The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 599 An accident

Everything went smoothly. Liu Ligan's 20 million arrived the next morning. Zhang Chen got the fund certificate for the capital verification account. In accordance with the requirements of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, he prepared all the documents and placed them where Xiao Zhao's signature was required. , Zhang Chen imitated Xiao Zhao’s handwriting and signed, which was too childish for Zhang Chen.

All the information was submitted to the No. 3 window, and the result was passed in one go, and he was given a form to complete the submission of information. The next thing Zhang Chen had to do was to wait for seven working days and use this form to obtain the business license.

Zhang Chen has been busy with the business license every day these days. He got up in the morning and went to the stall. By nine or ten o'clock, he was either running to the bank or the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. He didn't even have time to go to the factory during the day.

Zhang Chen was still in the stall and took the time to help A Yong design a "Fur Hall" decoration plan and a "Fur Hall" trademark.

The two went to the Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau again. Zhang Chen applied to register the trademark "Half an Acre Field", and A Yong applied to register the trademark "Fur Caotang".

He Hongmei was also very enthusiastic and helped with ideas. She told A Yong that your first batch of products should be mainly casual style, and don’t make bags that are too serious. Bags that are too serious, you and regular luggage factories Compared to handmade leather goods, which are not competitive, they must have their own personality and be unique in order to attract people.

Zhang Chen agreed with He Hongmei's suggestion and casually helped A Yong design several styles.

Every day when the stall was closed, Zhang Chen and He Hongmei simply followed A Yong to his home. His grandfather and father took out their belongings and set up a scene, preparing to help him make leather goods.

Zhang Chen suggested that Ayong's grandfather and father make antique leather goods according to the style that his grandfather was good at. Those leather suitcases, leather hats and briefcases are something that people today have never even seen, so how could they possibly do it? Yes, old things, as long as others don't have them, are new, trendy and fashionable, just like cheongsam, it will become a new fashion in a few decades.

As for A Yong himself, Zhang Chen suggested that he just make the casual style bag that He Hongmei mentioned. You wouldn’t be able to do it anyway if the old thing asks you to do it.

In this way, when two styles of leather goods appear in the same store, there will be a wonderful effect. Because the styles are different, it seems that the products in the store will be very rich. And the things made by his grandfather and father are made of different materials. The workmanship is very exquisite and the price can be set higher.

Don’t expect these things to make money, they are for store use. With these things, the difference between your store and other stores will come out. If you want to make money and increase sales, you still have to rely on the casual bags made by Ayong. , the price can be moderate.

"Is what the old men did a gimmick?" Ayong asked.

Zhang Chen was right: "Customers come into the store just for your grandfather's and his stuff, but what they buy in the end may be the stuff you made."

"I will also buy some leather goods made by my grandfather and put them in the store. They can be used as props to decorate the store."

He Hongmei and A Yong said that Zhang Chen had also thought of it, and actually needed a batch of such "props" in their showroom. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei, on a whim, placed an order for A Yong on the spot. My grandfather and father were of course very happy to hear that their things had been sold before they were even finished.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei had never seen how leather goods were made before, so they were delighted to have such an opportunity, especially when they saw A Yong's grandfather, his clothes had turned dark due to age. When the tools were spread out, the two of them became even more excited. They watched it with great interest every day and didn't go home until ninety o'clock.

A Yong's grandfather used thick cowhide. A Yong made his own products. Zhang Chen suggested using soft suede pigskin or sheepskin as the material. A Yong brought a lot of dyed leather samples, and Zhang Chen had another A new idea, I randomly drew two backpacks made of suede sheepskin in different colors.

He Hongmei looked angrily and shouted, "Why can't clothes defeat you? This designer bag can't defeat you. Is there any reason for this? By the way, you don't understand bags. How come you can even design bags?"

Zhang Chen smiled and had no choice but to point out that designs are common and the difference lies in the way of thinking rather than the specific product rhetoric.

