The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 654 Whose stage, who will sing?

Tan Shuzhen suddenly became very busy.

Ever since Yongcheng County decided to hold the first "Yongcheng Summer Art Festival" in August, the county leaders seemed to have suddenly remembered that there was a regular theater troupe in their county. Although this troupe had not performed for several years, the troupe Still there, the key is, those actors are still there.

The so-called highlight of the art festival is just the Kaimu performance at the opening ceremony. What follows is a fake signing ceremony of several agreements. In fact, they have already been signed. Look for this opportunity to sign again. once.

County leaders attach great importance to this event. Firstly, even provincial and municipal TV stations and newspapers will be invited to report on this event, giving the leaders a chance to show their faces.

The most important thing is that the old leaders from Yongcheng outside the country readily accepted it and promised to make a special trip back to their hometown to guide the reform and construction of their hometown and review the beautiful rivers and mountains of their hometown.

An old leader from Yongcheng has become a senior official in the capital, and another one is a deputy in the military region. When they come, the corresponding provincial and municipal leaders will accompany them.

For the county leaders, firstly, they can establish fellow villagers' friendship with the old leaders. Secondly, it is also the best opportunity to enhance their impressions and deepen their relationship with the accompanying provincial and municipal leaders, and gain their understanding of various tasks in Yongcheng, including recognition of their individual efforts.

For the opening ceremony, two or three performing arts stars who were performing at various festivals across the country would be invited to perform at the opening ceremony. They were "building cultural platforms and performing economic performances" everywhere. These stars were very popular at the time, and their appearance fees were very high.

Yongcheng County can't afford to hire more, so it can only hire two or three, each of whom can sing three songs on stage, or perform live a clip from a certain movie. Two or three of them can't make up the whole thing. The two-hour performance on the stage needs to be dominated by local actors. They are just the embellishment, or the finishing touch. After all, they are the main people who crowd around to watch.

There is a "Yongcheng Art Troupe" in the Yongcheng County Cultural Center. It is composed of a group of amateur actors led by Mr. Shi, the music teacher of the cultural center. It is okay to join in the fun, but the artistic level is not high. "Yongcheng Summer Art Festival" " is Yongcheng's top priority this year. Of course, it is to provide a high-quality performance to guests and the general public.

This requires Wu Opera Troupe.

After the speech during the southern tour, the county leaders, even they themselves were confused, seemed to have suddenly become better off, and the finances were no longer so tight. This was naturally due to the fact that thousands of troops went to sea, and every household opened a shop through the wall. Anyway, it is a prosperous scene.

The county immediately decided to allocate a special fund of 100,000 yuan to let the Wu Opera Troupe perform two new excerpts to participate in the opening ceremony of the "Yongcheng Summer Art Festival". It was also decided that the main actors of the troupe would also be solo singers. After all, Their level is still higher than that of amateur actors, even though they have never performed a pop song on stage.

Doesn't matter, it doesn't all depend on the voice, it doesn't all have to speak, you can learn.

Therefore, in addition to rehearsing new plays in the troupe, Tan Shuzhen, Xu Jianmei and Feng Laogui also had to go to the county cultural center to learn pop songs from Teacher Shi, and collaborate with amateur drummers, bassists and saxophonists.

From the county to the Cultural Bureau, everyone has the idea of ​​​​putting the Wu Opera Troupe, especially Tan Shuzhen, as a business card of Yongcheng. Even those celebrities who were invited at high prices have nothing to fear, and they have to compare with them, so that they dare not underestimate them. We are in Yongcheng County.

Tan Shuzhen also has this intention. She always thought that she was buried in the Yongcheng Wu Troupe. What she lacked was a better and bigger platform. As long as she had this platform, she would definitely not be inferior to those stars.

Now that she has such an opportunity, Tan Shuzhen certainly cherishes it very much.

She took her daughter home and gave it to her parents. She rehearsed in the theater troupe every day, and went to the cultural center at night to study with Teacher Shi, and also rehearsed and performed with people from the art troupe.

The art troupe performs in the song and dance hall on the fourth floor of the cultural center every day. Tan Shuzhen also appears to increase her stage experience. You must know that what she had originally was experience in opera performance. The difference between the two is quite big.

Tan Shuzhen's voice is clear and confident, especially the high notes. She can sing with ease. She can walk up and down, and then come down calmly. This is rare. Teacher Shi teaches her in accordance with her aptitude and feels that she is suitable for singing ethnic singing. , I chose a song "I Love You, China" and a song "On the Field of Hope" for her.

Tan Shuzhen walked to the front of the dance floor of the song and dance hall, on the small and cramped stage. As soon as she opened her voice, those dancing on the dance floor stopped and looked at her. Who is this? How can she sing as well as on TV?

Not only did Tan Shuzhen sing well, but the expression on her face was also very vivid, especially her eyes, which shone brightly on the stage, as if they were alive, and her emotions were particularly full and sincere. When she sang high, there seemed to be something in her eyes. Tears flashed, it was really "I love you, China", and it was impossible not to be infected by her. For those men, the most special thing was that she was so beautiful.

It's really dazzling.

After the song was sung, everyone stood there and applauded desperately. Even the musicians on the stage and Teacher Shi on the side of the stage applauded desperately.

Teacher Shi was about to cry. She had always known that Tan Shuzhen from the Wu Opera Troupe had a good voice, but I had only heard about it. I had never seen her performance. I didn’t know that when Tan Shuzhen came here on the first day, as soon as she opened her voice, Teacher Shi was I was shocked, and when she came on stage, I was even more shocked. This is simply a person who is born to be on the stage and under the spotlight.

Although there are no spotlights in the dance hall, only rotating ball lights, roller lights, and multi-head rotating lights, she looks like a star even in such lights.

