The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 596 Half an Acre of Field

It was almost two o'clock when we left A Yong's house. He Hongmei said to send A Yong back to the market first. A Yong said no, no, let Zhang Chen and the others go about their business. He took the bus to the market by himself. There was no business anyway, I Let's get over it slowly.

Zhang Chen and the others arrived at the Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce. After their speech on the southern tour, there were suddenly more people running companies, including many government cadres who had gone to sea a few years ago and later returned to work in their units. At this time, they were also ready to take action. Jumped into the sea again.

The Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce renovated the original conference room on the second floor and turned it into a registration hall. They entered the registration hall and saw the words "Registration 1·Company name pre-approved" posted on the No. 1 window. Zhang Chen Got in line.

After receiving the form from the window, Zhang Chen looked around and saw that there was no table in the hall where he could sit and fill it out, so he walked to the window and placed the form on the window sill to fill it out.

After looking at the form, Zhang Chen was confused. This was completely different from the form he filled out at the Industrial and Commercial Office. The Industrial and Commercial Office had not even pre-approved the name of the company.

Although Liu Ligan had already explained to himself the general process of applying for a license last night, Zhang Chen was in Haicheng. For a while, he always listened to Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian talking about applying for a license. I thought I knew how to do it, but when I got the form, I still didn’t know how to fill it out.

Zhang Chen dialed Liu Ligan's phone number and told him, I am at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau now. How do I fill out the application form for pre-approval of company name? Why is there an application for company name and alternative company name on it?

"Haha, just call Director Liu." Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Come on, I will break it down with you slowly."

Liu Ligan told Zhang Chen a few key points about choosing a name. Zhang Chen understood immediately, skipped this first, and quickly filled it out. The address was no problem, it was at Sanbao, and the registered capital was no problem, 20 million. There is no problem with the type of business, production, wholesale and retail.

When it came to writing about the scope of business, Liu Ligan said to him, you should try to write as much as possible. There is actually no limit to this. Businesses are not allowed by law. You can’t run it even if you want to. Write down everything else you can think of, such as steel. Coal, household appliances, stationery, daily necessities, etc., there is no harm in writing more. If you write less in case you need to use it, it will be said that you are operating beyond the scope.

"Okay, I understand. Where are the investors? Should I write only Xiao Zhao or me and Xiao Zhao?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Investors are shareholders of the company. One shareholder is a sole proprietorship, and shareholders bear unlimited liability for the company. Two shareholders are a limited liability company. Of course, there must be two." Liu Ligan thought a little strange and asked: "What do you want to do?"

"I want this company to belong to Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao will be the legal person."

"Damn it, do you think this is your little shop and you want Xiao Zhao to be the legal person? Do you want to harm her?"

"How could this happen?"

"The legal person of the company is different from your small shop. The legal person needs to take full responsibility. To put it bluntly, if there is a liability accident in your company, all the legal persons will go to jail."

"Fuck, is it so scary?" Zhang Chen was startled.

"What are you afraid of? What I'm talking about is an extreme example. You will basically never encounter it, otherwise I will be a fart legal person." Liu Ligan scolded, "However, many things usually require the legal person to come forward. The simplest ones, such as For example, industrial and commercial inspections and tax inspections all involve legal persons. Do you want Xiao Zhao to face these messy things while you hide behind them?"

"Fuck you, am I that sinister? But, but..."

Zhang Chen didn't come out, but Liu Ligan had already understood. He knew that Zhang Chen was setting limits for himself. Didn't he say that men will become bad when they have money? This company is running and making money, if you want to change Bad, then I'm sorry, the company still belongs to Xiao Zhao, and it's you who should get out naked. He is providing Xiao Zhao with a guarantee and a warning for himself.

"Do you want this company to be Xiao Zhao's company?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"That doesn't matter. Shareholders are the owners of the company, and they are two different things from legal persons. You can do this. Xiao Zhao owns 90% of the shares and you own 10%, but you are still the legal person. In other words, you are You are destined to work, haha, you can’t drive Xiao Zhao away, but Xiao Zhao can tell you to get out of the company at any time.

"Zhang Chen, think about it clearly. Is this what you want?"

"Okay, that's it. I won't leave the company. I just want to ensure that the company belongs to Xiao Zhao and that she can feel at ease at all times." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, it's up to you, then you just write as I say."

"I am just a small shareholder, is there really no problem with being a legal person?"

"There is no problem. You are not a shareholder. There is no problem. Otherwise, in those state-owned companies, no one would be a legal person except the state?"

Zhang Chen thought about it, and it was right. The old leader of their Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe had retired for many years, but the legal person of the troupe was still the old leader, so no one took it seriously.

"Okay, I got it, go away." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"What the hell are you doing, why are you talking to Bureau Liu..."

Before Liu Ligan finished speaking, Zhang Chen hung up the phone. Liu Ligan cursed an idiot into the phone and then laughed.

He Hongmei had been standing on the side, listening to the conversation between Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan. Then she realized that Zhang Chen still had such thoughts. She couldn't help but feel a little moved in her heart. She felt that it was really worth it for Xiao Zhao to find this man. Alas , when will I be able to meet such a boyfriend?

"Hey, why are you just standing there? Why don't you help me think of a name?"

Zhang Chen shouted when he saw He Hongmei standing aside, not knowing what she was thinking.

He Hongmei looked at the form. The bottom part was filled out, but the first and second columns were left unfilled.

In the first column to apply for a company name, Zhang Chen filled in "Zhejiang Zhaomei Clothing Co., Ltd." without even thinking about it.

