and reports began to appear in books, newspapers and magazines.

The chef in the cafeteria brought them food, but Zhang Chen stood up and walked around in the restaurant. He then dialed Lao Tan. Mr. Tan's phone number was also unreachable. He called Li Yong and Chen Qihang. Their phone numbers were the same. No way. Is the entire Hainan submerged in the sea? Why can't I get through a single phone call?

"Master, it's time to eat."

He Hongmei called him. Although she had watched the entire program, she was confused and didn't know what happened. Land and real estate sounded to her like very distant and unfamiliar things, no matter whether it was shattered or not.

"You eat, you eat."

Zhang Chen murmured and walked out. He walked to the office, found his address book in the drawer, and flipped through it. He found Huang Jianren's phone number, and the call also failed.

Zhang Chen called Xiao Zhao. As soon as Xiao Zhao picked up the phone, he heard Zhang Chen crying. Xiao Zhao was startled and shouted quickly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Gangzi, Meng Ping and the others might have had an accident. Xiao Zhao, Hainan is over. Ganzi, Meng Ping and the others have had an accident!"

Xiao Zhao was shocked and asked quickly, how did you know?

"I just saw on TV that the real estate bubble in Hainan has burst. I called Meng Ping on the phone, but I couldn't get through. How could their phone not get through? They used to get through as soon as they called."

"Don't worry, they may have something going on, just call Qian Fang and ask."

"I've called Qian Fang, Xu Jiaqing, Li Yong, and Chen Qihang, but they all don't work. I even called Brother Tan, but they don't work either."

Xiao Zhao also felt that the matter was serious and said anxiously: "Oh, what should I do?"

After a while, Xiao Zhao thought of it and shouted: "By the way, where is Mr. Xie?"

"Yes, yes, there is Lao Xie." Zhang Chen also shouted.

Zhang Chen rummaged through the address book in the big brother's office, but could not find Mr. Xie's phone number. He also searched in the address book and couldn't find it. Only then did Zhang Chen remember that he had never had a phone call with Mr. Xie. When they were in Haicheng, if anything happened, they would go there together after Liu Ligan called him.

Later, both Zhang Chen and Lao Xie felt that they were so familiar with each other. When they met again, they never thought of exchanging phone numbers, and they never felt the need. It was because of Liu Ligan.

If Zhang Chen wants to find Lao Xie now, he must first find Liu Ligan, and he is looking for Lao Xie just to find Liu Ligan.

Zhang Chen kept rubbing his face with both hands. He was thinking about any other way to contact any acquaintance in Hainan.

He thought of the national telephone directory he bought, quickly picked up the phone on the table, called Xiao Zhao, and asked her where the national telephone directory had been when the stall was moved.

"Here I am." Xiao Zhao said.

"Bring your phone book with you right away...forget it, just wait in the store and I'll be right over."

Zhang Chen put down the phone and ran into the restaurant. He Hongmei was startled when she saw him coming in. She saw his eyes were red and quickly asked what happened?

"Quickly, take me to Xiao Zhao's place."

"Ah, what's wrong with Sister Xiao Zhao?"

"It's okay, she's okay. Something happened in Hainan. None of Hainan's friends can be found."

Zhang Chen detained Xiao Wu on the way, and Xiao Wu called back. Zhang Chen told Xiao Wu that you should go to Zhuangzi's house and see if there is any news about Zhuangzi.

"What's wrong with Brother Zhanzi?" Xiao Wu asked.

Zhang Chen told him, I don’t know what happened to the pole. Anyway, I can’t find him. Something happened to Haicheng for sure, but I don’t know what happened to the pole and the others.

"Okay, Brother Chen, I'll be there right away."

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei arrived at Xiao Zhao's office and picked up the phone book. Zhang Chen found Mr. Tan's Tenglong Decoration Co., Ltd. There were three phone numbers on it. Zhang Chen called them one by one, but no one answered. If In the past, people in the company would work overtime at this point.

Zhang Chen sighed, and then he found Mr. Xie's nightclub. There's no way there's no one in the nightclub now, right?

There was only one reservation phone number in the nightclub. Zhang Chen called it. After the phone rang twice, a lazy voice answered. Zhang Chen said to her, "Please help me ask Manager Cao to answer the phone."

He thought of Manager Cao with a nice voice. If he found her, he would definitely find Mr. Xie.

"Manager Cao? We don't have a manager Cao here."

"Is your boss's surname Xie from Hunan?"

"No, you typed it wrong."

As the other party said this, he was about to hang up the phone. Xiao Zhao thought of something and asked, "Beauty, how long have you been working here?"

"About ten days."

"Did your nightclub just get transferred?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Okay, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, the three people stared at each other. What they didn't know was that before the real estate bubble, Lao Xie's nightclub business had been deserted for a long time, and then suddenly it became prosperous for more than half a year, making a lot of money.

With the end of the Hainan real estate feast, Lao Xie immediately had a premonition that the hard days of nightclubs were coming again. At that time, there were still people holding the money originally intended for real estate speculation to see what else they wanted to do.

Lao Xie transferred the nightclub immediately.

This time, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were completely at their wits end. They had no other option but to make all the phone calls they had made again during the day tomorrow.

Zhang Chen's eldest brother rang loudly, and it was Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu told Zhang Chen that Liu Ligan's parents were also wondering why Liu Ligan didn't call back for a long time, so he couldn't ask any more questions.

"I called Azheng. Azheng said that he had not contacted the pole for several months. He also said that all the real estate owners in Haicheng have fled, and those who did not escape have probably climbed to the roof and are preparing to Jump off the building." Xiao Wu said.

Thank you Zhengguang Ion Exchange Resin-Zhou Ping for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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