Teacher Shi immediately decided that this year he must recommend her to participate in the "Sanjiang Singers Grand Prix" organized by the Hangzhou Municipal Art Center in October.

There was only one person looking at Tan Shuzhen on the stage. Her face turned green. If her heart could be taken out for examination, it would definitely be full of thorns. That was Shen Linlin, the original pillar of the art troupe. Shen Linlin knew that the stage belonged to her. It was ended, and the one who ended it was Tan Shuzhen who came like an alien.

To Teacher Shi's surprise and joy, the business of the Song and Dance Hall of the Cultural Center suddenly improved. Male guests bought tickets, while female guests were free of charge. The reason for the good business was, of course, the large increase in male guests. , and these male guests were all here to see Tan Shuzhen.

There were so many people that not only all the seats around the dance floor were filled, but later even more than half of the dance floor was occupied. There was no room left to dance. It didn’t matter. They weren’t here to dance anyway. But I came to see Tan Shuzhen.

Tan Shuzhen got on the stage and could hardly get off. As soon as Tan Shuzhen got off the stage, Shen Linlin came up. Unexpectedly, people below her kept booing and booing her. Shen Linlin almost cried while standing on the stage. The musicians also looked at Shi Shi on the side. Teacher, I’m at a loss. Do you want to start this as a prelude?

The boos continued. Teacher Shi came on stage, hugged Shen Linlin and came down, letting Tan Shuzhen go up again. Tan Shuzhen looked at Shen Linlin and felt very embarrassed, but the musicians had already played the prelude to "On the Field of Hope". Tan Shuzhen had to come on stage.

The next day, Shen Linlin was so angry that she didn't come back. She was sulking at home, and she was actually a little bit pretentious, thinking that Teacher Shi would send someone to call her, huh, I won't go as soon as you call me, at least. I have to call you three times, okay, okay, then I will go reluctantly, because we are all so familiar with each other.

But at eleven o'clock in the evening, no one came to call her. Shen Linlin was so angry that she broke several teeth of a plastic comb.

She was angry, but she couldn't sleep. At about twelve o'clock, she thought, maybe it was because she didn't go. There was no one in the dance hall today. If there was no one, of course Teacher Shi wouldn't let her go. People come and call themselves.

Shen Linlin couldn't help but come out of her home and walked towards the cultural center. When she was almost walking to the cultural center, she saw a large wave of people coming down from above. The song and dance hall had just ended. It wasn't that no one came, but people that Shen Linlin had never seen before. So many people.

Shen Linlin hurriedly hid behind a tree on the side of the road, fearing that someone would recognize her.

After everyone dispersed, Shen Linlin waited for a while and saw Teacher Shi and the people from the art troupe coming downstairs from a distance. Everyone was surrounding Tan Shuzhen like stars. If the heart could be taken out and examined, Shen Linlin's heart , at this time it was not only covered with thorns, but also poking outward one by one.

After they walked out of the door, they walked in the opposite direction to Shen Linlin. Shen Linlin knew that they were going to have supper.

People from the art troupe come to perform every day purely out of their own hobbies and have no income. All the income from tickets and drinks is used to support the cultural undertakings of the masses in Yongcheng. However, when business is good, Teacher Shi feels bad. Will treat them to midnight snacks.

It looks like business is good today.

Teacher Shi led them past the wonton and dumpling stall they frequented. Instead of sitting down to eat wonton dumplings, they continued walking until they reached the entrance of the district primary school. Teacher Shi asked the boss to put the two tables together. Make one and invite everyone to sit down.

Shen Linlin followed from a distance, and the thorns poking out made her hurt. When she saw them, they were so happy, as if there had never been a person like her. They were all excited. He picked up a cup to pay tribute to Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen did not drink, but held a can of coconut juice and touched them one by one with a smile. She seemed to be in high spirits.

What makes Shen Linlin the most angry is that the guy who pesters her every day, who plays the saxophone, keeps picking up the cup and paying homage to Tan Shuzhen, with a fawning and flattering look, as if he is happier now that Shen Linlin is not here.

Humph, look at me and I will ignore you again! Shen Linlin poked all the thorns into Dianwu, trying to pierce the black scab on his chin and draw blood all over his face.

Shen Linlin stayed at home for three days and felt haggard. Her mother noticed it. During dinner, her mother asked, why haven't you performed in the past two days?

uncomfortable. Shen Linlin snorted angrily.

Her mother quickly reached out to touch her forehead, but Shen Linlin avoided it.

Shen Linlin sat in her room, sulking. She opened the drawer and took out the incomplete plastic comb. She continued to fold the teeth on it back and forth, and finally broke the last tooth. Shen Linlin also She ran out of ideas and wanted to cry, but she couldn't. She looked at the alarm clock on the table and saw that it was already half past six. She couldn't help it anymore and stood up.

Shen Linlin walked downstairs and walked in the direction of the cultural center involuntarily. She really liked singing.

Although she has studied with Teacher Shi for three years, Teacher Shi also recommends her every year to participate in the "Sanjiang Singers Grand Prix" held by the Hangzhou City Art Center. She has won three outstanding awards that everyone can share. There is no better ranking. , but she still likes to sing. She feels uncomfortable if she doesn’t sing for one day. This has been three days.

With great humiliation, Shen Linlin walked up the stairs step by step and entered the song and dance hall. Teacher Shi saw her as if nothing had happened. She thought about it and told Tan Shuzhen that she would let Linlin go up first today. , you come up later.

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

Tan Shuzhen walked over, as if she looked familiar, looked at Shen Linlin and said, "Why haven't you been here these two days? Are you sick?"

Shen Linlin nodded quickly.

Throughout the night, Tan Shuzhen was the only person who cared about why she hadn't come in the past two days.

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