"Okay, okay, it looks like I'm the assistant's fate again." He Hongmei shouted.

After A Yong made these two sample bags, he hung them in Zhang Chen's booth. As a result, many customers who came to buy the goods took a fancy to these two bags, which greatly increased A Yong's confidence.

For several days in a row, he was very busy during the day. By the time Zhang Chen returned to the factory or home, it was already dark. Fortunately, he basically didn’t have to worry about the factory now, whether it was production or the renovation of the new workshop, including buying sewing machines. Zhao Zhigang and Lao Wan completed it in just four days. When Zhang Chen returned to the factory, they had already recruited people.

After submitting the information from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Zhang Chen felt that his busy schedule had finally come to an end. He did not go to A Yong's house today, but planned to go home early. He wanted to go to the bathhouse on Sanbao Street and take a good bath.

gusts of wind blew, gusts of rain fell, and the heat on the earth was taken away bit by bit. The weather at the end of November was already a bit cold, and the sky was getting dark very quickly. Zhang Chen said at six o'clock When I left the market and rode home, the street lights on the roadside were already on.

Zhang Chen pushed his bicycle into the yard. When the landlord heard the noise, he opened the door in front of the hall and walked out. He asked Zhang Chen, "How late are you coming back?"

Zhang Chen said "Hmm" and was about to go upstairs, but the landlord stopped him.

"Are you paying those people twice as much money?" asked the landlord.

Zhang Chen said yes.

The landlord sighed and said you should wait a while. He returned home and came out with a flashlight in his hand. He handed the flashlight to Zhang Chen and told him, "Follow me."

The landlord brother got on Zhang Chen's bicycle. Zhang Chen jumped onto the schoolbag rack at the back. The landlord brother took him and rode towards their factory. Zhang Chen didn't know where he was going. The landlord brother was riding on the bike and was bored. Silent.

After riding until they reached the yard of their factory, the landlord stopped the bicycle. He turned on the flashlight and took Zhang Chen along the edge of the drying field, showing Zhang Chen the vegetable patch outside. From the light of the flashlight, Zhang Chen saw When we arrived at the vegetable plot where only the landlord's brother and uncle lived, about one-third of the vegetables were taken away, while the other vegetable plots were not touched at all.

Zhang Chen also felt strange. He called Zhao Zhigang over and asked him, have they not delivered food these days?

"Here they are. The vegetables we eat every day are sent by them. We have been eating Chinese cabbage for four days in a row." Zhao Zhigang said.

"Did everyone give it away?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, every family has given it away two or three times."

Zhang Chen was confused, what's going on with this?

The three of them returned to the office. The landlord then told Zhang Chen that the bad thing is that you paid double the price for the food. Now the vegetables they deliver are all bought from other villagers, and the prices have been increased. Then I sell it to you, and some people even go to Sanliting to wholesale Chinese cabbage and deliver it to you.

"Ah!" Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang were both surprised.

"You don't understand vegetables. You don't know how many vegetables there are in this vegetable field and how many days it will take to harvest them. As long as they don't cut all the vegetables in their own vegetable fields, do you have to keep harvesting them?"

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang looked at each other, looking at each other. Damn it, they originally wanted to do a good thing, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

"Why are these people so bad?" Zhao Zhigang cursed.

"Next to money, who doesn't think about himself? To be honest with you, it's my uncle. You see, he cuts the most vegetables. He is embarrassed to overdo it, but the vegetables he sends to you are... Half of it was also bought from other people.”

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said: "We have probably become a joke now. In their eyes, we are just Liu'er, right?"

"Absolutely." The landlord nodded.

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang sat there, feeling their hands and feet cold. Zhang Chen asked the landlord: "What should we do now?"

The landlord stood up and said to Zhang Chen, "I'll take you to Lao Wutou's house."

The landlord brother took Zhang Chen and stopped in front of a stainless steel courtyard door. The landlord knocked on the door. After a while, the courtyard door opened. A woman stood in the door. When she saw the landlord brother, she looked behind her. After shouting, Zhang Chen saw the director walking over. It turned out that the director was Lao Wutou.

