The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 641 Qunying Garment Factory

After entering the gate, Zhang Chen discovered that Qunying Garment Factory turned out to be very big. To the left of the gate was a three-story office building, with Stadium Road behind it. The gate of the office building opened toward the inside, and there were actually two standard entrances. Basketball court, this is not an ordinary basketball court, but a lighted court.

Concrete poles were erected around the stadium, and steel cables were pulled from the poles. The hanging iron lampshades were rusty and swaying in the wind, as if they were in danger of falling down at any time.

Three of the four concrete basket racks have no backboards. The only backboard that has one, three of the four screws fixed to the cement basket rack have been rusted and broken, and only one remains, which is why the paint peeled off. The backboard is hung diagonally on the basket frame.

On the other side of the basketball court is another three-story building, which is the factory building of Qunying Garment Factory. The door of the building also opens to the basketball court.

Behind the factory building, there is a large open space with rows of towering metasequoia trees. This patch of metasequoia trees stretches all the way to the Huancheng North Road behind it, and is blocked by a wall next to the Huancheng North Road. Blocked by red brick walls, sewage flows across the metasequoia forest, and there are weeds and garbage everywhere.

At both ends of the two basketball courts, there are stands made of cement. It seems that the lighted court of Qunying Garment Factory was not only the training ground for the factory's women's basketball team, but also one of the venues for the annual Hangzhou Factory and Mining Basketball Competition. , which shows how popular this place was back then.

When they drove in, there were more than a dozen men and women sitting and chatting on the court. Everyone was wearing not work clothes, but a white apron with the word "Qunying" printed on the chest and two sleeves. , wearing two white sleeves. Some people also wore white hats on their heads, while others did not.

These people were very familiar with the car and the people in it. When the car came in, they just stopped chatting and turned their heads together. They watched the car stop in front of the office building and looked at Mr. Nie, Secretary Bao and Zhang Chensan. When people got out of the car, no one greeted them.

When they saw them walking towards the office building, they turned their heads and continued chatting.

The light in the office building is very dim. Coming in from the sun outside, I feel uncomfortable for a moment. The layout of the office building is very similar to Zhang Chen and his Wu Opera Troupe. In other words, the buildings in the 1970s basically have this layout. The door leads into a foyer. At the end of the foyer is the staircase to the second floor. On both sides of the staircase are corridors, and on both sides of the corridor are offices.

They turned right and entered the corridor. In the first office, four or five people gathered together to play cards. As they passed by, the people inside turned to look at them. They stopped for a few seconds, and then someone shouted, "Don't worry." Burn, burn, show your cards!

Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao frowned and their faces darkened, but they did not have an attack and continued to walk inside.

Zhang Chen knew that their expressions of shame were not because of anything else, but because he, an outsider, was present today. If he was not there, they might just pretend they didn't see him and just walk over.

For a moment, Zhang Chen suddenly felt that all this was so familiar. Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao were just like Ding Baigou or any leader of the Yongcheng County Cultural Bureau, and he was the one playing cards. One of the people.

When you can't even pay others a salary, you are nothing in the eyes of those who play cards or bask in the sun outside.

The authority of a leader and the awe of your subordinates are directly proportional to what you can give to others. The more you can give to others, the more people will fear you or even flatter you. You can give people jobs and money. , a seat, a house, you are in great danger in their eyes. When you can't give anything, you can only be a piece of shit.

They walked all the way to the innermost office. There was no sign on the door, but it was obviously the factory director's office. As soon as Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao walked in, Secretary Bao cursed, "Director Zhao, you are getting more and more outrageous here." Now, I've been playing cards during working hours.

Factory Director Zhao stood up when he saw them coming in, but he pretended not to hear what Secretary Bao said. His attitude towards them was also lukewarm. It was obvious that he was tired of being the factory director and had already long time.

They don't even care about the position of factory director, and they don't care whether you take him away or not.