When it comes to the second column of alternative corporate names, it is divided into 1, 2, and 3. You can fill in three alternative names.

Zhang Chen stopped writing and looked at He Hongmei. When he came, he didn't expect to fill in so many names. He was not prepared at all. There was no way, the two of them could only think about it now.

They first thought of "Zhejiang Binfen Clothing Co., Ltd.". Both of them thought it was good, so they filled in 1.

Zhang Chen thought of "Zhejiang Peach Blossom Clothing Co., Ltd." again. He Hongmei nodded. She said this was okay. Zhang Chen filled it in to 2.

The last one, according to Liu Ligan's teaching, the weirder the safer, the two of them thought of names one by one, but they both thought they were too common and unsafe, so they rejected them one by one. Finally, Zhang Chen thought of a " Zhejiang Banmutian Clothing Co., Ltd.".

"This is good, no one would have thought of this." He Hongmei shouted.

Zhang Chen wrote the name to number 3. After reading it, both of them hesitated and felt that the last name was the best, Half an Acre of Field. It was a bit ignorant and weird, but also very individual, and got along well with them. Hemp style clothing is very close in temperament.

He Hongmei pointed to the top one "Zhejiang Zhaomei Clothing Co., Ltd." and said to Zhang Chen:

"I think it's better than this one. This one is too common, 'Half an Acre of Field'. It would be a pity not to use it. I know you like Sister Xiao Zhao, so it doesn't have to be written in the company name."

One sentence made Zhang Chen blush, and He Hongmei then teased:

"Besides, 90% of the shares in this company belong to Sister Xiaozhao. Whether or not she is in the company's name, the company still belongs to her."

He Hongmei laughed as she said that. Zhang Chen glared at her, but thinking about it, she was right. The name of the company is too important for a company. Looking at it now, Zhang Chen also feels that " "Zhejiang Banmutian Clothing Co., Ltd." is better than "Zhejiang Zhaomei Clothing Co., Ltd."

"Either I call Sister Xiaozhao and I'll ask her."

As He Hongmei said that, she took out her mobile phone and was about to make a call. Zhang Chen quickly stopped her and told her, don't fight, don't fight, just use this half-acre of land.

But this form has already been filled out, and there is no way to change it.

"Go get another one and fill it out again. You can go or not. I will go if you don't." He Hongmei encouraged her from the side.

To receive the form, you must first submit an application for starting a company. Zhang Chen thought to himself, there are so many people queuing, and even if I queue again, the staff inside will definitely not know.

Zhang Chen took out the paper from his backpack and re-wrote an application for starting a company.

Zhang Chen queued up again in front of window No. 1. When it was his turn, he handed in his ID and application form. Unexpectedly, the staff inside took one look at it, tapped the table with his fingers, turned around, stared at Zhang Chen and asked:

"What's going on? Didn't you come here just now?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer. He Hongmei quickly stepped in to save the situation and shouted:

"Comrade, I'm so sorry. The one in front of us was damaged. The pen leaked. Look."

She raised the form as she spoke, and Zhang Chen saw that at some point, she had put a large piece of ink on the form.

The staff inside frowned, returned the application form to Zhang Chen, handed him a blank form, and said to him: "Be careful this time."

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you, thank you, and backed out.

He Hongmei giggled and said to Zhang Chen, "How about it, Master, isn't my move powerful?"

"Not bad, quite witty."

Zhang Chen smiled and praised, thinking in his heart, why are all the women around him brave and resourceful, but most of the time, he is more like a fool.

When I walked back to the window where I was filling out the form, I didn't expect that the seat was already occupied by someone who was also filling out the form.

Zhang Chen stepped aside, crouched down against the wall, and told He Hongmei, "Please help me block some people so they don't run into me. If I write badly this time, I will be scolded if I try to make up for it again."

Zhang Chen put his backpack on his knees, put the form on the bag and filled it out. He Hongmei stood on the side, really like a patron saint, watching the people coming and going with vigilance. When she saw someone coming towards Zhang Chen Come over, quickly step in and block him.

Zhang Chen filled in "Zhejiang Banmutian Clothing Co., Ltd." as the company name to be applied for, and moved the other three names to the candidate company names. Subconsciously, he still filled in "Zhejiang Zhaomei Clothing Co., Ltd." Choose the first digit of the company name, so that if "Zhejiang Banmutian Clothing Co., Ltd." does not pass, it will still be the one.

After handing the form into the window, Zhang Chen asked the staff, when can I get the notification? I'm in a hurry.

"You are in a hurry and we are in a hurry. According to the regulations, it is three working days. However, we are working overtime every day. So, if you are in a hurry, you can come over tomorrow afternoon and have a look. Maybe it will be fine." The staff and He said.

He Hongmei saw inside that there was a phone on the desk across the aisle from the staff member, and asked: "Comrade, can we call and ask?"

The staff member glanced at her and asked, "Look at us, who has time to stand up and answer the phone?"

He Hongmei stuck out her tongue.

The two of them arrived at the parking lot below and got into the car. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said they would have dinner together in the evening.

"Why, are you comforting me by working as your coachman for a day?" He Hongmei asked.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "No, I was ordered to treat you, Xiao An, Xiao Li and Sister Tian Lin to dinner."

"Whose order are you taking, Sister Xiao Zhao's? Stingy, if Sister Xiao Zhao doesn't give the order, you won't treat me?"

"Okay, please. Even if she doesn't give the order, I'll do the same."

"Then it's settled. You're following orders today. Today doesn't count. You still owe me a meal." He Hongmei said with a smile.

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