The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 610 A feast for farewell

On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, in the Zhexi Building, Tan Shuzhen and Feng Laogui still didn't come. The rest of the troupe came, including their families, and there were more than twenty tables set up. Anyway, as long as people came, there weren't enough seats. Liu immediately shouted, add more tables, add more tables.

Soon there was no room on the second floor and it was moved to the first floor.

There were only about fifty people in the troupe, half of whom were single. How could there be so many family members? Some people actually called all kinds of relatives over, and that table was their family, and it became a family banquet.

Zhexi Tower is the most upscale hotel in Yongcheng. Most people will not enter it once a year. With such an opportunity, I will not eat for free, but I am not happy to do favors. Anyway, it is not me who pays the bill, it is Boss Liu.

The more people Liu Ligan saw coming, the happier he became, and the more he felt that he had more face.

It was just a Spring Festival holiday, and Liu Ligan became a celebrity in the streets of Yongcheng. His Mercedes-Benz was running on the streets of Yongcheng every day. When people saw it from afar, they said, "Here comes, here comes, this is Boss Liu." He made a fortune speculating in land in Hainan.

There are also people who are working and serving as soldiers in Hainan. When they come back now, of course they all know the tallest building in Haicheng and Xinbu Island. They just don’t know that the boss of this company is from Yongcheng. They all regret it. , If I had known this, I would have gone to Boss Liu at that time.

They corrected others and said that he did not rely on land speculation. He was the biggest boss in Hainan. He was on TV with provincial and municipal leaders.

With these people coming out to prove his true identity, Liu Ligan's reputation will become even greater.

Even Yongcheng's secretary and county magistrate specially hosted a banquet for Liu Ligan at the county party committee guest house on the sixth day of the lunar month, hoping that he could support the construction of his hometown, help his hometown attract investment, and attract more golden phoenixes.

Liu Ligan went to ask Zhang Chen to join him, but Zhang Chen refused to go despite any words. He was not a person who naturally liked to deal with strangers, let alone these leaders. Sitting together, he could not eat well or drink. He doesn’t drink happily, he is pretentious, and his words are not speculative. What’s the point?

My own business is not on par with these officials, and I have no need to ask them. If I know them, I won't talk about bringing more packagers to myself.

He has never had the idea of ​​returning to his hometown to develop. If he returns to Yongcheng, he will only be a dead crab. He might as well just stay in Hangzhou quietly and do his own business.

Instead of spending time dealing with the secretary and county magistrate, it would be better to have a good relationship with the secretary and director of Sanbao Village. They have a direct relationship with him, and he is familiar with it now.

Zhang Chen refused to go, so Liu Ligan had to go alone. After listening to the secretary and the county magistrate's request, he immediately agreed, saying that it was no problem, and I could organize an inspection group whenever the county needed it. Yongcheng.

Liu Ligan's words are not bragging. With his connections in Haicheng, whether he is a boss from Hong Kong, Taiwan or mainland China, if he wants to organize an organization, there will be no one who refuses to betray his account and organize an inspection group of dozens of people. It's a casual matter, and I guarantee that the business cards everyone takes out will have a very famous name.

However, most of these people in Haicheng are engaged in real estate. What can they invest in Yongcheng? If you ask Meng Ping to come to Yongcheng to invest in a company, he might as well just look at Liu Ligan's face and lend you a few million from the Yongcheng County Government, and you can spend it yourself.

The secretary and the county magistrate were very happy after hearing Liu Ligan's words. The secretary and Liu Ligan said that the writers and artists in our county's just-concluded literary congress had great ideas. They suggested that our county could use us to local Located on the golden tourist route of two rivers and one lake, it is possible to hold a Yongcheng Summer Art Festival, which is both a cultural platform and an economic opera.

After our county party committee meeting and discussion, we also felt that this proposal was very good. Therefore, we have now made a preliminary decision to hold the first Yongcheng Summer Art Festival in July this year.

Liu Ligan listened and secretly laughed in his heart, what the hell is a literary conference, what kind of writers and artists, the biggest writer in Yongcheng is me, the one who wrote the legend of the king, and the best painter is Zhang Chen, none of us attended the conference, It’s a bullshit literary conference. As for the Yongcheng Summer Art Festival, it’s just Lao Meng from the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Haha, this one is also Lao Meng.