Mr. Nie invited Zhang Chen to sit on a wooden sofa. Director Zhao brought them three glasses of water just out of politeness. Zhang Chen saw that there was a circle of yellow dirt on the rim of the white ceramic cup. , different shades.

"Old Zhao, this is Mr. Zhang, Boss Zhang of Banmutian Company. Do you know about Banmutian?" Mr. Nie asked.

Director Zhao nodded and smiled faintly at Zhang Chen. Is this the newly opened one on Yan'an Road?

Zhang Chen is right.

Zhang Chen wanted to take out his business card, but felt that it was not necessary. Director Zhao had no intention of giving him a business card, or he did not have a business card at all.

"We brought Mr. Zhang here today for a visit. Mr. Zhao, please introduce your factory to Mr. Zhang." Mr. Nie and Factory Director Zhao waved their hands.

Director Zhao said: "If there is anything to introduce, it's just like this. I haven't seen everything."

Both Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao were a little embarrassed. Secretary Bao stood up and said, Director Zhao, please take Mr. Zhang to the workshop to have a look.

Secretary Bao said this, and the other three people had to stand up. The four of them walked outside. When they passed the first office, the people playing cards inside did not stop for even a second. Director Zhao walked in and Zhang Chen thought he was going to tell them not to fight, but he didn't expect him to close the door.

Also, if you can't see it, that's fine. Why are there so many verbose things?

When they reached the stairs, Director Zhao wanted to turn left. Mr. Nie pointed to the stairs on the right and said, "Old Zhao, take Mr. Zhang to the sample room upstairs first."

Director Zhao turned right and took them upstairs to the second floor. There was a double door facing the stairs. There was an exhaust window above the door and the words "Honor Room" were posted on the glass.

This is obviously the honor room, why did Mr. Nie call it the sample room?

Zhang Chen thought for a while and realized that in a factory like this, there is really nothing that can be called an honor. Although the words "honor room" are still there, you still need the courage to read them out.

Director Zhao took out a bunch of keys from his pocket. The corridor on the second floor was dark. He turned around, using the light at the top of the stairs, took out one of the keys from the bunch, inserted it into the keyhole, turned it, and opened the door. Open the door, and there is deeper darkness.

Director Zhao reached out and pressed the switch next to the door. The fluorescent lamp on the top flashed seven or eight times before it turned on completely.

Zhang Chen walked in and found that it was really a room of honor, at least most of it. The window facing the street was sealed, and a factory emblem was painted on the wall. Below it were eight big characters: "A gathering of heroes, bravely climbing." peak".

The wall on the left is covered with banners and certificates. Among those banners, the most dazzling one is "The first place in the women's group of Hangzhou City Staff Basketball Competition". From 1972 to 1981, only 1978 was the first place. Two.

Among so many certificates, there were two that caught Zhang Chen's attention the most. They were "Baihua" brand shirts, the most trusted product by consumers. The unit that issued the awards was actually the No. 1 Department Store in Shanghai. One of them was eight. In 2000, there was another one in 1982. For a factory that could get such a certificate, life would probably not be difficult at that time.

Zhang Chen saw more certificates and banners, issued by Jiebai and Erqing Corporation in Hangzhou.

On the remaining wall, real samples were hung. Several silk shirts were covered with thick dust, but this still made Director Zhao's voice feel proud. He pointed to a shirt on the wall. , and Zhang Chen said, we have been producing this shirt for thirteen years, and we are still producing it every year.

Zhang Chen was shocked. What kind of clothes can be produced for thirteen years, and this factory is still proud of it. How can such a clothing factory be good?

On one side of the wall, there are more than a dozen pairs of large floral cotton pants spread out in a fan shape. You don’t need to ask Zhang Chen to know that this pattern and style have probably been produced for more than ten years. On the other side of the wall, there are shy There were more than a dozen menstrual belts of various styles and colors hanging on the ground, and not even Director Zhao’s eyes lingered on them.

They have been ignored not only by time but also by all eyes.

They stayed in this sample room for less than ten minutes before walking out. There was really nothing to see.