The director saw the two of them and quickly let them in. When they entered the front of the hall, this place was different from other homes. Instead of a dining table, there was a circle of sofas. It seemed like they were in a conference room. The director invited them to sit down. Next, the woman quickly brought tea. The director told her that this was Boss Zhang. The woman smiled at Zhang Chen.

The landlord told the director about the matter, and the director got angry when he heard it. He slapped the armrest of the sofa, stood up, and cursed:

"There are things like this that have disgraced our village. I haven't been there in the past two days. I don't know. Wait a minute. I'll ask the joint defense team to shovel all those vegetables right away." ”

As the director was about to make a phone call, the landlord quickly stopped him and shouted:

"Then we're going to have a quarrel. We're really going to have a quarrel with the people next to us. How can the boss and the others stay here properly?"

Zhang Chen also thinks what the landlord said makes sense. This matter needs to be resolved without intensifying the conflict. If a fight can solve the problem, there is no need for a joint defense team. He will ask Xiaowu to bring two trucks of people to take out all the vegetables from the field. Just shovel it all away. The land is my land. I can do whatever I want. I can make noise wherever I go. If you don’t agree and want to fight, then come.

But after the fight, the factory is surrounded by a group of people who are eyeing you. They look for opportunities every day and want to tear you apart. It's very annoying. The landlord is right. If this is the case, how can you "treat you well?" Go down"?

The director's anger subsided slightly. He looked at Zhang Chen and asked: "Boss Zhang, what is your attitude now? Don't worry, our village will definitely cooperate with you."

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "I still want to handle it properly, solve the problem, but also make them convinced. At least, logically we cannot lose. I think everyone is watching this matter now. Who can Whether it makes sense or not, everyone can see this, and they all have a balance in their hearts."

"It's difficult, you don't know, Boss Zhang, sometimes there is no reason to talk to these people. Their skin is thicker than the city wall, and they just want to be tough." The director shook his head and said.

Zhang Chen asked the landlord's elder brother: "I don't understand the vegetable matter. Brother, please help me calculate how much the vegetables within the wooden pile are worth according to the market price?"

The landlord did the math and said it was about three thousand cents, not more than four thousand.

Zhang Chen said: "In that case, I'll just pay them the compensation in one lump sum. I don't have to buy the food anymore. They will handle the food themselves."

"What should I do if they still refuse to dispose of the money after taking it?" asked the landlord.

Yeah, what if that happens? This is not back to square one.

"Look, Boss Zhang, you are generous, but there must be a limit to your generosity. Don't let them regard your politeness as a blessing, and don't spoil them."

The director continued: "Since you, Boss Zhang, have made your statement, I will call them all over tomorrow and explain to them clearly how much each family subsidy will be. Tell them clearly and give them three days. Within three days, let them You handle all the vegetables yourself, and receive the subsidy after handling them. If you don’t handle the food, let the joint defense team handle it. There will be no subsidy, and the money will be given to the joint defense team.”

The landlord brother and Zhang Chen thought about it and decided that the director's method was better. It was also a courtesy first and then an attack. No one had anything to say.

Within three days, all the vegetables were finally cleaned up. Zhang Chen looked at the bare vegetable fields around him and let out a long sigh.

The landlord reminded Zhang Chen that you should take advantage of this time to fence the place first. If you don't fence it, they will expand in again little by little.

Zhang Chen thought it made sense, so he asked Lao Wan to call someone to simply surround the place with asbestos tiles.

The road ahead was two-thirds wider than before. Zhang Chen asked the peach trees in the factory to be moved over and turned into two rows of street trees. At the same time, the dilapidated road in front of the door was transformed into a spacious cement road. .

In this way, those ant-like neighbors can't continue to encroach, right?

Thank you Leo, Qianqian Dad, and Bustling Farce for your monthly passes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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