Liu Ligan felt that this was just a deception created by Lao Meng from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Lao Rao from the Cultural Bureau. They used the name of the art festival to go to various units to solicit sponsorship. Liu Ligan could guarantee that Lao Meng would definitely You will find yourself and let yourself sponsor.

The county magistrate continued what the secretary said, so we, the county party committee and the county government, hope that Mr. Liu can support this important event for the people in his hometown and organize businessmen from home and abroad to visit and provide guidance.

July? Liu Ligan agreed wholeheartedly, saying there was no problem.

The secretary and the county magistrate both breathed a sigh of relief. They felt that with Liu Ligan's promise, they felt reassured. When the provincial and municipal leaders came, the scene would not be ugly.

Liu Ligan then invited the secretary and county magistrate to take time out of their busy schedules to visit his company in Hainan for guidance. He could take them to visit the tallest building in Haicheng under construction, the Jinghai International Financial Center, and Xinbu Island International Tourism Resort project.

The secretary and the county magistrate were very happy and told Liu Ligan, "Okay, okay, we will put this matter on the agenda immediately after the holiday."

The following February, a study group composed of four teams from Yongcheng County went to Haicheng and visited Liu Ligan's company and their projects. They all felt that they benefited a lot and opened their eyes to understand Mr. Liu's career. It became big, but I didn't expect it to be so big. After the study group came back, Liu Ligan became a household name in Yongcheng and became a legend.

Let's go back to the night of the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. Everyone drank a lot of wine that day. Many people were drunk. Liu Ligan was almost drunk. He stood up and toasted table after table, until there was only one table. I don’t know which guy, intentionally or unintentionally, mentioned Tan Shuzhen.

Liu Ligang waved his hand and shouted: "Tan Shuzhen? Haha, damn Tan Shuzhen, it was when I was in this ravine that I had never seen the world. If I thought she was a woman, I would compete with Diao Chan. Those girlfriends I later talked about , which one is not more beautiful than her, and does not have more background and ability than her."

As soon as Liu Ligan's words came out, the hall suddenly became quiet. Everyone had been talking about Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan in private for the past two days, but in front of Liu Ligan, no one would mention Tan Shuzhen. Now Liu Ligan himself When I mentioned it, everyone immediately felt like the show was about to begin.

"Tell me, pole, tell me about your girlfriends, why are they better than Tan Shuzhen?" someone shouted.

"Say? Haha, say it!" Liu Ligang drank the wine in his hand and shouted: "Just say it, I tell you, my first girlfriend later was from the Chinese Department of Peking University. Does Peking University know? Can you find anyone from Peking University in the whole of Yongcheng? No, not one! You can’t even smell Peking University’s farts, and my girlfriend is from Peking University.”

"Have you smelled her fart?" someone yelled.

"Fart? Hehe, hehe, it's not just farts, I've never smelled anything." Liu Ligan laughed.

"There are more poles, you said there are several, what more are there?" someone shouted.

"There's more? Hehe, there's another one..."

Liu Lizhan said a name, his voice was so soft that only he could hear it. Someone shouted, "Gangzi, speak louder, who is the other one?"

"Who else is it? And it's Huang Meili. Do you know Huang Meili?"

Everyone shook their heads together.

"Do you know who she is?"

Everyone still shook their heads together.

"Do you know what kind of car she drives?"

Everyone said they didn't know, and someone shouted, "Pole, isn't it also a Mercedes-Benz, the same as your car?"

Liu Ligan shook his head and said with a smile: "Benz, you all know Mercedes-Benz. The car she drives is more advanced than Mercedes-Benz..."

"It's more advanced than a Mercedes-Benz. What kind of car is that?"

Liu Ligan took a step back, raised both hands, put one foot on the ground, and wanted to lift the other foot, imitating the Ferrari logo. He was unsteady and almost fell down. Fortunately, there was someone beside him to help him. Stop, Liu Li pole shook off the person helping him and asked everyone:

"Do you know what kind of car this is?"