The four people went downstairs. Zhang Chen saw that the door that had been closed by Director Zhao opened again. The people inside must not be able to stand the smoke in the room.

This time, everyone chose not to see it and walked directly out of the door of the office building.

On the basketball court, the dozen or so people were still sitting there. When they saw them passing by, someone called Director Zhao, but instead of calling him Director, they called: "Tiao'er, what foreign guests did you bring here again?"

In Hangzhou, those who can be called "Tiao'er" are usually the kind of thin and tall guys, but Director Zhao is neither tall nor thin, so he is more like "Tiao'er" than Secretary Bao.

Director Zhao scolded back: "Be careful, I'll sell you to a foreign country!"

"Then I'll be happy."

"Enjoying happiness? Humph, I sell it to a foreign country where everyone is black!"

The people around burst into laughter, and a woman shouted, "Then move him out and you won't be able to see him anymore."

The man yelled back: "Do you want me to show it to you now?"

The woman cried, "Move it out, move it out, and cut it if you move it out."

Zhang Chen and the others walked through the basketball court and arrived at the factory building opposite amid such noise.

The layout of the factory building is the same as that of the office building. There is also a foyer when you enter the door. Opposite are the stairs leading upstairs. The difference is that there are not corridors on both sides, but a workshop on one side. In each workshop, there are always five or six people. One hundred square meters, the one on the right was locked, and the one on the left was shocked when Zhang Chen walked in.

He saw that there were several machines scattered around inside. They were all foot-operated household sewing machines. A dozen machines formed a group, and there were always as many as eighty or ninety machines. Some of them were broken, and there were thick coatings on the table. There was a layer of dust and the head of the sewing machine was rusty, but they had not been removed yet.

What surprised Zhang Chen even more was that there were seven or eight people still working here. None of the sparse fluorescent lamps above were turned on, so they were scattered around several sewing machines by the window. With the bright light outside the window, they were working They are made of large floral cotton pants.

Zhang Chen came closer to take a look. Their machines were not even as good as the ones he had seen in Zhao Zhigang's tailor shop. They also knew how to install a motor. The workers here still stepped on the sewing machine with their feet. pedal.

Zhang Chen suddenly remembered what Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao said about the new society and the old society when they were in their factory, and what it meant, one day at a time.

"Are all sewing machines like this in our factory?" Zhang Chen asked Director Zhao, who nodded.

After walking out of the workshop, Director Zhao pointed to the opposite side and told Zhang Chen that it was the same here, but it had not been used for several years.

He led them up to the second floor. The layout of the second floor was the same as that of the first floor. There were also two large workshops on the left and right. On one side was the packaging workshop. There were two or three people working inside. The gun was inserted into the elastic band of the waist, and a "Baihua" trademark was hung on it, then folded and stuffed into a plastic bag.

On the other side, the so-called technical department was empty. There were only two tables the size of table tennis tables near the entrance. The tables were covered with felt. There were two people cutting on the drawing board. The templates they used were not paper, but It's made of tin. No wonder a set of plates can be used for more than ten years.

The cutting is also done manually, with two or three layers of cloth stacked together and cut out with scissors, just like Zhao Zhigang in the tailor shop.

Walking out of the technical section, Director Zhao asked if he wanted to go to the warehouse upstairs?

Secretary Bao said impatiently: "I won't read it anymore."

They went downstairs, crossed the basketball court, and walked to the van. Mr. Nie and Secretary Bao stopped and did not continue walking towards the office building. The driver put down his chair in the car and was sleeping. Mr. Nie knocked on the window glass and opened the door at the same time. The door of the van opened and three people got in.

The car started and Director Zhao stood there, waving to them. Zhang Chen heard someone in the crowd shout:

"Tiao'er, why don't you get on the bus? If you get on the bus, you can always get your full salary."

Director Zhao pretended not to hear.

Thank you to Laughing and Running Y and Sun Tongfei for your monthly tickets! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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