Everyone shook their heads together, and Liu Ligan laughed. He said, "I don't know either. I didn't know when I saw it for the first time. I said it was Mara peeing..."

Everyone laughed, and someone asked: "Then what is this car called?"


"Diarrhea?" Someone shouted, "You have such an ugly name?"

"That's right." Liu Ligan chuckled, "Ferrari, French Diarrhea, French Diarrhea, do you remember it now?"

Everyone nodded.

"Do you know how much this car costs? Let me tell you, if you buy one of these cars, you can buy three Mercedes-Benzes."

"Three Mercedes-Benz? This woman is so rich, what does she do?"

"No, she doesn't do anything but play. She plays every day. She treats me to dinner and stays in a hotel. We stayed in the hotel designed by Zhang Chen. You haven't seen it before. It's the most beautiful hotel in Hainan Island..."

"Then where does her money come from?"

"I can't say it, I can't say it. Shhh, if I tell you, can you promise not to tell anyone else?"

"We won't tell, pole."

"Shh, she is Huang Hongguang's daughter. Her father is the richest man in Hainan. She is now..." Liu Ligan shuddered, "How do you think Tan Shuzhen compares with her? Tan Shuzhen, haha, Tan Shuzhen counts. what……"

Xiao Wu and Xiao Jin arrived late. The upstairs was already full, so they sat downstairs. In addition to Xiao Wu and the others, there were four tables downstairs. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan divided the work. Liu Ligan was downstairs. I'm taking care of you, Zhang Chen is downstairs.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu were sitting at the same table. Teacher Li came down from upstairs. When he saw Zhang Chen, he walked over and waved to Zhang Chen as he walked. Zhang Chen quickly stood up. Teacher Li pulled Zhang Chen aside. Tell him, go up and take a look at the pole. This guy is drunk and talking nonsense.

Zhang Chen was taken aback and quickly called Xiao Wu and Xiao Jin, "Come on, let's go up and have a look."

The four people went upstairs, and the entire second floor was quiet. Everyone was listening to Liu Ligan yelling, and everyone had rich expressions on their faces.

Zhang Chen heard Liu Ligan shouting from a distance: "Tan Shuzhen, haha, who is Tan Shuzhen, and that old Tan, Teacher Tan, haha, I think I am great, isn't it just an opera singer? I'm sorry, everyone , I am also from a troupe, and I don’t mean to look down on opera singers, but you damn opera singers, don’t look down on me either.

"Go to hell, who would look down on me, who would dare to look down on me, Liu Ligan, his surname is Tan, it doesn't matter. Let me tell you, I also have a girlfriend with a deep background and a great family."

"How amazing is that, pole?" someone shouted.

"How amazing, hehe, let me tell you, their family is really a very big official in Beijing. By the way, her grandfather, I told you her grandfather, when her grandfather commanded thousands of troops, he commanded thousands of horses. With thousands of troops and horses, think about who they are.

"That's how her grandpa commanded. He was lying there. Really, I won't lie to you. He was just lying there. What? The enemy is coming. Why panic? Then let me fight..."

"Gangzi, what do you say, do you sound like an official of the Kuomintang?" someone shouted, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Gun, gun, gun, who told you she was from the Kuomintang? No... Haha, you don't believe it? If you don't believe it, just ask Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen knows about her. Yes, Xiao Wu has seen her too."

When Liu Ligan saw Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu Xiaojin walking towards him, he pointed at Zhang Chen loudly and shouted. Zhang Chen's face was livid, and he and Xiao Wu whispered:

"You and Xiaojin, take him home."

Xiao Wu said yes.

The three people approached, Liu Ligan was still chattering, Xiao Wu and Xiao Jin supported him, and Xiao Wu shouted:

"Brother Zhanzi, the people below us have been waiting for you all night, but you didn't even go to propose a toast. They asked us to come up and take you down."

The two people couldn't help but pick up Liu Li's pole and leave.

Zhang Chen took the wine bottle on the table and filled Liu Ligan's glass with wine. He raised his glass and shouted to everyone:

"Come on, let me toast you all!"

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